hascalam- Haskell to and from Scalameta
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred


Orphan instances

(g ~ SmParamClauseGroup m n p p' t' b' t pc pc', NameT tn, ParamClauseGroup m n p p' t' b' t pc pc' g) => WithParamClauseGroup m n p p' t' b' t pc pc' g (SmDef'S m n tn p p' t' b' t pc pc' g) Source # 
Instance details


paramClauseGroup :: SmDef'S m n tn p p' t' b' t pc pc' g -> Maybe g Source #

(g ~ SmParamClauseGroup m n p p' t' b' t pc pc', NameT tn, ParamClauseGroup m n p p' t' b' t pc pc' g) => WithParamClauseGroup m n p p' t' b' t pc pc' g (SmGiven'S m n tn p p' t' b' t pc pc' g) Source # 
Instance details


paramClauseGroup :: SmGiven'S m n tn p p' t' b' t pc pc' g -> Maybe g Source #

(NameT tn, ParamClauseGroup m n p p' t' b' t pc pc' g) => WithParamClauseGroups m n p p' t' b' t pc pc' g (SmDef'S m n tn p p' t' b' t pc pc' g) Source # 
Instance details


paramClauseGroups :: SmDef'S m n tn p p' t' b' t pc pc' g -> [g] Source #

(NameT' t'n, ParamClauseT' m n p' t' b' pc') => Type'Def m n t'n p' t' b' pc' (SmType'S m n t'n p' t' b' pc') Source # 
Instance details


bounds' :: SmType'S m n t'n p' t' b' pc' -> b' Source #

(NameT' t'n, ParamClauseT' m n p' t' b' pc') => WithT'ParamClause m n p' t' b' pc' (SmType'S m n t'n p' t' b' pc') Source # 
Instance details


t'paramClause :: SmType'S m n t'n p' t' b' pc' -> pc' Source #

(g ~ SmParamClauseGroup m n p p' t' b' t pc pc', NameT tn, ParamClauseGroup m n p p' t' b' t pc pc' g) => WithParamClauses m n p t' t pc (SmDef'S m n tn p p' t' b' t pc pc' g) Source # 
Instance details


paramClauses :: SmDef'S m n tn p p' t' b' t pc pc' g -> [pc] Source #

(g ~ SmParamClauseGroup m n p p' t' b' t pc pc', NameT tn, ParamClauseGroup m n p p' t' b' t pc pc' g) => WithParamClauses m n p t' t pc (SmGiven'S m n tn p p' t' b' t pc pc' g) Source # 
Instance details


paramClauses :: SmGiven'S m n tn p p' t' b' t pc pc' g -> [pc] Source #

(Mod m, Pat p, Type' t') => Tree (SmVal'S m p t' :: Type) Source # 
Instance details

(Mod m, Pat p, Type' t') => Tree (SmVar'S m p t' :: Type) Source # 
Instance details

(Mod m, Pat p, Type' t') => WithMods m (SmVal'S m p t') Source # 
Instance details


mods :: SmVal'S m p t' -> [m] Source #

(Mod m, Pat p, Type' t') => WithMods m (SmVar'S m p t') Source # 
Instance details


mods :: SmVar'S m p t' -> [m] Source #

(Mod m, Pat p, Type' t') => Decl (SmVal'S m p t' :: Type) Source # 
Instance details

(Mod m, Pat p, Type' t') => Decl (SmVar'S m p t' :: Type) Source # 
Instance details

(Mod m, Pat p, Type' t') => WithDeclTpe t' (SmVal'S m p t') Source # 
Instance details


decltpe :: SmVal'S m p t' -> t' Source #

(Mod m, Pat p, Type' t') => WithDeclTpe t' (SmVar'S m p t') Source # 
Instance details


decltpe :: SmVar'S m p t' -> t' Source #

(NameT' t'n, ParamClauseT' m n p' t' b' pc') => Member t'n (SmType'S m n t'n p' t' b' pc') Source # 
Instance details


name :: SmType'S m n t'n p' t' b' pc' -> t'n Source #

(NameT' t'n, ParamClauseT' m n p' t' b' pc') => Tree (SmType'S m n t'n p' t' b' pc' :: Type) Source # 
Instance details

(NameT' t'n, ParamClauseT' m n p' t' b' pc') => WithMods m (SmType'S m n t'n p' t' b' pc') Source # 
Instance details


mods :: SmType'S m n t'n p' t' b' pc' -> [m] Source #

(NameT' t'n, ParamClauseT' m n p' t' b' pc') => Decl (SmType'S m n t'n p' t' b' pc' :: Type) Source # 
Instance details

(NameT' t'n, ParamClauseT' m n p' t' b' pc') => MemberT' t'n (SmType'S m n t'n p' t' b' pc') Source # 
Instance details

(NameT tn, ParamClauseGroup m n p p' t' b' t pc pc' g) => Member tn (SmDef'S m n tn p p' t' b' t pc pc' g) Source # 
Instance details


name :: SmDef'S m n tn p p' t' b' t pc pc' g -> tn Source #

(NameT tn, ParamClauseGroup m n p p' t' b' t pc pc' g) => Member tn (SmGiven'S m n tn p p' t' b' t pc pc' g) Source # 
Instance details


name :: SmGiven'S m n tn p p' t' b' t pc pc' g -> tn Source #

(NameT tn, ParamClauseGroup m n p p' t' b' t pc pc' g) => Tree (SmDef'S m n tn p p' t' b' t pc pc' g :: Type) Source # 
Instance details

(NameT tn, ParamClauseGroup m n p p' t' b' t pc pc' g) => Tree (SmGiven'S m n tn p p' t' b' t pc pc' g :: Type) Source # 
Instance details

(NameT tn, ParamClauseGroup m n p p' t' b' t pc pc' g) => WithMods m (SmDef'S m n tn p p' t' b' t pc pc' g) Source # 
Instance details


mods :: SmDef'S m n tn p p' t' b' t pc pc' g -> [m] Source #

(NameT tn, ParamClauseGroup m n p p' t' b' t pc pc' g) => WithMods m (SmGiven'S m n tn p p' t' b' t pc pc' g) Source # 
Instance details


mods :: SmGiven'S m n tn p p' t' b' t pc pc' g -> [m] Source #

(NameT tn, ParamClauseGroup m n p p' t' b' t pc pc' g) => Decl (SmDef'S m n tn p p' t' b' t pc pc' g :: Type) Source # 
Instance details

(NameT tn, ParamClauseGroup m n p p' t' b' t pc pc' g) => Decl (SmGiven'S m n tn p p' t' b' t pc pc' g :: Type) Source # 
Instance details

(NameT tn, ParamClauseGroup m n p p' t' b' t pc pc' g) => MemberT tn (SmDef'S m n tn p p' t' b' t pc pc' g) Source # 
Instance details

(NameT tn, ParamClauseGroup m n p p' t' b' t pc pc' g) => MemberT tn (SmGiven'S m n tn p p' t' b' t pc pc' g) Source # 
Instance details

(NameT tn, ParamClauseGroup m n p p' t' b' t pc pc' g) => WithDeclTpe t' (SmDef'S m n tn p p' t' b' t pc pc' g) Source # 
Instance details


decltpe :: SmDef'S m n tn p p' t' b' t pc pc' g -> t' Source #

(NameT tn, ParamClauseGroup m n p p' t' b' t pc pc' g) => WithDeclTpe t' (SmGiven'S m n tn p p' t' b' t pc pc' g) Source # 
Instance details


decltpe :: SmGiven'S m n tn p p' t' b' t pc pc' g -> t' Source #