{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-} {-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-} module Language.Haskell.LSP.TH.DataTypesJSON where import Control.Lens.TH (makeFieldsNoPrefix) import qualified Data.Aeson as A import Data.Aeson.TH import Data.Aeson.Types import Data.Hashable import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as H import Data.Monoid ((<>)) import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as T import Network.URI import qualified System.FilePath.Posix as FPP import qualified System.FilePath.Windows as FPW import qualified System.Info import System.IO (FilePath) import Language.Haskell.LSP.TH.ClientCapabilities import Language.Haskell.LSP.TH.Constants import Language.Haskell.LSP.TH.Utils -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | This data type is used to host a FromJSON instance for the encoding used by -- elisp, where an empty list shows up as "null" newtype List a = List [a] deriving (Show,Read,Eq,Ord,Monoid,Functor,Foldable,Traversable) instance (A.ToJSON a) => A.ToJSON (List a) where toJSON (List ls) = toJSON ls instance (A.FromJSON a) => A.FromJSON (List a) where parseJSON A.Null = return (List []) parseJSON v = List <$> parseJSON v #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 804 instance Semigroup (List a) where (<>) = mappend #endif -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- newtype Uri = Uri { getUri :: Text } deriving (Eq,Ord,Read,Show,A.FromJSON,A.ToJSON,Hashable,A.ToJSONKey,A.FromJSONKey) fileScheme :: String fileScheme = "file:" windowsOS :: String windowsOS = "mingw32" type SystemOS = String uriToFilePath :: Uri -> Maybe FilePath uriToFilePath = platformAwareUriToFilePath System.Info.os platformAwareUriToFilePath :: String -> Uri -> Maybe FilePath platformAwareUriToFilePath systemOS (Uri uri) = do parsedUri <- parseURI $ T.unpack uri if uriScheme parsedUri == fileScheme then return $ (platformAdjustFromUriPath systemOS . unEscapeString . uriPath) parsedUri else Nothing platformAdjustFromUriPath :: SystemOS -> String -> FilePath platformAdjustFromUriPath systemOS srcPath = if systemOS /= windowsOS then srcPath else let firstSegment:rest = (FPP.splitDirectories . tail) srcPath -- Drop leading '/' for absolute Windows paths drive = if FPW.isDrive firstSegment then FPW.addTrailingPathSeparator firstSegment else firstSegment in FPW.joinDrive drive $ FPW.joinPath rest filePathToUri :: FilePath -> Uri filePathToUri = platformAwareFilePathToUri System.Info.os platformAwareFilePathToUri :: SystemOS -> FilePath -> Uri platformAwareFilePathToUri systemOS fp = Uri . T.pack . show $ URI { uriScheme = fileScheme , uriAuthority = Just $ URIAuth "" "" "" , uriPath = platformAdjustToUriPath systemOS fp , uriQuery = "" , uriFragment = "" } platformAdjustToUriPath :: SystemOS -> FilePath -> String platformAdjustToUriPath systemOS srcPath = if systemOS /= windowsOS then srcPath else let drive:rest = FPW.splitDirectories srcPath leaveCharUnescaped = (/= ':') removePathSeparator = filter (not . FPW.isPathSeparator) escapedDrive = removePathSeparator $ escapeURIString leaveCharUnescaped drive in '/' : FPP.joinPath (escapedDrive : rest) -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Id used for a request, Can be either a String or an Int data LspId = IdInt Int | IdString Text deriving (Show,Read,Eq,Ord) instance A.ToJSON LspId where toJSON (IdInt i) = toJSON i toJSON (IdString s) = toJSON s instance A.FromJSON LspId where parseJSON v@(A.Number _) = IdInt <$> parseJSON v parseJSON (A.String s) = return (IdString s) parseJSON _ = mempty -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Id used for a response, Can be either a String or an Int, or Null. If a -- request doesn't provide a result value the receiver of a request still needs -- to return a response message to conform to the JSON RPC specification. The -- result property of the ResponseMessage should be set to null in this case to -- signal a successful request. data LspIdRsp = IdRspInt Int | IdRspString Text | IdRspNull deriving (Show,Read,Eq) instance A.ToJSON LspIdRsp where toJSON (IdRspInt i) = toJSON i toJSON (IdRspString s) = toJSON s toJSON IdRspNull = A.Null instance A.FromJSON LspIdRsp where parseJSON v@(A.Number _) = IdRspInt <$> parseJSON v parseJSON (A.String s) = return $ IdRspString s parseJSON A.Null = return IdRspNull parseJSON _ = mempty responseId :: LspId -> LspIdRsp responseId (IdInt i) = (IdRspInt i) responseId (IdString s) = (IdRspString s) -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Client Methods data ClientMethod = -- General Initialize | Initialized | Shutdown | Exit | CancelRequest -- Workspace | WorkspaceDidChangeConfiguration | WorkspaceDidChangeWatchedFiles | WorkspaceSymbol | WorkspaceExecuteCommand -- Document | TextDocumentDidOpen | TextDocumentDidChange | TextDocumentWillSave | TextDocumentWillSaveWaitUntil | TextDocumentDidSave | TextDocumentDidClose | TextDocumentCompletion | CompletionItemResolve | TextDocumentHover | TextDocumentSignatureHelp | TextDocumentReferences | TextDocumentDocumentHighlight | TextDocumentDocumentSymbol | TextDocumentFormatting | TextDocumentRangeFormatting | TextDocumentOnTypeFormatting | TextDocumentDefinition | TextDocumentCodeAction | TextDocumentCodeLens | CodeLensResolve | TextDocumentDocumentLink | DocumentLinkResolve | TextDocumentRename -- Messages of the form $/message -- Implementation Dependent, can be ignored | Misc Text deriving (Eq,Ord,Read,Show) instance A.FromJSON ClientMethod where -- General parseJSON (A.String "initialize") = return Initialize parseJSON (A.String "initialized") = return Initialized parseJSON (A.String "shutdown") = return Shutdown parseJSON (A.String "exit") = return Exit parseJSON (A.String "$/cancelRequest") = return CancelRequest -- Workspace parseJSON (A.String "workspace/didChangeConfiguration") = return WorkspaceDidChangeConfiguration parseJSON (A.String "workspace/didChangeWatchedFiles") = return WorkspaceDidChangeWatchedFiles parseJSON (A.String "workspace/symbol") = return WorkspaceSymbol parseJSON (A.String "workspace/executeCommand") = return WorkspaceExecuteCommand -- Document parseJSON (A.String "textDocument/didOpen") = return TextDocumentDidOpen parseJSON (A.String "textDocument/didChange") = return TextDocumentDidChange parseJSON (A.String "textDocument/willSave") = return TextDocumentWillSave parseJSON (A.String "textDocument/willSaveWaitUntil") = return TextDocumentWillSaveWaitUntil parseJSON (A.String "textDocument/didSave") = return TextDocumentDidSave parseJSON (A.String "textDocument/didClose") = return TextDocumentDidClose parseJSON (A.String "textDocument/completion") = return TextDocumentCompletion parseJSON (A.String "completionItem/resolve") = return CompletionItemResolve parseJSON (A.String "textDocument/hover") = return TextDocumentHover parseJSON (A.String "textDocument/signatureHelp") = return TextDocumentSignatureHelp parseJSON (A.String "textDocument/references") = return TextDocumentReferences parseJSON (A.String "textDocument/documentHighlight") = return TextDocumentDocumentHighlight parseJSON (A.String "textDocument/documentSymbol") = return TextDocumentDocumentSymbol parseJSON (A.String "textDocument/formatting") = return TextDocumentFormatting parseJSON (A.String "textDocument/rangeFormatting") = return TextDocumentRangeFormatting parseJSON (A.String "textDocument/onTypeFormatting") = return TextDocumentOnTypeFormatting parseJSON (A.String "textDocument/definition") = return TextDocumentDefinition parseJSON (A.String "textDocument/codeAction") = return TextDocumentCodeAction parseJSON (A.String "textDocument/codeLens") = return TextDocumentCodeLens parseJSON (A.String "codeLens/resolve") = return CodeLensResolve parseJSON (A.String "textDocument/documentLink") = return TextDocumentDocumentLink parseJSON (A.String "documentLink/resolve") = return DocumentLinkResolve parseJSON (A.String "textDocument/rename") = return TextDocumentRename parseJSON (A.String x) = if T.isPrefixOf "$/" x then return $ Misc (T.drop 2 x) else mempty parseJSON _ = mempty instance A.ToJSON ClientMethod where -- General toJSON Initialize = A.String "initialize" toJSON Initialized = A.String "initialized" toJSON Shutdown = A.String "shutdown" toJSON Exit = A.String "exit" toJSON CancelRequest = A.String "$/cancelRequest" -- Workspace toJSON WorkspaceDidChangeConfiguration = A.String "workspace/didChangeConfiguration" toJSON WorkspaceDidChangeWatchedFiles = A.String "workspace/didChangeWatchedFiles" toJSON WorkspaceSymbol = A.String "workspace/symbol" toJSON WorkspaceExecuteCommand = A.String "workspace/executeCommand" -- Document toJSON TextDocumentDidOpen = A.String "textDocument/didOpen" toJSON TextDocumentDidChange = A.String "textDocument/didChange" toJSON TextDocumentWillSave = A.String "textDocument/willSave" toJSON TextDocumentWillSaveWaitUntil = A.String "textDocument/willSaveWaitUntil" toJSON TextDocumentDidSave = A.String "textDocument/didSave" toJSON TextDocumentDidClose = A.String "textDocument/didClose" toJSON TextDocumentCompletion = A.String "textDocument/completion" toJSON CompletionItemResolve = A.String "completionItem/resolve" toJSON TextDocumentHover = A.String "textDocument/hover" toJSON TextDocumentSignatureHelp = A.String "textDocument/signatureHelp" toJSON TextDocumentReferences = A.String "textDocument/references" toJSON TextDocumentDocumentHighlight = A.String "textDocument/documentHighlight" toJSON TextDocumentDocumentSymbol = A.String "textDocument/documentSymbol" toJSON TextDocumentFormatting = A.String "textDocument/formatting" toJSON TextDocumentRangeFormatting = A.String "textDocument/rangeFormatting" toJSON TextDocumentOnTypeFormatting = A.String "textDocument/onTypeFormatting" toJSON TextDocumentDefinition = A.String "textDocument/definition" toJSON TextDocumentCodeAction = A.String "textDocument/codeAction" toJSON TextDocumentCodeLens = A.String "textDocument/codeLens" toJSON CodeLensResolve = A.String "codeLens/resolve" toJSON TextDocumentRename = A.String "textDocument/rename" toJSON TextDocumentDocumentLink = A.String "textDocument/documentLink" toJSON DocumentLinkResolve = A.String "documentLink/resolve" toJSON (Misc xs) = A.String $ "$/" <> xs data ServerMethod = -- Window WindowShowMessage | WindowShowMessageRequest | WindowLogMessage | TelemetryEvent -- Client | ClientRegisterCapability | ClientUnregisterCapability -- Workspace | WorkspaceApplyEdit -- Document | TextDocumentPublishDiagnostics deriving (Eq,Ord,Read,Show) instance A.FromJSON ServerMethod where -- Window parseJSON (A.String "window/showMessage") = return WindowShowMessage parseJSON (A.String "window/showMessageRequest") = return WindowShowMessageRequest parseJSON (A.String "window/logMessage") = return WindowLogMessage parseJSON (A.String "telemetry/event") = return TelemetryEvent -- Client parseJSON (A.String "client/registerCapability") = return ClientRegisterCapability parseJSON (A.String "client/unregisterCapability") = return ClientUnregisterCapability -- Workspace parseJSON (A.String "workspace/applyEdit") = return WorkspaceApplyEdit -- Document parseJSON (A.String "textDocument/publishDiagnostics") = return TextDocumentPublishDiagnostics parseJSON _ = mempty instance A.ToJSON ServerMethod where -- Window toJSON WindowShowMessage = A.String "window/showMessage" toJSON WindowShowMessageRequest = A.String "window/showMessageRequest" toJSON WindowLogMessage = A.String "window/logMessage" toJSON TelemetryEvent = A.String "telemetry/event" -- Client toJSON ClientRegisterCapability = A.String "client/registerCapability" toJSON ClientUnregisterCapability = A.String "client/unregisterCapability" -- Workspace toJSON WorkspaceApplyEdit = A.String "workspace/applyEdit" -- Document toJSON TextDocumentPublishDiagnostics = A.String "textDocument/publishDiagnostics" data RequestMessage m req resp = RequestMessage { _jsonrpc :: Text , _id :: LspId , _method :: m , _params :: req } deriving (Read,Show,Eq) deriveJSON lspOptions ''RequestMessage makeFieldsNoPrefix ''RequestMessage -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- {- interface ResponseError { /** * A number indicating the error type that occurred. */ code: number; /** * A string providing a short description of the error. */ message: string; /** * A Primitive or Structured value that contains additional * information about the error. Can be omitted. */ data?: D; } export namespace ErrorCodes { // Defined by JSON RPC export const ParseError: number = -32700; export const InvalidRequest: number = -32600; export const MethodNotFound: number = -32601; export const InvalidParams: number = -32602; export const InternalError: number = -32603; export const serverErrorStart: number = -32099; export const serverErrorEnd: number = -32000; export const ServerNotInitialized: number = -32002; export const UnknownErrorCode: number = -32001; // Defined by the protocol. export const RequestCancelled: number = -32800; } -} data ErrorCode = ParseError | InvalidRequest | MethodNotFound | InvalidParams | InternalError -- ^ Note: server error codes are reserved from -32099 to -32000 deriving (Read,Show,Eq) instance A.ToJSON ErrorCode where toJSON ParseError = A.Number (-32700) toJSON InvalidRequest = A.Number (-32600) toJSON MethodNotFound = A.Number (-32601) toJSON InvalidParams = A.Number (-32602) toJSON InternalError = A.Number (-32603) instance A.FromJSON ErrorCode where parseJSON (A.Number (-32700)) = pure ParseError parseJSON (A.Number (-32600)) = pure InvalidRequest parseJSON (A.Number (-32601)) = pure MethodNotFound parseJSON (A.Number (-32602)) = pure InvalidParams parseJSON (A.Number (-32603)) = pure InternalError parseJSON _ = mempty -- ------------------------------------- data ResponseError = ResponseError { _code :: ErrorCode , _message :: Text , _xdata :: Maybe A.Value } deriving (Read,Show,Eq) deriveJSON lspOptions{ fieldLabelModifier = customModifier } ''ResponseError makeFieldsNoPrefix ''ResponseError -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- data ResponseMessage a = ResponseMessage { _jsonrpc :: Text , _id :: LspIdRsp , _result :: Maybe a , _error :: Maybe ResponseError } deriving (Read,Show,Eq) deriveJSON lspOptions ''ResponseMessage makeFieldsNoPrefix ''ResponseMessage type ErrorResponse = ResponseMessage () -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- type BareResponseMessage = ResponseMessage A.Value -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- {- $ Notifications and Requests Notification and requests ids starting with '$/' are messages which are protocol implementation dependent and might not be implementable in all clients or servers. For example if the server implementation uses a single threaded synchronous programming language then there is little a server can do to react to a '$/cancelRequest'. If a server or client receives notifications or requests starting with '$/' it is free to ignore them if they are unknown. -} data NotificationMessage m a = NotificationMessage { _jsonrpc :: Text , _method :: m , _params :: a } deriving (Read,Show,Eq) deriveJSON lspOptions ''NotificationMessage makeFieldsNoPrefix ''NotificationMessage -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- {- Cancellation Support https://github.com/Microsoft/language-server-protocol/blob/master/protocol.md#cancellation-support New: The base protocol now offers support for request cancellation. To cancel a request, a notification message with the following properties is sent: Notification: method: '$/cancelRequest' params: CancelParams defined as follows: interface CancelParams { /** * The request id to cancel. */ id: number | string; } A request that got canceled still needs to return from the server and send a response back. It can not be left open / hanging. This is in line with the JSON RPC protocol that requires that every request sends a response back. In addition it allows for returning partial results on cancel. -} data CancelParams = CancelParams { _id :: LspId } deriving (Read,Show,Eq) deriveJSON lspOptions ''CancelParams makeFieldsNoPrefix ''CancelParams type CancelNotification = NotificationMessage ClientMethod CancelParams -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- {- The current protocol is talored for textual documents which content can be represented as a string. There is currently no support for binary documents. Positions inside a document (see Position definition below) are expressed as a zero-based line and character offset. To ensure that both client and server split the string into the same line representation the protocol specs the following end of line sequences: '\n', '\r\n' and '\r'. export const EOL: string[] = ['\n', '\r\n', '\r']; -} {- https://github.com/Microsoft/language-server-protocol/blob/master/protocol.md#position Position in a text document expressed as zero-based line and character offset. A position is between two characters like an 'insert' cursor in a editor. interface Position { /** * Line position in a document (zero-based). */ line: number; /** * Character offset on a line in a document (zero-based). */ character: number; } -} data Position = Position { _line :: Int , _character :: Int } deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord) deriveJSON lspOptions ''Position makeFieldsNoPrefix ''Position -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- {- https://github.com/Microsoft/language-server-protocol/blob/master/protocol.md#range A range in a text document expressed as (zero-based) start and end positions. A range is comparable to a selection in an editor. Therefore the end position is exclusive. interface Range { /** * The range's start position. */ start: Position; /** * The range's end position. */ end: Position; } -} data Range = Range { _start :: Position , _end :: Position } deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord) deriveJSON lspOptions ''Range makeFieldsNoPrefix ''Range -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- {- https://github.com/Microsoft/language-server-protocol/blob/master/protocol.md#location Represents a location inside a resource, such as a line inside a text file. interface Location { uri: string; range: Range; } -} data Location = Location { _uri :: Uri , _range :: Range } deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord) deriveJSON lspOptions ''Location makeFieldsNoPrefix ''Location -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- {- The protocol currently supports the following diagnostic severities: enum DiagnosticSeverity { /** * Reports an error. */ Error = 1, /** * Reports a warning. */ Warning = 2, /** * Reports an information. */ Information = 3, /** * Reports a hint. */ Hint = 4 } -} data DiagnosticSeverity = DsError -- ^ Error = 1, | DsWarning -- ^ Warning = 2, | DsInfo -- ^ Info = 3, | DsHint -- ^ Hint = 4 deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Read) instance A.ToJSON DiagnosticSeverity where toJSON DsError = A.Number 1 toJSON DsWarning = A.Number 2 toJSON DsInfo = A.Number 3 toJSON DsHint = A.Number 4 instance A.FromJSON DiagnosticSeverity where parseJSON (A.Number 1) = pure DsError parseJSON (A.Number 2) = pure DsWarning parseJSON (A.Number 3) = pure DsInfo parseJSON (A.Number 4) = pure DsHint parseJSON _ = mempty -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- {- Represents a related message and source code location for a diagnostic. This should be used to point to code locations that cause or related to a diagnostics, e.g when duplicating a symbol in a scope. export interface DiagnosticRelatedInformation { /** * The location of this related diagnostic information. */ location: Location; /** * The message of this related diagnostic information. */ message: string; } -} data DiagnosticRelatedInformation = DiagnosticRelatedInformation { _location :: Location , _message :: Text } deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord) deriveJSON lspOptions ''DiagnosticRelatedInformation makeFieldsNoPrefix ''DiagnosticRelatedInformation -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- {- Diagnostic https://github.com/Microsoft/language-server-protocol/blob/master/protocol.md#diagnostic Represents a diagnostic, such as a compiler error or warning. Diagnostic objects are only valid in the scope of a resource. interface Diagnostic { /** * The range at which the message applies. */ range: Range; /** * The diagnostic's severity. Can be omitted. If omitted it is up to the * client to interpret diagnostics as error, warning, info or hint. */ severity?: number; /** * The diagnostic's code. Can be omitted. */ code?: number | string; /** * A human-readable string describing the source of this * diagnostic, e.g. 'typescript' or 'super lint'. */ source?: string; /** * The diagnostic's message. */ message: string; /** * An array of related diagnostic information, e.g. when symbol-names within * a scope collide all definitions can be marked via this property. */ relatedInformation?: DiagnosticRelatedInformation[]; } -} type DiagnosticSource = Text data Diagnostic = Diagnostic { _range :: Range , _severity :: Maybe DiagnosticSeverity , _code :: Maybe Text -- Note: Protocol allows Int too. , _source :: Maybe DiagnosticSource , _message :: Text , _relatedInformation :: List DiagnosticRelatedInformation } deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord) deriveJSON lspOptions ''Diagnostic makeFieldsNoPrefix ''Diagnostic -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- {- Command https://github.com/Microsoft/language-server-protocol/blob/master/protocol.md#command Represents a reference to a command. Provides a title which will be used to represent a command in the UI. Commands are identitifed using a string identifier and the protocol currently doesn't specify a set of well known commands. So executing a command requires some tool extension code. interface Command { /** * Title of the command, like `save`. */ title: string; /** * The identifier of the actual command handler. */ command: string; /** * Arguments that the command handler should be * invoked with. */ arguments?: any[]; } -} data Command = Command { _title :: Text , _command :: Text , _arguments :: Maybe A.Value } deriving (Show, Read, Eq) deriveJSON lspOptions ''Command makeFieldsNoPrefix ''Command -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- {- TextEdit https://github.com/Microsoft/language-server-protocol/blob/master/protocol.md#textedit A textual edit applicable to a text document. interface TextEdit { /** * The range of the text document to be manipulated. To insert * text into a document create a range where start === end. */ range: Range; /** * The string to be inserted. For delete operations use an * empty string. */ newText: string; } -} data TextEdit = TextEdit { _range :: Range , _newText :: Text } deriving (Show,Read,Eq) deriveJSON lspOptions ''TextEdit makeFieldsNoPrefix ''TextEdit -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- {- VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier https://github.com/Microsoft/language-server-protocol/blob/master/protocol.md#versionedtextdocumentidentifier New: An identifier to denote a specific version of a text document. interface VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier extends TextDocumentIdentifier { /** * The version number of this document. */ version: number; -} type TextDocumentVersion = Int data VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier = VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier { _uri :: Uri , _version :: TextDocumentVersion } deriving (Show, Read, Eq) deriveJSON lspOptions ''VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier makeFieldsNoPrefix ''VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- {- New in 3.0 ---------- TextDocumentEdit https://github.com/Microsoft/language-server-protocol/blob/master/protocol.md#new-textdocumentedit If multiple TextEdits are applied to a text document, all text edits describe changes made to the initial document version. Execution wise text edits should applied from the bottom to the top of the text document. Overlapping text edits are not supported. export interface TextDocumentEdit { /** * The text document to change. */ textDocument: VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier; /** * The edits to be applied. */ edits: TextEdit[]; } -} data TextDocumentEdit = TextDocumentEdit { _textDocument :: VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier , _edits :: List TextEdit } deriving (Show, Read, Eq) deriveJSON lspOptions ''TextDocumentEdit makeFieldsNoPrefix ''TextDocumentEdit -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- {- Changed in 3.0 -------------- WorkspaceEdit https://github.com/Microsoft/language-server-protocol/blob/master/protocol.md#workspaceedit Changed A workspace edit represents changes to many resources managed in the workspace. The edit should either provide changes or documentChanges. If documentChanges are present they are preferred over changes if the client can handle versioned document edits. export interface WorkspaceEdit { /** * Holds changes to existing resources. */ changes?: { [uri: string]: TextEdit[]; }; /** * An array of `TextDocumentEdit`s to express changes to specific a specific * version of a text document. Whether a client supports versioned document * edits is expressed via `WorkspaceClientCapabilities.versionedWorkspaceEdit`. */ documentChanges?: TextDocumentEdit[]; } -} type WorkspaceEditMap = H.HashMap Uri (List TextEdit) data WorkspaceEdit = WorkspaceEdit { _changes :: Maybe WorkspaceEditMap , _documentChanges :: Maybe (List TextDocumentEdit) } deriving (Show, Read, Eq) instance Monoid WorkspaceEdit where mempty = WorkspaceEdit Nothing Nothing mappend (WorkspaceEdit a b) (WorkspaceEdit c d) = WorkspaceEdit (a <> c) (b <> d) deriveJSON lspOptions ''WorkspaceEdit makeFieldsNoPrefix ''WorkspaceEdit #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 804 instance Semigroup WorkspaceEdit where (<>) = mappend #endif -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- {- TextDocumentIdentifier https://github.com/Microsoft/language-server-protocol/blob/master/protocol.md#textdocumentidentifier Text documents are identified using a URI. On the protocol level, URIs are passed as strings. The corresponding JSON structure looks like this: interface TextDocumentIdentifier { /** * The text document's URI. */ uri: string; } -} data TextDocumentIdentifier = TextDocumentIdentifier { _uri :: Uri } deriving (Show, Read, Eq) deriveJSON lspOptions ''TextDocumentIdentifier makeFieldsNoPrefix ''TextDocumentIdentifier -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- {- TextDocumentItem https://github.com/Microsoft/language-server-protocol/blob/master/protocol.md#textdocumentitem New: An item to transfer a text document from the client to the server. interface TextDocumentItem { /** * The text document's URI. */ uri: string; /** * The text document's language identifier. */ languageId: string; /** * The version number of this document (it will strictly increase after each * change, including undo/redo). */ version: number; /** * The content of the opened text document. */ text: string; } -} data TextDocumentItem = TextDocumentItem { _uri :: Uri , _languageId :: Text , _version :: Int , _text :: Text } deriving (Show, Read, Eq) deriveJSON lspOptions ''TextDocumentItem makeFieldsNoPrefix ''TextDocumentItem -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- {- TextDocumentPositionParams https://github.com/Microsoft/language-server-protocol/blob/master/protocol.md#textdocumentpositionparams Changed: Was TextDocumentPosition in 1.0 with inlined parameters interface TextDocumentPositionParams { /** * The text document. */ textDocument: TextDocumentIdentifier; /** * The position inside the text document. */ position: Position; } -} data TextDocumentPositionParams = TextDocumentPositionParams { _textDocument :: TextDocumentIdentifier , _position :: Position } deriving (Show, Read, Eq) deriveJSON lspOptions ''TextDocumentPositionParams makeFieldsNoPrefix ''TextDocumentPositionParams -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- {- New in 3.0 ---------- DocumentFilter https://github.com/Microsoft/language-server-protocol/blob/master/protocol.md#new-documentfilter A document filter denotes a document through properties like language, schema or pattern. Examples are a filter that applies to TypeScript files on disk or a filter the applies to JSON files with name package.json: { language: 'typescript', scheme: 'file' } { language: 'json', pattern: '**/package.json' } export interface DocumentFilter { /** * A language id, like `typescript`. */ language?: string; /** * A Uri [scheme](#Uri.scheme), like `file` or `untitled`. */ scheme?: string; /** * A glob pattern, like `*.{ts,js}`. */ pattern?: string; } -} data DocumentFilter = DocumentFilter { _language :: Text , _scheme :: Text , _pattern :: Maybe Text } deriving (Show, Read, Eq) deriveJSON lspOptions ''DocumentFilter makeFieldsNoPrefix ''DocumentFilter {- A document selector is the combination of one or many document filters. export type DocumentSelector = DocumentFilter[]; -} type DocumentSelector = List DocumentFilter -- ===================================================================== -- ACTUAL PROTOCOL ----------------------------------------------------- -- ===================================================================== -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Initialize Request -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- {- Initialize Request https://github.com/Microsoft/language-server-protocol/blob/master/protocol.md#initialize-request The initialize request is sent as the first request from the client to the server. Request method: 'initialize' params: InitializeParams defined as follows: interface InitializeParams { /** * The process Id of the parent process that started * the server. Is null if the process has not been started by another process. * If the parent process is not alive then the server should exit (see exit notification) its process. */ processId: number | null; /** * The rootPath of the workspace. Is null * if no folder is open. * * @deprecated in favour of rootUri. */ rootPath?: string | null; /** * The rootUri of the workspace. Is null if no * folder is open. If both `rootPath` and `rootUri` are set * `rootUri` wins. */ rootUri: DocumentUri | null; /** * User provided initialization options. */ initializationOptions?: any; /** * The capabilities provided by the client (editor or tool) */ capabilities: ClientCapabilities; /** * The initial trace setting. If omitted trace is disabled ('off'). */ trace?: 'off' | 'messages' | 'verbose'; } -} data Trace = TraceOff | TraceMessages | TraceVerbose deriving (Show, Read, Eq) instance A.ToJSON Trace where toJSON TraceOff = A.String (T.pack "off") toJSON TraceMessages = A.String (T.pack "messages") toJSON TraceVerbose = A.String (T.pack "verbose") instance A.FromJSON Trace where parseJSON (A.String s) = case T.unpack s of "off" -> return TraceOff "messages" -> return TraceMessages "verbose" -> return TraceVerbose _ -> mempty parseJSON _ = mempty data InitializeParams = InitializeParams { _processId :: Maybe Int , _rootPath :: Maybe Text -- ^ Deprecated in favour of _rootUri , _rootUri :: Maybe Uri , _initializationOptions :: Maybe A.Value , _capabilities :: ClientCapabilities , _trace :: Maybe Trace } deriving (Show, Read, Eq) deriveJSON lspOptions ''InitializeParams makeFieldsNoPrefix ''InitializeParams -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Initialize Response -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- {- error.data: interface InitializeError { /** * Indicates whether the client should retry to send the * initilize request after showing the message provided * in the ResponseError. */ retry: boolean; - -} data InitializeError = InitializeError { _retry :: Bool } deriving (Read, Show, Eq) deriveJSON lspOptions ''InitializeError makeFieldsNoPrefix ''InitializeError -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- {- The server can signal the following capabilities: /** * Defines how the host (editor) should sync document changes to the language server. */ enum TextDocumentSyncKind { /** * Documents should not be synced at all. */ None = 0, /** * Documents are synced by always sending the full content of the document. */ Full = 1, /** * Documents are synced by sending the full content on open. After that only incremental * updates to the document are sent. */ Incremental = 2 } -} -- ^ Note: Omitting this parameter from the capabilities is effectively a fourth -- state, where DidSave events are generated without sending document contents. data TextDocumentSyncKind = TdSyncNone | TdSyncFull | TdSyncIncremental deriving (Read,Eq,Show) instance A.ToJSON TextDocumentSyncKind where toJSON TdSyncNone = A.Number 0 toJSON TdSyncFull = A.Number 1 toJSON TdSyncIncremental = A.Number 2 instance A.FromJSON TextDocumentSyncKind where parseJSON (A.Number 0) = pure TdSyncNone parseJSON (A.Number 1) = pure TdSyncFull parseJSON (A.Number 2) = pure TdSyncIncremental parseJSON _ = mempty -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- {- /** * Completion options. */ interface CompletionOptions { /** * The server provides support to resolve additional information for a completion item. */ resolveProvider?: boolean; /** * The characters that trigger completion automatically. */ triggerCharacters?: string[]; } -} data CompletionOptions = CompletionOptions { _resolveProvider :: Maybe Bool , _triggerCharacters :: Maybe [String] } deriving (Read,Show,Eq) deriveJSON lspOptions {omitNothingFields = True } ''CompletionOptions makeFieldsNoPrefix ''CompletionOptions -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- {- /** * Signature help options. */ interface SignatureHelpOptions { /** * The characters that trigger signature help automatically. */ triggerCharacters?: string[]; -} data SignatureHelpOptions = SignatureHelpOptions { _triggerCharacters :: Maybe [String] } deriving (Read,Show,Eq) deriveJSON lspOptions ''SignatureHelpOptions makeFieldsNoPrefix ''SignatureHelpOptions -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- {- /** * Code Lens options. */ interface CodeLensOptions { /** * Code lens has a resolve provider as well. */ resolveProvider?: boolean; } -} data CodeLensOptions = CodeLensOptions { _resolveProvider :: Maybe Bool } deriving (Read,Show,Eq) deriveJSON lspOptions ''CodeLensOptions makeFieldsNoPrefix ''CodeLensOptions -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- {- /** * Format document on type options */ interface DocumentOnTypeFormattingOptions { /** * A character on which formatting should be triggered, like `}`. */ firstTriggerCharacter: string; /** * More trigger characters. */ moreTriggerCharacter?: string[] } -} data DocumentOnTypeFormattingOptions = DocumentOnTypeFormattingOptions { _firstTriggerCharacter :: Text , _moreTriggerCharacter :: Maybe [String] } deriving (Read,Show,Eq) deriveJSON lspOptions ''DocumentOnTypeFormattingOptions makeFieldsNoPrefix ''DocumentOnTypeFormattingOptions -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- {- New in 3.0 ---------- /** * Document link options */ export interface DocumentLinkOptions { /** * Document links have a resolve provider as well. */ resolveProvider?: boolean; } -} data DocumentLinkOptions = DocumentLinkOptions { -- |Document links have a resolve provider as well. _resolveProvider :: Maybe Bool } deriving (Show, Read, Eq) deriveJSON lspOptions ''DocumentLinkOptions makeFieldsNoPrefix ''DocumentLinkOptions -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- {- New in 3.0 ----------- /** * Execute command options. */ export interface ExecuteCommandOptions { /** * The commands to be executed on the server */ commands: string[] } -} data ExecuteCommandOptions = ExecuteCommandOptions { -- | The commands to be executed on the server _commands :: List Text } deriving (Show, Read, Eq) deriveJSON lspOptions ''ExecuteCommandOptions makeFieldsNoPrefix ''ExecuteCommandOptions -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- {- New in 3.0 ---------- /** * Save options. */ export interface SaveOptions { /** * The client is supposed to include the content on save. */ includeText?: boolean; } -} data SaveOptions = SaveOptions { -- |The client is supposed to include the content on save. _includeText :: Maybe Bool } deriving (Show, Read, Eq) deriveJSON lspOptions ''SaveOptions makeFieldsNoPrefix ''SaveOptions -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- {- New in 3.0 ---------- export interface TextDocumentSyncOptions { /** * Open and close notifications are sent to the server. */ openClose?: boolean; /** * Change notificatins are sent to the server. See TextDocumentSyncKind.None, TextDocumentSyncKind.Full * and TextDocumentSyncKindIncremental. */ change?: number; /** * Will save notifications are sent to the server. */ willSave?: boolean; /** * Will save wait until requests are sent to the server. */ willSaveWaitUntil?: boolean; /** * Save notifications are sent to the server. */ save?: SaveOptions; } -} data TextDocumentSyncOptions = TextDocumentSyncOptions { -- | Open and close notifications are sent to the server. _openClose :: Maybe Bool -- | Change notificatins are sent to the server. See -- TextDocumentSyncKind.None, TextDocumentSyncKind.Full and -- TextDocumentSyncKindIncremental. , _change :: Maybe TextDocumentSyncKind -- | Will save notifications are sent to the server. , _willSave :: Maybe Bool -- | Will save wait until requests are sent to the server. , _willSaveWaitUntil :: Maybe Bool -- |Save notifications are sent to the server. , _save :: Maybe SaveOptions } deriving (Show, Read, Eq) deriveJSON lspOptions ''TextDocumentSyncOptions makeFieldsNoPrefix ''TextDocumentSyncOptions -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- {- Extended in 3.0 --------------- interface ServerCapabilities { /** * Defines how text documents are synced. Is either a detailed structure defining each notification or * for backwards compatibility the TextDocumentSyncKind number. */ textDocumentSync?: TextDocumentSyncOptions | number; /** * The server provides hover support. */ hoverProvider?: boolean; /** * The server provides completion support. */ completionProvider?: CompletionOptions; /** * The server provides signature help support. */ signatureHelpProvider?: SignatureHelpOptions; /** * The server provides goto definition support. */ definitionProvider?: boolean; /** * The server provides find references support. */ referencesProvider?: boolean; /** * The server provides document highlight support. */ documentHighlightProvider?: boolean; /** * The server provides document symbol support. */ documentSymbolProvider?: boolean; /** * The server provides workspace symbol support. */ workspaceSymbolProvider?: boolean; /** * The server provides code actions. */ codeActionProvider?: boolean; /** * The server provides code lens. */ codeLensProvider?: CodeLensOptions; /** * The server provides document formatting. */ documentFormattingProvider?: boolean; /** * The server provides document range formatting. */ documentRangeFormattingProvider?: boolean; /** * The server provides document formatting on typing. */ documentOnTypeFormattingProvider?: DocumentOnTypeFormattingOptions; /** * The server provides rename support. */ renameProvider?: boolean; /** * The server provides document link support. */ documentLinkProvider?: DocumentLinkOptions; /** * The server provides execute command support. */ executeCommandProvider?: ExecuteCommandOptions; /** * Experimental server capabilities. */ experimental?: any; } -} data InitializeResponseCapabilitiesInner = InitializeResponseCapabilitiesInner { _textDocumentSync :: Maybe TextDocumentSyncOptions , _hoverProvider :: Maybe Bool , _completionProvider :: Maybe CompletionOptions , _signatureHelpProvider :: Maybe SignatureHelpOptions , _definitionProvider :: Maybe Bool , _referencesProvider :: Maybe Bool , _documentHighlightProvider :: Maybe Bool , _documentSymbolProvider :: Maybe Bool , _workspaceSymbolProvider :: Maybe Bool , _codeActionProvider :: Maybe Bool , _codeLensProvider :: Maybe CodeLensOptions , _documentFormattingProvider :: Maybe Bool , _documentRangeFormattingProvider :: Maybe Bool , _documentOnTypeFormattingProvider :: Maybe DocumentOnTypeFormattingOptions , _renameProvider :: Maybe Bool -- Following are new in 3.0 , _documentLinkProvider :: Maybe DocumentLinkOptions , _executeCommandProvider :: Maybe ExecuteCommandOptions , _experimental :: Maybe A.Value } deriving (Show, Read, Eq) deriveJSON lspOptions ''InitializeResponseCapabilitiesInner makeFieldsNoPrefix ''InitializeResponseCapabilitiesInner -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Information about the capabilities of a language server -- data InitializeResponseCapabilities = InitializeResponseCapabilities { _capabilities :: InitializeResponseCapabilitiesInner } deriving (Show, Read, Eq) deriveJSON lspOptions ''InitializeResponseCapabilities makeFieldsNoPrefix ''InitializeResponseCapabilities -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- type InitializeResponse = ResponseMessage InitializeResponseCapabilities type InitializeRequest = RequestMessage ClientMethod InitializeParams InitializeResponseCapabilities {- error.code: /** * Known error codes for an `InitializeError`; */ export namespace InitializeError { /** * If the protocol version provided by the client can't be handled by the server. * @deprecated This initialize error got replaced by client capabilities. There is * no version handshake in version 3.0x */ export const unknownProtocolVersion: number = 1; } error.data: interface InitializeError { /** * Indicates whether the client execute the following retry logic: * (1) show the message provided by the ResponseError to the user * (2) user selects retry or cancel * (3) if user selected retry the initialize method is sent again. */ retry: boolean; } -} -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- {- New in 3.0 ---------- Initialized Notification The initialized notification is sent from the client to the server after the client is fully initialized and is able to listen to arbritary requests and notifications sent from the server. Notification: method: 'initialized' params: void -} data InitializedParams = InitializedParams { } deriving (Show, Read, Eq) instance A.FromJSON InitializedParams where parseJSON (A.Object _) = pure InitializedParams parseJSON _ = mempty instance A.ToJSON InitializedParams where toJSON InitializedParams = A.Object mempty type InitializedNotification = NotificationMessage ClientMethod (Maybe InitializedParams) -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- {- Shutdown Request https://github.com/Microsoft/language-server-protocol/blob/master/protocol.md#shutdown-request The shutdown request is sent from the client to the server. It asks the server to shut down, but to not exit (otherwise the response might not be delivered correctly to the client). There is a separate exit notification that asks the server to exit. Request method: 'shutdown' params: undefined Response result: undefined error: code and message set in case an exception happens during shutdown request. -} type ShutdownRequest = RequestMessage ClientMethod (Maybe A.Value) Text type ShutdownResponse = ResponseMessage Text -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- {- Exit Notification https://github.com/Microsoft/language-server-protocol/blob/master/protocol.md#exit-notification A notification to ask the server to exit its process. Notification method: 'exit' -} -- | -- Notification from the server to actually exit now, after shutdown acked -- data ExitParams = ExitParams { } deriving (Show, Read, Eq) deriveJSON defaultOptions ''ExitParams type ExitNotification = NotificationMessage ClientMethod (Maybe ExitParams) -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- {- ShowMessage Notification https://github.com/Microsoft/language-server-protocol/blob/master/protocol.md#showmessage-notification The show message notification is sent from a server to a client to ask the client to display a particular message in the user interface. Notification: method: 'window/showMessage' params: ShowMessageParams defined as follows: interface ShowMessageParams { /** * The message type. See {@link MessageType}. */ type: number; /** * The actual message. */ message: string; } Where the type is defined as follows: enum MessageType { /** * An error message. */ Error = 1, /** * A warning message. */ Warning = 2, /** * An information message. */ Info = 3, /** * A log message. */ Log = 4 } -} data MessageType = MtError -- ^ Error = 1, | MtWarning -- ^ Warning = 2, | MtInfo -- ^ Info = 3, | MtLog -- ^ Log = 4 deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Read,Enum) instance A.ToJSON MessageType where toJSON MtError = A.Number 1 toJSON MtWarning = A.Number 2 toJSON MtInfo = A.Number 3 toJSON MtLog = A.Number 4 instance A.FromJSON MessageType where parseJSON (A.Number 1) = pure MtError parseJSON (A.Number 2) = pure MtWarning parseJSON (A.Number 3) = pure MtInfo parseJSON (A.Number 4) = pure MtLog parseJSON _ = mempty -- --------------------------------------- data ShowMessageParams = ShowMessageParams { _xtype :: MessageType , _message :: Text } deriving (Show, Read, Eq) deriveJSON lspOptions{ fieldLabelModifier = customModifier } ''ShowMessageParams makeFieldsNoPrefix ''ShowMessageParams type ShowMessageNotification = NotificationMessage ServerMethod ShowMessageParams -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- {- ShowMessage Request https://github.com/Microsoft/language-server-protocol/blob/master/protocol.md#showmessage-request New: The show message request is sent from a server to a client to ask the client to display a particular message in the user interface. In addition to the show message notification the request allows to pass actions and to wait for an answer from the client. Request: method: 'window/showMessageRequest' params: ShowMessageRequestParams defined as follows: Response: result: the selected MessageActionItem error: code and message set in case an exception happens during showing a message. interface ShowMessageRequestParams { /** * The message type. See {@link MessageType} */ type: number; /** * The actual message */ message: string; /** * The message action items to present. */ actions?: MessageActionItem[]; } Where the MessageActionItem is defined as follows: interface MessageActionItem { /** * A short title like 'Retry', 'Open Log' etc. */ title: string; } -} data MessageActionItem = MessageActionItem { _title :: Text } deriving (Show,Read,Eq) deriveJSON lspOptions ''MessageActionItem makeFieldsNoPrefix ''MessageActionItem data ShowMessageRequestParams = ShowMessageRequestParams { _xtype :: MessageType , _message :: Text , _actions :: Maybe [MessageActionItem] } deriving (Show,Read,Eq) deriveJSON lspOptions{ fieldLabelModifier = customModifier } ''ShowMessageRequestParams makeFieldsNoPrefix ''ShowMessageRequestParams type ShowMessageRequest = RequestMessage ServerMethod ShowMessageRequestParams Text type ShowMessageResponse = ResponseMessage Text -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- {- LogMessage Notification https://github.com/Microsoft/language-server-protocol/blob/master/protocol.md#logmessage-notification The log message notification is sent from the server to the client to ask the client to log a particular message. Notification: method: 'window/logMessage' params: LogMessageParams defined as follows: interface LogMessageParams { /** * The message type. See {@link MessageType} */ type: number; /** * The actual message */ message: string; } Where type is defined as above. -} data LogMessageParams = LogMessageParams { _xtype :: MessageType , _message :: Text } deriving (Show, Read, Eq) deriveJSON lspOptions{ fieldLabelModifier = customModifier } ''LogMessageParams makeFieldsNoPrefix ''LogMessageParams type LogMessageNotification = NotificationMessage ServerMethod LogMessageParams -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- {- Telemetry Notification https://github.com/Microsoft/language-server-protocol/blob/master/protocol.md#telemetry-notification New: The telemetry notification is sent from the server to the client to ask the client to log a telemetry event. Notification: method: 'telemetry/event' params: 'any' -} type TelemetryNotification = NotificationMessage ServerMethod A.Value -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- {- New in 3.0 ---------- Register Capability The client/registerCapability request is sent from the server to the client to register for a new capability on the client side. Not all clients need to support dynamic capability registration. A client opts in via the ClientCapabilities.dynamicRegistration property. Request: method: 'client/registerCapability' params: RegistrationParams Where RegistrationParams are defined as follows: /** * General paramters to to regsiter for a capability. */ export interface Registration { /** * The id used to register the request. The id can be used to deregister * the request again. */ id: string; /** * The method / capability to register for. */ method: string; /** * Options necessary for the registration. */ registerOptions?: any; } export interface RegistrationParams { registrations: Registration[]; } -} data Registration = Registration { -- |The id used to register the request. The id can be used to deregister -- the request again. _id :: Text -- | The method / capability to register for. , _method :: ClientMethod -- | Options necessary for the registration. , _registerOptions :: Maybe A.Value } deriving (Show, Read, Eq) deriveJSON lspOptions ''Registration makeFieldsNoPrefix ''Registration data RegistrationParams = RegistrationParams { _registrations :: List Registration } deriving (Show, Read, Eq) deriveJSON lspOptions ''RegistrationParams makeFieldsNoPrefix ''RegistrationParams -- |Note: originates at the server type RegisterCapabilityRequest = RequestMessage ServerMethod RegistrationParams () -- ------------------------------------- {- Since most of the registration options require to specify a document selector there is a base interface that can be used. export interface TextDocumentRegistrationOptions { /** * A document selector to identify the scope of the registration. If set to null * the document selector provided on the client side will be used. */ documentSelector: DocumentSelector | null; } -} data TextDocumentRegistrationOptions = TextDocumentRegistrationOptions { _documentSelector :: Maybe DocumentSelector } deriving (Show, Read, Eq) deriveJSON lspOptions ''TextDocumentRegistrationOptions makeFieldsNoPrefix ''TextDocumentRegistrationOptions -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- {- New in 3.0 ---------- Unregister Capability The client/unregisterCapability request is sent from the server to the client to unregister a previously register capability. Request: method: 'client/unregisterCapability' params: UnregistrationParams Where UnregistrationParams are defined as follows: /** * General parameters to unregister a capability. */ export interface Unregistration { /** * The id used to unregister the request or notification. Usually an id * provided during the register request. */ id: string; /** * The method / capability to unregister for. */ method: string; } export interface UnregistrationParams { unregisterations: Unregistration[]; } -} data Unregistration = Unregistration { -- | The id used to unregister the request or notification. Usually an id -- provided during the register request. _id :: Text -- |The method / capability to unregister for. , _method :: Text } deriving (Show, Read, Eq) deriveJSON lspOptions ''Unregistration makeFieldsNoPrefix ''Unregistration data UnregistrationParams = UnregistrationParams { _unregistrations :: List Unregistration } deriving (Show, Read, Eq) deriveJSON lspOptions ''UnregistrationParams makeFieldsNoPrefix ''UnregistrationParams type UnregisterCapabilityRequest = RequestMessage ServerMethod UnregistrationParams () -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- {- DidChangeConfiguration Notification https://github.com/Microsoft/language-server-protocol/blob/master/protocol.md#didchangeconfiguration-notification A notification sent from the client to the server to signal the change of configuration settings. Notification: method: 'workspace/didChangeConfiguration', params: DidChangeConfigurationParams defined as follows: interface DidChangeConfigurationParams { /** * The actual changed settings */ settings: any; } -} data DidChangeConfigurationParams = DidChangeConfigurationParams { _settings :: A.Value } deriving (Show, Read, Eq) deriveJSON lspOptions ''DidChangeConfigurationParams makeFieldsNoPrefix ''DidChangeConfigurationParams type DidChangeConfigurationNotification = NotificationMessage ClientMethod DidChangeConfigurationParams -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- {- DidOpenTextDocument Notification https://github.com/Microsoft/language-server-protocol/blob/master/protocol.md#didopentextdocument-notification The document open notification is sent from the client to the server to signal newly opened text documents. The document's truth is now managed by the client and the server must not try to read the document's truth using the document's uri. Notification: method: 'textDocument/didOpen' params: DidOpenTextDocumentParams defined as follows: interface DidOpenTextDocumentParams { /** * The document that was opened. */ textDocument: TextDocumentItem; } Registration Options: TextDocumentRegistrationOptions -} data DidOpenTextDocumentParams = DidOpenTextDocumentParams { _textDocument :: TextDocumentItem } deriving (Show, Read, Eq) deriveJSON lspOptions ''DidOpenTextDocumentParams makeFieldsNoPrefix ''DidOpenTextDocumentParams type DidOpenTextDocumentNotification = NotificationMessage ClientMethod DidOpenTextDocumentParams -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- {- DidChangeTextDocument Notification https://github.com/Microsoft/language-server-protocol/blob/master/protocol.md#didchangetextdocument-notification Changed: The document change notification is sent from the client to the server to signal changes to a text document. In 2.0 the shape of the params has changed to include proper version numbers and language ids. Notification: method: 'textDocument/didChange' params: DidChangeTextDocumentParams defined as follows: interface DidChangeTextDocumentParams { /** * The document that did change. The version number points * to the version after all provided content changes have * been applied. */ textDocument: VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier; /** * The actual content changes. */ contentChanges: TextDocumentContentChangeEvent[]; } /** * An event describing a change to a text document. If range and rangeLength are omitted * the new text is considered to be the full content of the document. */ interface TextDocumentContentChangeEvent { /** * The range of the document that changed. */ range?: Range; /** * The length of the range that got replaced. */ rangeLength?: number; /** * The new text of the document. */ text: string; } -} data TextDocumentContentChangeEvent = TextDocumentContentChangeEvent { _range :: Maybe Range , _rangeLength :: Maybe Int , _text :: Text } deriving (Read,Show,Eq) deriveJSON lspOptions { omitNothingFields = True } ''TextDocumentContentChangeEvent makeFieldsNoPrefix ''TextDocumentContentChangeEvent -- ------------------------------------- data DidChangeTextDocumentParams = DidChangeTextDocumentParams { _textDocument :: VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier , _contentChanges :: List TextDocumentContentChangeEvent } deriving (Show,Read,Eq) deriveJSON lspOptions ''DidChangeTextDocumentParams makeFieldsNoPrefix ''DidChangeTextDocumentParams type DidChangeTextDocumentNotification = NotificationMessage ClientMethod DidChangeTextDocumentParams {- New in 3.0 ---------- Registration Options: TextDocumentChangeRegistrationOptions defined as follows: /** * Descibe options to be used when registered for text document change events. */ export interface TextDocumentChangeRegistrationOptions extends TextDocumentRegistrationOptions { /** * How documents are synced to the server. See TextDocumentSyncKind.Full * and TextDocumentSyncKindIncremental. */ syncKind: number; } -} data TextDocumentChangeRegistrationOptions = TextDocumentChangeRegistrationOptions { _documentSelector :: Maybe DocumentSelector , _syncKind :: TextDocumentSyncKind } deriving (Show, Read, Eq) deriveJSON lspOptions ''TextDocumentChangeRegistrationOptions makeFieldsNoPrefix ''TextDocumentChangeRegistrationOptions -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- {- New in 3.0 ---------- WillSaveTextDocument Notification The document will save notification is sent from the client to the server before the document is actually saved. Notification: method: 'textDocument/willSave' params: WillSaveTextDocumentParams defined as follows: /** * The parameters send in a will save text document notification. */ export interface WillSaveTextDocumentParams { /** * The document that will be saved. */ textDocument: TextDocumentIdentifier; /** * The 'TextDocumentSaveReason'. */ reason: number; } /** * Represents reasons why a text document is saved. */ export namespace TextDocumentSaveReason { /** * Manually triggered, e.g. by the user pressing save, by starting debugging, * or by an API call. */ export const Manual = 1; /** * Automatic after a delay. */ export const AfterDelay = 2; /** * When the editor lost focus. */ export const FocusOut = 3; } Registration Options: TextDocumentRegistrationOptions -} data TextDocumentSaveReason = SaveManual -- ^ Manually triggered, e.g. by the user pressing save, by starting -- debugging, or by an API call. | SaveAfterDelay -- ^ Automatic after a delay | SaveFocusOut -- ^ When the editor lost focus deriving (Show, Read, Eq) instance A.ToJSON TextDocumentSaveReason where toJSON SaveManual = A.Number 1 toJSON SaveAfterDelay = A.Number 2 toJSON SaveFocusOut = A.Number 3 instance A.FromJSON TextDocumentSaveReason where parseJSON (A.Number 1) = pure SaveManual parseJSON (A.Number 2) = pure SaveAfterDelay parseJSON (A.Number 3) = pure SaveFocusOut parseJSON _ = mempty data WillSaveTextDocumentParams = WillSaveTextDocumentParams { _textDocument :: TextDocumentIdentifier , _reason :: TextDocumentSaveReason } deriving (Show, Read, Eq) deriveJSON lspOptions ''WillSaveTextDocumentParams makeFieldsNoPrefix ''WillSaveTextDocumentParams type WillSaveTextDocumentNotification = NotificationMessage ClientMethod WillSaveTextDocumentParams -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- {- New in 3.0 ---------- WillSaveWaitUntilTextDocument Request The document will save request is sent from the client to the server before the document is actually saved. The request can return an array of TextEdits which will be applied to the text document before it is saved. Please note that clients might drop results if computing the text edits took too long or if a server constantly fails on this request. This is done to keep the save fast and reliable. Request: method: 'textDocument/willSaveWaitUntil' params: WillSaveTextDocumentParams Response: result: TextEdit[] error: code and message set in case an exception happens during the willSaveWaitUntil request. Registration Options: TextDocumentRegistrationOptions -} type WillSaveWaitUntilTextDocumentRequest = RequestMessage ClientMethod WillSaveTextDocumentParams (List TextEdit) type WillSaveWaitUntilTextDocumentResponse = ResponseMessage (List TextEdit) -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- {- DidSaveTextDocument Notification https://github.com/Microsoft/language-server-protocol/blob/master/protocol.md#didsavetextdocument-notification New: The document save notification is sent from the client to the server when the document was saved in the client. method: 'textDocument/didSave' params: DidSaveTextDocumentParams defined as follows: interface DidSaveTextDocumentParams { /** * The document that was saved. */ textDocument: TextDocumentIdentifier; } -} data DidSaveTextDocumentParams = DidSaveTextDocumentParams { _textDocument :: TextDocumentIdentifier } deriving (Read,Show,Eq) deriveJSON lspOptions ''DidSaveTextDocumentParams makeFieldsNoPrefix ''DidSaveTextDocumentParams type DidSaveTextDocumentNotification = NotificationMessage ClientMethod DidSaveTextDocumentParams -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- {- DidCloseTextDocument Notification https://github.com/Microsoft/language-server-protocol/blob/master/protocol.md#didclosetextdocument-notification The document close notification is sent from the client to the server when the document got closed in the client. The document's truth now exists where the document's uri points to (e.g. if the document's uri is a file uri the truth now exists on disk). Changed: In 2.0 the params are of type DidCloseTextDocumentParams which contains a reference to a text document. Notification: method: 'textDocument/didClose' params: DidCloseTextDocumentParams defined as follows: interface DidCloseTextDocumentParams { /** * The document that was closed. */ textDocument: TextDocumentIdentifier; } -} data DidCloseTextDocumentParams = DidCloseTextDocumentParams { _textDocument :: TextDocumentIdentifier } deriving (Read,Show,Eq) deriveJSON lspOptions ''DidCloseTextDocumentParams makeFieldsNoPrefix ''DidCloseTextDocumentParams type DidCloseTextDocumentNotification = NotificationMessage ClientMethod DidCloseTextDocumentParams -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- {- DidChangeWatchedFiles Notification https://github.com/Microsoft/language-server-protocol/blob/master/protocol.md#didchangewatchedfiles-notification The watched files notification is sent from the client to the server when the client detects changes to files watched by the language client. Notification: method: 'workspace/didChangeWatchedFiles' params: DidChangeWatchedFilesParams defined as follows: interface DidChangeWatchedFilesParams { /** * The actual file events. */ changes: FileEvent[]; } Where FileEvents are described as follows: /** * The file event type. */ enum FileChangeType { /** * The file got created. */ Created = 1, /** * The file got changed. */ Changed = 2, /** * The file got deleted. */ Deleted = 3 } /** * An event describing a file change. */ interface FileEvent { /** * The file's URI. */ uri: string; /** * The change type. */ type: number; -} data FileChangeType = FcCreated | FcChanged | FcDeleted deriving (Read,Show,Eq) instance A.ToJSON FileChangeType where toJSON FcCreated = A.Number 1 toJSON FcChanged = A.Number 2 toJSON FcDeleted = A.Number 3 instance A.FromJSON FileChangeType where parseJSON (A.Number 1) = pure FcCreated parseJSON (A.Number 2) = pure FcChanged parseJSON (A.Number 3) = pure FcDeleted parseJSON _ = mempty -- ------------------------------------- data FileEvent = FileEvent { _uri :: Uri , _xtype :: FileChangeType } deriving (Read,Show,Eq) deriveJSON lspOptions{ fieldLabelModifier = customModifier } ''FileEvent makeFieldsNoPrefix ''FileEvent data DidChangeWatchedFilesParams = DidChangeWatchedFilesParams { _changes :: List FileEvent } deriving (Read,Show,Eq) deriveJSON lspOptions ''DidChangeWatchedFilesParams makeFieldsNoPrefix ''DidChangeWatchedFilesParams type DidChangeWatchedFilesNotification = NotificationMessage ClientMethod DidChangeWatchedFilesParams -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- {- PublishDiagnostics Notification https://github.com/Microsoft/language-server-protocol/blob/master/protocol.md#publishdiagnostics-notification Diagnostics notification are sent from the server to the client to signal results of validation runs. Notification method: 'textDocument/publishDiagnostics' params: PublishDiagnosticsParams defined as follows: interface PublishDiagnosticsParams { /** * The URI for which diagnostic information is reported. */ uri: string; /** * An array of diagnostic information items. */ diagnostics: Diagnostic[]; } -} data PublishDiagnosticsParams = PublishDiagnosticsParams { _uri :: Uri , _diagnostics :: List Diagnostic } deriving (Read,Show,Eq) deriveJSON lspOptions ''PublishDiagnosticsParams makeFieldsNoPrefix ''PublishDiagnosticsParams type PublishDiagnosticsNotification = NotificationMessage ServerMethod PublishDiagnosticsParams -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- {- Completion Request The Completion request is sent from the client to the server to compute completion items at a given cursor position. Completion items are presented in the IntelliSense user interface. If computing full completion items is expensive, servers can additionally provide a handler for the completion item resolve request ('completionItem/resolve'). This request is sent when a completion item is selected in the user interface. A typically use case is for example: the 'textDocument/completion' request doesn't fill in the documentation property for returned completion items since it is expensive to compute. When the item is selected in the user interface then a 'completionItem/resolve' request is sent with the selected completion item as a param. The returned completion item should have the documentation property filled in. Changed: In 2.0 the request uses TextDocumentPositionParams with a proper textDocument and position property. In 1.0 the uri of the referenced text document was inlined into the params object. Request method: 'textDocument/completion' params: TextDocumentPositionParams -} -- ------------------------------------- {- Response result: CompletionItem[] | CompletionList /** * Represents a collection of [completion items](#CompletionItem) to be presented * in the editor. */ interface CompletionList { /** * This list it not complete. Further typing should result in recomputing * this list. */ isIncomplete: boolean; /** * The completion items. */ items: CompletionItem[]; } New in 3.0 : InsertTextFormat /** * Defines whether the insert text in a completion item should be interpreted as * plain text or a snippet. */ namespace InsertTextFormat { /** * The primary text to be inserted is treated as a plain string. */ export const PlainText = 1; /** * The primary text to be inserted is treated as a snippet. * * A snippet can define tab stops and placeholders with `$1`, `$2` * and `${3:foo}`. `$0` defines the final tab stop, it defaults to * the end of the snippet. Placeholders with equal identifiers are linked, * that is typing in one will update others too. * * See also: https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/blob/master/src/vs/editor/contrib/snippet/common/snippet.md */ export const Snippet = 2; } interface CompletionItem { /** * The label of this completion item. By default * also the text that is inserted when selecting * this completion. */ label: string; /** * The kind of this completion item. Based of the kind * an icon is chosen by the editor. */ kind?: number; /** * A human-readable string with additional information * about this item, like type or symbol information. */ detail?: string; /** * A human-readable string that represents a doc-comment. */ documentation?: string; /** * A string that shoud be used when comparing this item * with other items. When `falsy` the label is used. */ sortText?: string; /** * A string that should be used when filtering a set of * completion items. When `falsy` the label is used. */ filterText?: string; /** * A string that should be inserted a document when selecting * this completion. When `falsy` the label is used. */ insertText?: string; -- Following field is new in 3.0 /** * The format of the insert text. The format applies to both the `insertText` property * and the `newText` property of a provided `textEdit`. */ insertTextFormat?: InsertTextFormat; /** * An edit which is applied to a document when selecting this completion. When an edit is provided the value of * `insertText` is ignored. * * *Note:* The range of the edit must be a single line range and it must contain the position at which completion * has been requested. */ textEdit?: TextEdit; -- Following field is new in 3.0 /** * An optional array of additional text edits that are applied when * selecting this completion. Edits must not overlap with the main edit * nor with themselves. */ additionalTextEdits?: TextEdit[]; -- Following field is new in 3.0 /** * An optional command that is executed *after* inserting this completion. *Note* that * additional modifications to the current document should be described with the * additionalTextEdits-property. */ command?: Command; /** * An data entry field that is preserved on a completion item between * a completion and a completion resolve request. */ data?: any } Where CompletionItemKind is defined as follows: /** * The kind of a completion entry. */ enum CompletionItemKind { Text = 1, Method = 2, Function = 3, Constructor = 4, Field = 5, Variable = 6, Class = 7, Interface = 8, Module = 9, Property = 10, Unit = 11, Value = 12, Enum = 13, Keyword = 14, Snippet = 15, Color = 16, File = 17, Reference = 18 } error: code and message set in case an exception happens during the completion request. -} -- ------------------------------------- data InsertTextFormat = PlainText -- ^The primary text to be inserted is treated as a plain string. | Snippet -- ^ The primary text to be inserted is treated as a snippet. -- -- A snippet can define tab stops and placeholders with `$1`, `$2` -- and `${3:foo}`. `$0` defines the final tab stop, it defaults to -- the end of the snippet. Placeholders with equal identifiers are linked, -- that is typing in one will update others too. -- -- See also: https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/blob/master/src/vs/editor/contrib/snippet/common/snippet.md deriving (Show, Read, Eq) instance A.ToJSON InsertTextFormat where toJSON PlainText = A.Number 1 toJSON Snippet = A.Number 2 instance A.FromJSON InsertTextFormat where parseJSON (A.Number 1) = pure PlainText parseJSON (A.Number 2) = pure Snippet parseJSON _ = mempty -- ------------------------------------- data CompletionItemKind = CiText | CiMethod | CiFunction | CiConstructor | CiField | CiVariable | CiClass | CiInterface | CiModule | CiProperty | CiUnit | CiValue | CiEnum | CiKeyword | CiSnippet | CiColor | CiFile | CiReference deriving (Read,Show,Eq,Ord) instance A.ToJSON CompletionItemKind where toJSON CiText = A.Number 1 toJSON CiMethod = A.Number 2 toJSON CiFunction = A.Number 3 toJSON CiConstructor = A.Number 4 toJSON CiField = A.Number 5 toJSON CiVariable = A.Number 6 toJSON CiClass = A.Number 7 toJSON CiInterface = A.Number 8 toJSON CiModule = A.Number 9 toJSON CiProperty = A.Number 10 toJSON CiUnit = A.Number 11 toJSON CiValue = A.Number 12 toJSON CiEnum = A.Number 13 toJSON CiKeyword = A.Number 14 toJSON CiSnippet = A.Number 15 toJSON CiColor = A.Number 16 toJSON CiFile = A.Number 17 toJSON CiReference = A.Number 18 instance A.FromJSON CompletionItemKind where parseJSON (A.Number 1) = pure CiText parseJSON (A.Number 2) = pure CiMethod parseJSON (A.Number 3) = pure CiFunction parseJSON (A.Number 4) = pure CiConstructor parseJSON (A.Number 5) = pure CiField parseJSON (A.Number 6) = pure CiVariable parseJSON (A.Number 7) = pure CiClass parseJSON (A.Number 8) = pure CiInterface parseJSON (A.Number 9) = pure CiModule parseJSON (A.Number 10) = pure CiProperty parseJSON (A.Number 11) = pure CiUnit parseJSON (A.Number 12) = pure CiValue parseJSON (A.Number 13) = pure CiEnum parseJSON (A.Number 14) = pure CiKeyword parseJSON (A.Number 15) = pure CiSnippet parseJSON (A.Number 16) = pure CiColor parseJSON (A.Number 17) = pure CiFile parseJSON (A.Number 18) = pure CiReference parseJSON _ = mempty -- ------------------------------------- data CompletionItem = CompletionItem { _label :: Text -- ^ The label of this completion item. By default also -- the text that is inserted when selecting this -- completion. , _kind :: Maybe CompletionItemKind , _detail :: Maybe Text -- ^ A human-readable string with additional -- information about this item, like type or -- symbol information. , _documentation :: Maybe Text -- ^ A human-readable string that represents -- a doc-comment. , _sortText :: Maybe Text -- ^ A string that should be used when filtering -- a set of completion items. When `falsy` the -- label is used. , _filterText :: Maybe Text -- ^ A string that should be used when -- filtering a set of completion items. When -- `falsy` the label is used. , _insertText :: Maybe Text -- ^ A string that should be inserted a -- document when selecting this completion. -- When `falsy` the label is used. , _insertTextFormat :: Maybe InsertTextFormat -- ^ The format of the insert text. The format applies to both the -- `insertText` property and the `newText` property of a provided -- `textEdit`. , _textEdit :: Maybe TextEdit -- ^ An edit which is applied to a document when selecting this -- completion. When an edit is provided the value of `insertText` is -- ignored. -- -- *Note:* The range of the edit must be a single line range and it -- must contain the position at which completion has been requested. , _additionalTextEdits :: Maybe (List TextEdit) -- ^ An optional array of additional text edits that are applied when -- selecting this completion. Edits must not overlap with the main edit -- nor with themselves. , _command :: Maybe Command -- ^ An optional command that is executed *after* inserting this -- completion. *Note* that additional modifications to the current -- document should be described with the additionalTextEdits-property. , _xdata :: Maybe A.Value -- ^ An data entry field that is preserved on a -- completion item between a completion and a -- completion resolve request. } deriving (Read,Show,Eq) deriveJSON lspOptions{ fieldLabelModifier = customModifier } ''CompletionItem makeFieldsNoPrefix ''CompletionItem data CompletionListType = CompletionListType { _isIncomplete :: Bool , _items :: List CompletionItem } deriving (Read,Show,Eq) deriveJSON lspOptions ''CompletionListType makeFieldsNoPrefix ''CompletionListType data CompletionResponseResult = CompletionList CompletionListType | Completions (List CompletionItem) deriving (Read,Show,Eq) deriveJSON defaultOptions { fieldLabelModifier = rdrop (length ("CompletionResponseResult"::String)), sumEncoding = UntaggedValue } ''CompletionResponseResult type CompletionResponse = ResponseMessage CompletionResponseResult type CompletionRequest = RequestMessage ClientMethod TextDocumentPositionParams CompletionResponseResult -- ------------------------------------- {- New in 3.0 ----------- Registration Options: CompletionRegistrationOptions options defined as follows: export interface CompletionRegistrationOptions extends TextDocumentRegistrationOptions { /** * The characters that trigger completion automatically. */ triggerCharacters?: string[]; /** * The server provides support to resolve additional * information for a completion item. */ resolveProvider?: boolean; } -} data CompletionRegistrationOptions = CompletionRegistrationOptions { _documentSelector :: Maybe DocumentSelector , _triggerCharacters :: Maybe (List String) , _resolveProvider :: Maybe Bool } deriving (Show, Read, Eq) deriveJSON lspOptions ''CompletionRegistrationOptions makeFieldsNoPrefix ''CompletionRegistrationOptions -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- {- Completion Item Resolve Request https://github.com/Microsoft/language-server-protocol/blob/master/protocol.md#completion-item-resolve-request The request is sent from the client to the server to resolve additional information for a given completion item. Request method: 'completionItem/resolve' params: CompletionItem Response result: CompletionItem error: code and message set in case an exception happens during the completion resolve request. -} type CompletionItemResolveRequest = RequestMessage ClientMethod CompletionItem CompletionItem type CompletionItemResolveResponse = ResponseMessage CompletionItem -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- {- Hover Request The hover request is sent from the client to the server to request hover information at a given text document position. Changed: In 2.0 the request uses TextDocumentPositionParams with a proper textDocument and position property. In 1.0 the uri of the referenced text document was inlined into the params object. Request method: 'textDocument/hover' params: TextDocumentPositionParams Response result: Hover defined as follows: /** * The result of a hove request. */ interface Hover { /** * The hover's content */ contents: MarkedString | MarkedString[]; /** * An optional range */ range?: Range; } Where MarkedString is defined as follows: /** * MarkedString can be used to render human readable text. It is either a markdown string * or a code-block that provides a language and a code snippet. The language identifier * is sematically equal to the optional language identifier in fenced code blocks in GitHub * issues. See https://help.github.com/articles/creating-and-highlighting-code-blocks/#syntax-highlighting * * The pair of a language and a value is an equivalent to markdown: * ```${language} * ${value} * ``` * * Note that markdown strings will be sanitized - that means html will be escaped. */ type MarkedString = string | { language: string; value: string }; error: code and message set in case an exception happens during the hover request. Registration Options: TextDocumentRegistrationOptions -} data LanguageString = LanguageString { _language :: Text , _value :: Text } deriving (Read,Show,Eq) deriveJSON lspOptions ''LanguageString makeFieldsNoPrefix ''LanguageString data MarkedString = PlainString T.Text | CodeString LanguageString deriving (Eq,Read,Show) instance ToJSON MarkedString where toJSON (PlainString x) = toJSON x toJSON (CodeString x) = toJSON x instance FromJSON MarkedString where parseJSON (A.String t) = pure $ PlainString t parseJSON o = CodeString <$> parseJSON o data Hover = Hover { _contents :: List MarkedString , _range :: Maybe Range } deriving (Read,Show,Eq) deriveJSON lspOptions ''Hover makeFieldsNoPrefix ''Hover type HoverRequest = RequestMessage ClientMethod TextDocumentPositionParams Hover type HoverResponse = ResponseMessage Hover -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- {- Signature Help Request https://github.com/Microsoft/language-server-protocol/blob/master/protocol.md#signature-help-request The signature help request is sent from the client to the server to request signature information at a given cursor position. Changed: In 2.0 the request uses TextDocumentPositionParams with proper textDocument and position properties. In 1.0 the uri of the referenced text document was inlined into the params object. Request method: 'textDocument/signatureHelp' params: TextDocumentPositionParams Response result: SignatureHelp defined as follows: /** * Signature help represents the signature of something * callable. There can be multiple signature but only one * active and only one active parameter. */ interface SignatureHelp { /** * One or more signatures. */ signatures: SignatureInformation[]; /** * The active signature. */ activeSignature?: number; /** * The active parameter of the active signature. */ activeParameter?: number; } /** * Represents the signature of something callable. A signature * can have a label, like a function-name, a doc-comment, and * a set of parameters. */ interface SignatureInformation { /** * The label of this signature. Will be shown in * the UI. */ label: string; /** * The human-readable doc-comment of this signature. Will be shown * in the UI but can be omitted. */ documentation?: string; /** * The parameters of this signature. */ parameters?: ParameterInformation[]; } /** * Represents a parameter of a callable-signature. A parameter can * have a label and a doc-comment. */ interface ParameterInformation { /** * The label of this signature. Will be shown in * the UI. */ label: string; /** * The human-readable doc-comment of this signature. Will be shown * in the UI but can be omitted. */ documentation?: string; } error: code and message set in case an exception happens during the signature help request. -} data ParameterInformation = ParameterInformation { _label :: Text , _documentation :: Maybe Text } deriving (Read,Show,Eq) deriveJSON lspOptions ''ParameterInformation makeFieldsNoPrefix ''ParameterInformation -- ------------------------------------- data SignatureInformation = SignatureInformation { _label :: Text , _documentation :: Maybe Text , _parameters :: Maybe [ParameterInformation] } deriving (Read,Show,Eq) deriveJSON lspOptions ''SignatureInformation makeFieldsNoPrefix ''SignatureInformation data SignatureHelp = SignatureHelp { _signatures :: List SignatureInformation , _activeSignature :: Maybe Int -- ^ The active signature , _activeParameter :: Maybe Int -- ^ The active parameter of the active signature } deriving (Read,Show,Eq) deriveJSON lspOptions ''SignatureHelp makeFieldsNoPrefix ''SignatureHelp type SignatureHelpRequest = RequestMessage ClientMethod TextDocumentPositionParams SignatureHelp type SignatureHelpResponse = ResponseMessage SignatureHelp -- ------------------------------------- {- New in 3.0 ---------- Registration Options: SignatureHelpRegistrationOptions defined as follows: export interface SignatureHelpRegistrationOptions extends TextDocumentRegistrationOptions { /** * The characters that trigger signature help * automatically. */ triggerCharacters?: string[]; } -} data SignatureHelpRegistrationOptions = SignatureHelpRegistrationOptions { _documentSelector :: Maybe DocumentSelector , _triggerCharacters :: Maybe (List String) } deriving (Show, Read, Eq) deriveJSON lspOptions ''SignatureHelpRegistrationOptions makeFieldsNoPrefix ''SignatureHelpRegistrationOptions -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- {- Goto Definition Request https://github.com/Microsoft/language-server-protocol/blob/master/protocol.md#goto-definition-request The goto definition request is sent from the client to the server to resolve the definition location of a symbol at a given text document position. Changed: In 2.0 the request uses TextDocumentPositionParams with proper textDocument and position properties. In 1.0 the uri of the referenced text document was inlined into the params object. Request method: 'textDocument/definition' params: TextDocumentPositionParams Response: result: Location | Location[] error: code and message set in case an exception happens during the definition request. -} -- {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"method":"textDocument/definition","params":{"textDocument":{"uri":"file:///tmp/Foo.hs"},"position":{"line":1,"character":8}}} data DefinitionResponseParams = SingleLoc Location | MultiLoc [Location] deriving (Eq,Read,Show) instance A.ToJSON DefinitionResponseParams where toJSON (SingleLoc x) = toJSON x toJSON (MultiLoc xs) = toJSON xs instance A.FromJSON DefinitionResponseParams where parseJSON xs@(A.Array _) = MultiLoc <$> parseJSON xs parseJSON x = SingleLoc <$> parseJSON x type DefinitionRequest = RequestMessage ClientMethod TextDocumentPositionParams DefinitionResponseParams type DefinitionResponse = ResponseMessage DefinitionResponseParams -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- {- Find References Request https://github.com/Microsoft/language-server-protocol/blob/master/protocol.md#find-references-request The references request is sent from the client to the server to resolve project-wide references for the symbol denoted by the given text document position. Changed: In 2.0 the request uses TextDocumentPositionParams with proper textDocument and position properties. In 1.0 the uri of the referenced text document was inlined into the params object. Request method: 'textDocument/references' params: ReferenceParams defined as follows: interface ReferenceParams extends TextDocumentPositionParams { context: ReferenceContext } interface ReferenceContext { /** * Include the declaration of the current symbol. */ includeDeclaration: boolean; } Response: result: Location[] error: code and message set in case an exception happens during the reference request. -} data ReferenceContext = ReferenceContext { _includeDeclaration :: Bool } deriving (Read,Show,Eq) deriveJSON lspOptions ''ReferenceContext makeFieldsNoPrefix ''ReferenceContext data ReferenceParams = ReferenceParams { _textDocument :: TextDocumentIdentifier , _position :: Position , _context :: ReferenceContext } deriving (Read,Show,Eq) deriveJSON lspOptions ''ReferenceParams makeFieldsNoPrefix ''ReferenceParams type ReferencesRequest = RequestMessage ClientMethod ReferenceParams (List Location) type ReferencesResponse = ResponseMessage (List Location) -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- {- Document Highlights Request https://github.com/Microsoft/language-server-protocol/blob/master/protocol.md#document-highlights-request The document highlight request is sent from the client to the server to resolve a document highlights for a given text document position. For programming languages this usually highlights all references to the symbol scoped to this file. However we kept 'textDocument/documentHighlight' and 'textDocument/references' separate requests since the first one is allowed to be more fuzzy. Symbol matches usually have a DocumentHighlightKind of Read or Write whereas fuzzy or textual matches use Textas the kind. Changed: In 2.0 the request uses TextDocumentPositionParams with proper textDocument and position properties. In 1.0 the uri of the referenced text document was inlined into the params object. Request method: 'textDocument/documentHighlight' params: TextDocumentPositionParams Response result: DocumentHighlight[] defined as follows: /** * A document highlight is a range inside a text document which deserves * special attention. Usually a document highlight is visualized by changing * the background color of its range. * */ interface DocumentHighlight { /** * The range this highlight applies to. */ range: Range; /** * The highlight kind, default is DocumentHighlightKind.Text. */ kind?: number; } /** * A document highlight kind. */ enum DocumentHighlightKind { /** * A textual occurrance. */ Text = 1, /** * Read-access of a symbol, like reading a variable. */ Read = 2, /** * Write-access of a symbol, like writing to a variable. */ Write = 3 } error: code and message set in case an exception happens during the document highlight request. Registration Options: TextDocumentRegistrationOptions -} data DocumentHighlightKind = HkText | HkRead | HkWrite deriving (Read,Show,Eq) instance A.ToJSON DocumentHighlightKind where toJSON HkText = A.Number 1 toJSON HkRead = A.Number 2 toJSON HkWrite = A.Number 3 instance A.FromJSON DocumentHighlightKind where parseJSON (A.Number 1) = pure HkText parseJSON (A.Number 2) = pure HkRead parseJSON (A.Number 3) = pure HkWrite parseJSON _ = mempty -- ------------------------------------- data DocumentHighlight = DocumentHighlight { _range :: Range , _kind :: Maybe DocumentHighlightKind } deriving (Read,Show,Eq) deriveJSON lspOptions ''DocumentHighlight makeFieldsNoPrefix ''DocumentHighlight type DocumentHighlightRequest = RequestMessage ClientMethod TextDocumentPositionParams (List DocumentHighlight) type DocumentHighlightsResponse = ResponseMessage (List DocumentHighlight) -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- {- Document Symbols Request https://github.com/Microsoft/language-server-protocol/blob/master/protocol.md#document-symbols-request The document symbol request is sent from the client to the server to list all symbols found in a given text document. Changed: In 2.0 the request uses DocumentSymbolParams instead of a single uri. Request method: 'textDocument/documentSymbol' params: DocumentSymbolParams defined as follows: interface DocumentSymbolParams { /** * The text document. */ textDocument: TextDocumentIdentifier; } Response result: SymbolInformation[] defined as follows: /** * Represents information about programming constructs like variables, classes, * interfaces etc. */ interface SymbolInformation { /** * The name of this symbol. */ name: string; /** * The kind of this symbol. */ kind: number; /** * The location of this symbol. */ location: Location; /** * The name of the symbol containing this symbol. */ containerName?: string; } Where the kind is defined like this: /** * A symbol kind. */ export enum SymbolKind { File = 1, Module = 2, Namespace = 3, Package = 4, Class = 5, Method = 6, Property = 7, Field = 8, Constructor = 9, Enum = 10, Interface = 11, Function = 12, Variable = 13, Constant = 14, Text = 15, Number = 16, Boolean = 17, Array = 18, } error: code and message set in case an exception happens during the document symbol request. Registration Options: TextDocumentRegistrationOptions -} data DocumentSymbolParams = DocumentSymbolParams { _textDocument :: TextDocumentIdentifier } deriving (Read,Show,Eq) deriveJSON lspOptions ''DocumentSymbolParams makeFieldsNoPrefix ''DocumentSymbolParams -- ------------------------------------- data SymbolKind = SkFile | SkModule | SkNamespace | SkPackage | SkClass | SkMethod | SkProperty | SkField | SkConstructor | SkEnum | SkInterface | SkFunction | SkVariable | SkConstant | SkString | SkNumber | SkBoolean | SkArray deriving (Read,Show,Eq) instance A.ToJSON SymbolKind where toJSON SkFile = A.Number 1 toJSON SkModule = A.Number 2 toJSON SkNamespace = A.Number 3 toJSON SkPackage = A.Number 4 toJSON SkClass = A.Number 5 toJSON SkMethod = A.Number 6 toJSON SkProperty = A.Number 7 toJSON SkField = A.Number 8 toJSON SkConstructor = A.Number 9 toJSON SkEnum = A.Number 10 toJSON SkInterface = A.Number 11 toJSON SkFunction = A.Number 12 toJSON SkVariable = A.Number 13 toJSON SkConstant = A.Number 14 toJSON SkString = A.Number 15 toJSON SkNumber = A.Number 16 toJSON SkBoolean = A.Number 17 toJSON SkArray = A.Number 18 instance A.FromJSON SymbolKind where parseJSON (A.Number 1) = pure SkFile parseJSON (A.Number 2) = pure SkModule parseJSON (A.Number 3) = pure SkNamespace parseJSON (A.Number 4) = pure SkPackage parseJSON (A.Number 5) = pure SkClass parseJSON (A.Number 6) = pure SkMethod parseJSON (A.Number 7) = pure SkProperty parseJSON (A.Number 8) = pure SkField parseJSON (A.Number 9) = pure SkConstructor parseJSON (A.Number 10) = pure SkEnum parseJSON (A.Number 11) = pure SkInterface parseJSON (A.Number 12) = pure SkFunction parseJSON (A.Number 13) = pure SkVariable parseJSON (A.Number 14) = pure SkConstant parseJSON (A.Number 15) = pure SkString parseJSON (A.Number 16) = pure SkNumber parseJSON (A.Number 17) = pure SkBoolean parseJSON (A.Number 18) = pure SkArray parseJSON _ = mempty -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- data SymbolInformation = SymbolInformation { _name :: Text , _kind :: SymbolKind , _location :: Location , _containerName :: Maybe Text -- ^The name of the symbol containing this -- symbol. } deriving (Read,Show,Eq) deriveJSON lspOptions ''SymbolInformation makeFieldsNoPrefix ''SymbolInformation -- ------------------------------------- type DocumentSymbolRequest = RequestMessage ClientMethod DocumentSymbolParams (List SymbolInformation) type DocumentSymbolsResponse = ResponseMessage (List SymbolInformation) -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- {- Workspace Symbols Request https://github.com/Microsoft/language-server-protocol/blob/master/protocol.md#workspace-symbols-request The workspace symbol request is sent from the client to the server to list project-wide symbols matching the query string. Request method: 'workspace/symbol' params: WorkspaceSymbolParams defined as follows: /** * The parameters of a Workspace Symbol Request. */ interface WorkspaceSymbolParams { /** * A non-empty query string */ query: string; } Response result: SymbolInformation[] as defined above. error: code and message set in case an exception happens during the workspace symbol request. -} data WorkspaceSymbolParams = WorkspaceSymbolParams { _query :: Text } deriving (Read,Show,Eq) deriveJSON lspOptions ''WorkspaceSymbolParams makeFieldsNoPrefix ''WorkspaceSymbolParams type WorkspaceSymbolRequest = RequestMessage ClientMethod WorkspaceSymbolParams (List SymbolInformation) type WorkspaceSymbolsResponse = ResponseMessage (List SymbolInformation) -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- {- Code Action Request https://github.com/Microsoft/language-server-protocol/blob/master/protocol.md#code-action-request The code action request is sent from the client to the server to compute commands for a given text document and range. The request is triggered when the user moves the cursor into a problem marker in the editor or presses the lightbulb associated with a marker. Request method: 'textDocument/codeAction' params: CodeActionParams defined as follows: /** * Params for the CodeActionRequest */ interface CodeActionParams { /** * The document in which the command was invoked. */ textDocument: TextDocumentIdentifier; /** * The range for which the command was invoked. */ range: Range; /** * Context carrying additional information. */ context: CodeActionContext; } /** * Contains additional diagnostic information about the context in which * a code action is run. */ interface CodeActionContext { /** * An array of diagnostics. */ diagnostics: Diagnostic[]; } Response result: Command[] defined as follows: error: code and message set in case an exception happens during the code action request. -} data CodeActionContext = CodeActionContext { _diagnostics :: List Diagnostic } deriving (Read,Show,Eq) deriveJSON lspOptions ''CodeActionContext makeFieldsNoPrefix ''CodeActionContext data CodeActionParams = CodeActionParams { _textDocument :: TextDocumentIdentifier , _range :: Range , _context :: CodeActionContext } deriving (Read,Show,Eq) deriveJSON lspOptions ''CodeActionParams makeFieldsNoPrefix ''CodeActionParams type CodeActionRequest = RequestMessage ClientMethod CodeActionParams (List Command) type CodeActionResponse = ResponseMessage (List Command) -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- {- Code Lens Request The code lens request is sent from the client to the server to compute code lenses for a given text document. Changed: In 2.0 the request uses CodeLensParams instead of a single uri. Request method: 'textDocument/codeLens' params: CodeLensParams defined as follows: interface CodeLensParams { /** * The document to request code lens for. */ textDocument: TextDocumentIdentifier; } Response result: CodeLens[] defined as follows: /** * A code lens represents a command that should be shown along with * source text, like the number of references, a way to run tests, etc. * * A code lens is _unresolved_ when no command is associated to it. For performance * reasons the creation of a code lens and resolving should be done in two stages. */ interface CodeLens { /** * The range in which this code lens is valid. Should only span a single line. */ range: Range; /** * The command this code lens represents. */ command?: Command; /** * A data entry field that is preserved on a code lens item between * a code lens and a code lens resolve request. */ data?: any } error: code and message set in case an exception happens during the code lens request. -} data CodeLensParams = CodeLensParams { _textDocument :: TextDocumentIdentifier } deriving (Read,Show,Eq) deriveJSON lspOptions ''CodeLensParams makeFieldsNoPrefix ''CodeLensParams -- ------------------------------------- data CodeLens = CodeLens { _range :: Range , _command :: Maybe Command , _xdata :: Maybe A.Value } deriving (Read,Show,Eq) deriveJSON lspOptions{ fieldLabelModifier = customModifier } ''CodeLens makeFieldsNoPrefix ''CodeLens type CodeLensRequest = RequestMessage ClientMethod CodeLensParams (List CodeLens) type CodeLensResponse = ResponseMessage (List CodeLens) -- ------------------------------------- {- Registration Options: CodeLensRegistrationOptions defined as follows: export interface CodeLensRegistrationOptions extends TextDocumentRegistrationOptions { /** * Code lens has a resolve provider as well. */ resolveProvider?: boolean; } -} data CodeLensRegistrationOptions = CodeLensRegistrationOptions { _documentSelector :: Maybe DocumentSelector , _resolveProvider :: Maybe Bool } deriving (Show, Read, Eq) deriveJSON lspOptions ''CodeLensRegistrationOptions makeFieldsNoPrefix ''CodeLensRegistrationOptions -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- {- Code Lens Resolve Request https://github.com/Microsoft/language-server-protocol/blob/master/protocol.md#code-lens-resolve-request The code lens resolve request is sent from the client to the server to resolve the command for a given code lens item. Request method: 'codeLens/resolve' params: CodeLens Response result: CodeLens error: code and message set in case an exception happens during the code lens resolve request. -} type CodeLensResolveRequest = RequestMessage ClientMethod CodeLens (List CodeLens) type CodeLensResolveResponse = ResponseMessage (List CodeLens) -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- {- New in 3.0 ---------- Document Link Request The document links request is sent from the client to the server to request the location of links in a document. Request: method: 'textDocument/documentLink' params: DocumentLinkParams, defined as follows interface DocumentLinkParams { /** * The document to provide document links for. */ textDocument: TextDocumentIdentifier; } Response: result: An array of DocumentLink, or null. /** * A document link is a range in a text document that links to an internal or external resource, like another * text document or a web site. */ interface DocumentLink { /** * The range this link applies to. */ range: Range; /** * The uri this link points to. If missing a resolve request is sent later. */ target?: DocumentUri; } error: code and message set in case an exception happens during the document link request. Registration Options: DocumentLinkRegistrationOptions defined as follows: export interface DocumentLinkRegistrationOptions extends TextDocumentRegistrationOptions { /** * Document links have a resolve provider as well. */ resolveProvider?: boolean; } -} data DocumentLinkParams = DocumentLinkParams { _textDocument :: TextDocumentIdentifier } deriving (Read,Show,Eq) deriveJSON lspOptions ''DocumentLinkParams makeFieldsNoPrefix ''DocumentLinkParams data DocumentLink = DocumentLink { _range :: Range , _target :: Maybe Text } deriving (Show, Read, Eq) deriveJSON lspOptions ''DocumentLink makeFieldsNoPrefix ''DocumentLink type DocumentLinkRequest = RequestMessage ClientMethod DocumentLinkParams (List DocumentLink) type DocumentLinkResponse = ResponseMessage (List DocumentLink) -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- {- New in 3.0 ---------- Document Link Resolve Request The document link resolve request is sent from the client to the server to resolve the target of a given document link. Request: method: 'documentLink/resolve' params: DocumentLink Response: result: DocumentLink error: code and message set in case an exception happens during the document link resolve request. -} type DocumentLinkResolveRequest = RequestMessage ClientMethod DocumentLink DocumentLink type DocumentLinkResolveResponse = ResponseMessage DocumentLink -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- {- Document Formatting Request https://github.com/Microsoft/language-server-protocol/blob/master/protocol.md#document-formatting-request The document formatting request is sent from the server to the client to format a whole document. Request method: 'textDocument/formatting' params: DocumentFormattingParams defined as follows interface DocumentFormattingParams { /** * The document to format. */ textDocument: TextDocumentIdentifier; /** * The format options. */ options: FormattingOptions; } /** * Value-object describing what options formatting should use. */ interface FormattingOptions { /** * Size of a tab in spaces. */ tabSize: number; /** * Prefer spaces over tabs. */ insertSpaces: boolean; /** * Signature for further properties. */ [key: string]: boolean | number | string; } Response result: TextEdit[] describing the modification to the document to be formatted. error: code and message set in case an exception happens during the formatting request. Registration Options: TextDocumentRegistrationOptions -} data FormattingOptions = FormattingOptions { _tabSize :: Int , _insertSpaces :: Bool -- ^ Prefer spaces over tabs -- Note: May be more properties } deriving (Read,Show,Eq) deriveJSON lspOptions ''FormattingOptions makeFieldsNoPrefix ''FormattingOptions data DocumentFormattingParams = DocumentFormattingParams { _textDocument :: TextDocumentIdentifier , _options :: FormattingOptions } deriving (Show,Read,Eq) deriveJSON lspOptions ''DocumentFormattingParams makeFieldsNoPrefix ''DocumentFormattingParams type DocumentFormattingRequest = RequestMessage ClientMethod DocumentFormattingParams (List TextEdit) type DocumentFormattingResponse = ResponseMessage (List TextEdit) -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- {- Document Range Formatting Request https://github.com/Microsoft/language-server-protocol/blob/master/protocol.md#document-range-formatting-request The document range formatting request is sent from the client to the server to format a given range in a document. Request method: 'textDocument/rangeFormatting', params: DocumentRangeFormattingParams defined as follows interface DocumentRangeFormattingParams { /** * The document to format. */ textDocument: TextDocumentIdentifier; /** * The range to format */ range: Range; /** * The format options */ options: FormattingOptions; } Response result: TextEdit[] describing the modification to the document to be formatted. error: code and message set in case an exception happens during the range formatting request. -} data DocumentRangeFormattingParams = DocumentRangeFormattingParams { _textDocument :: TextDocumentIdentifier , _range :: Range , _options :: FormattingOptions } deriving (Read,Show,Eq) deriveJSON lspOptions ''DocumentRangeFormattingParams makeFieldsNoPrefix ''DocumentRangeFormattingParams type DocumentRangeFormattingRequest = RequestMessage ClientMethod DocumentRangeFormattingParams (List TextEdit) type DocumentRangeFormattingResponse = ResponseMessage (List TextEdit) -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- {- Document on Type Formatting Request https://github.com/Microsoft/language-server-protocol/blob/master/protocol.md#document-on-type-formatting-request The document on type formatting request is sent from the client to the server to format parts of the document during typing. Request method: 'textDocument/onTypeFormatting' params: DocumentOnTypeFormattingParams defined as follows interface DocumentOnTypeFormattingParams { /** * The document to format. */ textDocument: TextDocumentIdentifier; /** * The position at which this request was sent. */ position: Position; /** * The character that has been typed. */ ch: string; /** * The format options. */ options: FormattingOptions; } Response result: TextEdit[] describing the modification to the document. error: code and message set in case an exception happens during the range formatting request. Registration Options: DocumentOnTypeFormattingRegistrationOptions defined as follows: export interface DocumentOnTypeFormattingRegistrationOptions extends TextDocumentRegistrationOptions { /** * A character on which formatting should be triggered, like `}`. */ firstTriggerCharacter: string; /** * More trigger characters. */ moreTriggerCharacter?: string[] } -} data DocumentOnTypeFormattingParams = DocumentOnTypeFormattingParams { _textDocument :: TextDocumentIdentifier , _position :: Position , _ch :: Text , _options :: FormattingOptions } deriving (Read,Show,Eq) deriveJSON lspOptions ''DocumentOnTypeFormattingParams makeFieldsNoPrefix ''DocumentOnTypeFormattingParams type DocumentOnTypeFormattingRequest = RequestMessage ClientMethod DocumentOnTypeFormattingParams (List TextEdit) type DocumentOnTypeFormattingResponse = ResponseMessage (List TextEdit) data DocumentOnTypeFormattingRegistrationOptions = DocumentOnTypeFormattingRegistrationOptions { _firstTriggerCharacter :: Text , _moreTriggerCharacter :: Maybe (List String) } deriving (Show, Read, Eq) deriveJSON lspOptions ''DocumentOnTypeFormattingRegistrationOptions -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- {- Rename Request https://github.com/Microsoft/language-server-protocol/blob/master/protocol.md#rename-request The rename request is sent from the client to the server to perform a workspace-wide rename of a symbol. Request method: 'textDocument/rename' params: RenameParams defined as follows interface RenameParams { /** * The document to format. */ textDocument: TextDocumentIdentifier; /** * The position at which this request was sent. */ position: Position; /** * The new name of the symbol. If the given name is not valid the * request must return a [ResponseError](#ResponseError) with an * appropriate message set. */ newName: string; } Response result: WorkspaceEdit describing the modification to the workspace. error: code and message set in case an exception happens during the rename request. Registration Options: TextDocumentRegistrationOptions -} data RenameParams = RenameParams { _textDocument :: TextDocumentIdentifier , _position :: Position , _newName :: Text } deriving (Show, Read, Eq) deriveJSON lspOptions ''RenameParams makeFieldsNoPrefix ''RenameParams -- {\"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\",\"id\":1,\"method\":\"textDocument/rename\",\"params\":{\"textDocument\":{\"uri\":\"file:///home/alanz/mysrc/github/alanz/haskell-lsp/src/HieVscode.hs\"},\"position\":{\"line\":37,\"character\":17},\"newName\":\"getArgs'\"}} type RenameRequest = RequestMessage ClientMethod RenameParams WorkspaceEdit type RenameResponse = ResponseMessage WorkspaceEdit -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- {- New in 3.0 ---------- Execute a command The workspace/executeCommand request is sent from the client to the server to trigger command execution on the server. In most cases the server creates a WorkspaceEdit structure and applies the changes to the workspace using the request workspace/applyEdit which is sent from the server to the client. Request: method: 'workspace/executeCommand' params: ExecuteCommandParams defined as follows: export interface ExecuteCommandParams { /** * The identifier of the actual command handler. */ command: string; /** * Arguments that the command should be invoked with. */ arguments?: any[]; } The arguments are typically specified when a command is returned from the server to the client. Example requests that return a command are textDocument/codeAction or textDocument/codeLens. Response: result: any error: code and message set in case an exception happens during the request. Registration Options: ExecuteCommandRegistrationOptions defined as follows: /** * Execute command registration options. */ export interface ExecuteCommandRegistrationOptions { /** * The commands to be executed on the server */ commands: string[] } -} data ExecuteCommandParams = ExecuteCommandParams { _command :: Text , _arguments :: Maybe (List A.Value) } deriving (Show, Read, Eq) deriveJSON lspOptions ''ExecuteCommandParams makeFieldsNoPrefix ''ExecuteCommandParams type ExecuteCommandRequest = RequestMessage ClientMethod ExecuteCommandParams A.Value type ExecuteCommandResponse = ResponseMessage A.Value data ExecuteCommandRegistrationOptions = ExecuteCommandRegistrationOptions { _commands :: List Text } deriving (Show, Read, Eq) deriveJSON lspOptions ''ExecuteCommandRegistrationOptions makeFieldsNoPrefix ''ExecuteCommandRegistrationOptions -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- {- New in 3.0 ---------- Applies a WorkspaceEdit The workspace/applyEdit request is sent from the server to the client to modify resource on the client side. Request: method: 'workspace/applyEdit' params: ApplyWorkspaceEditParams defined as follows: export interface ApplyWorkspaceEditParams { /** * The edits to apply. */ edit: WorkspaceEdit; } Response: result: ApplyWorkspaceEditResponse defined as follows: export interface ApplyWorkspaceEditResponse { /** * Indicates whether the edit was applied or not. */ applied: boolean; } error: code and message set in case an exception happens during the request. -} data ApplyWorkspaceEditParams = ApplyWorkspaceEditParams { _edit :: WorkspaceEdit } deriving (Show, Read, Eq) deriveJSON lspOptions ''ApplyWorkspaceEditParams makeFieldsNoPrefix ''ApplyWorkspaceEditParams data ApplyWorkspaceEditResponseBody = ApplyWorkspaceEditResponseBody { _applied :: Bool } deriving (Show, Read, Eq) deriveJSON lspOptions ''ApplyWorkspaceEditResponseBody makeFieldsNoPrefix ''ApplyWorkspaceEditResponseBody -- | Sent from the server to the client type ApplyWorkspaceEditRequest = RequestMessage ServerMethod ApplyWorkspaceEditParams ApplyWorkspaceEditResponseBody type ApplyWorkspaceEditResponse = ResponseMessage ApplyWorkspaceEditResponseBody -- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- data TraceParams = TraceParams { _value :: Text } deriving (Show, Read, Eq) deriveJSON lspOptions ''TraceParams makeFieldsNoPrefix ''TraceParams data TraceNotification = TraceNotification { _params :: TraceParams } deriving (Show, Read, Eq) deriveJSON lspOptions ''TraceNotification makeFieldsNoPrefix ''TraceNotification -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------