{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} module Main where import Control.Applicative import Control.Concurrent import Control.Concurrent.MVar import Control.Concurrent.STM import Control.Concurrent.STM.TBQueue import Control.Exception (bracket, catch) import Control.Monad (forM_, forever, replicateM) import Control.Monad.Except import Control.Monad.Reader import CQL import Data.Binary import Data.Binary.Get import Data.Binary.Put import Data.Bits import Data.ByteString import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C8 import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as DBL import Data.Int import qualified Data.IntMap as IM import Data.List import Data.Map.Strict (lookup) import qualified Data.Map.Strict as DMS import Data.Maybe import Data.Monoid as DM import Data.Set import Data.UUID import Debug.Trace import GHC.Generics (Generic) import GHC.IO.Handle (hClose, hFlush) import Network import Test.Hspec data Emp = Emp { empID :: Int64, deptID :: Int32, alive :: Bool , id :: UUID, name :: CQLString, salary :: CQLDouble, someList :: CQLList Int32, someSet :: CQLSet CQLDouble, someMap :: CQLMap CQLString CQLString } deriving(Show, Eq) deriveBuildRec ''Emp main :: IO () main = do conRes <- runExceptT $ CQL.init "" (PortNumber 9042) (RetryInterval 1000000) case conRes of Right ch -> hspec $ before (threadDelay 1000000) (describe "driver should be able to" $ do it "create a keyspace" $ do let q = create "keyspace demodb WITH REPLICATION = {'class' : 'SimpleStrategy','replication_factor': 2}" res <- (runReaderT . runExceptT) (runCQL ALL q) ch res `shouldBe` Right [] it "create a table" $ do let tableQuery = "TABLE demodb.emp (empID bigint,deptID int,alive boolean,id uuid,name varchar,salary double," ++ "someset set,somelist list,somemap map,PRIMARY KEY (empID, deptID))" let q = create tableQuery res <- (runReaderT . runExceptT) (runCQL ALL q) ch res `shouldBe` Right [] it "execute prepared queries" $ do prep <- (runReaderT . runExceptT) (prepare "INSERT INTO demodb.emp (empID,deptID,alive,id,name,salary,somelist,someset,somemap) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)") ch case prep of Left e -> print e Right p -> do res <- (runReaderT . runExceptT) (execCQL ALL p [ put (104::Int64), put (15::Int32), put True, put $ fromJust $ fromString "38d0ceb1-9e3e-427c-bc36-0106398f672b", put $ CQLString "Hot Shot", put $ CQLDouble 100000.0, put ((CQLList [1,2,3,4,5,6]) :: CQLList Int32), put ((CQLSet $ fromList [CQLDouble 0.001, CQLDouble 1000.0]) :: CQLSet CQLDouble), put $ CQLMap $ DMS.fromList [(CQLString "some", CQLString "Things")]]) ch res `shouldBe` Right [] it "execute prepared queries and get results" $ do prep <- (runReaderT . runExceptT) (prepare "select empID, deptID, alive, id, name, salary, someset, somemap, somelist from demodb.emp where empid = ? and deptid = ?") ch case prep of Left e -> print e Right p -> do res <- (runReaderT . runExceptT) (execCQL ALL p [ put (104::Int64), put (15::Int32)]) ch fmap fromRow <$> res `shouldBe` Right [Just (Emp {empID = 104, deptID = 15, alive = True, Main.id = fromJust $ fromString $ "38d0ceb1-9e3e-427c-bc36-0106398f672b", name = CQLString "Hot Shot", salary = CQLDouble 100000.0, someList = CQLList [1,2,3,4,5,6], someSet = CQLSet (fromList [CQLDouble 1.0e-3,CQLDouble 1000.0]), someMap = CQLMap $ DMS.fromList [(CQLString "some",CQLString "Things")]})] it "select rows from table" $ do let q = select "demodb.emp" # where' "empID" (104::Int64) # and' "deptID" (15::Int32) res <- (runReaderT . runExceptT) (runCQL ALL q) ch fmap fromRow <$> res `shouldBe` Right [Just (Emp {empID = 104, deptID = 15, alive = True, Main.id = fromJust $ fromString $ "38d0ceb1-9e3e-427c-bc36-0106398f672b", name = CQLString "Hot Shot", salary = CQLDouble 100000.0, someList = CQLList [1,2,3,4,5,6], someSet = CQLSet (fromList [CQLDouble 1.0e-3,CQLDouble 1000.0]), someMap = CQLMap $ DMS.fromList [(CQLString "some",CQLString "Things")]})] it "batch queries" $ do prep <- (runReaderT . runExceptT) (prepare "INSERT INTO demodb.emp (empID, deptID, alive, id, name, salary) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)") ch case prep of Left e -> print e Right p -> do let q = batch (update "demodb.emp" # with "name" (CQLString "some name") # where' "empID" (104::Int64) # and' "deptID" (15::Int32)) <> batch (update "demodb.emp" # with "alive" False # where' "empID" (104::Int64) # and' "deptID" (15::Int32)) <> prepBatch p [ put (101::Int64), put (13::Int32), put True, put $ fromJust $ fromString "48d0ceb1-9e3e-427c-bc36-0106398f672b", put $ CQLString "Hot1 Shot1", put $ CQLDouble 10000.0] res <- (runReaderT . runExceptT) (runBatch q) ch res `shouldBe` Right [] let q = select "demodb.emp" # where' "empID" (101::Int64) # and' "deptID" (13::Int32) res <- (runReaderT . runExceptT) (runCQL ALL q) ch fmap fromRow <$> res `shouldBe` Right [Just (Emp {empID = 101, deptID = 13, alive = True, Main.id = fromJust $ fromString $ "48d0ceb1-9e3e-427c-bc36-0106398f672b", name = CQLString "Hot1 Shot1", salary = CQLDouble 10000.0, someList = CQLList [], someSet = CQLSet Data.Set.empty, someMap = CQLMap DMS.empty})] it "drop a table" $ do let q = drop' "table demodb.emp" res <- (runReaderT . runExceptT) (runCQL ALL q) ch res `shouldBe` Right [] it "drop a keyspace" $ do let q = drop' "keyspace demodb" res <- (runReaderT . runExceptT) (runCQL ALL q) ch res `shouldBe` Right []) Left err -> print err