haskell-tools-daemon- Background process for Haskell-tools that editors can connect to.

Safe HaskellNone



Common operations for managing Daemon-tools sessions, for example loading whole packages or re-loading modules when they are changed. Maintains the state of the compilation with loaded modules. Contains checks for compiling the modules to code when Template Haskell is used.



loadPackagesFrom :: (ModSummary -> IO ()) -> ([ModSummary] -> IO ()) -> (DaemonSessionState -> FilePath -> IO [FilePath]) -> [FilePath] -> DaemonSession [SourceError] Source #

Load packages from the given directories. Loads modules, performs the given callback action, warns for duplicate modules.

loadVisiblePackages :: DaemonSession () Source #

Loads the packages that are declared visible (by .cabal file).

getFileMods :: String -> DaemonSession (Maybe (SourceFileKey, UnnamedModule), [(SourceFileKey, UnnamedModule)]) Source #

Get the module that is selected for refactoring and all the other modules.

reloadChangedModules :: (ModSummary -> IO a) -> ([ModSummary] -> IO ()) -> (ModSummary -> Bool) -> DaemonSession [a] Source #

Reload the modules that have been changed (given by predicate). Pefrom the callback.

clearModules :: [ModSummary] -> DaemonSession () Source #

Clears the given modules from the GHC state to enable re-loading them From the Haskell-tools state we only clear them individually, when their module collection is determined.

getReachableModules :: ([ModSummary] -> IO ()) -> (ModSummary -> Bool) -> DaemonSession [ModSummary] Source #

Get all modules that can be accessed from a given set of modules. Can be used to select which modules need to be reloaded after a change.

reloadModule :: (ModSummary -> IO a) -> ModSummary -> DaemonSession a Source #

Reload a given module. Perform a callback.

decideMC :: ModSummary -> [ModuleCollection SourceFileKey] -> ModuleCollection SourceFileKey Source #

Select which module collection we think the module is in

withFlagsForModule :: ModuleCollection SourceFileKey -> DaemonSession a -> DaemonSession a Source #

Prepares the DynFlags for the compilation of a module

withLoadFlagsForModules :: [ModuleCollection SourceFileKey] -> DaemonSession a -> DaemonSession a Source #

Prepares the DynFlags for travesing the module graph

checkEvaluatedMods :: [ModSummary] -> DaemonSession () Source #

Finds out if a newly added module forces us to generate code for another one. If the other is already loaded it will be reloaded.

codeGenForModule :: [ModuleCollection SourceFileKey] -> CodeGenPolicy -> ModSummary -> DaemonSession () Source #

Re-load the module with code generation enabled. Must be used when the module had already been loaded, but code generation were not enabled by then.

getEvaluatedMods :: [ModSummary] -> (ModSummary -> IO DynFlags) -> Ghc ([ModSummary], [ModSummary]) Source #

Check which modules can be reached from the module, if it uses template haskell. A definition that needs code generation can be inside a module that does not uses the TemplateHaskell extension.