{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-} {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} module HaskellCI.GitHub ( makeGitHub, githubHeader, ) where import HaskellCI.Prelude import Control.Applicative (optional) import qualified Crypto.Hash.SHA256 as SHA256 import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Text as Atto import qualified Data.Binary as Binary import qualified Data.Binary.Put as Binary import qualified Data.ByteString.Base16 as Base16 import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS8 import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map import qualified Data.Set as S import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Distribution.Fields.Pretty as C import qualified Distribution.Package as C import qualified Distribution.Pretty as C import qualified Distribution.Types.VersionRange as C import qualified Distribution.Version as C import Cabal.Project import HaskellCI.Auxiliary import HaskellCI.Compiler import HaskellCI.Config import HaskellCI.Config.ConstraintSet import HaskellCI.Config.Docspec import HaskellCI.Config.Doctest import HaskellCI.Config.HLint import HaskellCI.Config.Installed import HaskellCI.Config.Jobs import HaskellCI.Config.PackageScope import HaskellCI.Config.Ubuntu import HaskellCI.Config.Validity import HaskellCI.GitConfig import HaskellCI.GitHub.Yaml import HaskellCI.HeadHackage import HaskellCI.Jobs import HaskellCI.List import HaskellCI.MonadErr import HaskellCI.Package import HaskellCI.Sh import HaskellCI.ShVersionRange import HaskellCI.Tools import HaskellCI.VersionInfo -- $setup -- >>> :set -XOverloadedStrings ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- GitHub header ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- githubHeader :: Bool -> [String] -> [String] githubHeader insertVersion argv = [ "This GitHub workflow config has been generated by a script via" , "" , " haskell-ci " ++ unwords [ "'" ++ a ++ "'" | a <- argv ] , "" , "To regenerate the script (for example after adjusting tested-with) run" , "" , " haskell-ci regenerate" , "" , "For more information, see https://github.com/haskell-CI/haskell-ci" , "" ] ++ verlines ++ [ "REGENDATA " ++ if insertVersion then show (haskellCIVerStr, argv) else show argv , "" ] where verlines | insertVersion = [ "version: " ++ haskellCIVerStr , "" ] | otherwise = [] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- GitHub ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {- GitHub Actions–specific notes: * We use -j2 for parallelism, as GitHub's virtual machines use 2 cores, per https://docs.github.com/en/free-pro-team@latest/actions/reference/specifications-for-github-hosted-runners#supported-runners-and-hardware-resources. -} makeGitHub :: [String] -> Config -> GitConfig -> Project URI Void Package -> JobVersions -> Either HsCiError GitHub makeGitHub _argv config@Config {..} gitconfig prj jobs@JobVersions {..} = do let envEnv = Map.fromList [ ("HCNAME", "${{ matrix.compiler }}") -- e.g. ghc-8.8.4 , ("HCKIND", "${{ matrix.compilerKind }}") -- ghc , ("HCVER", "${{ matrix.compilerVersion }}") -- 8.8.4 ] -- Validity checks checkConfigValidity config jobs when (cfgSubmodules && cfgUbuntu < Focal) $ throwErr $ ValidationError $ unwords [ "Using submodules on the GitHub Actions backend requires" , "Ubuntu 20.04 (Focal Fossa) or later." ] steps <- sequence $ buildList $ do -- This have to be first, since the packages we install depend on -- whether we need GHCJS or not. when anyGHCJS $ githubRun' "Set GHCJS environment variables" envEnv $ sh $ intercalate "\n" [ "if [ $HCKIND = ghcjs ]; then" , tell_env' "GHCJS" "true" , tell_env' "GHCJSARITH" "1" , "else" , tell_env' "GHCJS" "false" , tell_env' "GHCJSARITH" "0" , "fi" ] githubRun' "apt" envEnv $ do sh "apt-get update" let corePkgs :: [String] corePkgs = [ "gnupg" , "ca-certificates" , "dirmngr" , "curl" , "git" , "software-properties-common" , "libtinfo5" ] ++ -- Installing libnuma-dev is required to work around -- https://gitlab.haskell.org/haskell/ghcup-hs/-/blob/b0522507be6fa991a819aaf22f9a551757380821/README.md#libnuma-required [ "libnuma-dev" | GHC (C.mkVersion [8,4,4]) `elem` allVersions , GHC (C.mkVersion [8,4,4]) & isGHCUP ] sh $ "apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends " ++ unwords corePkgs let installGhcup :: ShM () installGhcup = do let ghcupVer = C.prettyShow cfgGhcupVersion sh $ "mkdir -p \"$HOME/.ghcup/bin\"" sh $ "curl -sL https://downloads.haskell.org/ghcup/" ++ ghcupVer ++ "/x86_64-linux-ghcup-" ++ ghcupVer ++ " > \"$HOME/.ghcup/bin/ghcup\"" sh $ "chmod a+x \"$HOME/.ghcup/bin/ghcup\"" installGhcupCabal :: ShM () installGhcupCabal = sh $ "\"$HOME/.ghcup/bin/ghcup\" install cabal " ++ cabalFullVer hvrppa <- runSh $ do sh "apt-add-repository -y 'ppa:hvr/ghc'" when anyGHCJS $ do sh_if RangeGHCJS "apt-add-repository -y 'ppa:hvr/ghcjs'" sh_if RangeGHCJS "curl -sSL \"https://deb.nodesource.com/gpgkey/nodesource.gpg.key\" | apt-key add -" sh_if RangeGHCJS $ "apt-add-repository -y 'deb https://deb.nodesource.com/node_10.x " ++ ubuntuVer ++ " main'" sh "apt-get update" let basePackages = ["\"$HCNAME\"" ] ++ [ "cabal-install-" ++ cabalVer | not cfgGhcupCabal ] ++ S.toList cfgApt ghcjsPackages = ["ghc-8.4.4", "nodejs"] baseInstall = "apt-get install -y " ++ unwords basePackages ghcjsInstall = "apt-get install -y " ++ unwords (basePackages ++ ghcjsPackages) if anyGHCJS then if_then_else RangeGHCJS ghcjsInstall baseInstall else sh baseInstall when cfgGhcupCabal $ do installGhcup installGhcupCabal ghcup <- runSh $ do installGhcup sh $ "\"$HOME/.ghcup/bin/ghcup\" install ghc \"$HCVER\"" installGhcupCabal unless (null cfgApt) $ do sh "apt-get update" sh $ "apt-get install -y " ++ unwords (S.toList cfgApt) setup hvrppa ghcup githubRun' "Set PATH and environment variables" envEnv $ do echo_to "$GITHUB_PATH" "$HOME/.cabal/bin" -- Hack: happy needs ghc. Let's install version matching GHCJS. -- At the moment, there is only GHCJS-8.4, so we install GHC-8.4.4 when anyGHCJS $ echo_if_to RangeGHCJS "$GITHUB_PATH" "/opt/ghc/8.4.4/bin" tell_env "LANG" "C.UTF-8" tell_env "CABAL_DIR" "$HOME/.cabal" tell_env "CABAL_CONFIG" "$HOME/.cabal/config" sh "HCDIR=/opt/$HCKIND/$HCVER" let ghcupCabalPath = tell_env "CABAL" $ "$HOME/.ghcup/bin/cabal-" ++ cabalFullVer ++ " -vnormal+nowrap" hvrppa <- runSh $ do let hc = "$HCDIR/bin/$HCKIND" sh $ "HC=" ++ hc -- HC is an absolute path. tell_env "HC" "$HC" tell_env "HCPKG" $ hc ++ "-pkg" tell_env "HADDOCK" "$HCDIR/bin/haddock" if cfgGhcupCabal then ghcupCabalPath else tell_env "CABAL" $ "/opt/cabal/" ++ cabalVer ++ "/bin/cabal -vnormal+nowrap" ghcup <- runSh $ do let hc = "$HOME/.ghcup/bin/$HCKIND-$HCVER" sh $ "HC=" ++ hc -- HC is an absolute path. tell_env "HC" "$HC" tell_env "HCPKG" $ "$HOME/.ghcup/bin/$HCKIND-pkg-$HCVER" tell_env "HADDOCK" "$HOME/.ghcup/bin/haddock-$HCVER" ghcupCabalPath setup hvrppa ghcup sh "HCNUMVER=$(${HC} --numeric-version|perl -ne '/^(\\d+)\\.(\\d+)\\.(\\d+)(\\.(\\d+))?$/; print(10000 * $1 + 100 * $2 + ($3 == 0 ? $5 != 1 : $3))')" tell_env "HCNUMVER" "$HCNUMVER" if_then_else (Range cfgTests) (tell_env' "ARG_TESTS" "--enable-tests") (tell_env' "ARG_TESTS" "--disable-tests") if_then_else (Range cfgBenchmarks) (tell_env' "ARG_BENCH" "--enable-benchmarks") (tell_env' "ARG_BENCH" "--disable-benchmarks") if_then_else (Range cfgHeadHackage \/ RangePoints (S.singleton GHCHead)) (tell_env' "HEADHACKAGE" "true") (tell_env' "HEADHACKAGE" "false") tell_env "ARG_COMPILER" "--$HCKIND --with-compiler=$HC" unless anyGHCJS $ tell_env "GHCJSARITH" "0" githubRun "env" $ do sh "env" githubRun "write cabal config" $ do sh "mkdir -p $CABAL_DIR" cat "$CABAL_CONFIG" $ unlines [ "remote-build-reporting: anonymous" , "write-ghc-environment-files: never" , "remote-repo-cache: $CABAL_DIR/packages" , "logs-dir: $CABAL_DIR/logs" , "world-file: $CABAL_DIR/world" , "extra-prog-path: $CABAL_DIR/bin" , "symlink-bindir: $CABAL_DIR/bin" , "installdir: $CABAL_DIR/bin" , "build-summary: $CABAL_DIR/logs/build.log" , "store-dir: $CABAL_DIR/store" , "install-dirs user" , " prefix: $CABAL_DIR" , "repository hackage.haskell.org" , " url: http://hackage.haskell.org/" ] -- Add head.hackage repository to ~/.cabal/config -- (locally you want to add it to cabal.project) unless (S.null headGhcVers) $ sh $ concat $ [ "if $HEADHACKAGE; then\n" , catCmd "$CABAL_CONFIG" $ unlines headHackageRepoStanza , "\nfi" ] -- Cabal jobs for_ (cfgJobs >>= cabalJobs) $ \n -> cat "$CABAL_CONFIG" $ unlines [ "jobs: " ++ show n ] -- GHC jobs + ghc-options for_ (cfgJobs >>= ghcJobs) $ \m -> do sh_if (Range $ C.orLaterVersion (C.mkVersion [7,8])) $ "GHCJOBS=-j" ++ show m cat "$CABAL_CONFIG" $ unlines [ "program-default-options" , " ghc-options: $GHCJOBS +RTS -M3G -RTS" ] sh "cat $CABAL_CONFIG" githubRun "versions" $ do sh "$HC --version || true" sh "$HC --print-project-git-commit-id || true" sh "$CABAL --version || true" when anyGHCJS $ do sh_if RangeGHCJS "node --version" sh_if RangeGHCJS "echo $GHCJS" githubRun "update cabal index" $ do sh "$CABAL v2-update -v" let toolsConfigHash :: String toolsConfigHash = take 8 $ BS8.unpack $ Base16.encode $ SHA256.hashlazy $ Binary.runPut $ do Binary.put cfgDoctest Binary.put cfgHLint when (doctestEnabled || cfgHLintEnabled cfgHLint) $ githubUses "cache (tools)" "actions/cache@v2" [ ("key", "${{ runner.os }}-${{ matrix.compiler }}-tools-" ++ toolsConfigHash) , ("path", "~/.haskell-ci-tools") ] githubRun "install cabal-plan" $ do sh "mkdir -p $HOME/.cabal/bin" sh "curl -sL https://github.com/haskell-hvr/cabal-plan/releases/download/v0.6.2.0/cabal-plan- > cabal-plan.xz" sh "echo 'de73600b1836d3f55e32d80385acc055fd97f60eaa0ab68a755302685f5d81bc cabal-plan.xz' | sha256sum -c -" sh "xz -d < cabal-plan.xz > $HOME/.cabal/bin/cabal-plan" sh "rm -f cabal-plan.xz" sh "chmod a+x $HOME/.cabal/bin/cabal-plan" sh "cabal-plan --version" when anyGHCJS $ githubRun "install happy" $ do for_ cfgGhcjsTools $ \t -> sh_if RangeGHCJS $ "$CABAL v2-install -w ghc-8.4.4 --ignore-project -j2" ++ C.prettyShow t when docspecEnabled $ githubRun "install cabal-docspec" $ do let hash = cfgDocspecHash cfgDocspec url = cfgDocspecUrl cfgDocspec sh "mkdir -p $HOME/.cabal/bin" sh $ "curl -sL " ++ url ++ " > cabal-docspec.xz" sh $ "echo '" ++ hash ++ " cabal-docspec.xz' | sha256sum -c -" sh "xz -d < cabal-docspec.xz > $HOME/.cabal/bin/cabal-docspec" sh "rm -f cabal-docspec.xz" sh "chmod a+x $HOME/.cabal/bin/cabal-docspec" sh "cabal-docspec --version" when doctestEnabled $ githubRun "install doctest" $ do let range = Range (cfgDoctestEnabled cfgDoctest) /\ doctestJobVersionRange sh_if range "$CABAL --store-dir=$HOME/.haskell-ci-tools/store v2-install $ARG_COMPILER --ignore-project -j2 doctest --constraint='doctest ^>=0.20'" sh_if range "doctest --version" let hlintVersionConstraint | C.isAnyVersion (cfgHLintVersion cfgHLint) = "" | otherwise = " --constraint='hlint " ++ prettyShow (cfgHLintVersion cfgHLint) ++ "'" when (cfgHLintEnabled cfgHLint) $ githubRun "install hlint" $ do let forHLint = sh_if (hlintJobVersionRange allVersions cfgHeadHackage (cfgHLintJob cfgHLint)) if cfgHLintDownload cfgHLint then do -- install --dry-run and use perl regex magic to find a hlint version -- -v is important forHLint $ "HLINTVER=$(cd /tmp && (${CABAL} v2-install -v $ARG_COMPILER --dry-run hlint " ++ hlintVersionConstraint ++ " | perl -ne 'if (/\\bhlint-(\\d+(\\.\\d+)*)\\b/) { print \"$1\"; last; }')); echo \"HLint version $HLINTVER\"" forHLint $ "if [ ! -e $HOME/.haskell-ci-tools/hlint-$HLINTVER/hlint ]; then " ++ unwords [ "echo \"Downloading HLint version $HLINTVER\";" , "mkdir -p $HOME/.haskell-ci-tools;" , "curl --write-out 'Status Code: %{http_code} Redirects: %{num_redirects} Total time: %{time_total} Total Dsize: %{size_download}\\n' --silent --location --output $HOME/.haskell-ci-tools/hlint-$HLINTVER.tar.gz \"https://github.com/ndmitchell/hlint/releases/download/v$HLINTVER/hlint-$HLINTVER-x86_64-linux.tar.gz\";" , "tar -xzv -f $HOME/.haskell-ci-tools/hlint-$HLINTVER.tar.gz -C $HOME/.haskell-ci-tools;" , "fi" ] forHLint "mkdir -p $CABAL_DIR/bin && ln -sf \"$HOME/.haskell-ci-tools/hlint-$HLINTVER/hlint\" $CABAL_DIR/bin/hlint" forHLint "hlint --version" else do forHLint $ "$CABAL --store-dir=$HOME/.haskell-ci-tools/store v2-install $ARG_COMPILER --ignore-project -j2 hlint" ++ hlintVersionConstraint forHLint "hlint --version" githubUses "checkout" "actions/checkout@v2" $ buildList $ do item ("path", "source") when cfgSubmodules $ item ("submodules", "true") githubRun "initial cabal.project for sdist" $ do sh "touch cabal.project" for_ pkgs $ \pkg -> echo_if_to (RangePoints $ pkgJobs pkg) "cabal.project" $ "packages: $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/source/" ++ pkgDir pkg sh "cat cabal.project" githubRun "sdist" $ do sh "mkdir -p sdist" sh "$CABAL sdist all --output-dir $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/sdist" githubRun "unpack" $ do sh "mkdir -p unpacked" sh "find sdist -maxdepth 1 -type f -name '*.tar.gz' -exec tar -C $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/unpacked -xzvf {} \\;" githubRun "generate cabal.project" $ do for_ pkgs $ \Pkg{pkgName} -> do sh $ pkgNameDirVariable' pkgName ++ "=\"$(find \"$GITHUB_WORKSPACE/unpacked\" -maxdepth 1 -type d -regex '.*/" ++ pkgName ++ "-[0-9.]*')\"" tell_env (pkgNameDirVariable' pkgName) (pkgNameDirVariable pkgName) sh "rm -f cabal.project cabal.project.local" sh "touch cabal.project" sh "touch cabal.project.local" for_ pkgs $ \pkg -> echo_if_to (RangePoints $ pkgJobs pkg) "cabal.project" $ "packages: " ++ pkgNameDirVariable (pkgName pkg) -- per package options case cfgErrorMissingMethods of PackageScopeNone -> pure () PackageScopeLocal -> for_ pkgs $ \Pkg{pkgName,pkgJobs} -> do let range = Range (C.orLaterVersion (C.mkVersion [8,2])) /\ RangePoints pkgJobs echo_if_to range "cabal.project" $ "package " ++ pkgName echo_if_to range "cabal.project" $ " ghc-options: -Werror=missing-methods" PackageScopeAll -> cat "cabal.project" $ unlines [ "package *" , " ghc-options: -Werror=missing-methods" ] -- extra cabal.project fields cat "cabal.project" $ C.showFields' (const []) (const id) 2 extraCabalProjectFields -- If using head.hackage, allow building with newer versions of GHC boot libraries. -- Note that we put this in a cabal.project file, not ~/.cabal/config, in order to avoid -- https://github.com/haskell/cabal/issues/7291. unless (S.null headGhcVers) $ sh $ concat $ [ "if $HEADHACKAGE; then\n" , "echo \"allow-newer: $($HCPKG list --simple-output | sed -E 's/([a-zA-Z-]+)-[0-9.]+/*:\\1,/g')\" >> cabal.project\n" , "fi" ] -- also write cabal.project.local file with -- @ -- constraints: base installed -- constraints: array installed -- ... -- -- omitting any local package names case normaliseInstalled cfgInstalled of InstalledDiff pns -> sh $ unwords [ "$HCPKG list --simple-output --names-only" , "| perl -ne 'for (split /\\s+/) { print \"constraints: $_ installed\\n\" unless /" ++ re ++ "/; }'" , ">> cabal.project.local" ] where pns' = S.map C.unPackageName pns `S.union` foldMap (S.singleton . pkgName) pkgs re = "^(" ++ intercalate "|" (S.toList pns') ++ ")$" InstalledOnly pns | not (null pns') -> cat "cabal.project.local" $ unlines [ "constraints: " ++ pkg ++ " installed" | pkg <- S.toList pns' ] where pns' = S.map C.unPackageName pns `S.difference` foldMap (S.singleton . pkgName) pkgs -- otherwise: nothing _ -> pure () sh "cat cabal.project" sh "cat cabal.project.local" githubRun "dump install plan" $ do sh "$CABAL v2-build $ARG_COMPILER $ARG_TESTS $ARG_BENCH --dry-run all" sh "cabal-plan" -- This a hack. https://github.com/actions/cache/issues/109 -- Hashing Java - Maven style. githubUses "cache" "actions/cache@v2" [ ("key", "${{ runner.os }}-${{ matrix.compiler }}-${{ github.sha }}") , ("restore-keys", "${{ runner.os }}-${{ matrix.compiler }}-") , ("path", "~/.cabal/store") ] -- install dependencies when cfgInstallDeps $ githubRun "install dependencies" $ do sh "$CABAL v2-build $ARG_COMPILER --disable-tests --disable-benchmarks --dependencies-only -j2 all" sh "$CABAL v2-build $ARG_COMPILER $ARG_TESTS $ARG_BENCH --dependencies-only -j2 all" -- build w/o tests benchs unless (equivVersionRanges C.noVersion cfgNoTestsNoBench) $ githubRun "build w/o tests" $ do sh "$CABAL v2-build $ARG_COMPILER --disable-tests --disable-benchmarks all" -- build githubRun "build" $ do sh "$CABAL v2-build $ARG_COMPILER $ARG_TESTS $ARG_BENCH all --write-ghc-environment-files=always" -- tests githubRun "tests" $ do let range = RangeGHC /\ Range (cfgTests /\ cfgRunTests) /\ hasTests sh_if range $ "$CABAL v2-test $ARG_COMPILER $ARG_TESTS $ARG_BENCH all" ++ testShowDetails when (anyGHCJS && cfgGhcjsTests) $ sh $ unlines $ [ "pkgdir() {" , " case $1 in" ] ++ [ " " ++ pkgName ++ ") echo " ++ pkgNameDirVariable pkgName ++ " ;;" | Pkg{pkgName} <- pkgs ] ++ [ " esac" , "}" ] when cfgGhcjsTests $ sh_if (RangeGHCJS /\ hasTests) $ unwords [ "cabal-plan list-bins '*:test:*' | while read -r line; do" , "testpkg=$(echo \"$line\" | perl -pe 's/:.*//');" , "testexe=$(echo \"$line\" | awk '{ print $2 }');" , "echo \"testing $textexe in package $textpkg\";" , "(cd \"$(pkgdir $testpkg)\" && nodejs \"$testexe\".jsexe/all.js);" , "done" ] -- doctest when doctestEnabled $ githubRun "doctest" $ do let doctestOptions = unwords $ cfgDoctestOptions cfgDoctest unless (null $ cfgDoctestFilterEnvPkgs cfgDoctest) $ do -- cabal-install mangles unit ids on the OSX, -- removing the vowels to make filepaths shorter let manglePkgNames :: String -> [String] manglePkgNames n | null macosVersions = [n] | otherwise = [n, filter notVowel n] where notVowel c = notElem c ("aeiou" :: String) let filterPkgs = intercalate "|" $ concatMap (manglePkgNames . C.unPackageName) $ cfgDoctestFilterEnvPkgs cfgDoctest sh $ "perl -i -e 'while () { print unless /package-id\\s+(" ++ filterPkgs ++ ")-\\d+(\\.\\d+)*/; }' .ghc.environment.*" for_ pkgs $ \Pkg{pkgName,pkgGpd,pkgJobs} -> when (C.mkPackageName pkgName `notElem` cfgDoctestFilterSrcPkgs cfgDoctest) $ do for_ (doctestArgs pkgGpd) $ \args -> do let args' = unwords args let vr = Range (cfgDoctestEnabled cfgDoctest) /\ doctestJobVersionRange /\ RangePoints pkgJobs unless (null args) $ do change_dir_if vr $ pkgNameDirVariable pkgName sh_if vr $ "doctest " ++ doctestOptions ++ " " ++ args' -- docspec when docspecEnabled $ githubRun "docspec" $ do -- docspec doesn't work with non-GHC (i.e. GHCJS) let docspecRange' = docspecRange /\ RangeGHC -- we need to rebuild, if tests screwed something. sh_if docspecRange' "$CABAL v2-build $ARG_COMPILER $ARG_TESTS $ARG_BENCH all" sh_if docspecRange' cabalDocspec -- hlint when (cfgHLintEnabled cfgHLint) $ githubRun "hlint" $ do let "" <+> ys = ys xs <+> "" = xs xs <+> ys = xs ++ " " ++ ys prependSpace "" = "" prependSpace xs = " " ++ xs let hlintOptions = prependSpace $ maybe "" ("-h ${GITHUB_WORKSPACE}/source/" ++) (cfgHLintYaml cfgHLint) <+> unwords (cfgHLintOptions cfgHLint) for_ pkgs $ \Pkg{pkgName,pkgGpd,pkgJobs} -> do for_ (hlintArgs pkgGpd) $ \args -> do let args' = unwords args unless (null args) $ sh_if (hlintJobVersionRange allVersions cfgHeadHackage (cfgHLintJob cfgHLint) /\ RangePoints pkgJobs) $ "(cd " ++ pkgNameDirVariable pkgName ++ " && hlint" ++ hlintOptions ++ " " ++ args' ++ ")" -- cabal check when cfgCheck $ githubRun "cabal check" $ do for_ pkgs $ \Pkg{pkgName,pkgJobs} -> do let range = RangePoints pkgJobs change_dir_if range $ pkgNameDirVariable pkgName sh_if range "${CABAL} -vnormal check" -- haddock when (hasLibrary && not (equivVersionRanges C.noVersion cfgHaddock)) $ githubRun "haddock" $ do let range = RangeGHC /\ Range cfgHaddock sh_if range "$CABAL v2-haddock $ARG_COMPILER --with-haddock $HADDOCK $ARG_TESTS $ARG_BENCH all" -- unconstrained build unless (equivVersionRanges C.noVersion cfgUnconstrainted) $ githubRun "unconstrained build" $ do let range = Range cfgUnconstrainted sh_if range "rm -f cabal.project.local" sh_if range "$CABAL v2-build $ARG_COMPILER --disable-tests --disable-benchmarks all" -- constraint sets unless (null cfgConstraintSets) $ githubRun "prepare for constraint sets" $ do sh "rm -f cabal.project.local" for_ cfgConstraintSets $ \cs -> githubRun ("constraint set " ++ csName cs) $ do let range | csGhcjs cs = Range (csGhcVersions cs) | otherwise = RangeGHC /\ Range (csGhcVersions cs) let sh_cs = sh_if range let sh_cs' r = sh_if (range /\ r) let testFlag = if csTests cs then "--enable-tests" else "--disable-tests" let benchFlag = if csBenchmarks cs then "--enable-benchmarks" else "--disable-benchmarks" let constraintFlags = map (\x -> "--constraint='" ++ x ++ "'") (csConstraints cs) let allFlags = unwords (testFlag : benchFlag : constraintFlags) when cfgInstallDeps $ sh_cs $ "$CABAL v2-build $ARG_COMPILER " ++ allFlags ++ " --dependencies-only -j2 all" sh_cs $ "$CABAL v2-build $ARG_COMPILER " ++ allFlags ++ " all" when (docspecEnabled && csDocspec cs) $ sh_cs' docspecRange cabalDocspec when (csRunTests cs) $ sh_cs' hasTests $ "$CABAL v2-test $ARG_COMPILER " ++ allFlags ++ " all" when (hasLibrary && csHaddock cs) $ sh_cs $ "$CABAL v2-haddock $ARG_COMPILER " ++ withHaddock ++ " " ++ allFlags ++ " all" -- assembling everything return GitHub { ghName = actionName , ghOn = GitHubOn { ghBranches = cfgOnlyBranches } , ghJobs = Map.fromList $ buildList $ do item (mainJobName, GitHubJob { ghjName = actionName ++ " - Linux - ${{ matrix.compiler }}" -- NB: The Ubuntu version used in `runs-on` isn't -- particularly important since we use a Docker container. , ghjRunsOn = "ubuntu-18.04" , ghjNeeds = [] , ghjSteps = steps , ghjIf = Nothing , ghjContainer = Just $ "buildpack-deps:" ++ ubuntuVer , ghjContinueOnError = Just "${{ matrix.allow-failure }}" , ghjServices = mconcat [ Map.singleton "postgres" postgresService | cfgPostgres ] , ghjTimeout = max 10 cfgTimeoutMinutes , ghjMatrix = [ GitHubMatrixEntry { ghmeCompiler = compiler , ghmeAllowFailure = previewGHC cfgHeadHackage compiler || maybeGHC False (`C.withinRange` cfgAllowFailures) compiler , ghmeSetupMethod = if isGHCUP compiler then GHCUP else HVRPPA } | compiler <- reverse $ toList linuxVersions , compiler /= GHCHead -- TODO: Make this work -- https://github.com/haskell-CI/haskell-ci/issues/458 ] }) unless (null cfgIrcChannels) $ ircJob actionName mainJobName projectName config gitconfig } where actionName = fromMaybe "Haskell-CI" cfgGitHubActionName mainJobName = "linux" ubuntuVer = showUbuntu cfgUbuntu cabalVer = dispCabalVersion cfgCabalInstallVersion cabalFullVer = dispCabalVersion $ cfgCabalInstallVersion <&> \ver -> case C.versionNumbers ver of [3,6] -> C.mkVersion [3,6,2,0] [x,y] -> C.mkVersion [x,y,0,0] _ -> ver Auxiliary {..} = auxiliary config prj jobs anyGHCJS = any isGHCJS allVersions anyGHCUP = any isGHCUP allVersions allGHCUP = all isGHCUP allVersions -- Generate a setup block for hvr-ppa or ghcup, or both. setup :: [Sh] -> [Sh] -> ShM () setup hvrppa ghcup | allGHCUP = traverse_ liftSh ghcup | not anyGHCUP = traverse_ liftSh hvrppa -- 2192: ${{ ...}} will match (ShellCheck think it doesn't) -- 2129: individual redirects | otherwise = sh' [2193, 2129] $ unlines $ [ "if [ \"${{ matrix.setup-method }}\" = ghcup ]; then" ] ++ [ " " ++ shToString s | s <- ghcup ] ++ [ "else" ] ++ [ " " ++ shToString s | s <- hvrppa ] ++ [ "fi" ] -- job to be setup with ghcup isGHCUP :: CompilerVersion -> Bool isGHCUP v = compilerWithinRange v (RangeGHC /\ Range cfgGhcupJobs) -- GHC versions which need head.hackage headGhcVers :: Set CompilerVersion headGhcVers = S.filter (previewGHC cfgHeadHackage) allVersions -- step primitives githubRun' :: String -> Map.Map String String -> ShM () -> ListBuilder (Either HsCiError GitHubStep) () githubRun' name env shm = item $ do shs <- runSh shm return $ GitHubStep name $ Left $ GitHubRun shs env githubRun :: String -> ShM () -> ListBuilder (Either HsCiError GitHubStep) () githubRun name = githubRun' name mempty githubUses :: String -> String -> [(String, String)] -> ListBuilder (Either HsCiError GitHubStep) () githubUses name action with = item $ return $ GitHubStep name $ Right $ GitHubUses action Nothing (Map.fromList with) -- shell primitives echo_to' :: FilePath -> String -> String echo_to' fp s = "echo " ++ show s ++ " >> " ++ fp echo_to :: FilePath -> String -> ShM () echo_to fp s = sh $ echo_to' fp s echo_if_to :: CompilerRange -> FilePath -> String -> ShM () echo_if_to range fp s = sh_if range $ echo_to' fp s change_dir_if :: CompilerRange -> String -> ShM () change_dir_if range dir = sh_if range ("cd " ++ dir ++ " || false") tell_env' :: String -> String -> String tell_env' k v = "echo " ++ show (k ++ "=" ++ v) ++ " >> \"$GITHUB_ENV\"" tell_env :: String -> String -> ShM () tell_env k v = sh $ tell_env' k v if_then_else :: CompilerRange -> String -> String -> ShM () if_then_else range con alt | all (`compilerWithinRange` range) allVersions = sh con | not $ any (`compilerWithinRange` range) allVersions = sh alt | otherwise = sh $ unwords [ "if [" , compilerVersionArithPredicate allVersions range , "-ne 0 ]" , "; then" , con , ";" , "else" , alt , ";" , "fi" ] sh_if :: CompilerRange -> String -> ShM () sh_if range con | all (`compilerWithinRange` range) allVersions = sh con | not $ any (`compilerWithinRange` range) allVersions = pure () | otherwise = sh $ unwords [ "if [" , compilerVersionArithPredicate allVersions range , "-ne 0 ]" , "; then" , con , ";" , "fi" ] -- Needed to work around haskell/cabal#6214 withHaddock :: String withHaddock = "--with-haddock $HADDOCK" cabalDocspec :: String cabalDocspec = let docspecOptions = cfgDocspecOptions cfgDocspec in unwords $ "cabal-docspec $ARG_COMPILER" : docspecOptions docspecRange :: CompilerRange docspecRange = Range (cfgDocspecEnabled cfgDocspec) postgresService :: GitHubService postgresService = GitHubService { ghServImage = "postgres:10" , ghServOptions = Just "--health-cmd pg_isready --health-interval 10s --health-timeout 5s --health-retries 5" , ghServEnv = Map.fromList [ ("POSTGRES_PASSWORD", "postgres") ] } ircJob :: String -> String -> String -> Config -> GitConfig -> ListBuilder (String, GitHubJob) () ircJob actionName mainJobName projectName cfg gitconfig = item ("irc", GitHubJob { ghjName = actionName ++ " (IRC notification)" , ghjRunsOn = "ubuntu-18.04" , ghjNeeds = [mainJobName] , ghjIf = jobCondition , ghjContainer = Nothing , ghjContinueOnError = Nothing , ghjMatrix = [] , ghjServices = mempty , ghjSteps = [ ircStep serverChannelName success | serverChannelName <- serverChannelNames , success <- [True, False] ] , ghjTimeout = 10 }) where serverChannelNames = cfgIrcChannels cfg jobCondition :: Maybe String jobCondition | cfgIrcIfInOriginRepo cfg , Just url <- Map.lookup "origin" (gitCfgRemotes gitconfig) , Just repo <- parseGitHubRepo url = Just $ "${{ always() && (github.repository == '" ++ T.unpack repo ++ "') }}" | otherwise = Just "${{ always() }}" -- Use always() above to ensure that the IRC job will still run even if -- the build job itself fails (see #437). ircStep :: String -> Bool -> GitHubStep ircStep serverChannelName success = let (serverName, channelName) = break (== '#') serverChannelName result | success = "success" | otherwise = "failure" resultPastTense | success = "succeeded" | otherwise = "failed" eqCheck | success = "==" | otherwise = "!=" in GitHubStep ("IRC " ++ result ++ " notification (" ++ serverChannelName ++ ")") $ Right $ GitHubUses "Gottox/irc-message-action@v1.1" (Just $ "needs." ++ mainJobName ++ ".result " ++ eqCheck ++ " 'success'") $ Map.fromList $ buildList $ do item ("server", serverName) item ("channel", channelName) item ("nickname", fromMaybe "github-actions" $ cfgIrcNickname cfg) for_ (cfgIrcPassword cfg) $ \p -> item ("sasl_password", p) item ("message", "\x0313" ++ projectName ++ "\x03/\x0306${{ github.ref }}\x03 " ++ "\x0314${{ github.sha }}\x03 " ++ "https://github.com/${{ github.repository }}/actions/runs/${{ github.run_id }} " ++ "The build " ++ resultPastTense ++ ".") catCmd :: FilePath -> String -> String catCmd path contents = concat [ "cat >> " ++ path ++ " < String -> ShM () cat path contents = sh $ catCmd path contents -- | GitHub is very lenient and undocumented. We accept something. -- Please, write a patch, if you need an extra scheme to be accepted. -- -- >>> parseGitHubRepo "git@github.com:haskell-CI/haskell-ci.git" -- Just "haskell-CI/haskell-ci" -- -- >>> parseGitHubRepo "git@github.com:haskell-CI/haskell-ci" -- Just "haskell-CI/haskell-ci" -- -- >>> parseGitHubRepo "https://github.com/haskell-CI/haskell-ci.git" -- Just "haskell-CI/haskell-ci" -- -- >>> parseGitHubRepo "https://github.com/haskell-CI/haskell-ci" -- Just "haskell-CI/haskell-ci" -- -- >>> parseGitHubRepo "git://github.com/haskell-CI/haskell-ci" -- Just "haskell-CI/haskell-ci" -- parseGitHubRepo :: Text -> Maybe Text parseGitHubRepo t = either (const Nothing) Just $ Atto.parseOnly (parser <* Atto.endOfInput) t where parser :: Atto.Parser Text parser = sshP <|> httpsP sshP :: Atto.Parser Text sshP = do _ <- optional (Atto.string "git://") _ <- Atto.string "git@github.com:" repo <- Atto.takeWhile (/= '.') _ <- optional (Atto.string ".git") return repo httpsP :: Atto.Parser Text httpsP = do _ <- Atto.string "https" <|> Atto.string "git" _ <- Atto.string "://github.com/" repo <- Atto.takeWhile (/= '.') _ <- optional (Atto.string ".git") return repo