Name: haskell-src-exts Version: 0.2.1 License: BSD4 License-File: LICENSE Author: Niklas Broberg Maintainer: Niklas Broberg Category: Language Synopsis: Manipulating Haskell source: abstract syntax, lexer, parser, and pretty-printer Description: Haskell-Source with eXtensions (HSX, haskell-src-exts) is an extension of the standard haskell-src package, and handles most common syntactic extensions to Haskell, including: . * Multi-parameter type classes with functional dependencies . * Empty data declarations . * GADTs . * Implicit parameters (ghc and hugs style) . * Template Haskell (broken for 6.4, needs redoing) . and a few more. Apart from these standard extensions, it also handles regular patterns as per the HaRP extension as well as HSP-style embedded XML syntax (HSP release imminent). . For details on usage, please see the website. Homepage: Stability: Experimental Tested-with: GHC==6.8.2 Build-Type: Simple Cabal-Version: >= 1.2 Flag splitBase Description: Choose the new smaller, split-up base package. Library Build-Tools: happy Build-Depends: base if flag(splitBase) Build-Depends: base >= 3, array >= 0.1, pretty >= 1.0 else Build-Depends: base < 3 Exposed-modules: Language.Haskell.Hsx, Language.Haskell.Hsx.Parser, Language.Haskell.Hsx.Pretty, Language.Haskell.Hsx.Transform, Language.Haskell.Hsx.Syntax, Language.Haskell.Hsx.Build Other-modules: Language.Haskell.Hsx.ParseMonad, Language.Haskell.Hsx.Lexer, Language.Haskell.Hsx.ParseUtils