This module demonstrates a Happy bug (in version <= 1.10). > { > module Main where > import System.IO > import Control.Exception as Exception > } > > %name parse > > %tokentype { Tok } > %token > '+' { Plus } > '-' { Minus } > int { Num $$ } > > %nonassoc '+' '-' > > %% Ambiguos grammar. > E : E '+' E { Plus' $1 $3 } > | E '-' E { Minus' $1 $3 } > | int { Num' $1 } > { > happyError :: [Tok] -> a > happyError s = error (concatMap show s) > > data Tok = Plus | Minus | Num Int deriving Show > > data Syn = Plus' Syn Syn | Minus' Syn Syn | Num' Int deriving Show All the examples below should fail. None of them does so under Happy v1.8, and only the first one under Happy v1.9 and v1.10. > test1 = parse tokens1 > test2 = parse tokens2 > test3 = parse tokens3 > > tokens1 = [Num 6, Plus, Num 7, Plus, Num 8] > tokens2 = [Num 6, Plus, Num 7, Minus, Num 8] > tokens3 = [Num 6, Minus, Num 7, Minus, Num 8] The generated info files seem correct, so there is probably something wrong with the table generation. These errors only show up when one uses Happy with the -a flag (and only that flag). I know that it's no point in using just that flag, but I happened to be doing so while trying the code out with Hugs. (Hugs didn't like the code generated with GHC extensions, -gac.) > main = do > Exception.try (print test1 >> fail "Test failed.") :: IO (Either ErrorCall ()) > Exception.try (print test2 >> fail "Test failed.") :: IO (Either ErrorCall ()) > Exception.try (print test3 >> fail "Test failed.") :: IO (Either ErrorCall ()) > }