{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} module IOArrayTests (ioArrayTests) where import TestHelpers import Data.Array.Storable (StorableArray) import Control.Parallel.MPI.Fast import Data.Array.IO (IOArray, newListArray, getElems) import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay) import Control.Monad (when) import Foreign.C.Types import Data.List root :: Rank root = 0 ioArrayTests :: Rank -> [(String,TestRunnerTest)] ioArrayTests rank = [ mpiTestCase rank "send+recv IO array" $ syncSendRecvTest send , mpiTestCase rank "ssend+recv IO array" $ syncSendRecvTest ssend , mpiTestCase rank "rsend+recv IO array" $ rsendRecvTest -- irecv only works for StorableArray at the moment. See comments in source. -- , mpiTestCase rank "isend+irecv IO array" $ asyncSendRecvTest isend -- , mpiTestCase rank "issend+irecv IO array" $ asyncSendRecvTest issend , mpiTestCase rank "broadcast IO array" broadcastTest , mpiTestCase rank "scatter IO array" scatterTest , mpiTestCase rank "scatterv IO array" scattervTest , mpiTestCase rank "gather IO array" gatherTest , mpiTestCase rank "gatherv IO array" gathervTest , mpiTestCase rank "allgather IO array" allgatherTest , mpiTestCase rank "allgatherv IO array" allgathervTest , mpiTestCase rank "alltoall IO array" alltoallTest , mpiTestCase rank "alltoallv IO array" alltoallvTest , mpiTestCase rank "reduce IO array" reduceTest , mpiTestCase rank "allreduce IO array" allreduceTest , mpiTestCase rank "reduceScatter IO array" reduceScatterTest ] syncSendRecvTest :: (Comm -> Rank -> Tag -> ArrMsg -> IO ()) -> Rank -> IO () -- asyncSendRecvTest :: (Comm -> Rank -> Tag -> IOArray Int Int -> IO Request) -> Rank -> IO () rsendRecvTest, broadcastTest, scatterTest, scattervTest, gatherTest, gathervTest :: Rank -> IO () allgatherTest, allgathervTest, alltoallTest, alltoallvTest, reduceTest, allreduceTest, reduceScatterTest :: Rank -> IO () type ElementType = Double type ArrMsg = IOArray Int ElementType low,hi :: Int range :: (Int, Int) range@(low,hi) = (1,10) arrMsgContent :: [ElementType] arrMsgContent = map fromIntegral [low..hi] arrMsg :: IO ArrMsg arrMsg = newListArray range arrMsgContent syncSendRecvTest sendf rank | rank == sender = do msg <- arrMsg sendf commWorld receiver 789 msg | rank == receiver = do (newMsg::ArrMsg, status) <- intoNewArray range $ recv commWorld sender 789 checkStatus status sender 789 elems <- getElems newMsg elems == arrMsgContent @? "Got wrong array: " ++ show elems | otherwise = return () rsendRecvTest rank = do when (rank == receiver) $ do (newMsg::ArrMsg, status) <- intoNewArray range $ recv commWorld sender 789 checkStatus status sender 789 elems <- getElems newMsg elems == arrMsgContent @? "Got wrong array: " ++ show elems when (rank == sender) $ do msg <- arrMsg threadDelay (2* 10^(6 :: Integer)) rsend commWorld receiver 789 msg return () {- asyncSendRecvTest isendf rank | rank == sender = do msg <- arrMsg req <- isendf commWorld receiver 123456 msg stat <- wait req checkStatus stat sender 123456 -- XXX this type annotation is ugly. Is there a way to make it nicer? | rank == receiver = do (newMsg, req) <- intoNewArray range $ (irecv commWorld sender 123456 :: IOArray Int Int -> IO Request) stat <- wait req checkStatus stat sender 123456 elems <- getElems newMsg elems == [low..hi::Int] @? "Got wrong array: " ++ show elems | otherwise = return () -} broadcastTest myRank = do msg <- arrMsg expected <- arrMsg if myRank == root then bcastSend commWorld sender (msg :: ArrMsg) else bcastRecv commWorld sender (msg :: ArrMsg) elems <- getElems msg expectedElems <- getElems expected elems == expectedElems @? "IOArray bcast yielded garbled result: " ++ show elems scatterTest myRank = do numProcs <- commSize commWorld let segRange = (1, segmentSize) (segment::ArrMsg) <- if myRank == root then do let bigRange@(low, hi) = (1, segmentSize * numProcs) (msg :: ArrMsg) <- newListArray bigRange $ map fromIntegral [low..hi] intoNewArray_ segRange $ scatterSend commWorld root msg else intoNewArray_ segRange $ scatterRecv commWorld root let myRankNo = fromRank myRank expected = take 10 [myRankNo*10+1..] recvMsg <- getElems segment recvMsg == expected @? "Rank " ++ show myRank ++ " got segment " ++ show recvMsg ++ " instead of " ++ show expected where segmentSize = 10 -- scatter list [1..] in a way such that: -- rank 0 will receive [1] -- rank 1 will receive [2,3] -- rank 2 will receive [3,4,5] -- rank 3 will receive [6,7,8,9] -- etc scattervTest myRank = do numProcs <- commSize commWorld let bigRange@(low, hi) = (1, sum [1..numProcs]) recvRange = (0, myRankNo) myRankNo = fromRank myRank counts = [1..fromIntegral numProcs] displs = (0:(Prelude.init $ scanl1 (+) $ [1..fromIntegral numProcs])) (segment::ArrMsg) <- if myRank == root then do (msg :: ArrMsg) <- newListArray bigRange $ map fromIntegral [low..hi] let msgRange = (1, numProcs) (packCounts :: StorableArray Int CInt) <- newListArray msgRange counts (packDispls :: StorableArray Int CInt) <- newListArray msgRange displs intoNewArray_ recvRange $ scattervSend commWorld root msg packCounts packDispls else intoNewArray_ recvRange $ scattervRecv commWorld root recvMsg <- getElems segment let myCount = fromIntegral $ counts!!myRankNo myDispl = fromIntegral $ displs!!myRankNo expected = map fromIntegral $ take myCount $ drop myDispl [low..hi] recvMsg == expected @? "Rank = " ++ show myRank ++ " got segment = " ++ show recvMsg ++ " instead of " ++ show expected gatherTest myRank = do numProcs <- commSize commWorld let segRange@(low,hi) = (1, segmentSize) (msg :: ArrMsg) <- newListArray segRange $ map fromIntegral [low..hi] if myRank /= root then gatherSend commWorld root msg else do let bigRange = (1, segmentSize * numProcs) expected = map fromIntegral $ concat $ replicate numProcs [1..segmentSize] (result::ArrMsg) <- intoNewArray_ bigRange $ gatherRecv commWorld root msg recvMsg <- getElems result recvMsg == expected @? "Rank " ++ show myRank ++ " got " ++ show recvMsg ++ " instead of " ++ show expected where segmentSize = 10 gathervTest myRank = do numProcs <- commSize commWorld let bigRange = (1, sum [1..numProcs]) let myRankNo = fromRank myRank sendRange = (0, myRankNo) (msg :: ArrMsg) <- newListArray sendRange $ map fromIntegral [0..myRankNo] if myRank /= root then gathervSend commWorld root msg else do let msgRange = (1, numProcs) counts = [1..fromIntegral numProcs] displs = (0:(Prelude.init $ scanl1 (+) $ [1..fromIntegral numProcs])) expected = map fromIntegral $ concat $ reverse $ take numProcs $ iterate Prelude.init [0..numProcs-1] (packCounts :: StorableArray Int CInt) <- newListArray msgRange counts (packDispls :: StorableArray Int CInt) <- newListArray msgRange displs (segment::ArrMsg) <- intoNewArray_ bigRange $ gathervRecv commWorld root msg packCounts packDispls recvMsg <- getElems segment recvMsg == expected @? "Rank = " ++ show myRank ++ " got segment = " ++ show recvMsg ++ " instead of " ++ show expected allgatherTest _ = do numProcs <- commSize commWorld let segRange@(low,hi) = (1, segmentSize) (msg :: ArrMsg) <- newListArray segRange $ map fromIntegral [low..hi] let bigRange = (1, segmentSize * numProcs) expected = map fromIntegral $ concat $ replicate numProcs [1..segmentSize] (result::ArrMsg) <- intoNewArray_ bigRange $ allgather commWorld msg recvMsg <- getElems result recvMsg == expected @? "Got " ++ show recvMsg ++ " instead of " ++ show expected where segmentSize = 10 allgathervTest myRank = do numProcs <- commSize commWorld let bigRange = (1, sum [1..numProcs]) let myRankNo = fromRank myRank sendRange = (0, myRankNo) (msg :: ArrMsg) <- newListArray sendRange $ map fromIntegral [0..myRankNo] let msgRange = (1, numProcs) counts = [1..fromIntegral numProcs] displs = (0:(Prelude.init $ scanl1 (+) $ [1..fromIntegral numProcs])) expected = map fromIntegral $ concat $ reverse $ take numProcs $ iterate Prelude.init [0..numProcs-1] (packCounts :: StorableArray Int CInt) <- newListArray msgRange counts (packDispls :: StorableArray Int CInt) <- newListArray msgRange displs (result::ArrMsg) <- intoNewArray_ bigRange $ allgatherv commWorld msg packCounts packDispls recvMsg <- getElems result recvMsg == expected @? "Got segment = " ++ show recvMsg ++ " instead of " ++ show expected alltoallTest myRank = do numProcs <- commSize commWorld let myRankNo = fromRank myRank sendRange = (0, numProcs-1) (msg :: ArrMsg) <- newListArray sendRange $ take numProcs $ repeat myRankNo let recvRange = sendRange expected = map fromIntegral $ [0..numProcs-1] (result::ArrMsg) <- intoNewArray_ recvRange $ alltoall commWorld msg 1 1 recvMsg <- getElems result recvMsg == expected @? "Got segment = " ++ show recvMsg ++ " instead of " ++ show expected -- Each rank sends its own number (Int) with sendCounts [1,2,3..] -- Each rank receives Ints with recvCounts [rank+1,rank+1,rank+1,...] -- Rank 0 should receive 0,1,2 -- Rank 1 should receive 0,0,1,1,2,2 -- Rank 2 should receive 0,0,0,1,1,1,2,2,2 -- etc alltoallvTest myRank = do numProcs <- commSize commWorld let myRankNo :: CInt = fromRank myRank sendCounts = take numProcs [1..] msgLen = fromIntegral $ sum sendCounts sendDispls = Prelude.init $ scanl1 (+) $ 0:sendCounts recvCounts = take numProcs (repeat (myRankNo+1)) recvDispls = Prelude.init $ scanl1 (+) $ 0:recvCounts expected = map fromIntegral $ concatMap (genericReplicate (myRankNo+1)) (take numProcs [(0::CInt)..]) (packSendCounts :: StorableArray Int CInt) <- newListArray (1, length sendCounts) sendCounts (packSendDispls :: StorableArray Int CInt) <- newListArray (1, length sendDispls) sendDispls (packRecvCounts :: StorableArray Int CInt) <- newListArray (1, length recvCounts) recvCounts (packRecvDispls :: StorableArray Int CInt) <- newListArray (1, length recvDispls) recvDispls (msg :: ArrMsg) <- newListArray (1, msgLen) $ map fromIntegral $ take msgLen $ repeat myRankNo (result::ArrMsg) <- intoNewArray_ (1, length expected) $ alltoallv commWorld msg packSendCounts packSendDispls packRecvCounts packRecvDispls recvMsg <- getElems result recvMsg == expected @? "Got " ++ show recvMsg ++ " instead of " ++ show expected -- Reducing arrays [0,1,2....] with SUM should yield [0,numProcs,2*numProcs, ...] reduceTest myRank = do numProcs <- commSize commWorld (src :: ArrMsg) <- newListArray (0,99) [0..99] if myRank /= root then reduceSend commWorld root sumOp src else do (result :: ArrMsg) <- intoNewArray_ (0,99) $ reduceRecv commWorld root sumOp src recvMsg <- getElems result let expected = map ((fromIntegral numProcs)*) [0..99::ElementType] recvMsg == expected @? "Got " ++ show recvMsg ++ " instead of " ++ show expected allreduceTest _ = do numProcs <- commSize commWorld (src :: ArrMsg) <- newListArray (0,99) [0..99] (result :: ArrMsg) <- intoNewArray_ (0,99) $ allreduce commWorld sumOp src recvMsg <- getElems result let expected = map (fromIntegral.(numProcs*)) [0..99] recvMsg == expected @? "Got " ++ show recvMsg ++ " instead of " ++ show expected -- We reduce [0..] with SUM. -- Each process gets (rank+1) elements of the result reduceScatterTest myRank = do numProcs <- commSize commWorld let dataSize = sum [1..numProcs] msg = take dataSize [0..] myRankNo = fromRank myRank (src :: ArrMsg) <- newListArray (1,dataSize) msg (counts :: StorableArray Int CInt) <- newListArray (1, numProcs) [1..fromIntegral numProcs] (result :: ArrMsg) <- intoNewArray_ (1,myRankNo + 1) $ reduceScatter commWorld sumOp counts src recvMsg <- getElems result let expected = map ((fromIntegral numProcs)*) $ take (myRankNo+1) $ drop (sum [0..myRankNo]) msg recvMsg == expected @? "Got " ++ show recvMsg ++ " instead of " ++ show expected