{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase
           , ViewPatterns
           , FlexibleContexts
           , ScopedTypeVariables
           , TypeApplications
           , TupleSections
           , TypeFamilies
-- | Functions that convert the module-related elements (modules, imports, exports) of the GHC AST to corresponding elements in the Haskell-tools AST representation
-- Also contains the entry point of the transformation that collects the information from different GHC AST representations.
module Language.Haskell.Tools.AST.FromGHC.Modules where

import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Reference hiding (element)
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.Generics.Uniplate.Data ()
import Data.List as List
import Data.Map as Map (fromList, lookup)
import Data.Maybe

import BasicTypes as GHC (WarningTxt(..), StringLiteral(..))
import DynFlags as GHC (xopt_set)
import ErrUtils as GHC (pprErrMsgBagWithLoc)
import FastString as GHC (unpackFS)
import FieldLabel as GHC (FieldLbl(..))
import GHC
import HscMain as GHC (hscRnImportDecls)
import HscTypes as GHC (WarningTxt(..), ModSummary, HscEnv(..))
import Language.Haskell.TH.LanguageExtensions (Extension(..))
import Name as GHC hiding (varName)
import Outputable as GHC (vcat, showSDocUnsafe, (<+>))
import RdrName as GHC (RdrName, Parent(..), GlobalRdrElt(..))
import RnEnv as GHC (mkUnboundNameRdr)
import RnExpr as GHC (rnLExpr)
import SrcLoc as GHC
import TcRnMonad as GHC
import Outputable

import Language.Haskell.Tools.AST (Ann(..), AnnMaybeG, AnnListG(..), Dom, RangeStage
                                  , sourceInfo, semantics, annotation, nodeSpan)
import qualified Language.Haskell.Tools.AST as AST
import Language.Haskell.Tools.AST.FromGHC.Decls (trfDecls, trfDeclsGroup)
import Language.Haskell.Tools.AST.FromGHC.Exprs (trfText')
import Language.Haskell.Tools.AST.FromGHC.GHCUtils
import Language.Haskell.Tools.AST.FromGHC.Monad
import Language.Haskell.Tools.AST.FromGHC.Names (TransformName, trfName)
import Language.Haskell.Tools.AST.FromGHC.Utils
import Language.Haskell.Tools.AST.SemaInfoTypes as AST (nameInfo, implicitNames, importedNames)

trfModule :: ModSummary -> Located (HsModule RdrName) -> Trf (Ann AST.UModule (Dom RdrName) RangeStage)
trfModule mod hsMod = trfLocCorrect (createModuleInfo mod (maybe noSrcSpan getLoc $ hsmodName $ unLoc hsMod) (hsmodImports $ unLoc hsMod))
                                    (\sr -> combineSrcSpans sr <$> (uniqueTokenAnywhere AnnEofPos))
                  (\(HsModule name exports imports decls deprec _) ->
                     AST.UModule <$> trfFilePragmas
                                 <*> trfModuleHead name (srcSpanStart (foldLocs (map getLoc imports ++ map getLoc decls))) exports deprec
                                 <*> trfImports imports
                                 <*> trfDecls decls) $ hsMod

trfModuleRename :: ModSummary -> Ann AST.UModule (Dom RdrName) RangeStage
                              -> (HsGroup Name, [LImportDecl Name], Maybe [LIE Name], Maybe LHsDocString)
                              -> Located (HsModule RdrName)
                              -> Trf (Ann AST.UModule (Dom GHC.Name) RangeStage)
trfModuleRename mod rangeMod (gr,imports,exps,_) hsMod
    = do info <- createModuleInfo mod (maybe noSrcSpan getLoc $ hsmodName $ unLoc hsMod) imports
         trfLocCorrect (pure info) (\sr -> combineSrcSpans sr <$> (uniqueTokenAnywhere AnnEofPos)) (trfModuleRename' (info ^. implicitNames)) hsMod
  where roleAnnots = rangeMod ^? AST.modDecl&AST.annList&filtered ((\case Ann _ (AST.URoleDecl {}) -> True; _ -> False))
        originalNames = Map.fromList $ catMaybes $ map getSourceAndInfo (rangeMod ^? biplateRef)
        getSourceAndInfo :: Ann AST.UQualifiedName (Dom RdrName) RangeStage -> Maybe (SrcSpan, RdrName)
        getSourceAndInfo n = (,) <$> (n ^? annotation&sourceInfo&nodeSpan) <*> (n ^? semantics&nameInfo)

        trfModuleRename' preludeImports hsMod@(HsModule name exports _ _ deprec _) = do
          transformedImports <- orderAnnList <$> (trfImports imports)

          let importNames impd = ( impd ^. AST.importModule & AST.moduleNameString
                                 , impd ^? AST.importAs & AST.annJust & AST.importRename & AST.moduleNameString
                                 , AST.isAnnJust (impd ^. AST.importQualified)
                                 , impd ^. semantics&importedNames )
              -- if there is a qualified form of the import Prelude, the names should be empty
              importPrelude names = ( "Prelude", Nothing, False, names)

          addToScopeImported (map importNames (transformedImports ^? AST.annList) ++ [importPrelude preludeImports])
            $ loadSplices mod hsMod transformedImports preludeImports gr $ setOriginalNames originalNames . setDeclsToInsert roleAnnots
              $ do filePrags <- trfFilePragmas
                   AST.UModule filePrags
                    <$> trfModuleHead name
                         (srcSpanEnd (AST.getRange filePrags))
                         (case (exports, exps) of (Just (L l _), Just ie) -> Just (L l ie)
                                                  _                       -> Nothing)
                    <*> return transformedImports
                    <*> trfDeclsGroup gr

loadSplices :: ModSummary -> HsModule RdrName -> AnnListG AST.UImportDecl (Dom GHC.Name) RangeStage -> [GHC.Name] -> HsGroup Name -> Trf a -> Trf a
loadSplices modSum hsMod imports preludeImports group trf = do
    let declSpls = map (\(SpliceDecl sp _) -> sp) $ hsMod ^? biplateRef :: [Located (HsSplice RdrName)]
        exprSpls = catMaybes $ map (\case L l (HsSpliceE sp) -> Just (L l sp); _ -> Nothing) $ hsMod ^? biplateRef :: [Located (HsSplice RdrName)]
        typeSpls = catMaybes $ map (\case L l (HsSpliceTy sp _) -> Just (L l sp); _ -> Nothing) $ hsMod ^? biplateRef :: [Located (HsSplice RdrName)]
    setSplices declSpls typeSpls exprSpls trf

trfModuleHead :: TransformName n r => Maybe (Located ModuleName) -> SrcLoc -> Maybe (Located [LIE n]) -> Maybe (Located WarningTxt) -> Trf (AnnMaybeG AST.UModuleHead (Dom r) RangeStage)
trfModuleHead (Just mn) _ exports modPrag
  = makeJust <$> (annLocNoSema (tokensLoc [AnnModule, AnnWhere])
                               (AST.UModuleHead <$> trfModuleName mn
                                                <*> trfModulePragma (srcSpanEnd $ getLoc mn) modPrag
                                                <*> trfExportList (before AnnWhere) exports))
trfModuleHead _ rng Nothing _ = nothing "" "" (pure rng)
trfModuleHead Nothing _ (Just _) _ = error "trfModuleHead: no head but has exports"

trfFilePragmas :: Trf (AnnListG AST.UFilePragma (Dom r) RangeStage)
trfFilePragmas = do pragmas <- asks pragmaComms
                    languagePragmas <- mapM trfLanguagePragma (fromMaybe [] $ (Map.lookup "LANGUAGE") pragmas)
                    optionsPragmas <- mapM trfOptionsPragma (fromMaybe [] $ (Map.lookup "OPTIONS_GHC") pragmas)
                    makeList "" atTheStart $ pure $ orderDefs $ languagePragmas ++ optionsPragmas

trfLanguagePragma :: Located String -> Trf (Ann AST.UFilePragma (Dom r) RangeStage)
trfLanguagePragma lstr@(L l _) = annLocNoSema (pure l) (AST.ULanguagePragma <$> makeList ", " (pure $ srcSpanStart $ getLoc $ last pragmaElems)
                                                                                              (mapM (trfLocNoSema (pure . AST.ULanguageExtension)) extensions))
  where pragmaElems = splitLocated lstr
        extensions = filter ((\sp -> srcSpanStart sp /= srcSpanEnd sp) . getLoc)
                       $ map (removeEnd . removeLang . removeStart) pragmaElems
        removeStart pr@(L l txt) = if "{-#" `isPrefixOf` txt then L (updateStart (updateCol (+3)) l) (drop 3 txt) else pr
        removeLang pr@(L l txt) = if "LANGUAGE" `isPrefixOf` txt then L (updateStart (updateCol (+8)) l) (drop 8 txt) else pr
        removeEnd pr@(L l txt) = if "#-}" `isSuffixOf` txt then L (updateEnd (updateCol (subtract 3)) l) (reverse $ drop 3 $ reverse $ txt) else pr

trfOptionsPragma :: Located String -> Trf (Ann AST.UFilePragma (Dom r) RangeStage)
trfOptionsPragma (L l str) = annLocNoSema (pure l) (AST.UOptionsPragma <$> annContNoSema (pure $ AST.UStringNode str))

trfModulePragma :: SrcLoc -> Maybe (Located WarningTxt) -> Trf (AnnMaybeG AST.UModulePragma (Dom r) RangeStage)
trfModulePragma l = trfMaybeDefault " " "" (trfLocNoSema $ \case WarningTxt _ txts -> AST.UModuleWarningPragma <$> trfAnnList " " trfText' txts
                                                                 DeprecatedTxt _ txts -> AST.UModuleDeprecatedPragma <$> trfAnnList " " trfText' txts)
                                    (pure l)

trfExportList :: TransformName n r => Trf SrcLoc -> Maybe (Located [LIE n]) -> Trf (AnnMaybeG AST.UExportSpecs (Dom r) RangeStage)
trfExportList loc = trfMaybeDefault "" " " (trfLocNoSema trfExportList') loc

trfExportList' :: TransformName n r => [LIE n] -> Trf (AST.UExportSpecs (Dom r) RangeStage)
trfExportList' exps = AST.UExportSpecs <$> (makeList ", " (after AnnOpenP) (orderDefs . catMaybes <$> (mapM trfExport exps)))

trfExport :: TransformName n r => LIE n -> Trf (Maybe (Ann AST.UExportSpec (Dom r) RangeStage))
trfExport = trfMaybeLocNoSema $ \case
  IEModuleContents n -> Just . AST.UModuleExport <$> (trfModuleName n)
  other -> do trf <- trfIESpec' other
              fmap AST.UDeclExport <$> (sequence $ fmap (annContNoSema . return) trf)

trfImports :: TransformName n r => [LImportDecl n] -> Trf (AnnListG AST.UImportDecl (Dom r) RangeStage)
trfImports (filter (not . ideclImplicit . unLoc) -> imps)
  = AnnListG <$> importDefaultLoc <*> mapM trfImport imps
  where importDefaultLoc = noSemaInfo . AST.ListPos (if List.null imps then "\n" else "") "" "\n" (Just []) . srcSpanEnd
                             <$> (combineSrcSpans <$> asks (srcLocSpan . srcSpanStart . contRange)
                                                  <*> (srcLocSpan . srcSpanEnd <$> tokenLoc AnnWhere))
trfImport :: TransformName n r => LImportDecl n -> Trf (Ann AST.UImportDecl (Dom r) RangeStage)
trfImport (L l impDecl@(GHC.ImportDecl _ name pkg isSrc _ isQual _ declAs declHiding)) = focusOn l $
  do range <- asks contRange
     safeTok <- tokenLoc AnnSafe

     let -- default positions of optional parts of an import declaration
         annBeforeQual = if isSrc then AnnClose else AnnImport
         annBeforeSafe = if isQual then AnnQualified else annBeforeQual
         annBeforePkg = if isGoodSrcSpan safeTok then AnnSafe else annBeforeSafe

     annLoc (createImportData impDecl) (pure l) $ AST.UImportDecl
       <$> (if isSrc then makeJust <$> annLocNoSema (tokensLoc [AnnOpen, AnnClose]) (pure AST.UImportSource)
                     else nothing " " "" (after AnnImport))
       <*> (if isQual then makeJust <$> (annLocNoSema (tokenLoc AnnQualified) (pure AST.UImportQualified))
                      else nothing " " "" (after annBeforeQual))
       <*> (if isGoodSrcSpan safeTok then makeJust <$> (annLocNoSema (pure safeTok) (pure AST.UImportSafe))
                                     else nothing " " "" (after annBeforeSafe))
       <*> maybe (nothing " " "" (after annBeforePkg))
                 (\str -> makeJust <$> (annLocNoSema (tokenLoc AnnPackageName) (pure (AST.UStringNode (unpackFS $ sl_fs str))))) pkg
       <*> trfModuleName name
       <*> maybe (nothing " " "" (pure $ srcSpanEnd (getLoc name))) (\mn -> makeJust <$> (trfRenaming mn)) declAs
       <*> trfImportSpecs declHiding
  where trfRenaming mn
          = annLocNoSema (tokensLoc [AnnAs,AnnVal])
                         (AST.UImportRenaming <$> (annLocNoSema (tokenLoc AnnVal)
                                                  (trfModuleName' mn)))

trfImportSpecs :: TransformName n r => Maybe (Bool, Located [LIE n]) -> Trf (AnnMaybeG AST.UImportSpec (Dom r) RangeStage)
trfImportSpecs (Just (True, l))
  = makeJust <$> trfLocNoSema (\specs -> AST.UImportSpecHiding <$> (makeList ", " (after AnnOpenP) (catMaybes <$> mapM trfIESpec (removeDuplicates specs)))) l
trfImportSpecs (Just (False, l))
  = makeJust <$> trfLocNoSema (\specs -> AST.UImportSpecList <$> (makeList ", " (after AnnOpenP) (catMaybes <$> mapM trfIESpec (removeDuplicates specs)))) l
trfImportSpecs Nothing = nothing " " "" atTheEnd

trfIESpec :: TransformName n r => LIE n -> Trf (Maybe (Ann AST.UIESpec (Dom r) RangeStage))
trfIESpec = trfMaybeLocNoSema trfIESpec'

trfIESpec' :: TransformName n r => IE n -> Trf (Maybe (AST.UIESpec (Dom r) RangeStage))
trfIESpec' (IEVar n) = Just <$> (AST.UIESpec <$> trfImportModifier <*> trfName n <*> (nothing "(" ")" atTheEnd))
trfIESpec' (IEThingAbs n) = Just <$> (AST.UIESpec <$> trfImportModifier <*> trfName n <*> (nothing "(" ")" atTheEnd))
trfIESpec' (IEThingAll n)
  = Just <$> (AST.UIESpec <$> trfImportModifier <*> trfName n <*> (makeJust <$> subspec))
  where subspec = annLocNoSema (combineSrcSpans <$> tokenLocBack AnnOpenP <*> tokenLocBack AnnCloseP) (pure AST.USubSpecAll)
trfIESpec' (IEThingWith n _ ls flds)
  = Just <$> (AST.UIESpec <$> trfImportModifier <*> trfName n <*> (makeJust <$> subspec))
  where subspec = annLocNoSema (combineSrcSpans <$> tokenLocBack AnnOpenP <*> tokenLocBack AnnCloseP)
                    $ AST.USubSpecList <$> between AnnOpenP AnnCloseP (orderAnnList <$> makeList ", " atTheStart ((++) <$> mapM trfName ls <*> mapM trfName (map (fmap flSelector) flds)))
trfIESpec' _ = pure Nothing

trfImportModifier :: Trf (AnnMaybeG AST.UImportModifier (Dom r) RangeStage)
trfImportModifier = do
  patLoc <- tokenLoc AnnPattern
  if isGoodSrcSpan patLoc then makeJust <$> annLocNoSema (return patLoc) (return AST.UImportPattern)
                          else nothing " " "" atTheStart

trfModuleName :: Located ModuleName -> Trf (Ann AST.UModuleName (Dom r) RangeStage)
trfModuleName = trfLocNoSema trfModuleName'

trfModuleName' :: ModuleName -> Trf (AST.UModuleName (Dom r) RangeStage)
trfModuleName' = pure . AST.UModuleName . moduleNameString