{-# LANGUAGE CPP, OverloadedStrings, TemplateHaskell, QuasiQuotes #-}

module Happstack.Server.YUI
  ( -- * Combo Handler
    -- * CSS utilities
  , gridUnit
  , fontSize
    -- * Bundle utilities
  , isYUIFile
  , readYUIFile
  ) where

import Prelude hiding ((.))

import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.Text       as T

import Control.Category             (Category((.)))
import Control.Monad                (guard, liftM, void)
import Control.Monad.Trans          (liftIO)
import Data.List                    (intercalate)
import Data.Ratio                   ((%), numerator,denominator)
import Data.Text.Encoding           (encodeUtf8)
import Happstack.Server             (ServerPartT, Response, neverExpires, setHeaderM, badRequest, ok, toResponse, guessContentTypeM, mimeTypes, lookPairs)
import Happstack.Server.Compression (compressedResponseFilter)
import Happstack.Server.JMacro      ()
import Happstack.Server.YUI.Bundle  (isYUIFile, readYUIFile)
import Language.Javascript.JMacro   (JStat(BlockStat), jmacro, renderJs, jhFromList, toJExpr)
import Text.Boomerang.TH            (derivePrinterParsers)
import Text.PrettyPrint             (Style(mode), Mode(OneLineMode), renderStyle, style)
import Text.Printf                  (printf)
import Web.Routes                   (Site, RouteT, showURL)
import Web.Routes.Boomerang         (Router, (<>), (</>), rList, anyString, eos, boomerangSiteRouteT)
import Web.Routes.Happstack         (implSite)

#if !MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,7,0)
import Language.Javascript.JMacro   (JStat(..), JExpr(..), JVal(..), Ident(..))

data Sitemap
    = ComboHandlerURL
    | BundleURL [String]
    | ConfigURL
    | CSSComboURL
    | SeedURL

derivePrinterParsers ''Sitemap

sitemap :: Router Sitemap
sitemap =
       ( rComboHandlerURL . "combo"
      <> rCSSComboURL . "css"
      <> rBundleURL . "bundle" </> rList (anyString . eos)
      <> rConfigURL . "config"
      <> rSeedURL

site :: Site Sitemap (ServerPartT IO Response)
site = boomerangSiteRouteT route sitemap

-- | Mounts a handler for serving YUI.
-- The handler responds to these routes:
-- [@\/YUI_VERSION\/@]
--   The YUI seed file plus the configuration for using our own
--   combo loader.
-- [@\/YUI_VERSION\/combo@]
--   The combo loader.
-- [@\/YUI_VERSION\/css@]
--   A specialized combo loader for CSS modules, for use in @\<link\/\>@
--   tags.  Simply list the CSS modules in the query string by name rather
--   than file path, for example
--   @\"\/YUI_VERSION\/css?reset&base&fonts&grids\"@.  Order matters;
--   you'll usually want reset first if you use it.
-- [@\/YUI_VERSION\/bundle\/\<filename\>@]
--   Get an individual file without combo loading.
-- [@\/YUI_VERSION\/config@]
--   The code for configuring YUI to use our own combo loader.  Not needed
--   if you use the seed file mentioned above.
-- The version number of the bundled YUI release is included in the routes
-- for sake of cache-busting: the routes all respond with far-future
-- expiration dates.
implYUISite :: T.Text  -- ^ The URL of your application, e.g. @\"http:\/\/localhost:8000\"@.
            -> T.Text  -- ^ The path under which to mount the YUI handler, e.g. @\"/yui\"@.
            -> ServerPartT IO Response
implYUISite domain approot = implSite domain approot site

mkConfig :: RouteT Sitemap (ServerPartT IO) JStat
mkConfig = do
    comboURL <- showURL ComboHandlerURL
    return [jmacro|
       YUI.applyConfig { comboBase: `((T.unpack comboURL) ++ "?")`, root: "" }

route :: Sitemap -> RouteT Sitemap (ServerPartT IO) Response
route url = do
    void compressedResponseFilter
    case url of
      BundleURL paths ->
        do let name = intercalate "/" paths
           exists <- liftIO $ isYUIFile name
           guard exists
           mime <- guessContentTypeM mimeTypes name
           setHeaderM "Content-Type" mime
           bytes <- liftIO $ readYUIFile name
           ok . toResponse $ bytes
      ComboHandlerURL ->
        do qs <- liftM (map fst) lookPairs
           exists <- liftIO $ mapM isYUIFile qs
           if null qs || any (== False) exists
             then badRequest $ toResponse ()
             else do mime <- guessContentTypeM mimeTypes $ head qs
                     setHeaderM "Content-Type" mime
                     bytes <- liftIO $ mapM readYUIFile qs
                     ok $ toResponse $ B.concat bytes
      CSSComboURL ->
        do qs <- liftM (map (css . fst)) lookPairs
           exists <- liftIO $ mapM isYUIFile qs
           if null qs || any (== False) exists
             then badRequest $ toResponse ()
             else do setHeaderM "Content-Type" "text/css"
                     bytes <- liftIO $ mapM readYUIFile qs
                     ok $ toResponse $ B.concat bytes
      ConfigURL ->
        do config <- mkConfig
           ok $ toResponse config
      SeedURL ->
        do config <- mkConfig
           seed <- liftIO $ readYUIFile "yui/yui-min.js"
           setHeaderM "Content-Type" "application/javascript"
           ok $ toResponse $ seed `B.append` (encode . render) config
    render = renderStyle (style { mode = OneLineMode }) . renderJs
    encode = encodeUtf8 . T.pack
    css fn = "css" ++ fn ++ "/css" ++ fn ++ "-min.css"

-- | Gets the class name for the grid unit of the ratio of the two argument
-- integers.  YUI doesn't define redundant classes like \"6\/24\" because
-- that is the same as 1\/4 and presumably for sake of a smaller CSS file.
-- This helper function handles that for you, though:
-- >>> gridUnit 6 24
-- "yui3-u-1-4"
-- The intention is for this function to be used in templates to create
-- values for class attributes, for example with HSP:
-- ><div class=(gridUnit 6 24)>
-- >  <% someContent %>
-- ></div>
gridUnit :: Integer -> Integer -> T.Text
gridUnit n d =
    T.concat [ "yui3-u-"
             , T.pack . show . numerator $ n % d
             , "-"
             , T.pack . show . denominator $ n % d

-- | Converts a pixel size to a percentage suitable for use
-- with the CSS fonts module:
-- >>> fontSize 16
-- "123.1%"
-- Useful in generated stylesheets, for example with HSP:
-- ><style>
-- >  h1 { font-size: <% fontSize 26 %> }
-- ></style>
fontSize :: Integer -> T.Text
fontSize 10 = "77%"
fontSize 11 = "85%"
fontSize 12 = "93%"
fontSize 13 = "100%"
fontSize 14 = "108%"
fontSize 15 = "116%"
fontSize 16 = "123.1%"
fontSize 17 = "131%"
fontSize 18 = "138.5%"
fontSize 19 = "146.5%"
fontSize 20 = "153.9%"
fontSize 21 = "161.6%"
fontSize 22 = "167%"
fontSize 23 = "174%"
fontSize 24 = "182%"
fontSize 25 = "189%"
fontSize 26 = "197%"
fontSize px =
    T.pack . printf "%.1f%%" $ percentage
    percentage :: Double
    percentage = fromIntegral px * (100 / 13)