module System.Console.Haskeline.Backend.Posix ( withPosixGetEvent, posixLayouts, tryGetLayouts, PosixT, Handles(), ehIn, ehOut, Encoder, Decoder, mapLines, stdinTTYHandles, ttyHandles, posixRunTerm, fileRunTerm ) where import Foreign import Foreign.C.Types import qualified Data.Map as Map import System.Posix.Terminal hiding (Interrupt) import Control.Monad import Control.Concurrent hiding (throwTo) import Data.Maybe (catMaybes) import System.Posix.Signals.Exts import System.Posix.Types(Fd(..)) import Data.List import System.IO import System.Environment import System.Console.Haskeline.Monads hiding (Handler) import System.Console.Haskeline.Key import System.Console.Haskeline.Term as Term import System.Console.Haskeline.Prefs import System.Console.Haskeline.Backend.Posix.Encoder #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 611 import GHC.IO.FD (fdFD) import Data.Dynamic (cast) import System.IO.Error import GHC.IO.Exception import GHC.IO.Handle.Types hiding (getState) import GHC.IO.Handle.Internals import System.Posix.Internals (FD) #else import GHC.IOBase(haFD,FD) import GHC.Handle (withHandle_) #endif #if defined(USE_TERMIOS_H) || defined(__ANDROID__) #include #endif #include ----------------------------------------------- -- Input/output handles data Handles = Handles {hIn, hOut :: ExternalHandle , closeHandles :: IO ()} ehIn, ehOut :: Handles -> Handle ehIn = eH . hIn ehOut = eH . hOut ------------------- -- Window size foreign import ccall ioctl :: FD -> CULong -> Ptr a -> IO CInt posixLayouts :: Handles -> [IO (Maybe Layout)] posixLayouts h = [ioctlLayout $ ehOut h, envLayout] ioctlLayout :: Handle -> IO (Maybe Layout) ioctlLayout h = allocaBytes (#size struct winsize) $ \ws -> do fd <- unsafeHandleToFD h ret <- ioctl fd (#const TIOCGWINSZ) ws rows :: CUShort <- (#peek struct winsize,ws_row) ws cols :: CUShort <- (#peek struct winsize,ws_col) ws if ret >= 0 then return $ Just Layout {height=fromEnum rows,width=fromEnum cols} else return Nothing unsafeHandleToFD :: Handle -> IO FD #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 611 unsafeHandleToFD h = withHandle_ "unsafeHandleToFd" h $ \Handle__{haDevice=dev} -> do case cast dev of Nothing -> ioError (ioeSetErrorString (mkIOError IllegalOperation "unsafeHandleToFd" (Just h) Nothing) "handle is not a file descriptor") Just fd -> return (fdFD fd) #else unsafeHandleToFD h = withHandle_ "unsafeHandleToFd" h (return . haFD) #endif envLayout :: IO (Maybe Layout) envLayout = handle (\(_::IOException) -> return Nothing) $ do -- note the handle catches both undefined envs and bad reads r <- getEnv "ROWS" c <- getEnv "COLUMNS" return $ Just $ Layout {height=read r,width=read c} tryGetLayouts :: [IO (Maybe Layout)] -> IO Layout tryGetLayouts [] = return Layout {height=24,width=80} tryGetLayouts (f:fs) = do ml <- f case ml of Just l | height l > 2 && width l > 2 -> return l _ -> tryGetLayouts fs -------------------- -- Key sequences getKeySequences :: (MonadIO m, MonadReader Prefs m) => Handle -> [(String,Key)] -> m (TreeMap Char Key) getKeySequences h tinfos = do sttys <- liftIO $ sttyKeys h customKeySeqs <- getCustomKeySeqs -- note ++ acts as a union; so the below favors sttys over tinfos return $ listToTree $ ansiKeys ++ tinfos ++ sttys ++ customKeySeqs where getCustomKeySeqs = do kseqs <- asks customKeySequences termName <- liftIO $ handle (\(_::IOException) -> return "") (getEnv "TERM") let isThisTerm = maybe True (==termName) return $ map (\(_,cs,k) ->(cs,k)) $ filter (\(kseqs',_,_) -> isThisTerm kseqs') $ kseqs ansiKeys :: [(String, Key)] ansiKeys = [("\ESC[D", simpleKey LeftKey) ,("\ESC[C", simpleKey RightKey) ,("\ESC[A", simpleKey UpKey) ,("\ESC[B", simpleKey DownKey) ,("\b", simpleKey Backspace) -- ctrl-left/right aren't a standard -- part of terminfo, but enough people have complained -- that I've decided to hard-code them in. -- (Note they will be overridden by terminfo or .haskeline.) -- These appear to be the most common bindings: -- xterm: ,("\ESC[1;5D", ctrlKey $ simpleKey LeftKey) ,("\ESC[1;5C", ctrlKey $ simpleKey RightKey) -- ,("\ESC[5D", ctrlKey $ simpleKey LeftKey) ,("\ESC[5C", ctrlKey $ simpleKey RightKey) -- rxvt: (Note: these will be superceded by e.g. xterm-color, -- which uses them as regular arrow keys.) ,("\ESC[OD", ctrlKey $ simpleKey LeftKey) ,("\ESC[OC", ctrlKey $ simpleKey RightKey) ] sttyKeys :: Handle -> IO [(String, Key)] sttyKeys h = do fd <- unsafeHandleToFD h attrs <- getTerminalAttributes (Fd fd) let getStty (k,c) = do {str <- controlChar attrs k; return ([str],c)} return $ catMaybes $ map getStty [(Erase,simpleKey Backspace),(Kill,simpleKey KillLine)] newtype TreeMap a b = TreeMap (Map.Map a (Maybe b, TreeMap a b)) deriving Show emptyTreeMap :: TreeMap a b emptyTreeMap = TreeMap Map.empty insertIntoTree :: Ord a => ([a], b) -> TreeMap a b -> TreeMap a b insertIntoTree ([],_) _ = error "Can't insert empty list into a treemap!" insertIntoTree ((c:cs),k) (TreeMap m) = TreeMap (Map.alter f c m) where alterSubtree = insertIntoTree (cs,k) f Nothing = Just $ if null cs then (Just k, emptyTreeMap) else (Nothing, alterSubtree emptyTreeMap) f (Just (y,t)) = Just $ if null cs then (Just k, t) else (y, alterSubtree t) listToTree :: Ord a => [([a],b)] -> TreeMap a b listToTree = foldl' (flip insertIntoTree) emptyTreeMap -- for debugging ' mapLines :: (Show a, Show b) => TreeMap a b -> [String] mapLines (TreeMap m) = let m2 = (\(k,t) -> show k : mapLines t) m in concatMap (\(k,ls) -> show k : map (' ':) ls) $ Map.toList m2 lexKeys :: TreeMap Char Key -> [Char] -> [Key] lexKeys _ [] = [] lexKeys baseMap cs | Just (k,ds) <- lookupChars baseMap cs = k : lexKeys baseMap ds lexKeys baseMap ('\ESC':cs) -- TODO: what's the right thing ' to do here? | k:ks <- lexKeys baseMap cs = metaKey k : ks lexKeys baseMap (c:cs) = simpleChar c : lexKeys baseMap cs lookupChars :: TreeMap Char Key -> [Char] -> Maybe (Key,[Char]) lookupChars _ [] = Nothing lookupChars (TreeMap tm) (c:cs) = case Map.lookup c tm of Nothing -> Nothing Just (Nothing,t) -> lookupChars t cs Just (Just k, t@(TreeMap tm2)) | not (null cs) && not (Map.null tm2) -- ?? lookup d tm2? -> lookupChars t cs | otherwise -> Just (k, cs) ----------------------------- withPosixGetEvent :: (MonadException m, MonadReader Prefs m) => Chan Event -> Handles -> Decoder -> [(String,Key)] -> (m Event -> m a) -> m a withPosixGetEvent eventChan h enc termKeys f = wrapTerminalOps h $ do baseMap <- getKeySequences (ehIn h) termKeys withWindowHandler eventChan $ f $ liftIO $ getEvent (ehIn h) enc baseMap eventChan withWindowHandler :: MonadException m => Chan Event -> m a -> m a withWindowHandler eventChan = withHandler windowChange $ Catch $ writeChan eventChan WindowResize withSigIntHandler :: MonadException m => m a -> m a withSigIntHandler f = do tid <- liftIO myThreadId withHandler keyboardSignal (Catch (throwTo tid Interrupt)) f withHandler :: MonadException m => Signal -> Handler -> m a -> m a withHandler signal handler f = do old_handler <- liftIO $ installHandler signal handler Nothing f `finally` liftIO (installHandler signal old_handler Nothing) getEvent :: Handle -> Decoder -> TreeMap Char Key -> Chan Event -> IO Event getEvent h dec baseMap = keyEventLoop $ do cs <- getBlockOfChars h dec return [KeyInput $ lexKeys baseMap cs] stdinTTYHandles, ttyHandles :: MaybeT IO Handles stdinTTYHandles = do isInTerm <- liftIO $ hIsTerminalDevice stdin guard isInTerm h <- openTerm WriteMode -- Don't close stdin, since a different part of the program may use it later. return Handles { hIn = externalHandle stdin , hOut = h , closeHandles = hClose $ eH h } ttyHandles = do -- Open the input and output as two separate Handles, since they need -- different buffering. h_in <- openTerm ReadMode h_out <- openTerm WriteMode return Handles { hIn = h_in , hOut = h_out , closeHandles = hClose (eH h_in) >> hClose (eH h_out) } openTerm :: IOMode -> MaybeT IO ExternalHandle openTerm mode = handle (\(_::IOException) -> mzero) $ liftIO $ openInCodingMode "/dev/tty" mode posixRunTerm :: Handles -> [IO (Maybe Layout)] -> [(String,Key)] -> (forall m b . MonadException m => m b -> m b) -> (forall m . (MonadException m, CommandMonad m) => EvalTerm (PosixT m)) -> IO RunTerm posixRunTerm hs layoutGetters keys wrapGetEvent evalBackend = do ch <- newChan fileRT <- posixFileRunTerm hs (enc,dec) <- newEncoders return fileRT { closeTerm = closeTerm fileRT , termOps = Left TermOps { getLayout = tryGetLayouts layoutGetters , withGetEvent = wrapGetEvent . withPosixGetEvent ch hs dec keys , saveUnusedKeys = saveKeys ch , evalTerm = mapEvalTerm (runPosixT enc hs) (lift . lift) evalBackend } } type PosixT m = ReaderT Encoder (ReaderT Handles m) runPosixT :: Monad m => Encoder -> Handles -> PosixT m a -> m a runPosixT enc h = runReaderT' h . runReaderT' enc fileRunTerm :: Handle -> IO RunTerm fileRunTerm h_in = posixFileRunTerm Handles { hIn = externalHandle h_in , hOut = externalHandle stdout , closeHandles = return () } posixFileRunTerm :: Handles -> IO RunTerm posixFileRunTerm hs = do (enc,dec) <- newEncoders return RunTerm { putStrOut = \str -> withCodingMode (hOut hs) $ do putEncodedStr enc (ehOut hs) str hFlush (ehOut hs) , closeTerm = closeHandles hs , wrapInterrupt = withSigIntHandler , termOps = Right FileOps { inputHandle = ehIn hs , wrapFileInput = withCodingMode (hIn hs) , getLocaleChar = getDecodedChar (ehIn hs) dec , maybeReadNewline = hMaybeReadNewline (ehIn hs) , getLocaleLine = getDecodedLine (ehIn hs) dec } } -- NOTE: If we set stdout to NoBuffering, there can be a flicker effect when many -- characters are printed at once. We'll keep it buffered here, and let the Draw -- monad manually flush outputs that don't print a newline. wrapTerminalOps :: MonadException m => Handles -> m a -> m a wrapTerminalOps hs = bracketSet (hGetBuffering h_in) (hSetBuffering h_in) NoBuffering -- TODO: block buffering? Certain \r and \n's are causing flicker... -- - moving to the right -- - breaking line after offset widechar? . bracketSet (hGetBuffering h_out) (hSetBuffering h_out) LineBuffering . bracketSet (hGetEcho h_in) (hSetEcho h_in) False . liftIOOp_ (withCodingMode $ hIn hs) . liftIOOp_ (withCodingMode $ hOut hs) where h_in = ehIn hs h_out = ehOut hs