module Distribution.HaskellSuite.Packages
, getInstalledPackages
, readPackagesInfo
, IsPackageDB(..)
, MaybeInitDB(..)
, maybeInitDB
, StandardDB(..)
, IsDBName(..)
, makePkgInfoRelative
, makePkgInfoAbsolute
, mapPaths
, writeDB
, readDB
, initDB
, PkgDBError(..)
, PkgInfoError(..)
import Control.Exception as E
import Control.Monad
import Data.Binary
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Tagged
import Data.Typeable
import qualified Distribution.InstalledPackageInfo as Info
import Distribution.Package
import Distribution.Text
import System.Directory
import System.FilePath
import Text.Printf
import Distribution.Simple.Compiler (PackageDB (..))
import Distribution.Simple.Utils
import Distribution.Verbosity
type Packages = [Info.InstalledPackageInfo]
:: forall db. IsPackageDB db
=> Proxy db
-> PackageDB
-> IO Packages
getInstalledPackages _proxy dbspec = do
mbDb <- locateDB dbspec
(return [])
(readPackageDB $ maybeInitDB dbspec)
(mbDb :: Maybe db)
:: IsPackageDB db
=> Proxy db -> [PackageDB] -> [UnitId] -> IO Packages
readPackagesInfo proxyDb dbs pkgIds = do
allPkgInfos <- concat <$> mapM (getInstalledPackages proxyDb) dbs
pkgMap =
[ (Info.installedUnitId pkgInfo, pkgInfo)
| pkgInfo <- allPkgInfos
forM pkgIds $ \pkgId ->
(throwIO $ PkgInfoNotFound pkgId)
(Map.lookup pkgId pkgMap)
class IsPackageDB db where
dbName :: Tagged db String
readPackageDB :: MaybeInitDB -> db -> IO Packages
writePackageDB :: db -> Packages -> IO ()
globalDB :: IO (Maybe db)
dbFromPath :: FilePath -> IO db
locateDB :: PackageDB -> IO (Maybe db)
locateDB GlobalPackageDB = globalDB
locateDB UserPackageDB = Just <$> userDB
locateDB (SpecificPackageDB p) = Just <$> dbFromPath p
userDB :: IO db
userDB = do
let name = untag (dbName :: Tagged db String)
path <- (</>) <$> haskellPackagesDir <*> pure (name <.> "db")
dbFromPath path
data MaybeInitDB = InitDB | Don'tInitDB
maybeInitDB :: PackageDB -> MaybeInitDB
maybeInitDB GlobalPackageDB = InitDB
maybeInitDB UserPackageDB = InitDB
maybeInitDB SpecificPackageDB {} = Don'tInitDB
class IsDBName name where
getDBName :: Tagged name String
newtype StandardDB name = StandardDB FilePath
instance IsDBName name => IsPackageDB (StandardDB name) where
dbName = retag (getDBName :: Tagged name String)
readPackageDB init (StandardDB db) =
map (makePkgInfoAbsolute (dropFileName db)) <$> readDB init db
writePackageDB (StandardDB db) = writeDB db
globalDB = return Nothing
dbFromPath path = return $ StandardDB path
makePkgInfoRelative :: FilePath -> Info.InstalledPackageInfo -> Info.InstalledPackageInfo
makePkgInfoRelative base = mapPaths (makeRelative base)
makePkgInfoAbsolute :: FilePath -> Info.InstalledPackageInfo -> Info.InstalledPackageInfo
makePkgInfoAbsolute base info =
flip mapPaths info $ \f ->
if isRelative f
then base </> f
else f
:: (FilePath -> FilePath)
-> (Info.InstalledPackageInfo -> Info.InstalledPackageInfo)
mapPaths f info = info
{ Info.importDirs = map f (Info.importDirs info)
, Info.libraryDirs = map f (Info.libraryDirs info)
, Info.includeDirs = map f (Info.includeDirs info)
, Info.frameworkDirs = map f (Info.frameworkDirs info)
, Info.haddockInterfaces = map f (Info.haddockInterfaces info)
, Info.haddockHTMLs = map f (Info.haddockHTMLs info)
writeDB :: FilePath -> Packages -> IO ()
writeDB path db = LBS.writeFile path $ encode db
readDB :: MaybeInitDB -> FilePath -> IO Packages
readDB maybeInit path = do
cts <- LBS.fromChunks . return <$> BS.readFile path
`E.catch` \e ->
throwIO $ PkgDBReadError path e
maybe (throwIO $ BadPkgDB path) return $ decode cts
| InitDB <- maybeInit = initDB path
| otherwise = return ()
initDB :: FilePath -> IO ()
initDB path = do
dbExists <- doesFileExist path
unless dbExists $ do
createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose silent True (dropFileName path)
writeDB path []
haskellPackagesDir :: IO FilePath
haskellPackagesDir = getAppUserDataDirectory "haskell-packages"
errPrefix :: String
errPrefix = "haskell-suite package manager"
data PkgDBError
= BadPkgDB FilePath
| PkgDBReadError FilePath IOException
| PkgExists UnitId
| RegisterNullDB
deriving (Typeable)
instance Show PkgDBError where
show (BadPkgDB path) =
printf "%s: bad package database at %s" errPrefix path
show (PkgDBReadError path e) =
printf "%s: package db at %s could not be read: %s"
errPrefix path (show e)
show (PkgExists pkgid) =
printf "%s: package %s is already in the database" errPrefix (display pkgid)
show RegisterNullDB =
printf "%s: attempt to register in a null global db" errPrefix
instance Exception PkgDBError
newtype PkgInfoError
= PkgInfoNotFound UnitId
deriving Typeable
instance Exception PkgInfoError
instance Show PkgInfoError where
show (PkgInfoNotFound pkgid) =
printf "%s: package not found: %s" errPrefix (display pkgid)