# HDA : Haskell Debug Adapter A [debug adapter](https://microsoft.github.io/debug-adapter-protocol/) for Haskell debugging system. ![101_deploy.png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/phoityne/haskell-debug-adapter/master/docs/design/101_deploy.png) Started developing based on [phoityne-vscode-](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/phoityne-vscode). Changed package name (because a name "phoityne-vscode" is ambiguous.), and with some refactoring. # Requirement - haskell-dap - ghci-dap ``` > stack install haskell-dap ghci-dap haskell-debug-adapter ``` # Limitation Currently this project is an __experimental__ design and implementation. * Dev and checked on windows10 ghc-8.4 * The source file extension must be ".hs" * Can not use STDIN handle while debugging. # Configuration ## launch.json |NAME|REQUIRED OR OPTIONAL|DEFAULT SETTING|DESCRIPTION| |:--|:--:|:--|:--| |startup|required|${workspaceRoot}/test/Spec.hs|debug startup file, will be loaded automatically.| |startupFunc|optional|"" (empty string)|debug startup function, will be run instead of main function.| |startupArgs|optional|"" (empty string)|arguments for startup function. set as string type.| |ghciCmd|required|stack ghci __--with-ghc=ghci-dap__ --test --no-load --no-build --main-is TARGET --ghci-options -fprint-evld-with-show|launch ghci command, must be Prelude module loaded. For example, "ghci -i${workspaceRoot}/src", "cabal exec -- ghci -i${workspaceRoot}/src"| |ghciPrompt|required|H>>=|ghci command prompt string.| |ghciInitialPrompt|optional|"Prelude> "|initial pormpt of ghci. set it when using custom prompt. e.g. set in .ghci| |stopOnEntry|required|false|stop or not after debugger launched. |mainArgs|optional|"" (empty string)|main arguments.| |logFile|required|${workspaceRoot}/.vscode/phoityne.log|internal log file.| |logLevel|required|WARNING|internal log level.|