{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts 
           , LambdaCase 
           , RankNTypes 
           , ScopedTypeVariables
           , TypeFamilies
           , FlexibleInstances
           , UndecidableInstances
           , PatternSynonyms

-- | Helper functions for using the AST.
module Language.Haskell.Tools.AST.Helpers where

import SrcLoc
import qualified Name as GHC

import Control.Reference
import Control.Monad
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Function hiding ((&))
import Data.Generics.Uniplate.Operations

import Language.Haskell.Tools.AST.Ann
import Language.Haskell.Tools.AST.Representation.Modules
import Language.Haskell.Tools.AST.Representation.Decls
import Language.Haskell.Tools.AST.Representation.Patterns
import Language.Haskell.Tools.AST.Representation.Exprs
import Language.Haskell.Tools.AST.Representation.Binds
import Language.Haskell.Tools.AST.Representation.Types
import Language.Haskell.Tools.AST.Representation.Names
import Language.Haskell.Tools.AST.References
import Language.Haskell.Tools.AST.SemaInfoTypes
import Language.Haskell.Tools.AST.SemaInfoClasses

import Debug.Trace
-- | Does the import declaration import only the explicitly listed elements?
importIsExact :: Ann UImportDecl dom stage -> Bool
importIsExact = isJust . (^? importSpec&annJust&importSpecList)  

-- | Accesses the name of a function or value binding
bindingName :: (SemanticInfo dom UQualifiedName ~ ni) => Simple Traversal (Ann UValueBind dom stage) (Ann UQualifiedName dom stage)
bindingName = (valBindPat&patternName&simpleName 
                        &+& funBindMatches&annList&matchLhs
                              &(matchLhsName&simpleName &+& matchLhsOperator&operatorName))

-- | Accesses that name of a declaration through the declaration head.
declHeadNames :: Simple Traversal (Ann UDeclHead dom stage) (Ann UQualifiedName dom stage)
declHeadNames = (dhName&simpleName &+& dhBody&declHeadNames &+& dhAppFun&declHeadNames &+& dhOperator&operatorName)

-- | A reference to access type arguments to a type constructor call that may be universally qualified
-- or parenthesized.
typeParams :: Simple Traversal (Ann UType dom stage) (Ann UType dom stage)
typeParams = fromTraversal typeParamsTrav
  where typeParamsTrav f (Ann a (UTyFun p r)) = Ann a <$> (UTyFun <$> f p <*> typeParamsTrav f r)
        typeParamsTrav f (Ann a (UTyForall vs t)) = Ann a <$> (UTyForall vs <$> typeParamsTrav f t)
        typeParamsTrav f (Ann a (UTyCtx ctx t)) = Ann a <$> (UTyCtx ctx <$> typeParamsTrav f t)
        typeParamsTrav f (Ann a (UTyParen t)) = Ann a <$> (UTyParen <$> typeParamsTrav f t)
        typeParamsTrav f t = f t

valBindPats :: Simple Traversal (Ann UValueBind dom stage) (Ann UPattern dom stage)
valBindPats = valBindPat &+& funBindMatches & annList & matchLhs & (matchLhsArgs & annList &+& matchLhsLhs &+& matchLhsRhs)

-- | Access the semantic information of an AST node.
semantics :: Simple Lens (Ann elem dom stage) (SemanticInfo dom elem)
semantics = annotation&semanticInfo

-- | Get all nodes that contain a given source range
nodesContaining :: (HasRange (inner dom stage), Biplate (node dom stage) (inner dom stage), SourceInfo stage) 
                => RealSrcSpan -> Simple Traversal (node dom stage) (inner dom stage)
nodesContaining rng = biplateRef & filtered (isInside rng) 

-- | Return true if the node contains a given range
isInside :: HasRange (inner dom stage) => RealSrcSpan -> inner dom stage -> Bool
isInside rng nd = case getRange nd of RealSrcSpan sp -> sp `containsSpan` rng
                                      _              -> False

-- | Get all nodes that are contained in a given source range
nodesContained :: (HasRange (inner dom stage), Biplate (node dom stage) (inner dom stage), SourceInfo stage) 
                    => RealSrcSpan -> Simple Traversal (node dom stage) (inner dom stage)
nodesContained rng = biplateRef & filtered (isContained rng) 

-- | Return true if the node contains a given range
isContained :: HasRange (inner dom stage) => RealSrcSpan -> inner dom stage -> Bool
isContained rng nd = case getRange nd of RealSrcSpan sp -> rng `containsSpan` sp
                                         _              -> False

-- | Get the nodes that have exactly the given range 
nodesWithRange :: (Biplate (Ann node dom stage) (Ann inner dom stage), SourceInfo stage) 
               => RealSrcSpan -> Simple Traversal (Ann node dom stage) (Ann inner dom stage)
nodesWithRange rng = biplateRef & filtered (hasRange rng) 
  where -- True, if the node has the given range                     
        hasRange :: SourceInfo stage => RealSrcSpan -> Ann inner dom stage -> Bool
        hasRange rng node = case getRange node of RealSrcSpan sp -> sp == rng
                                                  _              -> False

-- | Get the shortest source range that contains the given 
getNodeContaining :: (Biplate (Ann node dom stage) (Ann inner dom stage), SourceInfo stage, HasRange (Ann inner dom stage)) 
                  => RealSrcSpan -> Ann node dom stage -> Maybe (Ann inner dom stage)
getNodeContaining sp node = case node ^? nodesContaining sp of
  [] -> Nothing
  results -> Just $ minimumBy (compareRangeLength `on` getRange) results

-- | Compares two source spans based on their lengths. Can only used for NESTED spans.
compareRangeLength :: SrcSpan -> SrcSpan -> Ordering
compareRangeLength (RealSrcSpan sp1) (RealSrcSpan sp2)
  = (lineDiff sp1 `compare` lineDiff sp2) `mappend` (colDiff sp1 `compare` colDiff sp2)
  where lineDiff sp = srcLocLine (realSrcSpanStart sp) - srcLocLine (realSrcSpanEnd sp)
        colDiff sp = srcLocCol (realSrcSpanStart sp) - srcLocCol (realSrcSpanEnd sp)

-- | A class to access the names of named elements. Have to locate where does the AST element store its name.
-- The returned name will be the one that was marked isDefining.
class NamedElement elem where
  elementName :: Simple Traversal (Ann elem dom st) (Ann UQualifiedName dom st)

instance NamedElement UDecl where
  elementName = (declHead & declHeadNames) 
                  &+& (declTypeFamily & tfHead & declHeadNames)
                  &+& (declValBind & bindingName)
                  &+& (declName & simpleName)
                  &+& (declPatSyn & patLhs & (patName & simpleName &+& patSynOp & operatorName))

instance NamedElement ULocalBind where
  elementName = localVal&bindingName &+& localSig&tsName&annList&simpleName

inScope :: GHC.Name -> Scope -> Bool
inScope n sc = any (n `elem`) sc

-- * Pattern synonyms for annotated lists and maybes
pattern AnnList :: [Ann elem dom stage] -> AnnListG elem dom stage
pattern AnnList elems <- AnnListG _ elems

pattern AnnNothing :: AnnMaybeG elem dom stage
pattern AnnNothing <- AnnMaybeG _ Nothing

pattern AnnJust :: Ann elem dom stage -> AnnMaybeG elem dom stage
pattern AnnJust elem <- AnnMaybeG _ (Just elem)