-- |Hascal is both a simple but extendable calculator library for Haskell
-- and a command-line program using it.
-- Also, its source code is a nice example for a minimalistic Haskell project.
-- Some examples for the usage of the command-line program:
-- >>> hascal 1+2
-- 3.0
-- >>> hascal 1+2*3-4/198^2
-- 6.99989796959493929190898887868584838281807978777676
-- Also, preceding exclamation marks mean that the following number is
-- imaginary, that is, you have to multiply it with i. E.g.:
-- >>> hascal _1 ^ 0.5
-- !1.0
-- And as you can see, negative numbers are preceded by a underscore.
-- Although hascal itself doesn't understand brackets, you can use your shell
-- to get that functionality, like this (using bash):
-- >>> hascal e ^ $(hascal i*pi)
-- -1.0
-- Speaking of shells, you should consider that your shell might extend an
-- asterisk (*) to the files at the current directory, like here:
-- >>> echo *
-- _darcs dist hascal.cabal Hascal.hs LICENSE Main.hs README.org Setup.hs
-- That's why this might not work:
-- >>> hascal 1 * 2
-- Error. :(
-- But you could do this instead:
-- >>> hascal 1*2
-- 2
-- Yeah, that's it. Hascal is really minimalistic.
-- And I'm not planning to extend it much.
module Hascal (
  -- * Operators
  -- * Evaluators
  -- * Pretty Printers
  ) where

import Control.Arrow (second)
import Data.Complex  (Complex(..))
import Data.Functor  ((<$>))
import Data.List     (find)

-- |'operators' is the default list of operators.
-- An operator consists of one character and a function with of type
-- @Number -> Number -> Number@.
-- 'operators' includes:
-- * addition, represented by @\'+\'@,
-- * subtraction, represented by @\'-\'@,
-- * multiplication, represented by @\'*\'@,
-- * division, represented by @\'\/\'@,
-- * exponentiation, represented by @\'^\'@, and
-- * logarithming (with flipped arguments, see below), represented by @\'?\'@,
-- such that these laws are held:
-- > (a - b == c) == (a == b + c)
-- > (a / b == c) == (a == b * c)
-- > (a ? b == c) == (a == b ^ c)
operators :: RealFloat t
          => [(Char, Complex t -> Complex t -> Complex t)]
operators = [ ('+', (+))
            , ('-', (-))
            , ('/', (/))
            , ('*', (*))
            , ('^', (**))
            , ('?', flip logBase)

calc :: (Read t, RealFloat t)
     => [(Char, Complex t -> Complex t -> Complex t)]
     -> String
     -> Maybe (Complex t)
calc []          a = readNumber a
calc l@((c,f):s) a | z /= ""   = case (calc l y,calc l z) of
                                   (Just n,Just m) -> Just (f m n)
                                   _               -> Nothing
                   | otherwise = calc s a
                   where (y,z) = second (drop 1) $ break (==c) a

-- |'eval' gets a list of operators and a string containing a mathematical
-- expression/term which only uses those operators listed in the first
-- argument, and returns the result of that term.
eval :: (Read t, RealFloat t)
     => [(Char, Complex t -> Complex t -> Complex t)] -- ^ list of operators
     -> String                                        -- ^ string containing term
     -> Maybe (Complex t)                             -- ^ just result, or nothing
eval = (. reverse) . calc

readNumber :: (Read t, RealFloat t) => String -> Maybe (Complex t)
readNumber ('!':s) = ((0:+1)*) <$> findOrRead s
readNumber ('_':s) =    negate <$> findOrRead s
readNumber      s  =               findOrRead s

findOrRead :: (Read t, Floating t) => String -> Maybe (Complex t)
findOrRead a = let s = reverse a in
               maybe (maybeRead s) (Just . snd) $ find ((==s) . fst)
               [("pi",pi   :+0)
               ,("e" ,exp 1:+0)
               ,("i" ,0    :+1)

maybeRead :: (Read t, Num t) => String -> Maybe (Complex t)
maybeRead s | any (null . snd) (reads s :: [(Double,String)])
            = Just (read s:+0)
            | otherwise
            = Nothing

-- |'hascal' is the default evaluator:
-- @ hascal = 'eval' 'operators' @
hascal :: (Read t, RealFloat t) => String -> Maybe (Complex t)
hascal = eval operators

-- |'prettyPrint' prints a number nicely.
-- E.g., it doesn't show the real or imaginary part of the number if it's @0@.
prettyPrint :: (Show t, RealFloat t) => Complex t -> String
prettyPrint (r:+0) = show r
prettyPrint (0:+i) = '!' : show i
prettyPrint (r:+i) = show r ++ " + !" ++ show i