{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, ScopedTypeVariables, TupleSections #-} module Happstack.Server.Internal.Handler ( request , parseResponse , putRequest ) where import qualified Paths_happstack_server as Paths import qualified Data.Version as DV import Control.Concurrent (newMVar, newEmptyMVar, tryTakeMVar) import Control.Exception.Extensible as E import Control.Monad import Data.List(elemIndex) import Data.Char(toLower) import Data.Maybe ( fromMaybe, fromJust, isJust, isNothing ) import Data.Time (UTCTime) import Prelude hiding (last) import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as P import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as L import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Internal (ByteString(Chunk, Empty)) import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as LC import qualified Data.Map as M import Data.Int (Int64) import Happstack.Server.Internal.Cookie import Happstack.Server.Internal.Clock import Happstack.Server.Internal.Types import Happstack.Server.Internal.Multipart import Happstack.Server.Internal.RFC822Headers import Happstack.Server.Internal.MessageWrap import Happstack.Server.SURI(SURI(..),path,query) import Happstack.Server.SURI.ParseURI import Happstack.Server.Internal.TimeoutIO (TimeoutIO(..)) import Happstack.Server.Internal.Monads (failResponse) import qualified Happstack.Server.Internal.TimeoutManager as TM import Numeric import System.Directory (removeFile) import System.IO import System.IO.Error (isDoesNotExistError) request :: TimeoutIO -> Maybe (LogAccess UTCTime) -> Host -> (Request -> IO Response) -> IO () request timeoutIO mlog host handler = rloop timeoutIO mlog host handler =<< toGetContents timeoutIO required :: String -> Maybe a -> Either String a required err Nothing = Left err required _ (Just a) = Right a rloop :: TimeoutIO -> Maybe (LogAccess UTCTime) -> Host -> (Request -> IO Response) -> L.ByteString -> IO () rloop timeoutIO mlog host handler inputStr | L.null inputStr = return () | otherwise = join $ do let parseRequest = do (topStr, restStr) <- required "failed to separate request" $ splitAtEmptyLine inputStr (rql, headerStr) <- required "failed to separate headers/body" $ splitAtCRLF topStr let (m,u,v) = requestLine rql headers' <- parseHeaders "host" (L.unpack headerStr) let headers = mkHeaders headers' let contentLen = fromMaybe 0 $ fmap fst (P.readInt =<< getHeaderUnsafe contentlengthC headers) (body, nextRequest) <- case () of () | contentLen < 0 -> fail "negative content-length" | isJust $ getHeaderBS transferEncodingC headers -> return $ consumeChunks restStr | otherwise -> return (L.splitAt (fromIntegral contentLen) restStr) let cookies = [ (cookieName c, c) | cl <- fromMaybe [] (fmap getCookies (getHeader "Cookie" headers)), c <- cl ] -- Ugle return (m, u, cookies, v, headers, body, nextRequest) case parseRequest of Left err -> error $ "failed to parse HTTP request: " ++ err Right (m, u, cookies, v, headers, body, nextRequest) -> return $ do bodyRef <- newMVar (Body body) bodyInputRef <- newEmptyMVar let req = Request (toSecure timeoutIO) m (pathEls (path u)) (path u) (query u) (queryInput u) bodyInputRef cookies v headers bodyRef host let ioseq act = act >>= \x -> x `seq` return x (res, handlerKilled) <- ((, False) `liftM` ioseq (handler req)) `E.catch` \(e::E.SomeException) -> return (failResponse (show e), fromException e == Just ThreadKilled) case mlog of Nothing -> return () (Just logger) -> do time <- getApproximateUTCTime let host' = fst host user = "-" requestLn = unwords [show $ rqMethod req, rqUri req, show $ rqVersion req] responseCode = rsCode res size = maybe (-1) (readDec' . B.unpack) (getHeader "Content-Length" res) -- -1 indicates unknown size referer = B.unpack $ fromMaybe (B.pack "") $ getHeader "Referer" req userAgent = B.unpack $ fromMaybe (B.pack "") $ getHeader "User-Agent" req logger host' user time requestLn responseCode size referer userAgent -- withNoPush sock $ putAugmentedResult thandle sock req res putAugmentedResult timeoutIO req res -- clean up tmp files cleanupTempFiles req -- do not continue if handler was killed when (not handlerKilled && continueHTTP req res) $ rloop timeoutIO mlog host handler nextRequest -- NOTE: if someone took the inputs and never put them back, then they are responsible for the cleanup cleanupTempFiles :: Request -> IO () cleanupTempFiles req = do mInputs <- tryTakeMVar (rqInputsBody req) case mInputs of Nothing -> return () (Just inputs) -> mapM_ deleteTmpFile inputs where deleteTmpFile :: (String, Input) -> IO () deleteTmpFile (_, input) = case inputValue input of (Left fp) -> E.catchJust (guard . isDoesNotExistError) (removeFile fp) (const $ return ()) _ -> return () -- | Unserializes the bytestring into a response. If there is an -- error it will return @Left msg@. parseResponse :: L.ByteString -> Either String Response parseResponse inputStr = do (topStr,restStr) <- required "failed to separate response" $ splitAtEmptyLine inputStr (rsl,headerStr) <- required "failed to separate headers/body" $ splitAtCRLF topStr let (_,code) = responseLine rsl headers' <- parseHeaders "host" (L.unpack headerStr) let headers = mkHeaders headers' let mbCL = fmap fst (B.readInt =<< getHeader "content-length" headers) (body,_) <- maybe (if (isNothing $ getHeader "transfer-encoding" headers) then return (restStr,L.pack "") else return $ consumeChunks restStr) (\cl->return (L.splitAt (fromIntegral cl) restStr)) mbCL return $ Response {rsCode=code,rsHeaders=headers,rsBody=body,rsFlags=RsFlags ContentLength,rsValidator=Nothing} -- http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec3.html -- note this does NOT handle extenions consumeChunks::L.ByteString->(L.ByteString,L.ByteString) consumeChunks str = let (parts,tr,rest) = consumeChunksImpl str in (L.concat . (++ [tr]) .map snd $ parts,rest) consumeChunksImpl :: L.ByteString -> ([(Int64, L.ByteString)], L.ByteString, L.ByteString) consumeChunksImpl str | L.null str = ([],L.empty,str) | chunkLen == 0 = let (last,rest') = L.splitAt lenLine1 str (tr',rest'') = getTrailer rest' in ([(0,last)],tr',rest'') | otherwise = ((chunkLen,part):crest,tr,rest2) where line1 = head $ lazylines str lenLine1 = (L.length line1) + 1 -- endchar chunkLen = (fst $ head $ readHex $ L.unpack line1) len = chunkLen + lenLine1 + 2 (part,rest) = L.splitAt len str (crest,tr,rest2) = consumeChunksImpl rest getTrailer s = L.splitAt index s where index | crlfLC `L.isPrefixOf` s = 2 | otherwise = let iscrlf = L.zipWith (\a b -> a == '\r' && b == '\n') s . L.tail $ s Just i = elemIndex True $ zipWith (&&) iscrlf (tail (tail iscrlf)) in fromIntegral $ i+4 crlfLC :: L.ByteString crlfLC = L.pack "\r\n" -- Properly lazy version of 'lines' for lazy bytestrings lazylines :: L.ByteString -> [L.ByteString] lazylines s | L.null s = [] | otherwise = let (l,s') = L.break ((==) '\n') s in l : if L.null s' then [] else lazylines (L.tail s') requestLine :: L.ByteString -> (Method, SURI, HttpVersion) requestLine l = case P.words ((P.concat . L.toChunks) l) of [rq,uri,ver] -> (method rq, SURI $ parseURIRef uri, version ver) [rq,uri] -> (method rq, SURI $ parseURIRef uri,HttpVersion 0 9) x -> error $ "requestLine cannot handle input: " ++ (show x) responseLine :: L.ByteString -> (B.ByteString, Int) responseLine l = case B.words ((B.concat . L.toChunks) l) of (v:c:_) -> version v `seq` (v,fst (fromJust (B.readInt c))) x -> error $ "responseLine cannot handle input: " ++ (show x) method :: B.ByteString -> Method method r = fj $ lookup r mtable where fj (Just x) = x fj Nothing = error "invalid request method" mtable = [(P.pack "GET", GET), (P.pack "HEAD", HEAD), (P.pack "POST", POST), (P.pack "PUT", PUT), (P.pack "DELETE", DELETE), (P.pack "TRACE", TRACE), (P.pack "OPTIONS", OPTIONS), (P.pack "CONNECT", CONNECT)] -- Result side staticHeaders :: Headers staticHeaders = foldr (uncurry setHeaderBS) (mkHeaders []) [ (serverC, happstackC) ] -- FIXME: we should not be controlling the response headers in mysterious ways in this low level code -- headers should be set by application code and the core http engine should be very lean. putAugmentedResult :: TimeoutIO -> Request -> Response -> IO () putAugmentedResult timeoutIO req res = do case res of -- standard bytestring response Response {} -> do let isChunked = rsfLength (rsFlags res) == TransferEncodingChunked && isHTTP1_1 req sendTop (if isChunked then Nothing else (Just (fromIntegral (L.length (rsBody res))))) isChunked when (rqMethod req /= HEAD) (let body = if isChunked then chunk (rsBody res) else rsBody res in toPutLazy timeoutIO body) -- zero-copy sendfile response -- the handle *should* be closed by the garbage collector SendFile {} -> do let infp = sfFilePath res off = sfOffset res count = sfCount res sendTop (Just count) False TM.tickle (toHandle timeoutIO) toSendFile timeoutIO infp off count where ph (HeaderPair k vs) = map (\v -> P.concat [k, fsepC, v, crlfC]) vs sendTop cl isChunked = do allHeaders <- augmentHeaders req res cl isChunked toPut timeoutIO $ B.concat $ concat [ (pversion $ rqVersion req) -- Print HTTP version , [responseMessage $ rsCode res] -- Print responseCode , concatMap ph (M.elems allHeaders) -- Print all headers , [crlfC] ] TM.tickle (toHandle timeoutIO) chunk :: L.ByteString -> L.ByteString chunk Empty = LC.pack "0\r\n\r\n" chunk (Chunk c cs) = Chunk (B.pack $ showHex (B.length c) "\r\n") (Chunk c (Chunk (B.pack "\r\n") (chunk cs))) augmentHeaders :: Request -> Response -> Maybe Integer -> Bool -> IO Headers augmentHeaders req res mcl isChunked = do -- TODO: Hoist static headers to the toplevel. raw <- getApproximateTime let stdHeaders = staticHeaders `M.union` M.fromList ( [ (dateCLower, HeaderPair dateC [raw]) , (connectionCLower, HeaderPair connectionC [if continueHTTP req res then keepAliveC else closeC]) ] ++ case rsfLength (rsFlags res) of NoContentLength -> [] ContentLength | not (hasHeader "Content-Length" res) -> case mcl of (Just cl) -> [(contentlengthC, HeaderPair contentLengthC [P.pack (show cl)])] _ -> [] | otherwise -> [] TransferEncodingChunked -- we check 'chunked' because we might not use this mode if the client is http 1.0 | isChunked -> [(transferEncodingC, HeaderPair transferEncodingC [chunkedC])] | otherwise -> [] ) return (rsHeaders res `M.union` stdHeaders) -- 'union' prefers 'headers res' when duplicate keys are encountered. -- | Serializes the request to the given handle putRequest :: Handle -> Request -> IO () putRequest h rq = do let put = B.hPut h ph (HeaderPair k vs) = map (\v -> B.concat [k, fsepC, v, crlfC]) vs sp = [B.pack " "] mapM_ put $ concat [[B.pack $ show $ rqMethod rq],sp ,[B.pack $ rqURL rq],sp ,(pversion $ rqVersion rq), [crlfC] ,concatMap ph (M.elems $ rqHeaders rq) ,[crlfC] ] mBody <- takeRequestBody rq -- tryTakeMVar (rqBody rq) L.hPut h (maybe L.empty unBody mBody) -- FIXME: should this actually be an error if the body is null? hFlush h -- HttpVersion pversion :: HttpVersion -> [B.ByteString] pversion (HttpVersion 1 1) = [http11] pversion (HttpVersion 1 0) = [http10] pversion (HttpVersion x y) = [P.pack "HTTP/", P.pack (show x), P.pack ".", P.pack (show y)] version :: B.ByteString -> HttpVersion version x | x == http09 = HttpVersion 0 9 | x == http10 = HttpVersion 1 0 | x == http11 = HttpVersion 1 1 | otherwise = error "Invalid HTTP version" http09 :: B.ByteString http09 = P.pack "HTTP/0.9" http10 :: B.ByteString http10 = P.pack "HTTP/1.0" http11 :: B.ByteString http11 = P.pack "HTTP/1.1" -- * ByteString Constants connectionC :: B.ByteString connectionC = P.pack "Connection" connectionCLower :: B.ByteString connectionCLower = P.map toLower connectionC closeC :: B.ByteString closeC = P.pack "close" keepAliveC :: B.ByteString keepAliveC = P.pack "Keep-Alive" crlfC :: B.ByteString crlfC = P.pack "\r\n" fsepC :: B.ByteString fsepC = P.pack ": " -- contentTypeC :: B.ByteString -- contentTypeC = P.pack "Content-Type" contentLengthC :: B.ByteString contentLengthC = P.pack "Content-Length" contentlengthC :: B.ByteString contentlengthC = P.pack "content-length" dateC :: B.ByteString dateC = P.pack "Date" dateCLower :: B.ByteString dateCLower = P.map toLower dateC serverC :: B.ByteString serverC = P.pack "Server" happstackC :: B.ByteString happstackC = P.pack $ "Happstack/" ++ DV.showVersion Paths.version -- textHtmlC :: B.ByteString -- textHtmlC = P.pack "text/html; charset=utf-8" transferEncodingC :: B.ByteString transferEncodingC = P.pack "Transfer-Encoding" chunkedC :: B.ByteString chunkedC = P.pack "chunked" -- Response code names responseMessage :: (Num t, Show t, Eq t) => t -> B.ByteString responseMessage 100 = P.pack " 100 Continue\r\n" responseMessage 101 = P.pack " 101 Switching Protocols\r\n" responseMessage 200 = P.pack " 200 OK\r\n" responseMessage 201 = P.pack " 201 Created\r\n" responseMessage 202 = P.pack " 202 Accepted\r\n" responseMessage 203 = P.pack " 203 Non-Authoritative Information\r\n" responseMessage 204 = P.pack " 204 No Content\r\n" responseMessage 205 = P.pack " 205 Reset Content\r\n" responseMessage 206 = P.pack " 206 Partial Content\r\n" responseMessage 300 = P.pack " 300 Multiple Choices\r\n" responseMessage 301 = P.pack " 301 Moved Permanently\r\n" responseMessage 302 = P.pack " 302 Found\r\n" responseMessage 303 = P.pack " 303 See Other\r\n" responseMessage 304 = P.pack " 304 Not Modified\r\n" responseMessage 305 = P.pack " 305 Use Proxy\r\n" responseMessage 307 = P.pack " 307 Temporary Redirect\r\n" responseMessage 400 = P.pack " 400 Bad Request\r\n" responseMessage 401 = P.pack " 401 Unauthorized\r\n" responseMessage 402 = P.pack " 402 Payment Required\r\n" responseMessage 403 = P.pack " 403 Forbidden\r\n" responseMessage 404 = P.pack " 404 Not Found\r\n" responseMessage 405 = P.pack " 405 Method Not Allowed\r\n" responseMessage 406 = P.pack " 406 Not Acceptable\r\n" responseMessage 407 = P.pack " 407 Proxy Authentication Required\r\n" responseMessage 408 = P.pack " 408 Request Time-out\r\n" responseMessage 409 = P.pack " 409 Conflict\r\n" responseMessage 410 = P.pack " 410 Gone\r\n" responseMessage 411 = P.pack " 411 Length Required\r\n" responseMessage 412 = P.pack " 412 Precondition Failed\r\n" responseMessage 413 = P.pack " 413 Request Entity Too Large\r\n" responseMessage 414 = P.pack " 414 Request-URI Too Large\r\n" responseMessage 415 = P.pack " 415 Unsupported Media Type\r\n" responseMessage 416 = P.pack " 416 Requested range not satisfiable\r\n" responseMessage 417 = P.pack " 417 Expectation Failed\r\n" responseMessage 500 = P.pack " 500 Internal Server Error\r\n" responseMessage 501 = P.pack " 501 Not Implemented\r\n" responseMessage 502 = P.pack " 502 Bad Gateway\r\n" responseMessage 503 = P.pack " 503 Service Unavailable\r\n" responseMessage 504 = P.pack " 504 Gateway Time-out\r\n" responseMessage 505 = P.pack " 505 HTTP Version not supported\r\n" responseMessage x = P.pack (" " ++ show x ++ " \r\n")