Readme for haskeem-0.7.9

This is haskeem, a small scheme interpreter. It lives on the web at You should be able to build it with cabal configure cabal build Once you have done so, find the haskeem executable and run it. At the "lisp> " prompt, type (assuming you are still in the top-level haskeem directory) (load "stdlib.scm") (load "selftest.scm") The first command loads haskeem's standard library, and the second command runs the self-test. Assuming that all works, you can automate some of this: copy the haskeem executable and the stdlib.scm file to some standard location(s), and then set the environment variable HASKEEM_INIT to the absolute path of the stdlib.scm file. I store both the haskeem executable and the stdlib.scm file in /home/uwe/tools, which is in my PATH, and thus I set HASKEEM_INIT to /home/uwe/tools/stdlib.scm. Then I (and you) can launch haskeem from any directory. If you do not have haskeline installed, don't panic! There is an alternate version of the main module in the file haskeem_readline.hs. That provides either a binding to the gnu readline library, or an alternate REPL with no line-editing capability at all. You'll need to rename this to haskeem.hs, edit it to select which of the two you want, and rebuild. Sorry, no bindings to editline. Enjoy!