> module AttrGrammar > ( AgToken (..) > , AgRule (..) > , agLexAll > , agLexer > , subRefVal > , selfRefVal > , rightRefVal > ) where > import Data.Char > import ParseMonad > data AgToken > = AgTok_LBrace > | AgTok_RBrace > | AgTok_Where > | AgTok_Semicolon > | AgTok_Eq > | AgTok_SelfRef String > | AgTok_SubRef (Int, String) > | AgTok_RightmostRef String > | AgTok_Unknown String > | AgTok_EOF > deriving (Show,Eq,Ord) > subRefVal :: AgToken -> (Int, String) > subRefVal (AgTok_SubRef x) = x > subRefVal _ = error "subRefVal: Bad value" > selfRefVal :: AgToken -> String > selfRefVal (AgTok_SelfRef x) = x > selfRefVal _ = error "selfRefVal: Bad value" > rightRefVal :: AgToken -> String > rightRefVal (AgTok_RightmostRef x) = x > rightRefVal _ = error "rightRefVal: Bad value" > data AgRule > = SelfAssign String [AgToken] > | SubAssign (Int,String) [AgToken] > | RightmostAssign String [AgToken] > | Conditional [AgToken] > deriving (Show,Eq,Ord) ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- For the most part, the body of the attribute grammar rules -- is uninterpreted haskell expressions. We only need to know about -- a) braces and semicolons to break the rules apart -- b) the equals sign to break the rules into LValues and the RHS -- c) attribute references, which are $$, $x (postivie integer x) -- or $> (for the rightmost symbol) followed by an optional -- attribute specifier, which is a dot followed by a -- Haskell variable identifier -- Examples: -- $$ -- $1 -- $> -- $$.pos -- $3.value -- $2.someAttribute0' -- -- Everything else can be treated as uninterpreted strings. Our munging -- will wreck column alignment so attribute grammar specifications must -- not rely on layout. > type Pfunc a = String -> Int -> ParseResult a > agLexAll :: P [AgToken] > agLexAll = mkP $ aux [] > where aux toks [] _ = Right (reverse toks) > aux toks s l = agLexer' (\t -> aux (t:toks)) s l > agLexer :: (AgToken -> P a) -> P a > agLexer m = mkP $ agLexer' (\x -> runP (m x)) > agLexer' :: (AgToken -> Pfunc a) -> Pfunc a > agLexer' cont [] = cont AgTok_EOF [] > agLexer' cont ('{':rest) = cont AgTok_LBrace rest > agLexer' cont ('}':rest) = cont AgTok_RBrace rest > agLexer' cont (';':rest) = cont AgTok_Semicolon rest > agLexer' cont ('=':rest) = cont AgTok_Eq rest > agLexer' cont ('w':'h':'e':'r':'e':rest) = cont AgTok_Where rest > agLexer' cont ('$':'$':rest) = agLexAttribute cont (\a -> AgTok_SelfRef a) rest > agLexer' cont ('$':'>':rest) = agLexAttribute cont (\a -> AgTok_RightmostRef a) rest > agLexer' cont s@('$':rest) = > let (n,rest') = span isDigit rest > in if null n > then agLexUnknown cont s > else agLexAttribute cont (\a -> AgTok_SubRef (read n,a)) rest' > agLexer' cont s@(c:rest) > | isSpace c = agLexer' cont (dropWhile isSpace rest) > | otherwise = agLexUnknown cont s > agLexUnknown :: (AgToken -> Pfunc a) -> Pfunc a > agLexUnknown cont s = let (u,rest) = aux [] s in cont (AgTok_Unknown u) rest > where aux t [] = (reverse t,[]) > aux t ('$':c:cs) > | c /= '$' && not (isDigit c) = aux ('$':t) (c:cs) > | otherwise = (reverse t,'$':c:cs) > aux t (c:cs) > | isSpace c || c `elem` "{};=" = (reverse t,c:cs) > | otherwise = aux (c:t) cs > agLexAttribute :: (AgToken -> Pfunc a) -> (String -> AgToken) -> Pfunc a > agLexAttribute cont k ('.':x:xs) > | isLower x = let (ident,rest) = span (\c -> isAlphaNum c || c == '\'') xs in cont (k (x:ident)) rest > | otherwise = \_ -> Left "bad attribute identifier" > agLexAttribute cont k rest = cont (k "") rest