module Main where import Control.Parallel.MPI.Base import TestHelpers import OtherTests import SimpleTests import StorableArrayTests import IOArrayTests import FastAndSimpleTests import GroupTests import PrimTypeTests import ExceptionTests import Control.Monad (when) import System.Posix.IO (dupTo, stdError, stdOutput) import Trace.Hpc.Tix import Trace.Hpc.Reflect {- Test.Runner vs TestFramework ---------------------------- In order to be able to debug MPI bindings testsuite on a single-node MPI installation one has to be able to separate output from processes of different rank. OpenMPI allows to do so via the --output-filename switch of mpirun, but MPICH2 does not have similar feature. And since most of the output in the testsuite is done from inside test harness library, there is very little control over output. Obvious solution would be to redirect stdout of the process to some other file handle via dup2(2). However, there are several downsides: 1. Binding for dup2 (hDuplicateTo) is a GHC-only solutions 2. TestFramework does not play well with this solution, shutting output completely when stdout is redirected (probably "ncurses" is disappointed to find that output is not a terminal anymore) Nevertheless, I decided to stick to hDuplicateTo and ditch TestFramework in favor of TestRunner, since it allows for consistent experience across MPI implementations. -} {- Code coverage analysis ---------------------- It's very nice to have code coverage report for testsuite to make sure that no major piece of code is left untested. However, current profiling mechanism does not play well with MPI: when mpirun starts two processes (on the single node), they both try to run to the same .tix file at once. Mayhem ensues. In order to fix this, Testsuite.hs has been made to depend on hpc package, and after all tests has been run, HPC API is instructed to write tix data to files rank.tix. Command line tool "hpc" could then be used to combine those into single .tix file, which could be used to produce code coverage report. Simple script "bin/" does all this automatically. Note: script should be run from the toplevel project dir (where haskell-mpi.cabal is residing). -} {- How to set up OpenMPI on 2 (3,4,..) nodes? ------------------------------------------ Quick intro for the impatient: 1)Set up OpenMPI on each node 2)Either use a global filesystem, or make sure that binary is on each node in the $PATH 3)If you have several network interfaces on a particular node, but want to use only some of them, edit /etc/openmpi/openmpi-mca-params.conf and add there: btl_tcp_if_include=wlan0 oob_tcp_if_include=wlan0 oob_tcp_include=wlan0 4)Create hostfile 5)Use mpirun -np X --hostfile -} main :: IO () main = do provided <- initThread Multiple size <- commSize commWorld rank <- commRank commWorld if (size < 2) then putStrLn $ unlines [ "Need at least two processes to run the tests." , "Typical command line could look like this:" , "'mpirun -np 2 bindings-mpi-testsuite 1>sender.log 2>receiver.log'" ] else do when (rank /= 0) $ do _ <- dupTo stdError stdOutput -- redirect stdout to stderr for non-root processes return () putStrLn $ "MPI implementation provides thread support level: " ++ show provided testRunnerMain $ tests provided rank barrier commWorld -- synchronize processes after all tests -- Dump profiling data tix <- examineTix writeTix ("rank" ++ (show rank) ++ ".tix") tix finalize tests :: ThreadSupport -> Rank -> [(String, TestRunnerTest)] tests threadSupport rank = otherTests threadSupport rank ++ primTypeTests rank ++ simpleTests rank ++ storableArrayTests rank ++ ioArrayTests rank ++ fastAndSimpleTests rank ++ groupTests rank ++ exceptionTests rank