cabal-version: 2.2 name: haskell-ci version: 0.12.1 synopsis: Cabal package script generator for Travis-CI description: Script generator (@haskell-ci@) for [GitHub Actions]( and [Travis-CI]( for continuous-integration testing of Haskell Cabal packages. . Included features (not limited to): . * Multiple GHC support * Dependency caching * cabal.project support (see [Nix-style local builds documentation]( * Runs tests and builds benchmarks * Generates Haddocks * GHCJS support * building with specific constraints . === Quick Start Guide . Add a @tested-with@ line to your @.cabal@ file (e.g. @tested-with: GHC == 8.0.2 || == 8.2.2@) and then run @haskell-ci yourpackage.cabal -o .travis.yml@ to generate the Travis-CI job script. . See @haskell-ci --help@ for more information. homepage: bug-reports: license: GPL-3.0-or-later license-file: LICENSE author: Herbert Valerio Riedel, Oleg Grenrus maintainer: category: Development build-type: Simple tested-with: GHC ==8.2.2 || ==8.4.4 || ==8.6.5 || ==8.8.4 || ==8.10.4 || ==9.0.1 extra-source-files: extra-source-files: fixtures/*.args fixtures/*.bash fixtures/*.github fixtures/*.patch fixtures/*.project fixtures/*.travis fixtures/servant/servant.cabal fixtures/servant-client/servant-client.cabal fixtures/servant-client-core/servant-client-core.cabal fixtures/servant-docs/servant-docs.cabal fixtures/servant-foreign/servant-foreign.cabal fixtures/servant-server/servant-server.cabal fixtures/splitmix/splitmix.cabal source-repository head type: git location: flag ShellCheck default: True manual: True library haskell-ci-internal default-language: Haskell2010 hs-source-dirs: src ghc-options: -Wall -Wincomplete-uni-patterns -Wincomplete-record-updates -Wcompat -Wnoncanonical-monad-instances if impl(ghc <8.8) ghc-options: -Wnoncanonical-monadfail-instances exposed-modules: HaskellCI HaskellCI.Auxiliary HaskellCI.Bash HaskellCI.Bash.Template HaskellCI.Cli HaskellCI.Compiler HaskellCI.Config HaskellCI.Config.ConstraintSet HaskellCI.Config.CopyFields HaskellCI.Config.Docspec HaskellCI.Config.Doctest HaskellCI.Config.Dump HaskellCI.Config.Folds HaskellCI.Config.HLint HaskellCI.Config.Installed HaskellCI.Config.Jobs HaskellCI.Config.PackageScope HaskellCI.Config.Ubuntu HaskellCI.Config.Validity HaskellCI.Diagnostics HaskellCI.Error HaskellCI.GitConfig HaskellCI.GitHub HaskellCI.GitHub.Yaml HaskellCI.HeadHackage HaskellCI.Jobs HaskellCI.List HaskellCI.MonadErr HaskellCI.Newtypes HaskellCI.OptionsGrammar HaskellCI.OptparseGrammar HaskellCI.Package HaskellCI.ParsecUtils HaskellCI.Prelude HaskellCI.Sh HaskellCI.ShVersionRange HaskellCI.TestedWith HaskellCI.Tools HaskellCI.Travis HaskellCI.Travis.Yaml HaskellCI.VersionInfo HaskellCI.YamlSyntax default-extensions: NoImplicitPrelude BangPatterns DeriveAnyClass DeriveFoldable DeriveFunctor DeriveGeneric DeriveTraversable DerivingStrategies GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving ScopedTypeVariables other-extensions: CPP NamedFieldPuns OverloadedLabels ViewPatterns build-depends: , base >=4.10 && <4.16 , binary ^>= , bytestring ^>= , Cabal ^>=3.4 , containers ^>= || ^>= , deepseq ^>= , directory ^>= , filepath ^>= , mtl >=2.2.2 , parsec ^>= , pretty ^>= , process ^>= || ^>= , text ^>= , transformers ^>= if !impl(ghc >=8.2) build-depends: bifunctors ^>=5.5.4 -- other dependencies build-depends: , aeson ^>= , attoparsec ^>= , base-compat ^>=0.11 , base16-bytestring ^>= , cabal-install-parsers ^>=0.4.1 , cryptohash-sha256 ^>= , exceptions ^>=0.10.0 , generic-lens-lite ^>=0.1 , HsYAML ^>= , indexed-traversable ^>=0.1.1 , indexed-traversable-instances ^>=0.1 , ini ^>=0.4.1 , lattices ^>=2 , network-uri ^>= , optparse-applicative ^>= , temporary ^>=1.3 , unordered-containers ^>= , zinza ^>=0.2 -- ShellCheck. Would need newer transformers for older GHC if flag(shellcheck) build-depends: ShellCheck ==0.7.1 executable haskell-ci main-is: Main.hs hs-source-dirs: cli build-depends: , base , haskell-ci-internal default-language: Haskell2010 test-suite golden default-language: Haskell2010 type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 main-is: Tests.hs hs-source-dirs: test -- inherited constraints via lib:haskell-ci build-depends: , base , base-compat , bytestring , Cabal , directory , filepath , haskell-ci-internal , transformers -- dependencies needing explicit constraints build-depends: , ansi-terminal >=0.10 && <0.12 , Diff ^>=0.4.0 , tasty ^>=1.4.1 , tasty-golden ^>=