{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables        #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
module Distribution.HaskellSuite.Packages
  -- * Querying package databases
  -- | 'getInstalledPackages' and 'readPackagesInfo' can be used to get
  -- package information from package databases.
  -- They use the 'IsPackageDB' interface, so that you can use them with
  -- your own, custom databases.
  -- Use 'getInstalledPackages' to get all packages defined in a particular
  -- database, and 'readPackagesInfo' when you're searching for
  -- a particular set of packages in a set of databases.
  , getInstalledPackages
  , readPackagesInfo
  -- * IsPackageDB class and friends
  , IsPackageDB(..)
  , MaybeInitDB(..)
  , maybeInitDB
  -- * StandardDB
  -- | 'StandardDB' is a simple `IsPackageDB` implementation which cover many
  -- (but not all) use cases. Please see the source code to see what
  -- assumptions it makes and whether they hold for your use case.
  , StandardDB(..)
  , IsDBName(..)

  -- * Relative paths in package databases
  -- | Traditionally, the paths in package databases are absolute.
  -- haskell-packages allows relative file paths in databases, which is
  -- useful in some cases (e.g. relocatable global package database).
  -- By default, 'readPackageDB' (for 'StandardDB') treats relative paths
  -- as being relative to the database path.
  -- However, Cabal still passes absolute file names, and by default
  -- 'writePackageDB' stores them verbatim. To change this, use
  -- 'makePkgInfoRelative' in your implementation of 'writePackageDB'.
  , makePkgInfoRelative
  , makePkgInfoAbsolute
  , mapPaths

  -- * Direct database manipulation
  -- | 'writeDB' and 'readDB' perform (de)serialization of a package
  -- database using a simple JSON encoding. You may use these to implement
  -- 'writePackageDB' and 'readPackageDB' for your own databases.
  , writeDB
  , readDB
  , initDB
  -- * Exceptions
  , PkgDBError(..)
  , PkgInfoError(..)

import           Control.Exception                 as E
import           Control.Monad
import           Data.Binary
import qualified Data.ByteString                   as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy              as LBS
import qualified Data.Map                          as Map
import           Data.Tagged
import           Data.Typeable
import qualified Distribution.InstalledPackageInfo as Info
import           Distribution.Package
import           Distribution.Text
import           System.Directory
import           System.FilePath
import           Text.Printf

-- The following imports are needed only for JSON instances
import           Distribution.Simple.Compiler      (PackageDB (..))
import           Distribution.Simple.Utils
import           Distribution.Verbosity

-- Querying --

type Packages = [Info.InstalledPackageInfo]

-- | Get all packages that are registered in a particular database
-- If the database doesn't exist, the behaviour is determined by
-- 'maybeInitDB'.
  :: forall db. IsPackageDB db
  => Proxy db
  -> PackageDB
  -> IO Packages
getInstalledPackages _proxy dbspec = do
  mbDb <- locateDB dbspec

    (return [])
    (readPackageDB $ maybeInitDB dbspec)
    (mbDb :: Maybe db)

-- | Try to retrieve an 'InstalledPackageInfo' for each of
-- 'UnitId's from a specified set of 'PackageDB's.
-- May throw a 'PkgInfoNotFound' exception.
-- If a database doesn't exist, the behaviour is determined by
-- 'maybeInitDB'.
  :: IsPackageDB db
  => Proxy db -> [PackageDB] -> [UnitId] -> IO Packages
readPackagesInfo proxyDb dbs pkgIds = do
  allPkgInfos <- concat <$> mapM (getInstalledPackages proxyDb) dbs
    pkgMap =
        [ (Info.installedUnitId pkgInfo, pkgInfo)
        | pkgInfo <- allPkgInfos
  forM pkgIds $ \pkgId ->
      (throwIO $ PkgInfoNotFound pkgId)
      (Map.lookup pkgId pkgMap)

-- IsPackageDB & friends --

-- | Package database class.
-- @db@ will typically be a newtype-wrapped path to the database file,
-- although more sophisticated setups are certainly possible.
  -- Consider using 'StandardDB' first, and implement your own database
  -- type if that isn't enough.
class IsPackageDB db where

  -- | The name of the database. Used to construct some paths.
  dbName :: Tagged db String

  -- | Read a package database.
  -- If the database does not exist, then the first argument tells whether
  -- we should create and initialize it with an empty package list. In
  -- that case, if 'Don'tInitDB' is specified, a 'BadPkgDb' exception is
  -- thrown.
  readPackageDB :: MaybeInitDB -> db -> IO Packages

  -- | Write a package database
  writePackageDB :: db -> Packages -> IO ()

  -- | Get the location of a global package database (if there's one)
  globalDB :: IO (Maybe db)

  -- | Create a db object given a database file path
  dbFromPath :: FilePath -> IO db

  -- Methods that have default implementations

  -- | Convert a package db specification to a db object
  locateDB :: PackageDB -> IO (Maybe db)
  locateDB GlobalPackageDB       = globalDB
  locateDB UserPackageDB         = Just <$> userDB
  locateDB (SpecificPackageDB p) = Just <$> dbFromPath p

  -- | The user database
  userDB :: IO db
  userDB = do
    let name = untag (dbName :: Tagged db String)
    path <- (</>) <$> haskellPackagesDir <*> pure (name <.> "db")
    dbFromPath path

-- | A flag which tells whether the library should create an empty package
-- database if it doesn't exist yet
data MaybeInitDB = InitDB | Don'tInitDB

-- | This function determines whether a package database should be
-- initialized if it doesn't exist yet.
-- The rule is this: if it is a global or a user database, then initialize
-- it; otherwise, don't.
-- Rationale: if the database was specified by the user, she could have
-- made a mistake in the path, and we'd rather report it. On the other
-- hand, it is our responsibility to ensure that the user and global
-- databases exist.
maybeInitDB :: PackageDB -> MaybeInitDB
maybeInitDB GlobalPackageDB      = InitDB
maybeInitDB UserPackageDB        = InitDB
maybeInitDB SpecificPackageDB {} = Don'tInitDB

-- StandardDB --

class IsDBName name where
  getDBName :: Tagged name String

newtype StandardDB name = StandardDB FilePath

instance IsDBName name => IsPackageDB (StandardDB name) where
  dbName = retag (getDBName :: Tagged name String)

  readPackageDB init (StandardDB db) =
    map (makePkgInfoAbsolute (dropFileName db)) <$> readDB init db
  writePackageDB (StandardDB db) = writeDB db
  globalDB = return Nothing
  dbFromPath path = return $ StandardDB path

-- Absolute and relative paths --

-- | Make all paths in the package info relative to the given base
-- directory.
makePkgInfoRelative :: FilePath -> Info.InstalledPackageInfo -> Info.InstalledPackageInfo
makePkgInfoRelative base = mapPaths (makeRelative base)

-- | Make all relative paths in the package info absolute, interpreting
-- them relative to the given base directory.
makePkgInfoAbsolute :: FilePath -> Info.InstalledPackageInfo -> Info.InstalledPackageInfo
makePkgInfoAbsolute base info =
  flip mapPaths info $ \f ->
    if isRelative f
      then base </> f
      else f

-- | Apply a given function to all file paths contained in the package info
  :: (FilePath -> FilePath)
  -> (Info.InstalledPackageInfo -> Info.InstalledPackageInfo)
mapPaths f info = info
  { Info.importDirs = map f (Info.importDirs info)
  , Info.libraryDirs = map f (Info.libraryDirs info)
  , Info.includeDirs = map f (Info.includeDirs info)
  , Info.frameworkDirs = map f (Info.frameworkDirs info)
  , Info.haddockInterfaces = map f (Info.haddockInterfaces info)
  , Info.haddockHTMLs = map f (Info.haddockHTMLs info)

-- Auxiliary functions --

writeDB :: FilePath -> Packages -> IO ()
writeDB path db = LBS.writeFile path $ encode db

readDB :: MaybeInitDB -> FilePath -> IO Packages
readDB maybeInit path = do

  cts <- LBS.fromChunks . return <$> BS.readFile path
    `E.catch` \e ->
      throwIO $ PkgDBReadError path e
  maybe (throwIO $ BadPkgDB path) return $ decode cts

      | InitDB <- maybeInit = initDB path
      | otherwise = return ()

-- | If the path does not exist, create an empty database there. Otherwise,
-- do nothing.
initDB :: FilePath -> IO ()
initDB path = do
  dbExists <- doesFileExist path
  unless dbExists $ do
    createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose silent True (dropFileName path)
    writeDB path []

haskellPackagesDir :: IO FilePath
haskellPackagesDir = getAppUserDataDirectory "haskell-packages"

-- Exceptions --

errPrefix :: String
errPrefix = "haskell-suite package manager"

data PkgDBError
  = BadPkgDB FilePath -- ^ package database could not be parsed or contains errors
  | PkgDBReadError FilePath IOException -- ^ package db file could not be read
  | PkgExists UnitId -- ^ attempt to register an already present package id
  | RegisterNullDB -- ^ attempt to register in the global db when it's not present
  deriving (Typeable)
instance Show PkgDBError where
  show (BadPkgDB path) =
    printf "%s: bad package database at %s" errPrefix path
  show (PkgDBReadError path e) =
    printf "%s: package db at %s could not be read: %s"
      errPrefix path (show e)
  show (PkgExists pkgid) =
    printf "%s: package %s is already in the database" errPrefix (display pkgid)
  show RegisterNullDB =
    printf "%s: attempt to register in a null global db" errPrefix
instance Exception PkgDBError

newtype PkgInfoError
  = PkgInfoNotFound UnitId
  -- ^ requested package id could not be found in any of the package databases
  deriving Typeable
instance Exception PkgInfoError
instance Show PkgInfoError where
  show (PkgInfoNotFound pkgid) =
    printf "%s: package not found: %s" errPrefix (display pkgid)