happstack-state-0.4.1: Event-based distributed state.Source codeContentsIndex
ACID monad
Misc utilities
Random numbers
TH helpers
Unsafe things
data Ev m t
type AnyEv a = forall t. (Monad (t STM), MonadTrans t) => Ev (t STM) a
data TxControl
query :: (MonadIO m, QueryEvent ev res) => ev -> m res
update :: (MonadIO m, UpdateEvent ev res) => ev -> m res
type Update state = Ev (StateT state STM)
type Query state = Ev (ReaderT state STM)
type TxId = Int64
type EpochMilli = Int64
data Saver
= NullSaver
| FileSaver String
| Queue Saver
| Memory (MVar Store)
setUpdateType :: Proxy t -> Update t ()
proxyUpdate :: Update t b -> Proxy t -> Update t b
setQueryType :: Proxy t -> Query t ()
proxyQuery :: Query t b -> Proxy t -> Query t b
asUpdate :: Update t a -> Proxy t -> Update t a
asQuery :: Query t a -> Proxy t -> Query t a
askState :: Query st st
getState :: Update st st
putState :: st -> Update st ()
liftSTM :: STM a -> AnyEv a
class CatchEv m where
catchEv :: Ev m a -> (SomeException -> a) -> Ev m a
sel :: (Env -> b) -> AnyEv b
localState :: (outer -> inner) -> (inner -> outer -> outer) -> Ev (StateT inner STM) a -> Ev (StateT outer STM) a
localStateReader :: (outer -> inner) -> Ev (ReaderT inner STM) a -> Ev (ReaderT outer STM) a
runQuery :: Query st a -> Update st a
getEventId :: Integral txId => AnyEv txId
getTime :: Integral epochTime => AnyEv epochTime
getEventClockTime :: AnyEv ClockTime
getEventStream :: IO (IO EventItem)
data EventItem = EventItem {
eventContext :: TxContext
eventData :: Dynamic
getRandom :: Random a => AnyEv a
getRandomR :: Random a => (a, a) -> AnyEv a
inferRecordUpdaters :: Name -> Q [Dec]
module Happstack.Data.Serialize
module Happstack.Data.SerializeTH
module Happstack.State.Control
module Happstack.State.ComponentTH
module Happstack.State.ComponentSystem
runTxSystem :: (Methods st, Component st) => Saver -> Proxy st -> IO (MVar TxControl)
createCheckpoint :: MVar TxControl -> IO ()
shutdownSystem :: MVar TxControl -> IO ()
unsafeIOToEv :: IO a -> AnyEv a
ACID monad
data Ev m t Source
Monad for ACID event handlers.
show/hide Instances
Monad m => Monad (Ev m)
Monad m => Functor (Ev m)
MonadPlus m => MonadPlus (Ev m)
(Typeable state, Typeable t) => Typeable (Ev (StateT state STM) t)
(Typeable state, Typeable t) => Typeable (Ev (ReaderT state STM) t)
type AnyEv a = forall t. (Monad (t STM), MonadTrans t) => Ev (t STM) aSource
ACID computations that work with any state and event types.
data TxControl Source
query :: (MonadIO m, QueryEvent ev res) => ev -> m resSource
Emit a state query and wait for the result.
update :: (MonadIO m, UpdateEvent ev res) => ev -> m resSource
Schedule an update and wait for it to complete. When this function returns, you're guaranteed the update will be persistent.
type Update state = Ev (StateT state STM)Source
type Query state = Ev (ReaderT state STM)Source
type TxId = Int64Source
type EpochMilli = Int64Source
data Saver Source
NullSaverA saver that discards all output
FileSaver StringA saver that operates on files. The parameter is the prefix for the files.
Queue SaverEnable queueing.
Memory (MVar Store)
Misc utilities
setUpdateType :: Proxy t -> Update t ()Source
Use a proxy to force the type of an update action.
proxyUpdate :: Update t b -> Proxy t -> Update t bSource
Forces the type of the proxy and update to match
setQueryType :: Proxy t -> Query t ()Source
Use a proxy to force the type of a query action.
proxyQuery :: Query t b -> Proxy t -> Query t bSource
Forces the type of proxy and query to match
asUpdate :: Update t a -> Proxy t -> Update t aSource
Currying version of setUpdateType.
asQuery :: Query t a -> Proxy t -> Query t aSource
Currying version of setQueryType.
askState :: Query st stSource
Specialized version of ask
getState :: Update st stSource
Specialized version of get
putState :: st -> Update st ()Source
Specialized version of put.
liftSTM :: STM a -> AnyEv aSource
Lift an STM action into Ev.
class CatchEv m whereSource
catchEv :: Ev m a -> (SomeException -> a) -> Ev m aSource
show/hide Instances
sel :: (Env -> b) -> AnyEv bSource
Select a part of the environment.
localState :: (outer -> inner) -> (inner -> outer -> outer) -> Ev (StateT inner STM) a -> Ev (StateT outer STM) aSource
Run a computation with local state. Changes to state will be visible to outside.
localStateReader :: (outer -> inner) -> Ev (ReaderT inner STM) a -> Ev (ReaderT outer STM) aSource
Run a computation with local state.
runQuery :: Query st a -> Update st aSource
Execute a Query action in the Update monad.
getEventId :: Integral txId => AnyEv txIdSource
getTime :: Integral epochTime => AnyEv epochTimeSource
getEventClockTime :: AnyEv ClockTimeSource
getEventStream :: IO (IO EventItem)Source
data EventItem Source
eventContext :: TxContext
eventData :: Dynamic
Random numbers
getRandom :: Random a => AnyEv aSource
Get a random number.
getRandomR :: Random a => (a, a) -> AnyEv aSource
Get a random number inside the range.
TH helpers
inferRecordUpdaters :: Name -> Q [Dec]Source
Infer updating functions for a record. Given a data declaration of data Foo = Foo {bar :: String, baz :: Int} then $(inferRecordUpdaters ''Foo) will define functions a_bar :: String -> Foo -> Foo, withBar :: Update String a -> Update Foo a, etc. that can be used as convenience updaters.
module Happstack.Data.Serialize
module Happstack.Data.SerializeTH
module Happstack.State.Control
module Happstack.State.ComponentTH
module Happstack.State.ComponentSystem
runTxSystem :: (Methods st, Component st) => Saver -> Proxy st -> IO (MVar TxControl)Source
Run the MACID system without multimaster support and with the given Saver.
createCheckpoint :: MVar TxControl -> IO ()Source
shutdownSystem :: MVar TxControl -> IO ()Source
Shuts down a transaction system
Unsafe things
unsafeIOToEv :: IO a -> AnyEv aSource
Produced by Haddock version 2.6.1