{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses, StandaloneDeriving #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} module Extensions (extensionProperties) where import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.SmallCheck import Test.SmallCheck.Series import Language.Haskell.Exts.Annotated import Data.Function import Data.List instance Monad m => Serial m Language where series = generate (const knownLanguages) instance Monad m => Serial m Extension where series = generate (const knownExtensions) instance Monad m => Serial m KnownExtension where series = generate $ const [ e | EnableExtension e <- knownExtensions ] infix 3 ~~ (~~) :: Monad m => [Extension] -> [Extension] -> Property m xts1 ~~ xts2 = forAll $ \lang -> ((==) `on` sort . toExtensionList lang) xts1 xts2 extensionProperties :: TestTree extensionProperties = localOption (SmallCheckDepth 2) $ testGroup "Properties of LANGUAGE extensions" $ [ testProperty "identity" $ \x -> x ~~ x , testProperty "idempotence" $ \x -> x ++ x ~~ x , testProperty "right bias" $ \x y -> x ++ y ++ x ~~ y ++ x , testProperty "closedness of implication" $ \x -> impliesExts (impliesExts x) == impliesExts x , testProperty "closedness of toExtensionList" $ \l x -> let es = toExtensionList l x in es == impliesExts es , testProperty "opposite extensions 1" $ \x -> [EnableExtension x, DisableExtension x] ~~ [DisableExtension x] , testProperty "opposite extensions 2" $ \x -> [DisableExtension x, EnableExtension x] ~~ [EnableExtension x] ]