module System.Console.Haskeline.InputT where

import System.Console.Haskeline.History
import System.Console.Haskeline.Command.History
import System.Console.Haskeline.Command.Undo
import System.Console.Haskeline.Monads as Monads
import System.Console.Haskeline.Prefs
import System.Console.Haskeline.Completion
import System.Console.Haskeline.Backend
import System.Console.Haskeline.Term

import System.Directory(getHomeDirectory)
import System.FilePath
import Control.Applicative
import qualified Control.Monad.State as State

-- | Application-specific customizations to the user interface.
data Settings m = Settings {complete :: CompletionFunc m, -- ^ Custom tab completion.
                            historyFile :: Maybe FilePath, -- ^ Where to read/write the history at the
                                                        -- start and end of each
                                                        -- line input session.
                            autoAddHistory :: Bool -- ^ If 'True', each nonblank line returned by
                                -- @getInputLine@ will be automatically added to the history.


-- | Because 'complete' is the only field of 'Settings' depending on @m@,
-- the expression @defaultSettings {completionFunc = f}@ leads to a type error
-- from being too general.  This function works around that issue, and may become unnecessary if another field
-- depending on @m@ is added.

setComplete :: CompletionFunc m -> Settings m -> Settings m
setComplete f s = s {complete = f}

-- | A monad transformer which carries all of the state and settings
-- relevant to a line-reading application.
newtype InputT m a = InputT {unInputT :: ReaderT RunTerm
                                (StateT History (ReaderT Prefs 
                                (ReaderT (Settings m) m))) a}
                            deriving (Monad,MonadIO, MonadState History,
                                        MonadReader Prefs, MonadReader (Settings m),
                                        MonadReader RunTerm)

instance Monad m => Functor (InputT m) where
    fmap = State.liftM

instance Monad m => Applicative (InputT m) where
    pure = return
    (<*>) = State.ap

instance MonadTrans InputT where
    lift = InputT . lift . lift . lift . lift

instance MonadException m => MonadException (InputT m) where
    block = InputT . block . unInputT
    unblock = InputT . unblock . unInputT
    catch f h = InputT $ Monads.catch (unInputT f) (unInputT . h)

instance Monad m => State.MonadState History (InputT m) where
    get = get
    put = put

-- for internal use only
type InputCmdT m = ReaderT Layout (UndoT (StateT HistLog 
                (ReaderT Prefs (ReaderT (Settings m) m))))

instance MonadIO m => MonadLayout (InputCmdT m) where

runInputCmdT :: MonadIO m => TermOps -> InputCmdT m a -> InputT m a
runInputCmdT tops f = InputT $ do
    layout <- liftIO $ getLayout tops
    lift $ runHistLog $ runUndoT $ runReaderT' layout f

liftCmdT :: Monad m => m a -> InputCmdT m a
liftCmdT = lift  . lift . lift . lift . lift

runInputTWithPrefs :: MonadException m => Prefs -> Settings m -> InputT m a -> m a
runInputTWithPrefs prefs settings (InputT f) = bracket (liftIO myRunTerm)
    (liftIO . closeTerm)
    $ \run -> runReaderT' settings $ runReaderT' prefs 
        $ runHistoryFromFile (historyFile settings) (maxHistorySize prefs) 
        $ runReaderT f run
-- | Run a line-reading application, reading user 'Prefs' from 
-- @~/.haskeline@
runInputT :: MonadException m => Settings m -> InputT m a -> m a
runInputT settings f = do
    prefs <- liftIO readPrefsFromHome
    runInputTWithPrefs prefs settings f

-- | Read 'Prefs' from @~/.haskeline.@   If there is an error reading the file,
-- the 'defaultPrefs' will be returned.
readPrefsFromHome :: IO Prefs
readPrefsFromHome = handle (\(_::IOException) -> return defaultPrefs) $ do
    home <- getHomeDirectory
    readPrefs (home </> ".haskeline")