this module parses the USE info of a package
get_USE_flags :: FilePath -> IO [ByteString]
get_IUSE_flags :: FilePath -> IO [ByteString]
try_get_USE_flags :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe [ByteString])
try_get_IUSE_flags :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe [ByteString])
get_USE_flags :: FilePath -> IO [ByteString]
parses the USE flags active during the emerge of the current package and returns the content in tokenized form.
get_IUSE_flags :: FilePath -> IO [ByteString]
parses the USE flags active during the emerge of the current package and returns them as a raw ByteString
try_get_USE_flags :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe [ByteString])
same as get_useFlags but uses try_read so we can handle failure in opening a USE file during execution
try_get_IUSE_flags :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe [ByteString])
same as get_useFlags_raw but uses try_read so we can handle failure in opening a USE file during execution
Produced by Haddock version 2.4.2