{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
module Language.Haskell.Exts.Syntax (
Module(..), ModuleHead(..), WarningText(..), ExportSpecList(..), ExportSpec(..),
ImportDecl(..), ImportSpecList(..), ImportSpec(..), Assoc(..), Namespace(..),
Decl(..), DeclHead(..), InstRule(..), InstHead(..), Binds(..), IPBind(..), PatternSynDirection(..),
InjectivityInfo(..), ResultSig(..),
ClassDecl(..), InstDecl(..), Deriving(..), DerivStrategy(..),
DataOrNew(..), ConDecl(..), FieldDecl(..), QualConDecl(..), GadtDecl(..), BangType(..),
Match(..), Rhs(..), GuardedRhs(..),
Context(..), FunDep(..), Asst(..),
Type(..), Boxed(..), Kind, TyVarBind(..), Promoted(..),
TypeEqn (..),
Exp(..), Stmt(..), QualStmt(..), FieldUpdate(..),
Alt(..), XAttr(..),
Pat(..), PatField(..), PXAttr(..), RPat(..), RPatOp(..),
Literal(..), Sign(..),
ModuleName(..), QName(..), Name(..), QOp(..), Op(..),
SpecialCon(..), CName(..), IPName(..), XName(..), Role(..),
Bracket(..), Splice(..),
Safety(..), CallConv(..),
ModulePragma(..), Tool(..), Overlap(..),
Rule(..), RuleVar(..), Activation(..),
Annotation(..), BooleanFormula(..),
prelude_mod, main_mod,
unit_con_name, tuple_con_name, list_con_name, list_cons_name, unboxed_singleton_con_name,
unit_con, tuple_con, unboxed_singleton_con,
as_name, qualified_name, hiding_name, minus_name, bang_name, dot_name, star_name,
export_name, safe_name, unsafe_name, interruptible_name, threadsafe_name,
stdcall_name, ccall_name, cplusplus_name, dotnet_name, jvm_name, js_name,
javascript_name, capi_name, forall_name, family_name, role_name, hole_name,
stock_name, anyclass_name, via_name,
unit_tycon_name, fun_tycon_name, list_tycon_name, tuple_tycon_name, unboxed_singleton_tycon_name,
unit_tycon, fun_tycon, list_tycon, tuple_tycon, unboxed_singleton_tycon,
Annotated(..), (=~=),
) where
import Prelude hiding (id)
import Data.Data
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 710
import Data.Foldable (Foldable)
import Data.Traversable (Traversable)
data ModuleName l = ModuleName l String
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data,Foldable,Traversable,Functor,Generic)
data SpecialCon l
= UnitCon l
| ListCon l
| FunCon l
| TupleCon l Boxed Int
| Cons l
| UnboxedSingleCon l
| ExprHole l
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data,Foldable,Traversable,Functor,Generic)
data QName l
= Qual l (ModuleName l) (Name l)
| UnQual l (Name l)
| Special l (SpecialCon l)
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data,Foldable,Traversable,Functor,Generic)
data Name l
= Ident l String
| Symbol l String
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data,Foldable,Traversable,Functor,Generic)
data IPName l
= IPDup l String
| IPLin l String
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data,Foldable,Traversable,Functor,Generic)
data QOp l
= QVarOp l (QName l)
| QConOp l (QName l)
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data,Foldable,Traversable,Functor,Generic)
data Op l
= VarOp l (Name l)
| ConOp l (Name l)
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data,Foldable,Traversable,Functor,Generic)
data CName l
= VarName l (Name l)
| ConName l (Name l)
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data,Foldable,Traversable,Functor,Generic)
data Module l
= Module l (Maybe (ModuleHead l)) [ModulePragma l] [ImportDecl l] [Decl l]
| XmlPage l (ModuleName l) [ModulePragma l] (XName l) [XAttr l] (Maybe (Exp l)) [Exp l]
| XmlHybrid l (Maybe (ModuleHead l)) [ModulePragma l] [ImportDecl l] [Decl l]
(XName l) [XAttr l] (Maybe (Exp l)) [Exp l]
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data,Foldable,Traversable,Functor,Generic)
data ModuleHead l = ModuleHead l (ModuleName l) (Maybe (WarningText l)) (Maybe (ExportSpecList l))
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data,Foldable,Traversable,Functor,Generic)
data ExportSpecList l
= ExportSpecList l [ExportSpec l]
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data,Foldable,Traversable,Functor,Generic)
data ExportSpec l
= EVar l (QName l)
| EAbs l (Namespace l) (QName l)
| EThingWith l (EWildcard l) (QName l) [CName l]
| EModuleContents l (ModuleName l)
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data,Foldable,Traversable,Functor,Generic)
data EWildcard l = NoWildcard l | EWildcard l Int
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data,Foldable,Traversable,Functor,Generic)
data Namespace l = NoNamespace l | TypeNamespace l | PatternNamespace l
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data,Foldable,Traversable,Functor,Generic)
data ImportDecl l = ImportDecl
{ importAnn :: l
, importModule :: ModuleName l
, importQualified :: Bool
, importSrc :: Bool
, importSafe :: Bool
, importPkg :: Maybe String
, importAs :: Maybe (ModuleName l)
, importSpecs :: Maybe (ImportSpecList l)
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data,Foldable,Traversable,Functor,Generic)
data ImportSpecList l
= ImportSpecList l Bool [ImportSpec l]
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data,Foldable,Traversable,Functor,Generic)
data ImportSpec l
= IVar l (Name l)
| IAbs l (Namespace l) (Name l)
| IThingAll l (Name l)
| IThingWith l (Name l) [CName l]
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data,Foldable,Traversable,Functor,Generic)
data Assoc l
= AssocNone l
| AssocLeft l
| AssocRight l
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data,Foldable,Traversable,Functor,Generic)
data Decl l
= TypeDecl l (DeclHead l) (Type l)
| TypeFamDecl l (DeclHead l) (Maybe (ResultSig l)) (Maybe (InjectivityInfo l))
| ClosedTypeFamDecl l (DeclHead l) (Maybe (ResultSig l)) (Maybe (InjectivityInfo l)) [TypeEqn l]
| DataDecl l (DataOrNew l) (Maybe (Context l)) (DeclHead l) [QualConDecl l] [Deriving l]
| GDataDecl l (DataOrNew l) (Maybe (Context l)) (DeclHead l) (Maybe (Kind l)) [GadtDecl l] [Deriving l]
| DataFamDecl l (Maybe (Context l)) (DeclHead l) (Maybe (ResultSig l))
| TypeInsDecl l (Type l) (Type l)
| DataInsDecl l (DataOrNew l) (Type l) [QualConDecl l] [Deriving l]
| GDataInsDecl l (DataOrNew l) (Type l) (Maybe (Kind l)) [GadtDecl l] [Deriving l]
| ClassDecl l (Maybe (Context l)) (DeclHead l) [FunDep l] (Maybe [ClassDecl l])
| InstDecl l (Maybe (Overlap l)) (InstRule l) (Maybe [InstDecl l])
| DerivDecl l (Maybe (DerivStrategy l)) (Maybe (Overlap l)) (InstRule l)
| InfixDecl l (Assoc l) (Maybe Int) [Op l]
| DefaultDecl l [Type l]
| SpliceDecl l (Exp l)
| TSpliceDecl l (Exp l)
| TypeSig l [Name l] (Type l)
| PatSynSig l [Name l] (Maybe [TyVarBind l]) (Maybe (Context l))
(Maybe [TyVarBind l]) (Maybe (Context l))
(Type l)
| FunBind l [Match l]
| PatBind l (Pat l) (Rhs l) (Maybe (Binds l))
| PatSyn l (Pat l) (Pat l) (PatternSynDirection l)
| ForImp l (CallConv l) (Maybe (Safety l)) (Maybe String) (Name l) (Type l)
| ForExp l (CallConv l) (Maybe String) (Name l) (Type l)
| RulePragmaDecl l [Rule l]
| DeprPragmaDecl l [([Name l], String)]
| WarnPragmaDecl l [([Name l], String)]
| InlineSig l Bool (Maybe (Activation l)) (QName l)
| InlineConlikeSig l (Maybe (Activation l)) (QName l)
| SpecSig l (Maybe (Activation l)) (QName l) [Type l]
| SpecInlineSig l Bool (Maybe (Activation l)) (QName l) [Type l]
| InstSig l (InstRule l)
| AnnPragma l (Annotation l)
| MinimalPragma l (Maybe (BooleanFormula l))
| RoleAnnotDecl l (QName l) [Role l]
| CompletePragma l [Name l] (Maybe (QName l))
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data,Foldable,Traversable,Functor,Generic)
data PatternSynDirection l =
| ImplicitBidirectional
| ExplicitBidirectional l [Decl l]
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Data, Typeable, Foldable, Traversable, Functor, Generic)
data TypeEqn l = TypeEqn l (Type l) (Type l) deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data,Foldable,Traversable,Functor,Generic)
data Annotation l
= Ann l (Name l) (Exp l)
| TypeAnn l (Name l) (Exp l)
| ModuleAnn l (Exp l)
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data,Foldable,Traversable,Functor,Generic)
data BooleanFormula l
= VarFormula l (Name l)
| AndFormula l [BooleanFormula l]
| OrFormula l [BooleanFormula l]
| ParenFormula l (BooleanFormula l)
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data,Foldable,Traversable,Functor,Generic)
data Role l
= Nominal l
| Representational l
| Phantom l
| RoleWildcard l
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data,Foldable,Traversable,Functor,Generic)
data DataOrNew l = DataType l | NewType l
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data,Foldable,Traversable,Functor,Generic)
data InjectivityInfo l = InjectivityInfo l (Name l) [Name l]
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Typeable, Data, Foldable, Traversable, Functor, Generic)
data ResultSig l = KindSig l (Kind l) | TyVarSig l (TyVarBind l)
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Typeable, Data, Foldable, Traversable, Functor, Generic)
data DeclHead l
= DHead l (Name l)
| DHInfix l (TyVarBind l) (Name l)
| DHParen l (DeclHead l)
| DHApp l (DeclHead l) (TyVarBind l)
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data,Foldable,Traversable,Functor,Generic)
data InstRule l
= IRule l (Maybe [TyVarBind l]) (Maybe (Context l)) (InstHead l)
| IParen l (InstRule l)
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data,Foldable,Traversable,Functor,Generic)
data InstHead l
= IHCon l (QName l)
| IHInfix l (Type l) (QName l)
| IHParen l (InstHead l)
| IHApp l (InstHead l) (Type l)
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data,Foldable,Traversable,Functor,Generic)
data Deriving l = Deriving l (Maybe (DerivStrategy l)) [InstRule l]
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data,Foldable,Traversable,Functor,Generic)
data DerivStrategy l
= DerivStock l
| DerivAnyclass l
| DerivNewtype l
| DerivVia l (Type l)
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data,Foldable,Traversable,Functor,Generic)
data Binds l
= BDecls l [Decl l]
| IPBinds l [IPBind l]
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data,Foldable,Traversable,Functor,Generic)
data IPBind l = IPBind l (IPName l) (Exp l)
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data,Foldable,Traversable,Functor,Generic)
data Match l
= Match l (Name l) [Pat l] (Rhs l) (Maybe (Binds l))
| InfixMatch l (Pat l) (Name l) [Pat l] (Rhs l) (Maybe (Binds l))
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data,Foldable,Traversable,Functor,Generic)
data QualConDecl l
= QualConDecl l
(Maybe [TyVarBind l]) (Maybe (Context l))
(ConDecl l)
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data,Foldable,Traversable,Functor,Generic)
data ConDecl l
= ConDecl l (Name l) [Type l]
| InfixConDecl l (Type l) (Name l) (Type l)
| RecDecl l (Name l) [FieldDecl l]
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data,Foldable,Traversable,Functor,Generic)
data FieldDecl l = FieldDecl l [Name l] (Type l)
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data,Foldable,Traversable,Functor,Generic)
data GadtDecl l
= GadtDecl l (Name l)
(Maybe [TyVarBind l]) (Maybe (Context l))
(Maybe [FieldDecl l]) (Type l)
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data,Foldable,Traversable,Functor,Generic)
data ClassDecl l
= ClsDecl l (Decl l)
| ClsDataFam l (Maybe (Context l)) (DeclHead l) (Maybe (ResultSig l))
| ClsTyFam l (DeclHead l) (Maybe (ResultSig l)) (Maybe (InjectivityInfo l))
| ClsTyDef l (TypeEqn l)
| ClsDefSig l (Name l) (Type l)
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data,Foldable,Traversable,Functor,Generic)
data InstDecl l
= InsDecl l (Decl l)
| InsType l (Type l) (Type l)
| InsData l (DataOrNew l) (Type l) [QualConDecl l] [Deriving l]
| InsGData l (DataOrNew l) (Type l) (Maybe (Kind l)) [GadtDecl l] [Deriving l]
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data,Foldable,Traversable,Functor,Generic)
data BangType l
= BangedTy l
| LazyTy l
| NoStrictAnnot l
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data,Foldable,Traversable,Functor,Generic)
data Unpackedness l
= Unpack l
| NoUnpack l
| NoUnpackPragma l
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data,Foldable,Traversable,Functor,Generic)
data Rhs l
= UnGuardedRhs l (Exp l)
| GuardedRhss l [GuardedRhs l]
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data,Foldable,Traversable,Functor,Generic)
data GuardedRhs l
= GuardedRhs l [Stmt l] (Exp l)
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data,Foldable,Traversable,Functor,Generic)
data Type l
= TyForall l
(Maybe [TyVarBind l])
(Maybe (Context l))
(Type l)
| TyStar l
| TyFun l (Type l) (Type l)
| TyTuple l Boxed [Type l]
| TyUnboxedSum l [Type l]
| TyList l (Type l)
| TyParArray l (Type l)
| TyApp l (Type l) (Type l)
| TyVar l (Name l)
| TyCon l (QName l)
| TyParen l (Type l)
| TyInfix l (Type l) (MaybePromotedName l)
(Type l)
| TyKind l (Type l) (Kind l)
| TyPromoted l (Promoted l)
| TyEquals l (Type l) (Type l)
| TySplice l (Splice l)
| TyBang l (BangType l) (Unpackedness l) (Type l)
| TyWildCard l (Maybe (Name l))
| TyQuasiQuote l String String
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data,Foldable,Traversable,Functor,Generic)
data MaybePromotedName l = PromotedName l (QName l) | UnpromotedName l (QName l)
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data,Foldable,Traversable,Functor,Generic)
data Promoted l
= PromotedInteger l Integer String
| PromotedString l String String
| PromotedCon l Bool (QName l)
| PromotedList l Bool [Type l]
| PromotedTuple l [Type l]
| PromotedUnit l
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data,Foldable,Traversable,Functor,Generic)
data Boxed = Boxed | Unboxed
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data,Generic)
data TyVarBind l
= KindedVar l (Name l) (Kind l)
| UnkindedVar l (Name l)
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data,Foldable,Traversable,Functor,Generic)
type Kind = Type
data FunDep l
= FunDep l [Name l] [Name l]
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data,Foldable,Traversable,Functor,Generic)
data Context l
= CxSingle l (Asst l)
| CxTuple l [Asst l]
| CxEmpty l
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data,Foldable,Traversable,Functor,Generic)
data Asst l
= TypeA l (Type l)
| IParam l (IPName l) (Type l)
| ParenA l (Asst l)
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data,Foldable,Traversable,Functor,Generic)
data Literal l
= Char l Char String
| String l String String
| Int l Integer String
| Frac l Rational String
| PrimInt l Integer String
| PrimWord l Integer String
| PrimFloat l Rational String
| PrimDouble l Rational String
| PrimChar l Char String
| PrimString l String String
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data,Foldable,Traversable,Functor,Generic)
data Sign l
= Signless l
| Negative l
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data,Foldable,Traversable,Functor,Generic)
data Exp l
= Var l (QName l)
| OverloadedLabel l String
| IPVar l (IPName l)
| Con l (QName l)
| Lit l (Literal l)
| InfixApp l (Exp l) (QOp l) (Exp l)
| App l (Exp l) (Exp l)
| NegApp l (Exp l)
| Lambda l [Pat l] (Exp l)
| Let l (Binds l) (Exp l)
| If l (Exp l) (Exp l) (Exp l)
| MultiIf l [GuardedRhs l]
| Case l (Exp l) [Alt l]
| Do l [Stmt l]
| MDo l [Stmt l]
| Tuple l Boxed [Exp l]
| UnboxedSum l Int Int (Exp l)
| TupleSection l Boxed [Maybe (Exp l)]
| List l [Exp l]
| ParArray l [Exp l]
| Paren l (Exp l)
| LeftSection l (Exp l) (QOp l)
| RightSection l (QOp l) (Exp l)
| RecConstr l (QName l) [FieldUpdate l]
| RecUpdate l (Exp l) [FieldUpdate l]
| EnumFrom l (Exp l)
| EnumFromTo l (Exp l) (Exp l)
| EnumFromThen l (Exp l) (Exp l)
| EnumFromThenTo l (Exp l) (Exp l) (Exp l)
| ParArrayFromTo l (Exp l) (Exp l)
| ParArrayFromThenTo l (Exp l) (Exp l) (Exp l)
| ListComp l (Exp l) [QualStmt l]
| ParComp l (Exp l) [[QualStmt l]]
| ParArrayComp l (Exp l) [[QualStmt l]]
| ExpTypeSig l (Exp l) (Type l)
| VarQuote l (QName l)
| TypQuote l (QName l)
| BracketExp l (Bracket l)
| SpliceExp l (Splice l)
| QuasiQuote l String String
| TypeApp l (Type l)
| XTag l (XName l) [XAttr l] (Maybe (Exp l)) [Exp l]
| XETag l (XName l) [XAttr l] (Maybe (Exp l))
| XPcdata l String
| XExpTag l (Exp l)
| XChildTag l [Exp l]
| CorePragma l String (Exp l)
| SCCPragma l String (Exp l)
| GenPragma l String (Int, Int) (Int, Int) (Exp l)
| Proc l (Pat l) (Exp l)
| LeftArrApp l (Exp l) (Exp l)
| RightArrApp l (Exp l) (Exp l)
| LeftArrHighApp l (Exp l) (Exp l)
| RightArrHighApp l (Exp l) (Exp l)
| ArrOp l (Exp l)
| LCase l [Alt l]
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data,Foldable,Traversable,Functor,Generic)
data XName l
= XName l String
| XDomName l String String
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data,Foldable,Traversable,Functor,Generic)
data XAttr l = XAttr l (XName l) (Exp l)
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data,Foldable,Traversable,Functor,Generic)
data Bracket l
= ExpBracket l (Exp l)
| TExpBracket l (Exp l)
| PatBracket l (Pat l)
| TypeBracket l (Type l)
| DeclBracket l [Decl l]
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data,Foldable,Traversable,Functor,Generic)
data Splice l
= IdSplice l String
| TIdSplice l String
| ParenSplice l (Exp l)
| TParenSplice l (Exp l)
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data,Foldable,Traversable,Functor,Generic)
data Safety l
= PlayRisky l
| PlaySafe l Bool
| PlayInterruptible l
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data,Foldable,Traversable,Functor,Generic)
data CallConv l
= StdCall l
| CCall l
| CPlusPlus l
| DotNet l
| Jvm l
| Js l
| JavaScript l
| CApi l
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data,Foldable,Traversable,Functor,Generic)
data ModulePragma l
= LanguagePragma l [Name l]
| OptionsPragma l (Maybe Tool) String
| AnnModulePragma l (Annotation l)
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data,Foldable,Traversable,Functor,Generic)
data Tool = GHC | HUGS | NHC98 | YHC | HADDOCK | UnknownTool String
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data,Generic)
data Overlap l
= NoOverlap l
| Overlap l
| Overlapping l
| Overlaps l
| Overlappable l
| Incoherent l
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data,Foldable,Traversable,Functor,Generic)
data Activation l
= ActiveFrom l Int
| ActiveUntil l Int
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data,Foldable,Traversable,Functor,Generic)
data Rule l
= Rule l String (Maybe (Activation l)) (Maybe [RuleVar l]) (Exp l) (Exp l)
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data,Foldable,Traversable,Functor,Generic)
data RuleVar l
= RuleVar l (Name l)
| TypedRuleVar l (Name l) (Type l)
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data,Foldable,Traversable,Functor,Generic)
data WarningText l
= DeprText l String
| WarnText l String
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data,Foldable,Traversable,Functor,Generic)
data Pat l
= PVar l (Name l)
| PLit l (Sign l) (Literal l)
| PNPlusK l (Name l) Integer
| PInfixApp l (Pat l) (QName l) (Pat l)
| PApp l (QName l) [Pat l]
| PTuple l Boxed [Pat l]
| PUnboxedSum l Int Int (Pat l)
| PList l [Pat l]
| PParen l (Pat l)
| PRec l (QName l) [PatField l]
| PAsPat l (Name l) (Pat l)
| PWildCard l
| PIrrPat l (Pat l)
| PatTypeSig l (Pat l) (Type l)
| PViewPat l (Exp l) (Pat l)
| PRPat l [RPat l]
| PXTag l (XName l) [PXAttr l] (Maybe (Pat l)) [Pat l]
| PXETag l (XName l) [PXAttr l] (Maybe (Pat l))
| PXPcdata l String
| PXPatTag l (Pat l)
| PXRPats l [RPat l]
| PSplice l (Splice l)
| PQuasiQuote l String String
| PBangPat l (Pat l)
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data,Foldable,Traversable,Functor,Generic)
data PXAttr l = PXAttr l (XName l) (Pat l)
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data,Foldable,Traversable,Functor,Generic)
data RPatOp l
= RPStar l
| RPStarG l
| RPPlus l
| RPPlusG l
| RPOpt l
| RPOptG l
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data,Foldable,Traversable,Functor,Generic)
data RPat l
= RPOp l (RPat l) (RPatOp l)
| RPEither l (RPat l) (RPat l)
| RPSeq l [RPat l]
| RPGuard l (Pat l) [Stmt l]
| RPCAs l (Name l) (RPat l)
| RPAs l (Name l) (RPat l)
| RPParen l (RPat l)
| RPPat l (Pat l)
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data,Foldable,Traversable,Functor,Generic)
data PatField l
= PFieldPat l (QName l) (Pat l)
| PFieldPun l (QName l)
| PFieldWildcard l
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data,Foldable,Traversable,Functor,Generic)
data Stmt l
= Generator l (Pat l) (Exp l)
| Qualifier l (Exp l)
| LetStmt l (Binds l)
| RecStmt l [Stmt l]
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data,Foldable,Traversable,Functor,Generic)
data QualStmt l
= QualStmt l (Stmt l)
| ThenTrans l (Exp l)
| ThenBy l (Exp l) (Exp l)
| GroupBy l (Exp l)
| GroupUsing l (Exp l)
| GroupByUsing l (Exp l) (Exp l)
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data,Foldable,Traversable,Functor,Generic)
data FieldUpdate l
= FieldUpdate l (QName l) (Exp l)
| FieldPun l (QName l)
| FieldWildcard l
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data,Foldable,Traversable,Functor,Generic)
data Alt l
= Alt l (Pat l) (Rhs l) (Maybe (Binds l))
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data,Foldable,Traversable,Functor,Generic)
prelude_mod, main_mod :: l -> ModuleName l
prelude_mod l = ModuleName l "Prelude"
main_mod l = ModuleName l "Main"
main_name :: l -> Name l
main_name l = Ident l "main"
unit_con_name :: l -> QName l
unit_con_name l = Special l (UnitCon l)
tuple_con_name :: l -> Boxed -> Int -> QName l
tuple_con_name l b i = Special l (TupleCon l b (i+1))
list_con_name :: l -> QName l
list_con_name l = Special l (ListCon l)
list_cons_name :: l -> QName l
list_cons_name l = Special l (Cons l)
unboxed_singleton_con_name :: l -> QName l
unboxed_singleton_con_name l = Special l (UnboxedSingleCon l)
unit_con :: l -> Exp l
unit_con l = Con l $ unit_con_name l
tuple_con :: l -> Boxed -> Int -> Exp l
tuple_con l b i = Con l (tuple_con_name l b i)
unboxed_singleton_con :: l -> Exp l
unboxed_singleton_con l = Con l (unboxed_singleton_con_name l)
as_name, qualified_name, hiding_name, minus_name, bang_name, dot_name, star_name :: l -> Name l
as_name l = Ident l "as"
qualified_name l = Ident l "qualified"
hiding_name l = Ident l "hiding"
minus_name l = Symbol l "-"
bang_name l = Symbol l "!"
dot_name l = Symbol l "."
star_name l = Symbol l "*"
hole_name :: l -> QName l
hole_name l = Special l (ExprHole l)
export_name, safe_name, unsafe_name, interruptible_name, threadsafe_name,
stdcall_name, ccall_name, cplusplus_name, dotnet_name,
jvm_name, js_name, javascript_name, capi_name, forall_name,
family_name, role_name, stock_name, anyclass_name, via_name :: l -> Name l
export_name l = Ident l "export"
safe_name l = Ident l "safe"
unsafe_name l = Ident l "unsafe"
interruptible_name l = Ident l "interruptible"
threadsafe_name l = Ident l "threadsafe"
stdcall_name l = Ident l "stdcall"
ccall_name l = Ident l "ccall"
cplusplus_name l = Ident l "cplusplus"
dotnet_name l = Ident l "dotnet"
jvm_name l = Ident l "jvm"
js_name l = Ident l "js"
javascript_name l = Ident l "javascript"
capi_name l = Ident l "capi"
forall_name l = Ident l "forall"
family_name l = Ident l "family"
role_name l = Ident l "role"
stock_name l = Ident l "stock"
anyclass_name l = Ident l "anyclass"
via_name l = Ident l "via"
unit_tycon_name, fun_tycon_name, list_tycon_name, unboxed_singleton_tycon_name :: l -> QName l
unit_tycon_name l = unit_con_name l
fun_tycon_name l = Special l (FunCon l)
list_tycon_name l = Special l (ListCon l)
unboxed_singleton_tycon_name l = Special l (UnboxedSingleCon l)
tuple_tycon_name :: l -> Boxed -> Int -> QName l
tuple_tycon_name l b i = tuple_con_name l b i
unit_tycon, fun_tycon, list_tycon, unboxed_singleton_tycon :: l -> Type l
unit_tycon l = TyCon l $ unit_tycon_name l
fun_tycon l = TyCon l $ fun_tycon_name l
list_tycon l = TyCon l $ list_tycon_name l
unboxed_singleton_tycon l = TyCon l $ unboxed_singleton_tycon_name l
tuple_tycon :: l -> Boxed -> Int -> Type l
tuple_tycon l b i = TyCon l (tuple_tycon_name l b i)
(=~=) :: (Annotated a, Eq (a ())) => a l1 -> a l2 -> Bool
a =~= b = fmap (const ()) a == fmap (const ()) b
class Functor ast => Annotated ast where
ann :: ast l -> l
amap :: (l -> l) -> ast l -> ast l
instance Annotated ModuleName where
ann (ModuleName l _) = l
amap f (ModuleName l n) = ModuleName (f l) n
instance Annotated SpecialCon where
ann sc = case sc of
UnitCon l -> l
ListCon l -> l
FunCon l -> l
TupleCon l _ _ -> l
Cons l -> l
UnboxedSingleCon l -> l
ExprHole l -> l
amap = fmap
instance Annotated QName where
ann qn = case qn of
Qual l _ _ -> l
UnQual l _ -> l
Special l _ -> l
amap f qn = case qn of
Qual l mn n -> Qual (f l) mn n
UnQual l n -> UnQual (f l) n
Special l sc -> Special (f l) sc
instance Annotated Name where
ann (Ident l _) = l
ann (Symbol l _) = l
amap = fmap
instance Annotated IPName where
ann (IPDup l _) = l
ann (IPLin l _) = l
amap = fmap
instance Annotated QOp where
ann (QVarOp l _) = l
ann (QConOp l _) = l
amap f (QVarOp l qn) = QVarOp (f l) qn
amap f (QConOp l qn) = QConOp (f l) qn
instance Annotated Op where
ann (VarOp l _) = l
ann (ConOp l _) = l
amap f (VarOp l n) = VarOp (f l) n
amap f (ConOp l n) = ConOp (f l) n
instance Annotated CName where
ann (VarName l _) = l
ann (ConName l _) = l
amap f (VarName l n) = VarName (f l) n
amap f (ConName l n) = ConName (f l) n
instance Annotated Module where
ann (Module l _ _ _ _) = l
ann (XmlPage l _ _ _ _ _ _) = l
ann (XmlHybrid l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) = l
amap f (Module l mmh ops iss dcls) =
Module (f l) mmh ops iss dcls
amap f (XmlPage l mn os xn xas me es) =
XmlPage (f l) mn os xn xas me es
amap f (XmlHybrid l mmh ops iss dcls xn xas me es) =
XmlHybrid (f l) mmh ops iss dcls xn xas me es
instance Annotated ModuleHead where
ann (ModuleHead l _ _ _) = l
amap f (ModuleHead l n mwt mesl) = ModuleHead (f l) n mwt mesl
instance Annotated ExportSpecList where
ann (ExportSpecList l _) = l
amap f (ExportSpecList l ess) = ExportSpecList (f l) ess
instance Annotated ExportSpec where
ann es = case es of
EVar l _ -> l
EAbs l _ _ -> l
EThingWith l _ _ _ -> l
EModuleContents l _ -> l
amap f es = case es of
EVar l qn -> EVar (f l) qn
EAbs l n qn -> EAbs (f l) n qn
EThingWith l wc qn cns -> EThingWith (f l) wc qn cns
EModuleContents l mn -> EModuleContents (f l) mn
instance Annotated EWildcard where
ann ewc = case ewc of
NoWildcard l -> l
EWildcard l _ -> l
amap f ewc = case ewc of
NoWildcard l -> NoWildcard (f l)
EWildcard l n -> EWildcard (f l) n
instance Annotated Namespace where
ann es = case es of
NoNamespace l -> l
TypeNamespace l -> l
PatternNamespace l -> l
amap f es = case es of
NoNamespace l -> NoNamespace (f l)
TypeNamespace l -> TypeNamespace (f l)
PatternNamespace l -> PatternNamespace (f l)
instance Annotated ImportDecl where
ann (ImportDecl l _ _ _ _ _ _ _) = l
amap f (ImportDecl l mn qual src safe pkg mmn mis) =
ImportDecl (f l) mn qual src safe pkg mmn mis
instance Annotated ImportSpecList where
ann (ImportSpecList l _ _) = l
amap f (ImportSpecList l b iss) = ImportSpecList (f l) b iss
instance Annotated ImportSpec where
ann is = case is of
IVar l _ -> l
IAbs l _ _ -> l
IThingAll l _ -> l
IThingWith l _ _ -> l
amap f is = case is of
IVar l n -> IVar (f l) n
IAbs l ns n -> IAbs (f l) ns n
IThingAll l n -> IThingAll (f l) n
IThingWith l n cns -> IThingWith (f l) n cns
instance Annotated Assoc where
ann (AssocNone l) = l
ann (AssocLeft l) = l
ann (AssocRight l) = l
amap = fmap
instance Annotated Deriving where
ann (Deriving l _ _) = l
amap f (Deriving l mds ihs) = Deriving (f l) mds ihs
instance Annotated DerivStrategy where
ann (DerivStock l) = l
ann (DerivAnyclass l) = l
ann (DerivNewtype l) = l
ann (DerivVia l _) = l
amap f (DerivStock l) = DerivStock (f l)
amap f (DerivAnyclass l) = DerivAnyclass (f l)
amap f (DerivNewtype l) = DerivNewtype (f l)
amap f (DerivVia l t) = DerivVia (f l) t
instance Annotated TypeEqn where
ann (TypeEqn l _ _) = l
amap f (TypeEqn l a b) = TypeEqn (f l) a b
instance Annotated InjectivityInfo where
ann (InjectivityInfo l _ _) = l
amap f (InjectivityInfo l to from) = InjectivityInfo (f l) to from
instance Annotated ResultSig where
ann (KindSig l _) = l
ann (TyVarSig l _) = l
amap f (KindSig l k) = KindSig (f l) k
amap f (TyVarSig l tv) = TyVarSig (f l) tv
instance Annotated Decl where
ann decl = case decl of
TypeDecl l _ _ -> l
TypeFamDecl l _ _ _ -> l
ClosedTypeFamDecl l _ _ _ _ -> l
DataDecl l _ _ _ _ _ -> l
GDataDecl l _ _ _ _ _ _ -> l
DataFamDecl l _ _ _ -> l
TypeInsDecl l _ _ -> l
DataInsDecl l _ _ _ _ -> l
GDataInsDecl l _ _ _ _ _ -> l
ClassDecl l _ _ _ _ -> l
InstDecl l _ _ _ -> l
DerivDecl l _ _ _ -> l
InfixDecl l _ _ _ -> l
DefaultDecl l _ -> l
SpliceDecl l _ -> l
TSpliceDecl l _ -> l
TypeSig l _ _ -> l
PatSynSig l _ _ _ _ _ _ -> l
FunBind l _ -> l
PatBind l _ _ _ -> l
ForImp l _ _ _ _ _ -> l
ForExp l _ _ _ _ -> l
RulePragmaDecl l _ -> l
DeprPragmaDecl l _ -> l
WarnPragmaDecl l _ -> l
InlineSig l _ _ _ -> l
InlineConlikeSig l _ _ -> l
SpecSig l _ _ _ -> l
SpecInlineSig l _ _ _ _ -> l
InstSig l _ -> l
AnnPragma l _ -> l
MinimalPragma l _ -> l
RoleAnnotDecl l _ _ -> l
PatSyn l _ _ _ -> l
CompletePragma l _ _ -> l
amap f decl = case decl of
TypeDecl l dh t -> TypeDecl (f l) dh t
TypeFamDecl l dh mk mi -> TypeFamDecl (f l) dh mk mi
ClosedTypeFamDecl l dh mk mi eqns -> ClosedTypeFamDecl (f l) dh mk mi eqns
DataDecl l dn mcx dh cds ders ->
DataDecl (f l) dn mcx dh cds ders
GDataDecl l dn mcx dh mk gds ders ->
GDataDecl (f l) dn mcx dh mk gds ders
DataFamDecl l mcx dh mk -> DataFamDecl (f l) mcx dh mk
TypeInsDecl l t1 t2 -> TypeInsDecl (f l) t1 t2
DataInsDecl l dn t cds ders -> DataInsDecl (f l) dn t cds ders
GDataInsDecl l dn t mk gds ders -> GDataInsDecl (f l) dn t mk gds ders
ClassDecl l mcx dh fds cds -> ClassDecl (f l) mcx dh fds cds
InstDecl l mo ih ids -> InstDecl (f l) mo ih ids
DerivDecl l mds mo ih -> DerivDecl (f l) mds mo ih
InfixDecl l a k ops -> InfixDecl (f l) a k ops
DefaultDecl l ts -> DefaultDecl (f l) ts
SpliceDecl l sp -> SpliceDecl (f l) sp
TSpliceDecl l sp -> TSpliceDecl (f l) sp
TypeSig l ns t -> TypeSig (f l) ns t
PatSynSig l n dh c1 dh2 c2 t -> PatSynSig (f l) n dh c1 dh2 c2 t
FunBind l ms -> FunBind (f l) ms
PatBind l p rhs bs -> PatBind (f l) p rhs bs
ForImp l cc msf s n t -> ForImp (f l) cc msf s n t
ForExp l cc s n t -> ForExp (f l) cc s n t
RulePragmaDecl l rs -> RulePragmaDecl (f l) rs
DeprPragmaDecl l nss -> DeprPragmaDecl (f l) nss
WarnPragmaDecl l nss -> WarnPragmaDecl (f l) nss
InlineSig l b act qn -> InlineSig (f l) b act qn
InlineConlikeSig l act qn -> InlineConlikeSig (f l) act qn
SpecSig l act qn ts -> SpecSig (f l) act qn ts
SpecInlineSig l b act qn ts -> SpecInlineSig (f l) b act qn ts
InstSig l ih -> InstSig (f l) ih
AnnPragma l ann' -> AnnPragma (f l) ann'
MinimalPragma l b -> MinimalPragma (f l) b
RoleAnnotDecl l t rs -> RoleAnnotDecl (f l) t rs
PatSyn l p r d -> PatSyn (f l) p r d
CompletePragma l cs ty -> CompletePragma (f l) cs ty
instance Annotated Role where
ann r = case r of
RoleWildcard l -> l
Representational l -> l
Phantom l -> l
Nominal l -> l
amap f r = case r of
RoleWildcard l -> RoleWildcard (f l)
Representational l -> Representational (f l)
Phantom l -> Phantom (f l)
Nominal l -> Nominal (f l)
instance Annotated Annotation where
ann (Ann l _ _) = l
ann (TypeAnn l _ _) = l
ann (ModuleAnn l _) = l
amap f (Ann l n e) = Ann (f l) n e
amap f (TypeAnn l n e) = TypeAnn (f l) n e
amap f (ModuleAnn l e) = ModuleAnn (f l) e
instance Annotated BooleanFormula where
ann (VarFormula l _) = l
ann (AndFormula l _) = l
ann (OrFormula l _) = l
ann (ParenFormula l _) = l
amap f (VarFormula l n) = VarFormula (f l) n
amap f (AndFormula l bs) = AndFormula (f l) bs
amap f (OrFormula l bs) = OrFormula (f l) bs
amap f (ParenFormula l b) = ParenFormula (f l) b
instance Annotated DataOrNew where
ann (DataType l) = l
ann (NewType l) = l
amap = fmap
instance Annotated DeclHead where
ann (DHead l _) = l
ann (DHInfix l _ _) = l
ann (DHParen l _) = l
ann (DHApp l _ _) = l
amap f (DHead l n) = DHead (f l) n
amap f (DHInfix l tva n) = DHInfix (f l) tva n
amap f (DHParen l dh) = DHParen (f l) dh
amap f (DHApp l dh t) = DHApp (f l) dh t
instance Annotated InstRule where
ann (IRule l _ _ _) = l
ann (IParen l _) = l
amap f (IRule l mtv cxt qn) = IRule (f l) mtv cxt qn
amap f (IParen l ih) = IParen (f l) ih
instance Annotated InstHead where
ann (IHCon l _) = l
ann (IHInfix l _ _) = l
ann (IHParen l _) = l
ann (IHApp l _ _) = l
amap f (IHCon l n) = IHCon (f l) n
amap f (IHInfix l tva n) = IHInfix (f l) tva n
amap f (IHParen l dh) = IHParen (f l) dh
amap f (IHApp l dh t) = IHApp (f l) dh t
instance Annotated Binds where
ann (BDecls l _) = l
ann (IPBinds l _) = l
amap f (BDecls l decls) = BDecls (f l) decls
amap f (IPBinds l ibs) = IPBinds (f l) ibs
instance Annotated IPBind where
ann (IPBind l _ _) = l
amap f (IPBind l ipn e) = IPBind (f l) ipn e
instance Annotated Match where
ann (Match l _ _ _ _) = l
ann (InfixMatch l _ _ _ _ _) = l
amap f (Match l n ps rhs bs) = Match (f l) n ps rhs bs
amap f (InfixMatch l a n b rhs bs) = InfixMatch (f l) a n b rhs bs
instance Annotated QualConDecl where
ann (QualConDecl l _ _ _) = l
amap f (QualConDecl l tvs cx cd) = QualConDecl (f l) tvs cx cd
instance Annotated ConDecl where
ann (ConDecl l _ _) = l
ann (InfixConDecl l _ _ _) = l
ann (RecDecl l _ _) = l
amap f (ConDecl l n bts) = ConDecl (f l) n bts
amap f (InfixConDecl l ta n tb) = InfixConDecl (f l) ta n tb
amap f (RecDecl l n fds) = RecDecl (f l) n fds
instance Annotated FieldDecl where
ann (FieldDecl l _ _) = l
amap f (FieldDecl l ns t) = FieldDecl (f l) ns t
instance Annotated GadtDecl where
ann (GadtDecl l _ _ _ _ _) = l
amap f (GadtDecl l n t1 t2 t3 t4) = GadtDecl (f l) n t1 t2 t3 t4
instance Annotated ClassDecl where
ann (ClsDecl l _) = l
ann (ClsDataFam l _ _ _) = l
ann (ClsTyFam l _ _ _) = l
ann (ClsTyDef l _) = l
ann (ClsDefSig l _ _) = l
amap f (ClsDecl l d) = ClsDecl (f l) d
amap f (ClsDataFam l mcx dh mk) = ClsDataFam (f l) mcx dh mk
amap f (ClsTyFam l dh mk mi) = ClsTyFam (f l) dh mk mi
amap f (ClsTyDef l t ) = ClsTyDef (f l) t
amap f (ClsDefSig l n t) = ClsDefSig (f l) n t
instance Annotated InstDecl where
ann id = case id of
InsDecl l _ -> l
InsType l _ _ -> l
InsData l _ _ _ _ -> l
InsGData l _ _ _ _ _ -> l
amap f id = case id of
InsDecl l d -> InsDecl (f l) d
InsType l t1 t2 -> InsType (f l) t1 t2
InsData l dn t cds ders -> InsData (f l) dn t cds ders
InsGData l dn t mk gds ders -> InsGData (f l) dn t mk gds ders
instance Annotated BangType where
ann (BangedTy l) = l
ann (LazyTy l) = l
ann (NoStrictAnnot l) = l
amap f (BangedTy l) = BangedTy (f l)
amap f (LazyTy l) = LazyTy (f l)
amap f (NoStrictAnnot l) = NoStrictAnnot (f l)
instance Annotated Unpackedness where
ann (Unpack l) = l
ann (NoUnpack l) = l
ann (NoUnpackPragma l) = l
amap f (Unpack l) = Unpack (f l)
amap f (NoUnpack l) = Unpack (f l)
amap f (NoUnpackPragma l) = Unpack (f l)
instance Annotated Rhs where
ann (UnGuardedRhs l _) = l
ann (GuardedRhss l _) = l
amap f (UnGuardedRhs l e) = UnGuardedRhs (f l) e
amap f (GuardedRhss l grhss) = GuardedRhss (f l) grhss
instance Annotated GuardedRhs where
ann (GuardedRhs l _ _) = l
amap f (GuardedRhs l ss e) = GuardedRhs (f l) ss e
instance Annotated Type where
ann t = case t of
TyForall l _ _ _ -> l
TyStar l -> l
TyFun l _ _ -> l
TyTuple l _ _ -> l
TyUnboxedSum l _ -> l
TyList l _ -> l
TyParArray l _ -> l
TyApp l _ _ -> l
TyVar l _ -> l
TyCon l _ -> l
TyParen l _ -> l
TyInfix l _ _ _ -> l
TyKind l _ _ -> l
TyPromoted l _ -> l
TyEquals l _ _ -> l
TySplice l _ -> l
TyBang l _ _ _ -> l
TyWildCard l _ -> l
TyQuasiQuote l _ _ -> l
amap f t1 = case t1 of
TyForall l mtvs mcx t -> TyForall (f l) mtvs mcx t
TyStar l -> TyStar (f l)
TyFun l t1' t2 -> TyFun (f l) t1' t2
TyTuple l b ts -> TyTuple (f l) b ts
TyUnboxedSum l s -> TyUnboxedSum (f l) s
TyList l t -> TyList (f l) t
TyParArray l t -> TyParArray (f l) t
TyApp l t1' t2 -> TyApp (f l) t1' t2
TyVar l n -> TyVar (f l) n
TyCon l qn -> TyCon (f l) qn
TyParen l t -> TyParen (f l) t
TyInfix l ta qn tb -> TyInfix (f l) ta qn tb
TyKind l t k -> TyKind (f l) t k
TyPromoted l p -> TyPromoted (f l) p
TyEquals l a b -> TyEquals (f l) a b
TySplice l s -> TySplice (f l) s
TyBang l b u t -> TyBang (f l) b u t
TyWildCard l n -> TyWildCard (f l) n
TyQuasiQuote l n s -> TyQuasiQuote (f l) n s
instance Annotated MaybePromotedName where
ann t = case t of
PromotedName l _ -> l
UnpromotedName l _ -> l
amap f tl = case tl of
PromotedName l q -> PromotedName (f l) q
UnpromotedName l q -> UnpromotedName (f l) q
instance Annotated TyVarBind where
ann (KindedVar l _ _) = l
ann (UnkindedVar l _) = l
amap f (KindedVar l n k) = KindedVar (f l) n k
amap f (UnkindedVar l n) = UnkindedVar (f l) n
instance Annotated FunDep where
ann (FunDep l _ _) = l
amap f (FunDep l ns1 ns2) = FunDep (f l) ns1 ns2
instance Annotated Context where
ann (CxSingle l _) = l
ann (CxTuple l _) = l
ann (CxEmpty l) = l
amap f (CxSingle l asst ) = CxSingle (f l) asst
amap f (CxTuple l assts) = CxTuple (f l) assts
amap f (CxEmpty l) = CxEmpty (f l)
instance Annotated Asst where
ann asst = case asst of
TypeA l _ -> l
IParam l _ _ -> l
ParenA l _ -> l
amap f asst = case asst of
TypeA l t -> TypeA (f l) t
IParam l ipn t -> IParam (f l) ipn t
ParenA l a -> ParenA (f l) a
instance Annotated Literal where
ann lit = case lit of
Char l _ _ -> l
String l _ _ -> l
Int l _ _ -> l
Frac l _ _ -> l
PrimInt l _ _ -> l
PrimWord l _ _ -> l
PrimFloat l _ _ -> l
PrimDouble l _ _ -> l
PrimChar l _ _ -> l
PrimString l _ _ -> l
amap = fmap
instance Annotated Sign where
ann sg = case sg of
Signless l -> l
Negative l -> l
amap = fmap
instance Annotated Exp where
ann e = case e of
Var l _ -> l
OverloadedLabel l _ -> l
IPVar l _ -> l
Con l _ -> l
Lit l _ -> l
InfixApp l _ _ _ -> l
App l _ _ -> l
NegApp l _ -> l
Lambda l _ _ -> l
Let l _ _ -> l
If l _ _ _ -> l
MultiIf l _ -> l
Case l _ _ -> l
Do l _ -> l
MDo l _ -> l
Tuple l _ _ -> l
UnboxedSum l _ _ _ -> l
TupleSection l _ _ -> l
List l _ -> l
ParArray l _ -> l
Paren l _ -> l
LeftSection l _ _ -> l
RightSection l _ _ -> l
RecConstr l _ _ -> l
RecUpdate l _ _ -> l
EnumFrom l _ -> l
EnumFromTo l _ _ -> l
EnumFromThen l _ _ -> l
EnumFromThenTo l _ _ _ -> l
ParArrayFromTo l _ _ -> l
ParArrayFromThenTo l _ _ _ -> l
ListComp l _ _ -> l
ParComp l _ _ -> l
ParArrayComp l _ _ -> l
ExpTypeSig l _ _ -> l
VarQuote l _ -> l
TypQuote l _ -> l
BracketExp l _ -> l
SpliceExp l _ -> l
QuasiQuote l _ _ -> l
TypeApp l _ -> l
XTag l _ _ _ _ -> l
XETag l _ _ _ -> l
XPcdata l _ -> l
XExpTag l _ -> l
XChildTag l _ -> l
CorePragma l _ _ -> l
SCCPragma l _ _ -> l
GenPragma l _ _ _ _ -> l
Proc l _ _ -> l
LeftArrApp l _ _ -> l
RightArrApp l _ _ -> l
LeftArrHighApp l _ _ -> l
RightArrHighApp l _ _ -> l
ArrOp l _ -> l
LCase l _ -> l
amap f e1 = case e1 of
Var l qn -> Var (f l) qn
OverloadedLabel l qn -> OverloadedLabel (f l) qn
IPVar l ipn -> IPVar (f l) ipn
Con l qn -> Con (f l) qn
Lit l lit -> Lit (f l) lit
InfixApp l e1' qop e2 -> InfixApp (f l) e1' qop e2
App l e1' e2 -> App (f l) e1' e2
NegApp l e -> NegApp (f l) e
Lambda l ps e -> Lambda (f l) ps e
Let l bs e -> Let (f l) bs e
If l ec et ee -> If (f l) ec et ee
Case l e alts -> Case (f l) e alts
Do l ss -> Do (f l) ss
MDo l ss -> MDo (f l) ss
Tuple l bx es -> Tuple (f l) bx es
UnboxedSum l b a es -> UnboxedSum (f l) b a es
TupleSection l bx mes -> TupleSection (f l) bx mes
List l es -> List (f l) es
ParArray l es -> ParArray (f l) es
Paren l e -> Paren (f l) e
LeftSection l e qop -> LeftSection (f l) e qop
RightSection l qop e -> RightSection (f l) qop e
RecConstr l qn fups -> RecConstr (f l) qn fups
RecUpdate l e fups -> RecUpdate (f l) e fups
EnumFrom l e -> EnumFrom (f l) e
EnumFromTo l ef et -> EnumFromTo (f l) ef et
EnumFromThen l ef et -> EnumFromThen (f l) ef et
EnumFromThenTo l ef eth eto -> EnumFromThenTo (f l) ef eth eto
ParArrayFromTo l ef et -> ParArrayFromTo (f l) ef et
ParArrayFromThenTo l ef eth eto -> ParArrayFromThenTo (f l) ef eth eto
ListComp l e qss -> ListComp (f l) e qss
ParComp l e qsss -> ParComp (f l) e qsss
ParArrayComp l e qsss -> ParArrayComp (f l) e qsss
ExpTypeSig l e t -> ExpTypeSig (f l) e t
VarQuote l qn -> VarQuote (f l) qn
TypQuote l qn -> TypQuote (f l) qn
BracketExp l br -> BracketExp (f l) br
SpliceExp l sp -> SpliceExp (f l) sp
QuasiQuote l sn se -> QuasiQuote (f l) sn se
TypeApp l t -> TypeApp (f l) t
XTag l xn xas me es -> XTag (f l) xn xas me es
XETag l xn xas me -> XETag (f l) xn xas me
XPcdata l s -> XPcdata (f l) s
XExpTag l e -> XExpTag (f l) e
XChildTag l es -> XChildTag (f l) es
CorePragma l s e -> CorePragma (f l) s e
SCCPragma l s e -> SCCPragma (f l) s e
GenPragma l s n12 n34 e -> GenPragma (f l) s n12 n34 e
Proc l p e -> Proc (f l) p e
LeftArrApp l e1' e2 -> LeftArrApp (f l) e1' e2
RightArrApp l e1' e2 -> RightArrApp (f l) e1' e2
LeftArrHighApp l e1' e2 -> LeftArrHighApp (f l) e1' e2
RightArrHighApp l e1' e2 -> RightArrHighApp (f l) e1' e2
ArrOp l e -> ArrOp (f l) e
LCase l alts -> LCase (f l) alts
MultiIf l alts -> MultiIf (f l) alts
instance Annotated XName where
ann (XName l _) = l
ann (XDomName l _ _) = l
amap = fmap
instance Annotated XAttr where
ann (XAttr l _ _) = l
amap f (XAttr l xn e) = XAttr (f l) xn e
instance Annotated Bracket where
ann (ExpBracket l _) = l
ann (TExpBracket l _) = l
ann (PatBracket l _) = l
ann (TypeBracket l _) = l
ann (DeclBracket l _) = l
amap f (ExpBracket l e) = ExpBracket (f l) e
amap f (TExpBracket l e) = TExpBracket (f l) e
amap f (PatBracket l p) = PatBracket (f l) p
amap f (TypeBracket l t) = TypeBracket (f l) t
amap f (DeclBracket l ds) = DeclBracket (f l) ds
instance Annotated Splice where
ann (IdSplice l _) = l
ann (TIdSplice l _) = l
ann (ParenSplice l _) = l
ann (TParenSplice l _) = l
amap f (IdSplice l s) = IdSplice (f l) s
amap f (TIdSplice l s) = TIdSplice (f l) s
amap f (ParenSplice l e) = ParenSplice (f l) e
amap f (TParenSplice l e) = TParenSplice (f l) e
instance Annotated Safety where
ann (PlayRisky l) = l
ann (PlaySafe l _) = l
ann (PlayInterruptible l) = l
amap = fmap
instance Annotated CallConv where
ann (StdCall l) = l
ann (CCall l) = l
ann (CPlusPlus l) = l
ann (DotNet l) = l
ann (Jvm l) = l
ann (Js l) = l
ann (JavaScript l) = l
ann (CApi l) = l
amap = fmap
instance Annotated ModulePragma where
ann (LanguagePragma l _) = l
ann (OptionsPragma l _ _) = l
ann (AnnModulePragma l _) = l
amap f (LanguagePragma l ns) = LanguagePragma (f l) ns
amap f (AnnModulePragma l a) = AnnModulePragma (f l) a
amap f p = fmap f p
instance Annotated Overlap where
ann (NoOverlap l) = l
ann (Overlap l) = l
ann (Overlaps l) = l
ann (Overlappable l) = l
ann (Overlapping l) = l
ann (Incoherent l) = l
amap = fmap
instance Annotated Activation where
ann (ActiveFrom l _) = l
ann (ActiveUntil l _) = l
amap = fmap
instance Annotated Rule where
ann (Rule l _ _ _ _ _) = l
amap f (Rule l s act mrvs e1 e2) = Rule (f l) s act mrvs e1 e2
instance Annotated RuleVar where
ann (RuleVar l _) = l
ann (TypedRuleVar l _ _) = l
amap f (RuleVar l n) = RuleVar (f l) n
amap f (TypedRuleVar l n t) = TypedRuleVar (f l) n t
instance Annotated WarningText where
ann (DeprText l _) = l
ann (WarnText l _) = l
amap = fmap
instance Annotated Pat where
ann p = case p of
PVar l _ -> l
PLit l _ _ -> l
PNPlusK l _ _ -> l
PInfixApp l _ _ _ -> l
PApp l _ _ -> l
PTuple l _ _ -> l
PUnboxedSum l _ _ _ -> l
PList l _ -> l
PParen l _ -> l
PRec l _ _ -> l
PAsPat l _ _ -> l
PWildCard l -> l
PIrrPat l _ -> l
PatTypeSig l _ _ -> l
PViewPat l _ _ -> l
PRPat l _ -> l
PXTag l _ _ _ _ -> l
PXETag l _ _ _ -> l
PXPcdata l _ -> l
PXPatTag l _ -> l
PXRPats l _ -> l
PSplice l _ -> l
PQuasiQuote l _ _ -> l
PBangPat l _ -> l
amap f p1 = case p1 of
PVar l n -> PVar (f l) n
PLit l sg lit -> PLit (f l) sg lit
PNPlusK l n k -> PNPlusK (f l) n k
PInfixApp l pa qn pb -> PInfixApp (f l) pa qn pb
PApp l qn ps -> PApp (f l) qn ps
PTuple l bx ps -> PTuple (f l) bx ps
PUnboxedSum l b a ps -> PUnboxedSum (f l) b a ps
PList l ps -> PList (f l) ps
PParen l p -> PParen (f l) p
PRec l qn pfs -> PRec (f l) qn pfs
PAsPat l n p -> PAsPat (f l) n p
PWildCard l -> PWildCard (f l)
PIrrPat l p -> PIrrPat (f l) p
PatTypeSig l p t -> PatTypeSig (f l) p t
PViewPat l e p -> PViewPat (f l) e p
PRPat l rps -> PRPat (f l) rps
PXTag l xn pxas mp ps -> PXTag (f l) xn pxas mp ps
PXETag l xn pxas mp -> PXETag (f l) xn pxas mp
PXPcdata l s -> PXPcdata (f l) s
PXPatTag l p -> PXPatTag (f l) p
PXRPats l rps -> PXRPats (f l) rps
PSplice l sp -> PSplice (f l) sp
PQuasiQuote l sn st -> PQuasiQuote (f l) sn st
PBangPat l p -> PBangPat (f l) p
instance Annotated PXAttr where
ann (PXAttr l _ _) = l
amap f (PXAttr l xn p) = PXAttr (f l) xn p
instance Annotated RPatOp where
ann (RPStar l) = l
ann (RPStarG l) = l
ann (RPPlus l) = l
ann (RPPlusG l) = l
ann (RPOpt l) = l
ann (RPOptG l) =