{-# LINE 1 "src/Data/GI/Base/Properties.hsc" #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, GADTs, DataKinds, KindSignatures,
{-# LINE 2 "src/Data/GI/Base/Properties.hsc" #-}
FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses, TypeFamilies, PolyKinds,
EmptyDataDecls, ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall -fno-warn-orphans #-}

module Data.GI.Base.Properties
    ( new

    , PropertyNotify(..)
    , GObjectNotifySignalInfo

    , setObjectPropertyString
    , setObjectPropertyStringArray
    , setObjectPropertyPtr
    , setObjectPropertyCInt
    , setObjectPropertyCUInt
    , setObjectPropertyInt64
    , setObjectPropertyUInt64
    , setObjectPropertyFloat
    , setObjectPropertyDouble
    , setObjectPropertyBool
    , setObjectPropertyGType
    , setObjectPropertyObject
    , setObjectPropertyBoxed
    , setObjectPropertyEnum
    , setObjectPropertyFlags
    , setObjectPropertyVariant
    , setObjectPropertyByteArray
    , setObjectPropertyPtrGList
    , setObjectPropertyHash

    , getObjectPropertyString
    , getObjectPropertyStringArray
    , getObjectPropertyPtr
    , getObjectPropertyCInt
    , getObjectPropertyCUInt
    , getObjectPropertyInt64
    , getObjectPropertyUInt64
    , getObjectPropertyFloat
    , getObjectPropertyDouble
    , getObjectPropertyBool
    , getObjectPropertyGType
    , getObjectPropertyObject
    , getObjectPropertyBoxed
    , getObjectPropertyEnum
    , getObjectPropertyFlags
    , getObjectPropertyVariant
    , getObjectPropertyByteArray
    , getObjectPropertyPtrGList
    , getObjectPropertyHash

    , constructObjectPropertyString
    , constructObjectPropertyStringArray
    , constructObjectPropertyPtr
    , constructObjectPropertyCInt
    , constructObjectPropertyCUInt
    , constructObjectPropertyInt64
    , constructObjectPropertyUInt64
    , constructObjectPropertyFloat
    , constructObjectPropertyDouble
    , constructObjectPropertyBool
    , constructObjectPropertyGType
    , constructObjectPropertyObject
    , constructObjectPropertyBoxed
    , constructObjectPropertyEnum
    , constructObjectPropertyFlags
    , constructObjectPropertyVariant
    , constructObjectPropertyByteArray
    , constructObjectPropertyPtrGList
    , constructObjectPropertyHash
    ) where

{-# LINE 74 "src/Data/GI/Base/Properties.hsc" #-}
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))

{-# LINE 76 "src/Data/GI/Base/Properties.hsc" #-}
import Control.Monad ((>=>))
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO, liftIO)

import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Proxy (Proxy(..))

import Data.GI.Base.BasicTypes
import Data.GI.Base.BasicConversions
import Data.GI.Base.ManagedPtr
import Data.GI.Base.Attributes
import Data.GI.Base.GParamSpec (newGParamSpecFromPtr)
import Data.GI.Base.GValue
import Data.GI.Base.GVariant (newGVariantFromPtr)
import Data.GI.Base.Overloading (ResolveAttribute, HasAttr)
import Data.GI.Base.Signals (SignalConnectMode, SignalHandlerId,
                         SignalInfo(HaskellCallbackType, connectSignal))

import GHC.Exts (Constraint)
import GHC.TypeLits

import Foreign hiding (new)
import Foreign.C

{-# LINE 102 "src/Data/GI/Base/Properties.hsc" #-}

foreign import ccall "dbg_g_object_newv" g_object_newv ::
    GType -> CUInt -> Ptr a -> IO (Ptr b)

-- | Construct a GObject given the constructor and a list of settable
-- attributes. AttrOps are always constructible, so we don't need to
-- enforce constraints here.
new :: forall o m. (GObject o, MonadIO m)
    => (ForeignPtr o -> o)
    -> [AttrOp o 'AttrConstruct]
    -> m o
new constructor attrs = liftIO $ do
  props <- mapM construct attrs
  let nprops = length props
  params <- mallocBytes (nprops*gparameterSize)
  fill params props
  gtype <- gobjectType (undefined :: o)
  result <- g_object_newv gtype (fromIntegral nprops) params
  freeStrings nprops params
  free params
  -- Make sure that the GValues defining the GProperties are still
  -- alive at this point (so, in particular, they are still alive when
  -- g_object_newv is called). Without this the GHC garbage collector
  -- may free the GValues before g_object_newv us called, which will
  -- unref the referred to objects, which may drop the last reference
  -- to the contained objects. g_object_newv then tries to access the
  -- (now invalid) contents of the GValue, and mayhem ensues.
  mapM_ (touchManagedPtr . snd) props
  wrapObject constructor (result :: Ptr o)
    resolve :: proxy attr -> Proxy (ResolveAttribute attr o)
    resolve _ = Proxy

    construct :: AttrOp o 'AttrConstruct ->
                 IO (String, GValue)
    construct (attr := x) = attrConstruct (resolve attr) x
    construct (attr :=> x) = x >>= attrConstruct (resolve attr)

    gvalueSize = (24)
{-# LINE 141 "src/Data/GI/Base/Properties.hsc" #-}
    gparameterSize = (32)
{-# LINE 142 "src/Data/GI/Base/Properties.hsc" #-}

    -- Fill the given memory address with the contents of the array of
    -- GParameters.
    fill :: Ptr () -> [(String, GValue)] -> IO ()
    fill _ [] = return ()
    fill dataPtr ((str, gvalue):xs) =
        do cstr <- newCString str
           poke (castPtr dataPtr) cstr
           withManagedPtr gvalue $ \gvalueptr ->
               copyBytes (dataPtr `plusPtr` sizeOf nullPtr) gvalueptr gvalueSize
           fill (dataPtr `plusPtr` gparameterSize) xs

    -- Free the strings in the GParameter array (the GValues will be
    -- freed separately).
    freeStrings :: Int -> Ptr () -> IO ()
    freeStrings 0 _ = return ()
    freeStrings n dataPtr =
        do cstr <- peek (castPtr dataPtr) :: IO CString
           free cstr
           freeStrings (n-1) (dataPtr `plusPtr` gparameterSize)

-- | Proxy for "notify::property-name" signals.
data PropertyNotify (s :: Symbol) (propName :: Symbol) (constraint :: * -> Constraint) where
  PropertyNotify :: KnownSymbol propName => proxy propName ->
                    PropertyNotify "notify::[property]" propName (HasAttr propName)

-- | Connection information for a "notify" signal indicating that a
-- specific property changed (see `PropertyNotify` for the relevant
-- constructor).
data GObjectNotifySignalInfo
instance SignalInfo GObjectNotifySignalInfo where
  type HaskellCallbackType GObjectNotifySignalInfo = GObjectNotifyCallback
  connectSignal = connectGObjectNotify

-- | Type for a `GObject` `notify` callback.
type GObjectNotifyCallback = GParamSpec -> IO ()

gobjectNotifyCallbackWrapper ::
    GObjectNotifyCallback -> Ptr () -> Ptr GParamSpec -> Ptr () -> IO ()
gobjectNotifyCallbackWrapper _cb _ pspec _ = do
    pspec' <- newGParamSpecFromPtr pspec
    _cb  pspec'

type GObjectNotifyCallbackC = Ptr () -> Ptr GParamSpec -> Ptr () -> IO ()

foreign import ccall "wrapper"
    mkGObjectNotifyCallback :: GObjectNotifyCallbackC -> IO (FunPtr GObjectNotifyCallbackC)

-- | Connect the given notify callback for a GObject.
connectGObjectNotify :: forall o i proxy propName constraint.
                        (GObject o, constraint o, KnownSymbol propName) =>
                        proxy (i :: *) (propName :: Symbol) (constraint :: * -> Constraint) ->
                        o -> GObjectNotifyCallback ->
                        SignalConnectMode -> IO SignalHandlerId
connectGObjectNotify _ obj cb after = do
  cb' <- mkGObjectNotifyCallback (gobjectNotifyCallbackWrapper cb)
  let signalName = "notify::" ++ symbolVal (Proxy :: Proxy propName)
  connectSignalFunPtr obj signalName cb' after

foreign import ccall "g_object_set_property" g_object_set_property ::
    Ptr a -> CString -> Ptr GValue -> IO ()

setObjectProperty :: GObject a => a -> String -> b ->
                     (GValue -> b -> IO ()) -> GType -> IO ()
setObjectProperty obj propName propValue setter (GType gtype) = do
  gvalue <- buildGValue (GType gtype) setter propValue
  withManagedPtr obj $ \objPtr ->
      withCString propName $ \cPropName ->
          withManagedPtr gvalue $ \gvalueptr ->
              g_object_set_property objPtr cPropName gvalueptr

foreign import ccall "g_object_get_property" g_object_get_property ::
    Ptr a -> CString -> Ptr GValue -> IO ()

getObjectProperty :: GObject a => a -> String ->
                     (GValue -> IO b) -> GType -> IO b
getObjectProperty obj propName getter gtype = do
  gvalue <- newGValue gtype
  withManagedPtr obj $ \objPtr ->
      withCString propName $ \cPropName ->
          withManagedPtr gvalue $ \gvalueptr ->
              g_object_get_property objPtr cPropName gvalueptr
  getter gvalue

constructObjectProperty :: String -> b -> (GValue -> b -> IO ()) ->
                           GType -> IO (String, GValue)
constructObjectProperty propName propValue setter gtype = do
  gvalue <- buildGValue gtype setter propValue
  return (propName, gvalue)

setObjectPropertyString :: GObject a =>
                           a -> String -> Text -> IO ()
setObjectPropertyString obj propName str =
    setObjectProperty obj propName str set_string (GType 64)
{-# LINE 236 "src/Data/GI/Base/Properties.hsc" #-}

constructObjectPropertyString :: String -> Text ->
                                 IO (String, GValue)
constructObjectPropertyString propName str =
    constructObjectProperty propName str set_string (GType 64)
{-# LINE 241 "src/Data/GI/Base/Properties.hsc" #-}

getObjectPropertyString :: GObject a =>
                           a -> String -> IO Text
getObjectPropertyString obj propName =
    getObjectProperty obj propName get_string (GType 64)
{-# LINE 246 "src/Data/GI/Base/Properties.hsc" #-}

setObjectPropertyPtr :: GObject a =>
                        a -> String -> Ptr b -> IO ()
setObjectPropertyPtr obj propName ptr =
    setObjectProperty obj propName ptr set_pointer (GType 68)
{-# LINE 251 "src/Data/GI/Base/Properties.hsc" #-}

constructObjectPropertyPtr :: String -> Ptr b ->
                              IO (String, GValue)
constructObjectPropertyPtr propName ptr =
    constructObjectProperty propName ptr set_pointer (GType 68)
{-# LINE 256 "src/Data/GI/Base/Properties.hsc" #-}

getObjectPropertyPtr :: GObject a =>
                        a -> String -> IO (Ptr b)
getObjectPropertyPtr obj propName =
    getObjectProperty obj propName get_pointer (GType 68)
{-# LINE 261 "src/Data/GI/Base/Properties.hsc" #-}

setObjectPropertyCInt :: GObject a =>
                         a -> String -> Int32 -> IO ()
setObjectPropertyCInt obj propName int =
    setObjectProperty obj propName int set_int32 (GType 24)
{-# LINE 266 "src/Data/GI/Base/Properties.hsc" #-}

constructObjectPropertyCInt :: String -> Int32 ->
                                IO (String, GValue)
constructObjectPropertyCInt propName int =
    constructObjectProperty propName int set_int32 (GType 24)
{-# LINE 271 "src/Data/GI/Base/Properties.hsc" #-}

getObjectPropertyCInt :: GObject a => a -> String -> IO Int32
getObjectPropertyCInt obj propName =
    getObjectProperty obj propName get_int32 (GType 24)
{-# LINE 275 "src/Data/GI/Base/Properties.hsc" #-}

setObjectPropertyCUInt :: GObject a =>
                          a -> String -> Word32 -> IO ()
setObjectPropertyCUInt obj propName uint =
    setObjectProperty obj propName uint set_uint32 (GType 28)
{-# LINE 280 "src/Data/GI/Base/Properties.hsc" #-}

constructObjectPropertyCUInt :: String -> Word32 ->
                                IO (String, GValue)
constructObjectPropertyCUInt propName uint =
    constructObjectProperty propName uint set_uint32 (GType 28)
{-# LINE 285 "src/Data/GI/Base/Properties.hsc" #-}

getObjectPropertyCUInt :: GObject a => a -> String -> IO Word32
getObjectPropertyCUInt obj propName =
    getObjectProperty obj propName get_uint32 (GType 28)
{-# LINE 289 "src/Data/GI/Base/Properties.hsc" #-}

setObjectPropertyInt64 :: GObject a =>
                          a -> String -> Int64 -> IO ()
setObjectPropertyInt64 obj propName int64 =
    setObjectProperty obj propName int64 set_int64 (GType 40)
{-# LINE 294 "src/Data/GI/Base/Properties.hsc" #-}

constructObjectPropertyInt64 :: String -> Int64 ->
                                IO (String, GValue)
constructObjectPropertyInt64 propName int64 =
    constructObjectProperty propName int64 set_int64 (GType 40)
{-# LINE 299 "src/Data/GI/Base/Properties.hsc" #-}

getObjectPropertyInt64 :: GObject a => a -> String -> IO Int64
getObjectPropertyInt64 obj propName =
    getObjectProperty obj propName get_int64 (GType 40)
{-# LINE 303 "src/Data/GI/Base/Properties.hsc" #-}

setObjectPropertyUInt64 :: GObject a =>
                          a -> String -> Word64 -> IO ()
setObjectPropertyUInt64 obj propName uint64 =
    setObjectProperty obj propName uint64 set_uint64 (GType 44)
{-# LINE 308 "src/Data/GI/Base/Properties.hsc" #-}

constructObjectPropertyUInt64 :: String -> Word64 ->
                                 IO (String, GValue)
constructObjectPropertyUInt64 propName uint64 =
    constructObjectProperty propName uint64 set_uint64 (GType 44)
{-# LINE 313 "src/Data/GI/Base/Properties.hsc" #-}

getObjectPropertyUInt64 :: GObject a => a -> String -> IO Word64
getObjectPropertyUInt64 obj propName =
    getObjectProperty obj propName get_uint64 (GType 44)
{-# LINE 317 "src/Data/GI/Base/Properties.hsc" #-}

setObjectPropertyFloat :: GObject a =>
                           a -> String -> Float -> IO ()
setObjectPropertyFloat obj propName float =
    setObjectProperty obj propName float set_float (GType 56)
{-# LINE 322 "src/Data/GI/Base/Properties.hsc" #-}

constructObjectPropertyFloat :: String -> Float ->
                                 IO (String, GValue)
constructObjectPropertyFloat propName float =
    constructObjectProperty propName float set_float (GType 56)
{-# LINE 327 "src/Data/GI/Base/Properties.hsc" #-}

getObjectPropertyFloat :: GObject a =>
                           a -> String -> IO Float
getObjectPropertyFloat obj propName =
    getObjectProperty obj propName get_float (GType 56)
{-# LINE 332 "src/Data/GI/Base/Properties.hsc" #-}

setObjectPropertyDouble :: GObject a =>
                            a -> String -> Double -> IO ()
setObjectPropertyDouble obj propName double =
    setObjectProperty obj propName double set_double (GType 60)
{-# LINE 337 "src/Data/GI/Base/Properties.hsc" #-}

constructObjectPropertyDouble :: String -> Double ->
                                  IO (String, GValue)
constructObjectPropertyDouble propName double =
    constructObjectProperty propName double set_double (GType 60)
{-# LINE 342 "src/Data/GI/Base/Properties.hsc" #-}

getObjectPropertyDouble :: GObject a =>
                            a -> String -> IO Double
getObjectPropertyDouble obj propName =
    getObjectProperty obj propName get_double (GType 60)
{-# LINE 347 "src/Data/GI/Base/Properties.hsc" #-}

setObjectPropertyBool :: GObject a =>
                         a -> String -> Bool -> IO ()
setObjectPropertyBool obj propName bool =
    setObjectProperty obj propName bool set_boolean (GType 20)
{-# LINE 352 "src/Data/GI/Base/Properties.hsc" #-}

constructObjectPropertyBool :: String -> Bool -> IO (String, GValue)
constructObjectPropertyBool propName bool =
    constructObjectProperty propName bool set_boolean (GType 20)
{-# LINE 356 "src/Data/GI/Base/Properties.hsc" #-}

getObjectPropertyBool :: GObject a => a -> String -> IO Bool
getObjectPropertyBool obj propName =
    getObjectProperty obj propName get_boolean (GType 20)
{-# LINE 360 "src/Data/GI/Base/Properties.hsc" #-}

setObjectPropertyGType :: GObject a =>
                         a -> String -> GType -> IO ()
setObjectPropertyGType obj propName gtype =
    setObjectProperty obj propName gtype set_gtype (GType 11446576)
{-# LINE 365 "src/Data/GI/Base/Properties.hsc" #-}

constructObjectPropertyGType :: String -> GType -> IO (String, GValue)
constructObjectPropertyGType propName bool =
    constructObjectProperty propName bool set_gtype (GType 11446576)
{-# LINE 369 "src/Data/GI/Base/Properties.hsc" #-}

getObjectPropertyGType :: GObject a => a -> String -> IO GType
getObjectPropertyGType obj propName =
    getObjectProperty obj propName get_gtype (GType 11446576)
{-# LINE 373 "src/Data/GI/Base/Properties.hsc" #-}

setObjectPropertyObject :: (GObject a, GObject b) =>
                           a -> String -> b -> IO ()
setObjectPropertyObject obj propName object = do
  gtype <- gobjectType object
  withManagedPtr object $ \objectPtr ->
      setObjectProperty obj propName objectPtr set_object gtype

constructObjectPropertyObject :: GObject a =>
                                 String -> a -> IO (String, GValue)
constructObjectPropertyObject propName object = do
  gtype <- gobjectType object
  withManagedPtr object $ \objectPtr ->
      constructObjectProperty propName objectPtr set_object gtype

getObjectPropertyObject :: forall a b. (GObject a, GObject b) =>
                           a -> String -> (ForeignPtr b -> b) -> IO b
getObjectPropertyObject obj propName constructor = do
  gtype <- gobjectType (undefined :: b)
  getObjectProperty obj propName
                        (\val -> (get_object val :: IO (Ptr b))
                                 >>= newObject constructor)

setObjectPropertyBoxed :: (GObject a, BoxedObject b) =>
                          a -> String -> b -> IO ()
setObjectPropertyBoxed obj propName boxed = do
  gtype <- boxedType boxed
  withManagedPtr boxed $ \boxedPtr ->
        setObjectProperty obj propName boxedPtr set_boxed gtype

constructObjectPropertyBoxed :: (BoxedObject a) => String -> a ->
                                IO (String, GValue)
constructObjectPropertyBoxed propName boxed = do
  gtype <- boxedType boxed
  withManagedPtr boxed $ \boxedPtr ->
      constructObjectProperty propName boxedPtr set_boxed gtype

getObjectPropertyBoxed :: forall a b. (GObject a, BoxedObject b) =>
                          a -> String -> (ForeignPtr b -> b) -> IO b
getObjectPropertyBoxed obj propName constructor = do
  gtype <- boxedType (undefined :: b)
  getObjectProperty obj propName (get_boxed >=> newBoxed constructor) gtype

setObjectPropertyStringArray :: GObject a =>
                                a -> String -> [Text] -> IO ()
setObjectPropertyStringArray obj propName strv = do
  cStrv <- packZeroTerminatedUTF8CArray strv
  setObjectProperty obj propName cStrv set_boxed (GType 11451728)
{-# LINE 422 "src/Data/GI/Base/Properties.hsc" #-}
  mapZeroTerminatedCArray free cStrv
  free cStrv

constructObjectPropertyStringArray :: String -> [Text] ->
                                      IO (String, GValue)
constructObjectPropertyStringArray propName strv = do
  cStrv <- packZeroTerminatedUTF8CArray strv
  result <- constructObjectProperty propName cStrv set_boxed (GType 11451728)
{-# LINE 430 "src/Data/GI/Base/Properties.hsc" #-}
  mapZeroTerminatedCArray free cStrv
  free cStrv
  return result

getObjectPropertyStringArray :: GObject a =>
                                a -> String -> IO [Text]
getObjectPropertyStringArray obj propName =
    getObjectProperty obj propName
                      (get_boxed >=> unpackZeroTerminatedUTF8CArray . castPtr)
                      (GType 11451728)
{-# LINE 440 "src/Data/GI/Base/Properties.hsc" #-}

setObjectPropertyEnum :: (GObject a, Enum b, BoxedEnum b) =>
                         a -> String -> b -> IO ()
setObjectPropertyEnum obj propName enum = do
  gtype <- boxedEnumType enum
  let cEnum = (fromIntegral . fromEnum) enum
  setObjectProperty obj propName cEnum set_enum gtype

constructObjectPropertyEnum :: (Enum a, BoxedEnum a) =>
                               String -> a -> IO (String, GValue)
constructObjectPropertyEnum propName enum = do
  gtype <- boxedEnumType enum
  let cEnum = (fromIntegral . fromEnum) enum
  constructObjectProperty propName cEnum set_enum gtype

getObjectPropertyEnum :: forall a b. (GObject a,
                                      Enum b, BoxedEnum b) =>
                         a -> String -> IO b
getObjectPropertyEnum obj propName = do
  gtype <- boxedEnumType (undefined :: b)
  getObjectProperty obj propName
                    (\val -> toEnum . fromIntegral <$> get_enum val)

setObjectPropertyFlags :: (IsGFlag b, GObject a) =>
                          a -> String -> [b] -> IO ()
setObjectPropertyFlags obj propName flags =
    let cFlags = gflagsToWord flags
    in setObjectProperty obj propName cFlags set_flags (GType 52)
{-# LINE 469 "src/Data/GI/Base/Properties.hsc" #-}

constructObjectPropertyFlags :: IsGFlag a => String -> [a] ->
                                IO (String, GValue)
constructObjectPropertyFlags propName flags =
    let cFlags = gflagsToWord flags
    in constructObjectProperty propName cFlags set_flags (GType 52)
{-# LINE 475 "src/Data/GI/Base/Properties.hsc" #-}

getObjectPropertyFlags :: (GObject a, IsGFlag b) =>
                          a -> String -> IO [b]
getObjectPropertyFlags obj propName =
    getObjectProperty obj propName
                          (\val -> wordToGFlags <$> get_flags val)
                          (GType 52)
{-# LINE 482 "src/Data/GI/Base/Properties.hsc" #-}

setObjectPropertyVariant :: GObject a =>
                            a -> String -> GVariant -> IO ()
setObjectPropertyVariant obj propName variant =
    withManagedPtr variant $ \variantPtr ->
        setObjectProperty obj propName variantPtr set_variant
                              (GType 84)
{-# LINE 489 "src/Data/GI/Base/Properties.hsc" #-}

constructObjectPropertyVariant :: String -> GVariant -> IO (String, GValue)
constructObjectPropertyVariant propName obj =
    withManagedPtr obj $ \objPtr ->
        constructObjectProperty propName objPtr set_variant
                                    (GType 84)
{-# LINE 495 "src/Data/GI/Base/Properties.hsc" #-}

getObjectPropertyVariant :: GObject a => a -> String ->
                            IO GVariant
getObjectPropertyVariant obj propName =
    getObjectProperty obj propName (get_variant >=> newGVariantFromPtr)
                      (GType 84)
{-# LINE 501 "src/Data/GI/Base/Properties.hsc" #-}

setObjectPropertyByteArray :: GObject a =>
                              a -> String -> B.ByteString -> IO ()
setObjectPropertyByteArray obj propName bytes = do
  packed <- packGByteArray bytes
  setObjectProperty obj propName packed set_boxed (GType 11452016)
{-# LINE 507 "src/Data/GI/Base/Properties.hsc" #-}
  unrefGByteArray packed

constructObjectPropertyByteArray :: String -> B.ByteString ->
                                    IO (String, GValue)
constructObjectPropertyByteArray propName bytes = do
  packed <- packGByteArray bytes
  result <- constructObjectProperty propName packed
            set_boxed (GType 11452016)
{-# LINE 515 "src/Data/GI/Base/Properties.hsc" #-}
  unrefGByteArray packed
  return result

getObjectPropertyByteArray :: GObject a =>
                              a -> String -> IO B.ByteString
getObjectPropertyByteArray obj propName =
    getObjectProperty obj propName (get_boxed >=> unpackGByteArray)
                      (GType 11452016)
{-# LINE 523 "src/Data/GI/Base/Properties.hsc" #-}

setObjectPropertyPtrGList :: GObject a =>
                              a -> String -> [Ptr b] -> IO ()
setObjectPropertyPtrGList obj propName ptrs = do
  packed <- packGList ptrs
  setObjectProperty obj propName packed set_boxed (GType 68)
{-# LINE 529 "src/Data/GI/Base/Properties.hsc" #-}
  g_list_free packed

constructObjectPropertyPtrGList :: String -> [Ptr a] ->
                                    IO (String, GValue)
constructObjectPropertyPtrGList propName ptrs = do
  packed <- packGList ptrs
  result <- constructObjectProperty propName packed
            set_boxed (GType 68)
{-# LINE 537 "src/Data/GI/Base/Properties.hsc" #-}
  g_list_free packed
  return result

getObjectPropertyPtrGList :: GObject a =>
                              a -> String -> IO [Ptr b]
getObjectPropertyPtrGList obj propName =
    getObjectProperty obj propName (get_pointer >=> unpackGList)
                      (GType 68)
{-# LINE 545 "src/Data/GI/Base/Properties.hsc" #-}

setObjectPropertyHash :: GObject a => a -> String -> b -> IO ()
setObjectPropertyHash =
    error $ "Setting GHashTable properties not supported yet."

constructObjectPropertyHash :: String -> b -> IO (String, GValue)
constructObjectPropertyHash =
    error $ "Constructing GHashTable properties not supported yet."

getObjectPropertyHash :: GObject a => a -> String -> IO b
getObjectPropertyHash =
    error $ "Getting GHashTable properties not supported yet."