hash-tree-0.0.0: Merkle Hash Tree

Safe HaskellNone




Two-way (binary) Merkle Hash Trees which implements append-only logs and provides both inclusion proof and consistency proof. The API design is inspired by Certificate Transparency defined in RFC 6962.



data Settings inp ha Source #

Settings for Merkle Hash Trees. The first parameter is input data type. The second one is digest data type.

To create this, use defaultSettings:

defaultSettings { hash0 = ..., hash1 = ..., hash2 = ... }

defaultSettings :: Settings ByteString SHA256 Source #

A default Settings with ByteString and SHA256. This can be used for CT(Certificate Transparency) defined in RFC 6962.


hash0 :: Settings inp ha -> Digest ha Source #

A hash value for non input element.

hash1 :: Settings inp ha -> inp -> Digest ha Source #

A hash function for one input element to calculate the leaf digest.

hash2 :: Settings inp ha -> Digest ha -> Digest ha -> Digest ha Source #

A hash function for two input elements to calculate the internal digest.

Merkle Hash Trees

data MerkleHashTrees inp ha Source #

The data type for Merkle Hash Trees. The first parameter is input data type. The second one is digest data type.


info :: MerkleHashTrees inp ha -> (TreeSize, Digest ha) Source #

Getting the root information of the Merkle Hash Tree. A pair of the current size and the current Merle Tree Hash is returned.

size :: MerkleHashTrees inp ha -> TreeSize Source #

Getting the log size

digest :: TreeSize -> MerkleHashTrees inp ha -> Maybe (Digest ha) Source #

Getting the Merkle Tree Hash.

Related types

type TreeSize = Int Source #

The size of hash tree.

type Index = Int Source #

The position of the target element from 0.

Creating Merkle Hash Trees

empty :: Settings inp ha -> MerkleHashTrees inp ha Source #

Creating an empty MerkleHashTrees.

>>> info $ empty defaultSettings

fromList :: (ByteArrayAccess inp, HashAlgorithm ha) => Settings inp ha -> [inp] -> MerkleHashTrees inp ha Source #

Creating a Merkle Hash Tree from a list of elements. O(n log n)

>>> info $ fromList defaultSettings ["0","1","2"]

Appending an element

add :: (ByteArrayAccess inp, HashAlgorithm ha) => inp -> MerkleHashTrees inp ha -> MerkleHashTrees inp ha Source #

Adding (appending) an element. O(log n)

>>> info $ add "1" $ empty defaultSettings

Inclusion Proof

data InclusionProof ha Source #

The type for inclusion proof (aka audit proof).

defaultInclusionProof :: InclusionProof ha Source #

The default value for InclusionProof just to create a new value.


leafIndex :: InclusionProof ha -> Index Source #

The index for the target.

treeSize :: InclusionProof ha -> TreeSize Source #

The hash tree size.

inclusion :: InclusionProof ha -> [Digest ha] Source #

A list of digest for inclusion.

Proof and verification

generateInclusionProof Source #


:: Digest ha

The target hash (leaf digest)

-> TreeSize

The tree size

-> MerkleHashTrees inp ha 
-> Maybe (InclusionProof ha) 

Generating InclusionProof for the target at the server side.

verifyInclusionProof Source #


:: (ByteArrayAccess inp, HashAlgorithm ha) 
=> Settings inp ha 
-> Digest ha

The target hash (leaf digest)

-> Digest ha

Merkle Tree Hash (root digest) for the tree size

-> InclusionProof ha

InclusionProof of the target

-> Bool 

Verifying InclusionProof at the client side.

>>> let target = "3"
>>> let mht = fromList defaultSettings ["0","1","2",target,"4","5","6"]
>>> let treeSize = 5
>>> let leafDigest = hash1 defaultSettings target
>>> let Just proof = generateInclusionProof leafDigest treeSize mht
>>> let Just rootDigest = digest treeSize mht
>>> verifyInclusionProof defaultSettings leafDigest rootDigest proof

Consistency Proof

data ConsistencyProof ha Source #

The type for consistency proof.

defaultConsistencyProof :: ConsistencyProof ha Source #

The default value for ConsistencyProof just to create a new value.


firstTreeSize :: ConsistencyProof ha -> TreeSize Source #

The first hash tree size.

secondTreeSize :: ConsistencyProof ha -> TreeSize Source #

The second hash tree size.

consistency :: ConsistencyProof ha -> [Digest ha] Source #

A list of digest for consistency.

Proof and verification

generateConsistencyProof :: TreeSize -> TreeSize -> MerkleHashTrees inp ha -> Maybe (ConsistencyProof ha) Source #

Generating ConsistencyProof for the target at the server side.

verifyConsistencyProof :: (ByteArrayAccess inp, HashAlgorithm ha) => Settings inp ha -> Digest ha -> Digest ha -> ConsistencyProof ha -> Bool Source #

Verifying ConsistencyProof at the client side.

>>> let mht0 = fromList defaultSettings ["0","1","2","3"]
>>> let (m, digestM) = info mht0
>>> let mht1 = add "6" $ add "5" $ add "4" mht0
>>> let (n, digestN) = info mht1
>>> let Just proof = generateConsistencyProof m n mht1
>>> verifyConsistencyProof defaultSettings digestM digestN proof