{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} module Criterion.Collection.Sample ( Benchmark(..) , SampleData(..) , MeasurementMode(..) , WorkloadMode(..) , computeMeanAndStddev , compute95thPercentile , computeMax , takeSample , takeSamples ) where import Control.DeepSeq import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Trans import Criterion hiding (Benchmark) import Criterion.Config import Criterion.Environment import Criterion.IO import Criterion.Measurement import Criterion.Monad import Criterion.Collection.Internal.Types import Data.IORef import Data.List (foldl') import Data.Monoid import qualified Data.Vector as V import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as U import Statistics.Quantile (continuousBy, cadpw) import Statistics.Sample import System.Mem (performGC) import System.Random.MWC import Text.Printf (printf) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ data MeasurementMode = PerBatch | PerOperation data WorkloadMode = Pure | Mutating ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ data SampleData = SampleData { sdInputSize :: !Int -- ^ what was the size of the input for this -- sample? , sdNumOps :: !Int -- ^ how many operations are covered by this -- sample? For a per-operation measurement, -- this value would be \"1\", and for a batch -- measurement this value would be the number -- of items in the batch. , sdData :: !Sample -- ^ sample data. } instance Show SampleData where show (SampleData is nop da) = "" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ data Benchmark op = Benchmark { benchmarkName :: String , dataStructures :: [(String, DataStructure op)] , inputSizes :: [Int] , workloadGenerator :: WorkloadGenerator op } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Given some sample data, compute the mean time per operation (in seconds) -- and standard deviation computeMeanAndStddev :: SampleData -> (Double, Double) computeMeanAndStddev (SampleData _ nops sample) = (v,s) where nopsReal = fromIntegral nops (meanValue, var) = meanVarianceUnb sample stddev = sqrt $ abs var !v = meanValue / nopsReal !s = stddev / nopsReal ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Given some sample data, compute the 95th percentile. compute95thPercentile :: SampleData -> Double compute95thPercentile (SampleData _ nops sample) = v where nopsReal = fromIntegral nops quantile = continuousBy cadpw 19 20 sample v = quantile / nopsReal ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Given some sample data, compute the maximum value computeMax :: SampleData -> Double computeMax (SampleData _ nops sample) = v where nopsReal = fromIntegral nops maxval = U.foldl' max 0 sample v = maxval / nopsReal ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ takeSample :: (NFData op) => MeasurementMode -> WorkloadMode -> Benchmark op -> Environment -> GenIO -> Int -> Criterion [SampleData] takeSample !mMode !wMode !benchmark !env !rng !inputSize = do workload <- liftIO $ runWorkloadMonad (workGen inputSize) rng let setupOperations = setupWork workload let genWorkData = genWorkload workload case mMode of PerBatch -> batch setupOperations genWorkData PerOperation -> perOp setupOperations genWorkData where -------------------------------------------------------------------------- dss = dataStructures benchmark workGen = workloadGenerator benchmark -------------------------------------------------------------------------- batch setupOperations genWorkData = do workData <- liftIO $ runWorkloadMonad (genWorkData $ inputSize `div` 2) rng let nOps = V.length workData mapM (batchOne setupOperations workData nOps) dss -------------------------------------------------------------------------- mkRunOp runOpMutating = let runOpPure = \m op -> do m' <- runOpMutating m op return $! m' `seq` m in case wMode of Pure -> runOpPure Mutating -> runOpMutating -------------------------------------------------------------------------- runWorkData workData chunkSize runOp start i val = go i val where go !i !val | i >= chunkSize = return val | otherwise = do let op = V.unsafeIndex workData (start+i) !val' <- runOp val op go (i+1) val' -------------------------------------------------------------------------- batchOne setupOperations workData nOps (name, (DataStructure emptyValue runOpMutating)) = do note $ "running batch benchmark on " ++ name ++ "\n" let minTime = envClockResolution env * 1000 cfg <- getConfig let proc = V.foldM' runOpMutating let mkStartValue = emptyValue inputSize >>= flip proc setupOperations startValue1 <- liftIO mkStartValue liftIO performGC let tProc = runWorkData workData nOps runOpMutating 0 0 prolix $ "running test batch with " ++ show nOps ++ " work items\n" (tm,_) <- liftIO $ time (tProc startValue1) prolix $ "running initial timing on " ++ show nOps ++ " work items\n" let iters = max 5 (ceiling (minTime / tm)) prolix $ "running benchmark on " ++ show nOps ++ " work items, " ++ show iters ++ " iterations\n" sample <- liftIO $ U.generateM iters $ \_ -> do sv <- mkStartValue performGC (!tm,_) <- time (tProc sv) return $ tm - clockCost prolix $ "finished batch benchmark on " ++ name ++ "\n" return (SampleData inputSize nOps sample) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- perOp setupOperations genWorkData = do -- FIXME: lifted this code from criterion, is there some way to merge -- them? _ <- prolix "generating seed workload" seedData <- liftIO $ runWorkloadMonad (genWorkData 1000) rng _ <- prolix "seed workload generated" workData <- liftIO $ runWorkloadMonad (genWorkData inputSize) rng mapM (perOpOne setupOperations workData seedData) dss -------------------------------------------------------------------------- perOpOne setupOperations workData seedData (name, (DataStructure emptyValue runOpMutating)) = do let runOp = mkRunOp runOpMutating let proc = V.foldM' runOpMutating note $ "running per-op benchmark on " ++ name ++ "\n" startValue <- liftIO (emptyValue inputSize >>= flip proc setupOperations) liftIO performGC -- warm up clock _ <- liftIO $ runForAtLeast 0.1 10000 (`replicateM_` getTime) let minTime = envClockResolution env * 1000 (testTime, testIters, startValue') <- liftIO $ timeSeed (min minTime 0.1) seedData runOp startValue _ <- note "ran %d iterations in %s\n" testIters (secs testTime) cfg <- getConfig let testItersD = fromIntegral testIters let sampleCount = fromLJ cfgSamples cfg let timePer = (testTime - testItersD * clockCost) / testItersD let chunkSizeD = minTime / timePer let chunkSize = min (V.length workData) (ceiling chunkSizeD) let nSamples1 = min (chunkSize * sampleCount) (V.length workData) let numItersD = fromIntegral nSamples1 / fromIntegral chunkSize let nSamples = max 1 (floor numItersD * chunkSize) _ <- note "collecting %d samples (in chunks of %d) in estimated %s\n" nSamples chunkSize (secs ((chunkSizeD * timePer + clockCost)*numItersD)) (sample,_) <- mkSample chunkSize nSamples workData startValue' runOp liftIO performGC return (SampleData inputSize chunkSize sample) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- mkSample chunkSize nSamples workData startValue runOp = liftIO $ do valRef <- newIORef startValue let numItersD = fromIntegral nSamples / fromIntegral chunkSize -- make sure nSamples is an integral multiple of chunkSize let numIters = max 1 (floor (numItersD :: Double)) sample <- U.generateM numIters $ \chunk -> do !val <- readIORef valRef (!tm, val') <- time (runWorkData workData chunkSize runOp (chunk*chunkSize) 0 val) writeIORef valRef val' return $ tm - clockCost val <- readIORef valRef return (sample :: U.Vector Double, val) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- clockCost = envClockCost env -------------------------------------------------------------------------- timeSeed howLong seedData runOp startValue = loop startValue seedData (0::Int) =<< getTime where loop sv seed iters initTime = do now <- getTime let n = V.length seed when (now - initTime > howLong * 10) $ fail (printf "took too long to run: seed %d, iters %d" (V.length seed) iters) (elapsed, (_,sv')) <- time (mkSample 1 n seed sv runOp) if elapsed < howLong then loop sv' (seed `mappend` seed) (iters+1) initTime else return (elapsed, n, sv') ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ takeSamples :: (NFData op) => MeasurementMode -> WorkloadMode -> Benchmark op -> Environment -> GenIO -> Criterion [(String, [SampleData])] takeSamples !mMode !wMode !benchmark !env !rng = do let szs = inputSizes benchmark when (null szs) $ fail "No input sizes defined" ssamples <- mapM (takeSample mMode wMode benchmark env rng) szs let names = map fst $ dataStructures benchmark let inputs = foldl' combine (map (const []) names) (reverse ssamples) return $ names `zip` inputs where combine :: [[SampleData]] -> [SampleData] -> [[SampleData]] combine int samples = map (uncurry (flip (:))) (int `zip` samples)