-- | Take configuration, produce 'Travis'. {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-unused-imports -Wno-unused-matches #-} module HaskellCI.Travis ( makeTravis, travisHeader, ) where import HaskellCI.Prelude import Prelude (head) import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M import qualified Data.Set as S import qualified Distribution.CabalSpecVersion as C import qualified Distribution.FieldGrammar as C import qualified Distribution.FieldGrammar.Pretty as C import qualified Distribution.Fields.Pretty as C import qualified Distribution.Package as C import qualified Distribution.PackageDescription as C import qualified Distribution.PackageDescription.Configuration as C import qualified Distribution.PackageDescription.FieldGrammar as C import qualified Distribution.Pretty as C import qualified Distribution.Types.GenericPackageDescription as C import qualified Distribution.Types.SourceRepo as C import qualified Distribution.Types.VersionRange as C import qualified Distribution.Version as C import qualified Text.PrettyPrint as PP import qualified Distribution.Types.BuildInfo.Lens as L import qualified Distribution.Types.PackageDescription.Lens as L import Cabal.Optimization import Cabal.Project import Cabal.SourceRepo import HaskellCI.Cli import HaskellCI.Compiler import HaskellCI.Config import HaskellCI.Config.ConstraintSet import HaskellCI.Config.CopyFields import HaskellCI.Config.Doctest import HaskellCI.Config.Folds import HaskellCI.Config.HLint import HaskellCI.Config.Installed import HaskellCI.Config.Jobs import HaskellCI.Config.Ubuntu import HaskellCI.Jobs import HaskellCI.List import HaskellCI.MonadErr import HaskellCI.Package import HaskellCI.Sh import HaskellCI.ShVersionRange import HaskellCI.Tools import HaskellCI.Travis.Yaml ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Travis header ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- travisHeader :: Bool -> [String] -> [String] travisHeader insertVersion argv = [ "This Travis job script has been generated by a script via" , "" , " haskell-ci " ++ unwords [ "'" ++ a ++ "'" | a <- argv ] , "" , "For more information, see https://github.com/haskell-CI/haskell-ci" , "" ] ++ if insertVersion then [ "version: " ++ haskellCIVerStr , "" ] else [] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate travis configuration ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- makeTravis :: [String] -> Config -> Project URI Void Package -> JobVersions -> Either ShError Travis -- TODO: writer makeTravis argv Config {..} prj JobVersions {..} = do -- before caching: clear some redundant stuff beforeCache <- runSh $ when cfgCache $ do sh "rm -fv $CABALHOME/packages/hackage.haskell.org/build-reports.log" comment "remove files that are regenerated by 'cabal update'" sh "rm -fv $CABALHOME/packages/hackage.haskell.org/00-index.*" -- legacy sh "rm -fv $CABALHOME/packages/hackage.haskell.org/*.json" -- TUF meta-data sh "rm -fv $CABALHOME/packages/hackage.haskell.org/01-index.cache" sh "rm -fv $CABALHOME/packages/hackage.haskell.org/01-index.tar" sh "rm -fv $CABALHOME/packages/hackage.haskell.org/01-index.tar.idx" sh "rm -rfv $CABALHOME/packages/head.hackage" -- if we cache, it will break builds. -- before install: we set up the environment, install GHC/cabal on OSX beforeInstall <- runSh $ do -- This have to be first when anyGHCJS $ sh $ unlines [ "if echo $CC | grep -q ghcjs; then" , " GHCJS=true;" , "else" , " GHCJS=false;" , "fi" ] -- Adjust $HC sh "HC=$(echo \"/opt/$CC/bin/ghc\" | sed 's/-/\\//')" sh "WITHCOMPILER=\"-w $HC\"" shForJob RangeGHCJS "HC=${HC}js" shForJob RangeGHCJS "WITHCOMPILER=\"--ghcjs ${WITHCOMPILER}js\"" -- Needed to work around haskell/cabal#6214 sh "HADDOCK=$(echo \"/opt/$CC/bin/haddock\" | sed 's/-/\\//')" unless (null cfgOsx) $ do sh $ "if [ \"$TRAVIS_OS_NAME\" = \"osx\" ]; then HADDOCK=$(echo $HADDOCK | sed \"s:^/opt:$HOME/.ghc-install:\"); fi" -- Hack: happy needs ghc. Let's install version matching GHCJS. -- At the moment, there is only GHCJS-8.4, so we install GHC-8.4.4 when anyGHCJS $ do shForJob RangeGHCJS $ "PATH=\"/opt/ghc/8.4.4/bin:$PATH\"" sh "HCPKG=\"$HC-pkg\"" sh "unset CC" -- cabal sh "CABAL=/opt/ghc/bin/cabal" sh "CABALHOME=$HOME/.cabal" -- PATH sh "export PATH=\"$CABALHOME/bin:$PATH\"" -- rootdir is useful for manual script additions sh "TOP=$(pwd)" -- macOS installing let haskellOnMacos = "https://haskell.futurice.com/haskell-on-macos.py" unless (null cfgOsx) $ do sh $ "if [ \"$TRAVIS_OS_NAME\" = \"osx\" ]; then curl " ++ haskellOnMacos ++ " | python3 - --make-dirs --install-dir=$HOME/.ghc-install --cabal-alias=head install cabal-install-head ${TRAVIS_COMPILER}; fi" sh' [2034,2039] "if [ \"$TRAVIS_OS_NAME\" = \"osx\" ]; then HC=$HOME/.ghc-install/ghc/bin/$TRAVIS_COMPILER; WITHCOMPILER=\"-w $HC\"; HCPKG=${HC/ghc/ghc-pkg}; CABAL=$HOME/.ghc-install/ghc/bin/cabal; fi" -- HCNUMVER, numeric HC version, e.g. ghc 7.8.4 is 70804 and 7.10.3 is 71003 sh "HCNUMVER=$(${HC} --numeric-version|perl -ne '/^(\\d+)\\.(\\d+)\\.(\\d+)(\\.(\\d+))?$/; print(10000 * $1 + 100 * $2 + ($3 == 0 ? $5 != 1 : $3))')" sh "echo $HCNUMVER" -- verbose in .cabal/config is not respected -- https://github.com/haskell/cabal/issues/5956 sh "CABAL=\"$CABAL -vnormal+nowrap+markoutput\"" -- Color cabal output sh' [2039] "set -o pipefail" -- SC2039: In POSIX sh, set option pipefail is undefined. Travis is bash, so it's fine :) when cfgColor $ do cat' ".colorful.awk" [ "function blue(s) { printf \"\\033[0;34m\" s \"\\033[0m \" }" , "BEGIN { state = \"output\"; }" , "/^-----BEGIN CABAL OUTPUT-----$/ { state = \"cabal\" }" , "/^-----END CABAL OUTPUT-----$/ { state = \"output\" }" , "!/^(-----BEGIN CABAL OUTPUT-----|-----END CABAL OUTPUT-----)/ {" , " if (state == \"cabal\") {" , " print blue($0)" , " } else {" , " print $0" , " }" , "}" ] sh "cat .colorful.awk" sh $ unlines [ "color_cabal_output () {" , " awk -f $TOP/.colorful.awk" , "}" ] sh "echo text | color_cabal_output" -- in install step we install tools and dependencies install <- runSh $ do sh "${CABAL} --version" sh "echo \"$(${HC} --version) [$(${HC} --print-project-git-commit-id 2> /dev/null || echo '?')]\"" when anyGHCJS $ do sh "node --version" sh "echo $GHCJS" sh "TEST=--enable-tests" shForJob (invertCompilerRange $ Range cfgTests) "TEST=--disable-tests" sh "BENCH=--enable-benchmarks" shForJob (invertCompilerRange $ Range cfgBenchmarks) "BENCH=--disable-benchmarks" sh "HEADHACKAGE=false" shForJob (Range cfgHeadHackage \/ RangePoints (S.singleton GHCHead)) "HEADHACKAGE=true" -- create ~/.cabal/config sh "rm -f $CABALHOME/config" cat "$CABALHOME/config" [ "verbose: normal +nowrap +markoutput" -- https://github.com/haskell/cabal/issues/5956 , "remote-build-reporting: anonymous" , "write-ghc-environment-files: always" , "remote-repo-cache: $CABALHOME/packages" , "logs-dir: $CABALHOME/logs" , "world-file: $CABALHOME/world" , "extra-prog-path: $CABALHOME/bin" , "symlink-bindir: $CABALHOME/bin" , "installdir: $CABALHOME/bin" , "build-summary: $CABALHOME/logs/build.log" , "store-dir: $CABALHOME/store" , "install-dirs user" , " prefix: $CABALHOME" , "repository hackage.haskell.org" , " url: http://hackage.haskell.org/" , " secure: True" , " key-threshold: 3" , " root-keys:" , " fe331502606802feac15e514d9b9ea83fee8b6ffef71335479a2e68d84adc6b0" , " 1ea9ba32c526d1cc91ab5e5bd364ec5e9e8cb67179a471872f6e26f0ae773d42" , " 2c6c3627bd6c982990239487f1abd02e08a02e6cf16edb105a8012d444d870c3" , " 0a5c7ea47cd1b15f01f5f51a33adda7e655bc0f0b0615baa8e271f4c3351e21d" , " 51f0161b906011b52c6613376b1ae937670da69322113a246a09f807c62f6921" ] -- Add head.hackage repository to ~/.cabal/config -- (locally you want to add it to cabal.project) unless (S.null headGhcVers) $ sh $ unlines $ [ "if $HEADHACKAGE; then" , "echo \"allow-newer: $($HCPKG list --simple-output | sed -E 's/([a-zA-Z-]+)-[0-9.]+/*:\\1/g')\" >> $CABALHOME/config" ] ++ lines (catCmd Double "$CABALHOME/config" [ "repository head.hackage.ghc.haskell.org" , " url: https://ghc.gitlab.haskell.org/head.hackage/" , " secure: True" , " root-keys: 7541f32a4ccca4f97aea3b22f5e593ba2c0267546016b992dfadcd2fe944e55d" , " 26021a13b401500c8eb2761ca95c61f2d625bfef951b939a8124ed12ecf07329" , " f76d08be13e9a61a377a85e2fb63f4c5435d40f8feb3e12eb05905edb8cdea89" , " key-threshold: 3" ]) ++ [ "fi" ] -- Cabal jobs for_ (cfgJobs >>= cabalJobs) $ \n -> sh $ "echo 'jobs: " ++ show n ++ "' >> $CABALHOME/config" -- GHC jobs + ghc-options for_ (cfgJobs >>= ghcJobs) $ \m -> do shForJob (Range $ C.orLaterVersion (C.mkVersion [7,8])) $ "GHCJOBS=-j" ++ show m cat "$CABALHOME/config" [ "program-default-options" , " ghc-options: $GHCJOBS +RTS -M6G -RTS" ] sh "cat $CABALHOME/config" -- remove project own cabal.project files sh "rm -fv cabal.project cabal.project.local cabal.project.freeze" -- Update hackage index. sh "travis_retry ${CABAL} v2-update -v" -- Install doctest let doctestVersionConstraint | C.isAnyVersion (cfgDoctestVersion cfgDoctest) = "" | otherwise = " --constraint='doctest " ++ C.prettyShow (cfgDoctestVersion cfgDoctest) ++ "'" when doctestEnabled $ shForJob (Range (cfgDoctestEnabled cfgDoctest) /\ doctestJobVersionRange) $ cabalInTmp $ "v2-install $WITHCOMPILER -j2 doctest" ++ doctestVersionConstraint -- Install hlint let hlintVersionConstraint | C.isAnyVersion (cfgHLintVersion cfgHLint) = "" | otherwise = " --constraint='hlint " ++ C.prettyShow (cfgHLintVersion cfgHLint) ++ "'" when (cfgHLintEnabled cfgHLint) $ do let forHLint = shForJob (hlintJobVersionRange versions cfgHeadHackage (cfgHLintJob cfgHLint)) if cfgHLintDownload cfgHLint then do -- install --dry-run and use perl regex magic to find a hlint version -- -v is important forHLint $ "HLINTVER=$(cd /tmp && (${CABAL} v2-install -v $WITHCOMPILER --dry-run hlint " ++ hlintVersionConstraint ++ " | perl -ne 'if (/\\bhlint-(\\d+(\\.\\d+)*)\\b/) { print \"$1\"; last; }')); echo \"HLint version $HLINTVER\"" forHLint $ "if [ ! -e $HOME/.hlint/hlint-$HLINTVER/hlint ]; then " ++ unwords [ "echo \"Downloading HLint version $HLINTVER\";" , "mkdir -p $HOME/.hlint;" , "curl --write-out 'Status Code: %{http_code} Redirects: %{num_redirects} Total time: %{time_total} Total Dsize: %{size_download}\\n' --silent --location --output $HOME/.hlint/hlint-$HLINTVER.tar.gz \"https://github.com/ndmitchell/hlint/releases/download/v$HLINTVER/hlint-$HLINTVER-x86_64-linux.tar.gz\";" , "tar -xzv -f $HOME/.hlint/hlint-$HLINTVER.tar.gz -C $HOME/.hlint;" , "fi" ] forHLint "mkdir -p $CABALHOME/bin && ln -sf \"$HOME/.hlint/hlint-$HLINTVER/hlint\" $CABALHOME/bin/hlint" forHLint "hlint --version" else forHLint $ cabalInTmp $ "v2-install $WITHCOMPILER -j2 hlint" ++ hlintVersionConstraint -- Install cabal-plan (for ghcjs tests) when (anyGHCJS && cfgGhcjsTests) $ do shForJob RangeGHCJS $ cabalInTmp "v2-install -w ghc-8.4.4 cabal-plan --constraint='cabal-plan ^>=' --constraint='cabal-plan +exe'" -- Install happy when anyGHCJS $ for_ cfgGhcjsTools $ \t -> shForJob RangeGHCJS $ cabalInTmp $ "v2-install -w ghc-8.4.4 " ++ C.prettyShow t -- create cabal.project file generateCabalProject False -- autoreconf for_ pkgs $ \Pkg{pkgDir} -> sh $ "if [ -f \"" ++ pkgDir ++ "/configure.ac\" ]; then (cd \"" ++ pkgDir ++ "\" && autoreconf -i); fi" -- dump install plan sh $ cabal "v2-freeze $WITHCOMPILER ${TEST} ${BENCH}" sh "cat cabal.project.freeze | sed -E 's/^(constraints: *| *)//' | sed 's/any.//'" sh "rm cabal.project.freeze" -- Install dependencies when cfgInstallDeps $ do -- install dependencies sh $ cabal "v2-build $WITHCOMPILER ${TEST} ${BENCH} --dep -j2 all" -- install dependencies for no-test-no-bench shForJob (Range cfgNoTestsNoBench) $ cabal "v2-build $WITHCOMPILER --disable-tests --disable-benchmarks --dep -j2 all" -- Here starts the actual work to be performed for the package under test; -- any command which exits with a non-zero exit code causes the build to fail. script <- runSh $ do sh "DISTDIR=$(mktemp -d /tmp/dist-test.XXXX)" -- sdist foldedSh FoldSDist "Packaging..." cfgFolds $ do sh $ cabal "v2-sdist all" -- unpack foldedSh FoldUnpack "Unpacking..." cfgFolds $ do sh "mv dist-newstyle/sdist/*.tar.gz ${DISTDIR}/" sh "cd ${DISTDIR} || false" -- fail explicitly, makes SC happier sh "find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -name '*.tar.gz' -exec tar -xvf '{}' \\;" sh "find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -name '*.tar.gz' -exec rm '{}' \\;" for_ pkgs $ \Pkg{pkgName} -> do sh $ pkgNameDirVariable' pkgName ++ "=\"$(find . -maxdepth 1 -type d -regex '.*/" ++ pkgName ++ "-[0-9.]*')\"" generateCabalProject True when (anyGHCJS && cfgGhcjsTests) $ sh $ unlines $ [ "pkgdir() {" , " case $1 in" ] ++ [ " " ++ pkgName ++ ") echo " ++ pkgNameDirVariable pkgName ++ " ;;" | Pkg{pkgName} <- pkgs ] ++ [ " esac" , "}" ] -- build no-tests no-benchmarks unless (equivVersionRanges C.noVersion cfgNoTestsNoBench) $ foldedSh FoldBuild "Building..." cfgFolds $ do comment "this builds all libraries and executables (without tests/benchmarks)" shForJob (Range cfgNoTestsNoBench) $ cabal "v2-build $WITHCOMPILER --disable-tests --disable-benchmarks all" -- build everything foldedSh FoldBuildEverything "Building with tests and benchmarks..." cfgFolds $ do comment "build & run tests, build benchmarks" sh $ cabal "v2-build $WITHCOMPILER ${TEST} ${BENCH} all" -- cabal v2-test fails if there are no test-suites. foldedSh FoldTest "Testing..." cfgFolds $ do shForJob (RangeGHC /\ Range (cfgTests /\ cfgRunTests) /\ hasTests) $ cabal "v2-test $WITHCOMPILER ${TEST} ${BENCH} all" when cfgGhcjsTests $ shForJob (RangeGHCJS /\ hasTests) $ unwords [ "cabal-plan list-bins '*:test:*' | while read -r line; do" , "testpkg=$(echo \"$line\" | perl -pe 's/:.*//');" , "testexe=$(echo \"$line\" | awk '{ print $2 }');" , "echo \"testing $textexe in package $textpkg\";" , "(cd \"$(pkgdir $testpkg)\" && nodejs \"$testexe\".jsexe/all.js);" , "done" ] -- doctest when doctestEnabled $ foldedSh FoldDoctest "Doctest..." cfgFolds $ do let doctestOptions = unwords $ cfgDoctestOptions cfgDoctest unless (null $ cfgDoctestFilterPkgs cfgDoctest) $ do let filterPkgs = intercalate "|" $ map C.unPackageName $ cfgDoctestFilterPkgs cfgDoctest sh $ "perl -i -e 'while () { print unless /package-id\\s+(" ++ filterPkgs ++ ")-\\d+(\\.\\d+)*/; }' .ghc.environment.*" for_ pkgs $ \Pkg{pkgName,pkgGpd,pkgJobs} -> do for_ (doctestArgs pkgGpd) $ \args -> do let args' = unwords args let vr = Range (cfgDoctestEnabled cfgDoctest) /\ doctestJobVersionRange /\ RangePoints pkgJobs unless (null args) $ shForJob vr $ "(cd " ++ pkgNameDirVariable pkgName ++ " && doctest " ++ doctestOptions ++ " " ++ args' ++ ")" -- hlint when (cfgHLintEnabled cfgHLint) $ foldedSh FoldHLint "HLint.." cfgFolds $ do let "" <+> ys = ys xs <+> "" = xs xs <+> ys = xs ++ " " ++ ys prependSpace "" = "" prependSpace xs = " " ++ xs let hlintOptions = prependSpace $ maybe "" ("-h ${TOP}/" ++) (cfgHLintYaml cfgHLint) <+> unwords (cfgHLintOptions cfgHLint) for_ pkgs $ \Pkg{pkgName,pkgGpd,pkgJobs} -> do for_ (hlintArgs pkgGpd) $ \args -> do let args' = unwords args unless (null args) $ shForJob (hlintJobVersionRange versions cfgHeadHackage (cfgHLintJob cfgHLint) /\ RangePoints pkgJobs) $ "(cd " ++ pkgNameDirVariable pkgName ++ " && hlint" ++ hlintOptions ++ " " ++ args' ++ ")" -- cabal check when cfgCheck $ foldedSh FoldCheck "cabal check..." cfgFolds $ do for_ pkgs $ \Pkg{pkgName,pkgJobs} -> shForJob (RangePoints pkgJobs) $ "(cd " ++ pkgNameDirVariable pkgName ++ " && ${CABAL} -vnormal check)" -- haddock when (hasLibrary && not (equivVersionRanges C.noVersion cfgHaddock)) $ foldedSh FoldHaddock "haddock..." cfgFolds $ shForJob (RangeGHC /\ Range cfgHaddock) $ cabal $ "v2-haddock $WITHCOMPILER " ++ withHaddock ++ " ${TEST} ${BENCH} all" -- unconstained build -- Have to build last, as we remove cabal.project.local unless (equivVersionRanges C.noVersion cfgUnconstrainted) $ foldedSh FoldBuildInstalled "Building without installed constraints for packages in global-db..." cfgFolds $ do shForJob (Range cfgUnconstrainted) "rm -f cabal.project.local" shForJob (Range cfgUnconstrainted) $ cabal "v2-build $WITHCOMPILER --disable-tests --disable-benchmarks all" -- and now, as we don't have cabal.project.local; -- we can test with other constraint sets unless (null cfgConstraintSets) $ do comment "Constraint sets" sh "rm -rf cabal.project.local" for_ cfgConstraintSets $ \cs -> do let name = csName cs let shForCs = shForJob (Range (csGhcVersions cs)) let shForCs' r = shForJob (Range (csGhcVersions cs) /\ r) let testFlag = if csTests cs then "--enable-tests" else "--disable-tests" let benchFlag = if csBenchmarks cs then "--enable-benchmarks" else "--disable-benchmarks" let constraintFlags = map (\x -> "--constraint='" ++ x ++ "'") (csConstraints cs) let allFlags = unwords (testFlag : benchFlag : constraintFlags) foldedSh' FoldConstraintSets name ("Constraint set " ++ name) cfgFolds $ do shForCs $ cabal $ "v2-build $WITHCOMPILER " ++ allFlags ++ " all" when (csRunTests cs) $ shForCs' hasTests $ cabal $ "v2-test $WITHCOMPILER " ++ allFlags ++ " all" when (hasLibrary && csHaddock cs) $ shForCs $ cabal $ "v2-haddock $WITHCOMPILER " ++ withHaddock ++ " " ++ allFlags ++ " all" -- assemble travis configuration return Travis { travisLanguage = "c" , travisUbuntu = cfgUbuntu , travisGit = TravisGit { tgSubmodules = cfgSubmodules } , travisCache = TravisCache { tcDirectories = buildList $ when cfgCache $ do item "$HOME/.cabal/packages" item "$HOME/.cabal/store" item "$HOME/.hlint" -- on OSX ghc is installed in $HOME so we can cache it -- independently of linux when (cfgCache && not (null cfgOsx)) $ do item "$HOME/.ghc-install" } , travisBranches = TravisBranches { tbOnly = cfgOnlyBranches } , travisNotifications = TravisNotifications { tnIRC = justIf (not $ null cfgIrcChannels) $ TravisIRC { tiChannels = cfgIrcChannels , tiSkipJoin = True , tiTemplate = [ "\"\\x0313" ++ projectName ++ "\\x03/\\x0306%{branch}\\x03 \\x0314%{commit}\\x03 %{build_url} %{message}\"" ] } } , travisServices = buildList $ do when cfgPostgres $ item "postgresql" , travisAddons = TravisAddons { taApt = TravisApt [] [] , taPostgres = if cfgPostgres then Just "10" else Nothing , taGoogleChrome = cfgGoogleChrome } , travisMatrix = TravisMatrix { tmInclude = buildList $ do let tellJob :: Bool -> CompilerVersion -> ListBuilder TravisJob () tellJob osx gv = do let cvs = dispCabalVersion $ correspondingCabalVersion cfgCabalInstallVersion gv let gvs = dispGhcVersion gv -- https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/installing-dependencies/#adding-apt-sources let hvrppa :: TravisAptSource hvrppa = TravisAptSourceLine ("deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/hvr/ghc/ubuntu " ++ C.prettyShow cfgUbuntu ++ " main") (Just "https://keyserver.ubuntu.com/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x063dab2bdc0b3f9fcebc378bff3aeacef6f88286") let ghcjsAptSources :: [TravisAptSource] ghcjsAptSources = [ TravisAptSourceLine ("deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/hvr/ghcjs/ubuntu " ++ C.prettyShow cfgUbuntu ++ " main") Nothing | isGHCJS gv ] ++ [ TravisAptSourceLine ("deb https://deb.nodesource.com/node_8.x " ++ C.prettyShow cfgUbuntu ++ " main") (Just "https://deb.nodesource.com/gpgkey/nodesource.gpg.key") | isGHCJS gv && cfgUbuntu <= Xenial ] let ghcjsPackages :: [String] ghcjsPackages = case maybeGHCJS gv of Just v -> [ "ghc-" ++ C.prettyShow v', "nodejs" ] where -- TODO: partial maximum v' = maximum $ filter (`C.withinRange` C.withinVersion v) $ knownGhcVersions Nothing -> [] item TravisJob { tjCompiler = gvs , tjOS = if osx then "osx" else "linux" , tjEnv = case gv of GHC v -> M.lookup v cfgEnv _ -> Nothing , tjAddons = TravisAddons { taApt = TravisApt { taPackages = gvs : ("cabal-install-" ++ cvs) : ghcjsPackages ++ S.toList cfgApt , taSources = hvrppa : ghcjsAptSources } , taPostgres = Nothing , taGoogleChrome = False } } for_ (reverse $ S.toList versions) $ tellJob False for_ (reverse $ S.toList osxVersions) $ tellJob True . GHC , tmAllowFailures = [ TravisAllowFailure $ dispGhcVersion compiler | compiler <- toList versions , previewGHC cfgHeadHackage compiler || maybeGHC False (`C.withinRange` cfgAllowFailures) compiler ] } , travisBeforeCache = beforeCache , travisBeforeInstall = beforeInstall , travisInstall = install , travisScript = script } where pkgs = prjPackages prj uris = prjUriPackages prj projectName = fromMaybe (pkgName $ Prelude.head pkgs) cfgProjectName justIf True x = Just x justIf False _ = Nothing -- TODO: should this be part of MonadSh ? foldedSh label = foldedSh' label "" anyGHCJS = any isGHCJS versions -- https://github.com/travis-ci/docs-travis-ci-com/issues/949#issuecomment-276755003 -- https://github.com/travis-ci/travis-rubies/blob/9f7962a881c55d32da7c76baefc58b89e3941d91/build.sh#L38-L44 -- https://github.com/travis-ci/travis-build/blob/91bf066/lib/travis/build/shell/dsl.rb#L58-L63 foldedSh' :: Fold -> String -> String -> Set Fold -> ShM () -> ShM () foldedSh' label sfx plabel labels block | label `S.notMember` labels = commentedBlock plabel block | otherwise = case runSh block of Left err -> throwErr err Right shs | all isComment shs -> pure () | otherwise -> ShM $ \shs1 -> Right $ ( shs1 . (Comment plabel :) . (Sh ("echo '" ++ plabel ++ "' && echo -en 'travis_fold:start:" ++ label' ++ "\\\\r'") :) . (shs ++) . (Sh ("echo -en 'travis_fold:end:" ++ label' ++ "\\\\r'") :) -- return () , () ) where label' | null sfx = showFold label | otherwise = showFold label ++ "-" ++ sfx doctestEnabled = any (maybeGHC False (`C.withinRange` cfgDoctestEnabled cfgDoctest)) versions -- version range which has tests hasTests :: CompilerRange hasTests = RangePoints $ S.unions [ pkgJobs | Pkg{pkgGpd,pkgJobs} <- pkgs , not $ null $ C.condTestSuites pkgGpd ] hasLibrary = any (\Pkg{pkgGpd} -> isJust $ C.condLibrary pkgGpd) pkgs -- GHC versions which need head.hackage headGhcVers :: Set CompilerVersion headGhcVers = S.filter (previewGHC cfgHeadHackage) versions cabal :: String -> String cabal cmd | cfgColor = cabalCmd ++ " | color_cabal_output" | otherwise = cabalCmd where cabalCmd = "${CABAL} " ++ cmd cabalInTmp :: String -> String cabalInTmp cmd = "(cd /tmp && " ++ cabal cmd ++ ")" forJob :: CompilerRange -> String -> Maybe String forJob vr cmd | all (`compilerWithinRange` vr) versions = Just cmd | not $ any (`compilerWithinRange` vr) versions = Nothing | otherwise = Just $ unwords [ "if" , compilerVersionPredicate versions vr , "; then" , cmd , "; fi" ] shForJob :: CompilerRange -> String -> ShM () shForJob vr cmd = maybe (pure ()) sh (forJob vr cmd) -- catForJob vr fp contents = shForJob vr (catCmd Double fp contents) generateCabalProjectFields :: Bool -> [C.PrettyField ()] generateCabalProjectFields dist = buildList $ do -- generate package fields for URI packages. for_ uris $ \uri -> item $ C.PrettyField () "packages" $ PP.text $ uriToString id uri "" -- copy files from original cabal.project case cfgCopyFields of CopyFieldsNone -> pure () CopyFieldsAll -> traverse_ item (prjOrigFields prj) CopyFieldsSome -> do for_ (prjConstraints prj) $ \xs -> do let s = concat (lines xs) item $ C.PrettyField () "constraints" $ PP.text s for_ (prjAllowNewer prj) $ \xs -> do let s = concat (lines xs) item $ C.PrettyField () "allow-newer" $ PP.text s when (prjReorderGoals prj) $ item $ C.PrettyField () "reorder-goals" $ PP.text "True" for_ (prjMaxBackjumps prj) $ \bj -> item $ C.PrettyField () "max-backjumps" $ PP.text $ show bj case prjOptimization prj of OptimizationOn -> return () OptimizationOff -> item $ C.PrettyField () "optimization" $ PP.text "False" OptimizationLevel l -> item $ C.PrettyField () "optimization" $ PP.text $ show l for_ (prjSourceRepos prj) $ \repo -> item $ C.PrettySection () "source-repository-package" [] $ C.prettyFieldGrammar C.cabalSpecLatest sourceRepositoryPackageGrammar (srpHoist toList repo) -- local ghc-options unless (null cfgLocalGhcOptions) $ for_ pkgs $ \Pkg{pkgName} -> do let s = unwords $ map (show . C.showToken) cfgLocalGhcOptions item $ C.PrettySection () "package" [PP.text pkgName] $ buildList $ item $ C.PrettyField () "ghc-options" $ PP.text s -- raw-project is after local-ghc-options so we can override per package. traverse_ item cfgRawProject generateCabalProject :: Bool -> ShM () generateCabalProject dist = do comment "Generate cabal.project" sh "rm -rf cabal.project cabal.project.local cabal.project.freeze" sh "touch cabal.project" sh $ unlines [ cmd | pkg <- pkgs , let p | dist = pkgNameDirVariable (pkgName pkg) | otherwise = pkgDir pkg , cmd <- toList $ forJob (RangePoints $ pkgJobs pkg) $ "echo \"packages: " ++ p ++ "\" >> cabal.project" ] cat "cabal.project" $ lines $ C.showFields' (const []) 2 $ generateCabalProjectFields dist -- also write cabal.project.local file with -- @ -- constraints: base installed -- constraints: array installed -- ... -- -- omitting any local package names case normaliseInstalled cfgInstalled of InstalledDiff pns -> sh $ unwords [ "for pkg in $($HCPKG list --simple-output); do" , "echo $pkg" , "| sed 's/-[^-]*$//'" , "| (grep -vE -- " ++ re ++ " || true)" , "| sed 's/^/constraints: /'" , "| sed 's/$/ installed/'" , ">> cabal.project.local; done" ] where pns' = S.map C.unPackageName pns `S.union` foldMap (S.singleton . pkgName) pkgs re = "'^(" ++ intercalate "|" (S.toList pns') ++ ")$'" InstalledOnly pns | not (null pns') -> sh' [2043] $ unwords [ "for pkg in " ++ unwords (S.toList pns') ++ "; do" , "echo \"constraints: $pkg installed\"" , ">> cabal.project.local; done" ] where pns' = S.map C.unPackageName pns `S.difference` foldMap (S.singleton . pkgName) pkgs -- otherwise: nothing _ -> pure () sh "cat cabal.project || true" sh "cat cabal.project.local || true" -- Needed to work around haskell/cabal#6214 withHaddock :: String withHaddock = "--with-haddock $HADDOCK" pkgNameDirVariable' :: String -> String pkgNameDirVariable' n = "PKGDIR_" ++ map f n where f '-' = '_' f c = c pkgNameDirVariable :: String -> String pkgNameDirVariable n = "${PKGDIR_" ++ map f n ++ "}" where f '-' = '_' f c = c data Quotes = Single | Double escape :: Quotes -> String -> String escape Single xs = "'" ++ concatMap f xs ++ "'" where f '\0' = "" f '\'' = "'\"'\"'" f x = [x] escape Double xs = show xs catCmd :: Quotes -> FilePath -> [String] -> String catCmd q fp contents = unlines [ "echo " ++ escape q l ++ replicate (maxLength - length l) ' ' ++ " >> " ++ fp | l <- contents ] where maxLength = foldl' (\a l -> max a (length l)) 0 contents {- -- https://travis-ci.community/t/multiline-commands-have-two-spaces-in-front-breaks-heredocs/2756 catCmd fp contents = unlines $ [ "cat >> " ++ fp ++ " << HEREDOC" ] ++ contents ++ [ "HEREDOC" ] -} cat :: FilePath -> [String] -> ShM () cat fp contents = sh $ catCmd Double fp contents cat' :: FilePath -> [String] -> ShM () cat' fp contents = sh' [2016, 2129] $ catCmd Single fp contents -- SC2129: Consider using { cmd1; cmd2; } >> file instead of individual redirects -- SC2016: Expressions don't expand in single quotes -- that's the point!