{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, CPP, MagicHash, TypeSynonymInstances #-}

{- |
  Module      :  Language.Haskell.TH.Instances.Lift
  Copyright   :  (c) Matt Morrow 2008
  License     :  BSD3
  Maintainer  :  Matt Morrow <mjm2002@gmail.com>
  Stability   :  experimental
  Portability :  portable (template-haskell)

module Language.Haskell.TH.Instances.Lift () where

import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
import Language.Haskell.TH.Lib
import Language.Haskell.TH.Ppr
import Data.PackedString
import Data.List(intercalate)
import GHC.Base

instance Lift () where
  lift () = [|()|]

#if defined(__GLASGOW_HASKELL__) && __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 609
instance Show Loc where
  show (Loc f p m s e) =
    intercalate " " $
      ("Loc":fmap show [f,p,m]++[show s,show e])

instance Eq Loc where
  (Loc a b c d e) == (Loc v w x y z)
    = and $ [d==y,e==z] ++
        (zipWith (==) [a,b,c] [v,w,x])

-- TODO: make this better
instance Ppr Loc where
  ppr = showtextl . show

instance Ppr Lit where
  ppr l = ppr (LitE l)

-- comic relief from HERA
instance Lift Rational where lift _ = error "Rational.. what are you doing!"

instance Lift Name where
  lift (Name occName nameFlavour) = [| Name occName nameFlavour |]

instance Lift PackedString where
  lift ps = [| packString $(lift $ unpackPS ps) |]

instance Lift NameFlavour where
  lift NameS = [| NameS |]
  lift (NameQ modName) = [| NameQ modName |]
  lift (NameU i) = [| case $( lift (I# i) ) of
                          I# i' -> NameU i' |]
  lift (NameL i) = [| case $( lift (I# i) ) of
                          I# i' -> NameL i' |]
  lift (NameG nameSpace pkgName modName)
    = [| NameG nameSpace pkgName modName |]

instance Lift NameSpace where
  lift VarName = [| VarName |]
  lift DataName = [| DataName |]
  lift TcClsName = [| TcClsName |]

instance Lift Dec where
        lift (FunD x0 x1)
          = appE
                    (Name (packString "FunD")
                       (NameG DataName (packString "template-haskell")
                          (packString "Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax"))))
                 (lift x0))
              (lift x1)
        lift (ValD x0 x1 x2)
          = appE
                       (Name (packString "ValD")
                          (NameG DataName (packString "template-haskell")
                             (packString "Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax"))))
                    (lift x0))
                 (lift x1))
              (lift x2)
        lift (DataD x0 x1 x2 x3 x4)
          = appE
                             (Name (packString "DataD")
                                (NameG DataName (packString "template-haskell")
                                   (packString "Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax"))))
                          (lift x0))
                       (lift x1))
                    (lift x2))
                 (lift x3))
              (lift x4)
        lift (NewtypeD x0 x1 x2 x3 x4)
          = appE
                             (Name (packString "NewtypeD")
                                (NameG DataName (packString "template-haskell")
                                   (packString "Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax"))))
                          (lift x0))
                       (lift x1))
                    (lift x2))
                 (lift x3))
              (lift x4)
        lift (TySynD x0 x1 x2)
          = appE
                       (Name (packString "TySynD")
                          (NameG DataName (packString "template-haskell")
                             (packString "Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax"))))
                    (lift x0))
                 (lift x1))
              (lift x2)
        lift (ClassD x0 x1 x2 x3 x4)
          = appE
                             (Name (packString "ClassD")
                                (NameG DataName (packString "template-haskell")
                                   (packString "Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax"))))
                          (lift x0))
                       (lift x1))
                    (lift x2))
                 (lift x3))
              (lift x4)
        lift (InstanceD x0 x1 x2)
          = appE
                       (Name (packString "InstanceD")
                          (NameG DataName (packString "template-haskell")
                             (packString "Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax"))))
                    (lift x0))
                 (lift x1))
              (lift x2)
        lift (SigD x0 x1)
          = appE
                    (Name (packString "SigD")
                       (NameG DataName (packString "template-haskell")
                          (packString "Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax"))))
                 (lift x0))
              (lift x1)
        lift (ForeignD x0)
          = appE
                 (Name (packString "ForeignD")
                    (NameG DataName (packString "template-haskell")
                       (packString "Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax"))))
              (lift x0)

instance Lift Exp where
        lift (VarE x0)
          = appE
                 (Name (packString "VarE")
                    (NameG DataName (packString "template-haskell")
                       (packString "Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax"))))
              (lift x0)
        lift (ConE x0)
          = appE
                 (Name (packString "ConE")
                    (NameG DataName (packString "template-haskell")
                       (packString "Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax"))))
              (lift x0)
        lift (LitE x0)
          = appE
                 (Name (packString "LitE")
                    (NameG DataName (packString "template-haskell")
                       (packString "Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax"))))
              (lift x0)
        lift (AppE x0 x1)
          = appE
                    (Name (packString "AppE")
                       (NameG DataName (packString "template-haskell")
                          (packString "Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax"))))
                 (lift x0))
              (lift x1)
        lift (InfixE x0 x1 x2)
          = appE
                       (Name (packString "InfixE")
                          (NameG DataName (packString "template-haskell")
                             (packString "Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax"))))
                    (lift x0))
                 (lift x1))
              (lift x2)
        lift (LamE x0 x1)
          = appE
                    (Name (packString "LamE")
                       (NameG DataName (packString "template-haskell")
                          (packString "Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax"))))
                 (lift x0))
              (lift x1)
        lift (TupE x0)
          = appE
                 (Name (packString "TupE")
                    (NameG DataName (packString "template-haskell")
                       (packString "Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax"))))
              (lift x0)
        lift (CondE x0 x1 x2)
          = appE
                       (Name (packString "CondE")
                          (NameG DataName (packString "template-haskell")
                             (packString "Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax"))))
                    (lift x0))
                 (lift x1))
              (lift x2)
        lift (LetE x0 x1)
          = appE
                    (Name (packString "LetE")
                       (NameG DataName (packString "template-haskell")
                          (packString "Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax"))))
                 (lift x0))
              (lift x1)
        lift (CaseE x0 x1)
          = appE
                    (Name (packString "CaseE")
                       (NameG DataName (packString "template-haskell")
                          (packString "Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax"))))
                 (lift x0))
              (lift x1)
        lift (DoE x0)
          = appE
                 (Name (packString "DoE")
                    (NameG DataName (packString "template-haskell")
                       (packString "Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax"))))
              (lift x0)
        lift (CompE x0)
          = appE
                 (Name (packString "CompE")
                    (NameG DataName (packString "template-haskell")
                       (packString "Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax"))))
              (lift x0)
        lift (ArithSeqE x0)
          = appE
                 (Name (packString "ArithSeqE")
                    (NameG DataName (packString "template-haskell")
                       (packString "Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax"))))
              (lift x0)
        lift (ListE x0)
          = appE
                 (Name (packString "ListE")
                    (NameG DataName (packString "template-haskell")
                       (packString "Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax"))))
              (lift x0)
        lift (SigE x0 x1)
          = appE
                    (Name (packString "SigE")
                       (NameG DataName (packString "template-haskell")
                          (packString "Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax"))))
                 (lift x0))
              (lift x1)
        lift (RecConE x0 x1)
          = appE
                    (Name (packString "RecConE")
                       (NameG DataName (packString "template-haskell")
                          (packString "Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax"))))
                 (lift x0))
              (lift x1)
        lift (RecUpdE x0 x1)
          = appE
                    (Name (packString "RecUpdE")
                       (NameG DataName (packString "template-haskell")
                          (packString "Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax"))))
                 (lift x0))
              (lift x1)

instance Lift Lit where
        lift (CharL x0)
          = appE
                 (Name (packString "CharL")
                    (NameG DataName (packString "template-haskell")
                       (packString "Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax"))))
              (lift x0)
        lift (StringL x0)
          = appE
                 (Name (packString "StringL")
                    (NameG DataName (packString "template-haskell")
                       (packString "Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax"))))
              (lift x0)
        lift (IntegerL x0)
          = appE
                 (Name (packString "IntegerL")
                    (NameG DataName (packString "template-haskell")
                       (packString "Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax"))))
              (lift x0)
        lift (RationalL x0)
          = appE
                 (Name (packString "RationalL")
                    (NameG DataName (packString "template-haskell")
                       (packString "Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax"))))
              (lift x0)
        lift (IntPrimL x0)
          = appE
                 (Name (packString "IntPrimL")
                    (NameG DataName (packString "template-haskell")
                       (packString "Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax"))))
              (lift x0)
#if defined(__GLASGOW_HASKELL__) && __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 609
        lift (WordPrimL x0)
          = appE
                 (Name (packString "WordPrimL")
                    (NameG DataName (packString "template-haskell")
                       (packString "Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax"))))
              (lift x0)
        lift (FloatPrimL x0)
          = appE
                 (Name (packString "FloatPrimL")
                    (NameG DataName (packString "template-haskell")
                       (packString "Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax"))))
              (lift x0)
        lift (DoublePrimL x0)
          = appE
                 (Name (packString "DoublePrimL")
                    (NameG DataName (packString "template-haskell")
                       (packString "Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax"))))
              (lift x0)

instance Lift Pat where
        lift (LitP x0)
          = appE
                 (Name (packString "LitP")
                    (NameG DataName (packString "template-haskell")
                       (packString "Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax"))))
              (lift x0)
        lift (VarP x0)
          = appE
                 (Name (packString "VarP")
                    (NameG DataName (packString "template-haskell")
                       (packString "Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax"))))
              (lift x0)
        lift (TupP x0)
          = appE
                 (Name (packString "TupP")
                    (NameG DataName (packString "template-haskell")
                       (packString "Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax"))))
              (lift x0)
        lift (ConP x0 x1)
          = appE
                    (Name (packString "ConP")
                       (NameG DataName (packString "template-haskell")
                          (packString "Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax"))))
                 (lift x0))
              (lift x1)
        lift (InfixP x0 x1 x2)
          = appE
                       (Name (packString "InfixP")
                          (NameG DataName (packString "template-haskell")
                             (packString "Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax"))))
                    (lift x0))
                 (lift x1))
              (lift x2)
        lift (TildeP x0)
          = appE
                 (Name (packString "TildeP")
                    (NameG DataName (packString "template-haskell")
                       (packString "Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax"))))
              (lift x0)
        lift (AsP x0 x1)
          = appE
                    (Name (packString "AsP")
                       (NameG DataName (packString "template-haskell")
                          (packString "Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax"))))
                 (lift x0))
              (lift x1)
        lift (WildP)
          = conE
              (Name (packString "WildP")
                 (NameG DataName (packString "template-haskell")
                    (packString "Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax")))
        lift (RecP x0 x1)
          = appE
                    (Name (packString "RecP")
                       (NameG DataName (packString "template-haskell")
                          (packString "Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax"))))
                 (lift x0))
              (lift x1)
        lift (ListP x0)
          = appE
                 (Name (packString "ListP")
                    (NameG DataName (packString "template-haskell")
                       (packString "Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax"))))
              (lift x0)
        lift (SigP x0 x1)
          = appE
                    (Name (packString "SigP")
                       (NameG DataName (packString "template-haskell")
                          (packString "Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax"))))
                 (lift x0))
              (lift x1)

instance Lift Body where
        lift (GuardedB x0)
          = appE
                 (Name (packString "GuardedB")
                    (NameG DataName (packString "template-haskell")
                       (packString "Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax"))))
              (lift x0)
        lift (NormalB x0)
          = appE
                 (Name (packString "NormalB")
                    (NameG DataName (packString "template-haskell")
                       (packString "Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax"))))
              (lift x0)

instance Lift Con where
        lift (NormalC x0 x1)
          = appE
                    (Name (packString "NormalC")
                       (NameG DataName (packString "template-haskell")
                          (packString "Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax"))))
                 (lift x0))
              (lift x1)
        lift (RecC x0 x1)
          = appE
                    (Name (packString "RecC")
                       (NameG DataName (packString "template-haskell")
                          (packString "Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax"))))
                 (lift x0))
              (lift x1)
        lift (InfixC x0 x1 x2)
          = appE
                       (Name (packString "InfixC")
                          (NameG DataName (packString "template-haskell")
                             (packString "Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax"))))
                    (lift x0))
                 (lift x1))
              (lift x2)
        lift (ForallC x0 x1 x2)
          = appE
                       (Name (packString "ForallC")
                          (NameG DataName (packString "template-haskell")
                             (packString "Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax"))))
                    (lift x0))
                 (lift x1))
              (lift x2)

instance Lift Clause where
        lift (Clause x0 x1 x2)
          = appE
                       (Name (packString "Clause")
                          (NameG DataName (packString "template-haskell")
                             (packString "Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax"))))
                    (lift x0))
                 (lift x1))
              (lift x2)

instance Lift Guard where
        lift (NormalG x0)
          = appE
                 (Name (packString "NormalG")
                    (NameG DataName (packString "template-haskell")
                       (packString "Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax"))))
              (lift x0)
        lift (PatG x0)
          = appE
                 (Name (packString "PatG")
                    (NameG DataName (packString "template-haskell")
                       (packString "Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax"))))
              (lift x0)

instance Lift Strict where
        lift (IsStrict)
          = conE
              (Name (packString "IsStrict")
                 (NameG DataName (packString "template-haskell")
                    (packString "Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax")))
        lift (NotStrict)
          = conE
              (Name (packString "NotStrict")
                 (NameG DataName (packString "template-haskell")
                    (packString "Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax")))

instance Lift FunDep where
        lift (FunDep x0 x1)
          = appE
                    (Name (packString "FunDep")
                       (NameG DataName (packString "template-haskell")
                          (packString "Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax"))))
                 (lift x0))
              (lift x1)

instance Lift Foreign where
        lift (ImportF x0 x1 x2 x3 x4)
          = appE
                             (Name (packString "ImportF")
                                (NameG DataName (packString "template-haskell")
                                   (packString "Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax"))))
                          (lift x0))
                       (lift x1))
                    (lift x2))
                 (lift x3))
              (lift x4)
        lift (ExportF x0 x1 x2 x3)
          = appE
                          (Name (packString "ExportF")
                             (NameG DataName (packString "template-haskell")
                                (packString "Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax"))))
                       (lift x0))
                    (lift x1))
                 (lift x2))
              (lift x3)

instance Lift Callconv where
        lift (CCall)
          = conE
              (Name (packString "CCall")
                 (NameG DataName (packString "template-haskell")
                    (packString "Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax")))
        lift (StdCall)
          = conE
              (Name (packString "StdCall")
                 (NameG DataName (packString "template-haskell")
                    (packString "Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax")))

instance Lift Safety where
        lift (Unsafe)
          = conE
              (Name (packString "Unsafe")
                 (NameG DataName (packString "template-haskell")
                    (packString "Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax")))
        lift (Safe)
          = conE
              (Name (packString "Safe")
                 (NameG DataName (packString "template-haskell")
                    (packString "Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax")))
        lift (Threadsafe)
          = conE
              (Name (packString "Threadsafe")
                 (NameG DataName (packString "template-haskell")
                    (packString "Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax")))

instance Lift Match where
        lift (Match x0 x1 x2)
          = appE
                       (Name (packString "Match")
                          (NameG DataName (packString "template-haskell")
                             (packString "Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax"))))
                    (lift x0))
                 (lift x1))
              (lift x2)

instance Lift Stmt where
        lift (BindS x0 x1)
          = appE
                    (Name (packString "BindS")
                       (NameG DataName (packString "template-haskell")
                          (packString "Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax"))))
                 (lift x0))
              (lift x1)
        lift (LetS x0)
          = appE
                 (Name (packString "LetS")
                    (NameG DataName (packString "template-haskell")
                       (packString "Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax"))))
              (lift x0)
        lift (NoBindS x0)
          = appE
                 (Name (packString "NoBindS")
                    (NameG DataName (packString "template-haskell")
                       (packString "Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax"))))
              (lift x0)
        lift (ParS x0)
          = appE
                 (Name (packString "ParS")
                    (NameG DataName (packString "template-haskell")
                       (packString "Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax"))))
              (lift x0)

instance Lift Range where
        lift (FromR x0)
          = appE
                 (Name (packString "FromR")
                    (NameG DataName (packString "template-haskell")
                       (packString "Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax"))))
              (lift x0)
        lift (FromThenR x0 x1)
          = appE
                    (Name (packString "FromThenR")
                       (NameG DataName (packString "template-haskell")
                          (packString "Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax"))))
                 (lift x0))
              (lift x1)
        lift (FromToR x0 x1)
          = appE
                    (Name (packString "FromToR")
                       (NameG DataName (packString "template-haskell")
                          (packString "Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax"))))
                 (lift x0))
              (lift x1)
        lift (FromThenToR x0 x1 x2)
          = appE
                       (Name (packString "FromThenToR")
                          (NameG DataName (packString "template-haskell")
                             (packString "Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax"))))
                    (lift x0))
                 (lift x1))
              (lift x2)

instance Lift Type where
        lift (ForallT x0 x1 x2)
          = appE
                       (Name (packString "ForallT")
                          (NameG DataName (packString "template-haskell")
                             (packString "Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax"))))
                    (lift x0))
                 (lift x1))
              (lift x2)
        lift (VarT x0)
          = appE
                 (Name (packString "VarT")
                    (NameG DataName (packString "template-haskell")
                       (packString "Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax"))))
              (lift x0)
        lift (ConT x0)
          = appE
                 (Name (packString "ConT")
                    (NameG DataName (packString "template-haskell")
                       (packString "Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax"))))
              (lift x0)
        lift (TupleT x0)
          = appE
                 (Name (packString "TupleT")
                    (NameG DataName (packString "template-haskell")
                       (packString "Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax"))))
              (lift x0)
        lift (ArrowT)
          = conE
              (Name (packString "ArrowT")
                 (NameG DataName (packString "template-haskell")
                    (packString "Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax")))
        lift (ListT)
          = conE
              (Name (packString "ListT")
                 (NameG DataName (packString "template-haskell")
                    (packString "Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax")))
        lift (AppT x0 x1)
          = appE
                    (Name (packString "AppT")
                       (NameG DataName (packString "template-haskell")
                          (packString "Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax"))))
                 (lift x0))
              (lift x1)

instance Lift Info where
        lift (ClassI x0)
          = appE
                 (Name (packString "ClassI")
                    (NameG DataName (packString "template-haskell")
                       (packString "Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax"))))
              (lift x0)
        lift (ClassOpI x0 x1 x2 x3)
          = appE
                          (Name (packString "ClassOpI")
                             (NameG DataName (packString "template-haskell")
                                (packString "Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax"))))
                       (lift x0))
                    (lift x1))
                 (lift x2))
              (lift x3)
        lift (TyConI x0)
          = appE
                 (Name (packString "TyConI")
                    (NameG DataName (packString "template-haskell")
                       (packString "Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax"))))
              (lift x0)
        lift (PrimTyConI x0 x1 x2)
          = appE
                       (Name (packString "PrimTyConI")
                          (NameG DataName (packString "template-haskell")
                             (packString "Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax"))))
                    (lift x0))
                 (lift x1))
              (lift x2)
        lift (DataConI x0 x1 x2 x3)
          = appE
                          (Name (packString "DataConI")
                             (NameG DataName (packString "template-haskell")
                                (packString "Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax"))))
                       (lift x0))
                    (lift x1))
                 (lift x2))
              (lift x3)
        lift (VarI x0 x1 x2 x3)
          = appE
                          (Name (packString "VarI")
                             (NameG DataName (packString "template-haskell")
                                (packString "Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax"))))
                       (lift x0))
                    (lift x1))
                 (lift x2))
              (lift x3)
        lift (TyVarI x0 x1)
          = appE
                    (Name (packString "TyVarI")
                       (NameG DataName (packString "template-haskell")
                          (packString "Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax"))))
                 (lift x0))
              (lift x1)

instance Lift Fixity where
        lift (Fixity x0 x1)
          = appE
                    (Name (packString "Fixity")
                       (NameG DataName (packString "template-haskell")
                          (packString "Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax"))))
                 (lift x0))
              (lift x1)

instance Lift FixityDirection where
        lift (InfixL)
          = conE
              (Name (packString "InfixL")
                 (NameG DataName (packString "template-haskell")
                    (packString "Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax")))
        lift (InfixR)
          = conE
              (Name (packString "InfixR")
                 (NameG DataName (packString "template-haskell")
                    (packString "Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax")))
        lift (InfixN)
          = conE
              (Name (packString "InfixN")
                 (NameG DataName (packString "template-haskell")
                    (packString "Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax")))