{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}

module Database.Bolt.Extras.DSL.Internal.Instances () where

import           Control.Monad.Writer                    (execWriter, tell)
import           Data.Monoid                             ((<>))
import           Data.Text                               (intercalate, pack)
import           Database.Bolt.Extras                    (ToCypher (..),
import           Database.Bolt.Extras.DSL.Internal.Types
import           NeatInterpolation                       (text)
import           Text.Printf                             (printf)

instance SelectorLike NodeSelector where
    withIdentifier idx node = node { nodeIdentifier = Just idx }
    withLabel lbl node      = node { nodeLabels = lbl : nodeLabels node }
    withProp prop node      = node { nodeProperties = prop : nodeProperties node }

instance SelectorLike RelSelector where
    withIdentifier idx rel = rel { relIdentifier = Just idx }
    withLabel lbl rel      = rel { relLabel = lbl }
    withProp prop rel      = rel { relProperties = prop : relProperties rel }

instance ToCypher NodeSelector where
  toCypher NodeSelector{..} = execWriter $ do
    tell "("
    case nodeIdentifier of
      Just idx -> tell idx
      Nothing  -> pure ()
    case nodeLabels of
      [] -> pure ()
      _  -> tell $ toCypher nodeLabels
    case nodeProperties of
      [] -> pure ()
      _  -> do tell "{"
               tell $ toCypher nodeProperties
               tell "}"
    tell ")"

instance ToCypher RelSelector where
  toCypher RelSelector{..} = execWriter $ do
    tell "["
    case relIdentifier of
      Just idx -> tell idx
      Nothing  -> pure ()
    case relLabel of
      "" -> pure ()
      _  -> tell $ toCypher relLabel
    case relProperties of
      [] -> pure ()
      _  -> do tell "{"
               tell $ toCypher relProperties
               tell "}"
    tell "]"

instance ToCypher PathSelector where
  toCypher (ps :-!: rs :!->: ns) = execWriter $ do
    tell $ toCypher ps
    tell "-"
    tell $ toCypher rs
    tell "->"
    tell $ toCypher ns
  toCypher (ps :<-!: rs :!-: ns) = execWriter $ do
    tell $ toCypher ps
    tell "<-"
    tell $ toCypher rs
    tell "-"
    tell $ toCypher ns
  toCypher (ps :-!: rs :!-: ns) = execWriter $ do
    tell $ toCypher ps
    tell "-"
    tell $ toCypher rs
    tell "-"
    tell $ toCypher ns
  toCypher (P ns) = execWriter $
    tell $ toCypher ns
  toCypher (_ :<-!: _ :!->: _) = error "Database.Bolt.Extras.DSL: incorrect path"

instance ToCypher Selector where
  toCypher (PS ps)  = toCypher ps
  toCypher (TS txt) = txt

instance ToCypher Selectors where
  toCypher = intercalate ", " . fmap toCypher

instance ToCypher Cond where
  toCypher (ID t bId)   = pack $ printf "ID(%s)=%d" t (fromInt bId)
  toCypher (IDs t bIds) = pack $ printf "ID(%s) in [%s]" t (intercalate ", " $ fmap (pack . show) bIds)
  toCypher (IN t txts)  = pack $ printf "%s in [%s]" t (intercalate ", " $ fmap (\s -> [text|"$s"|]) txts)
  toCypher (TC txt)     = txt

instance ToCypher Conds where
  toCypher (fcp :&&: scp) = toCypher fcp <> " AND " <> toCypher scp
  toCypher (fcp :||: scp) = toCypher fcp <> " OR " <> toCypher scp
  toCypher (Not cp)       = "NOT " <> toCypher cp
  toCypher (C cp)         = toCypher cp