{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase
           , FlexibleContexts
-- | This module converts range templates into source templates.
-- Basically it reads the source file and attaches parts of the source file to the AST elements that have the range of the given source code fragment.
module Language.Haskell.Tools.Transform.RangeTemplateToSourceTemplate where

import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Reference ((^.), _1)
import Data.Map as Map
import Data.Ord (Ord(..), Ordering(..))
import Data.Set as Set
import FastString (mkFastString)
import Language.Haskell.Tools.AST
import Language.Haskell.Tools.Transform.RangeTemplate
import Language.Haskell.Tools.Transform.SourceTemplate
import SrcLoc
import StringBuffer (StringBuffer, nextChar, atEnd)

rangeToSource :: SourceInfoTraversal node => StringBuffer -> Ann node dom RngTemplateStage
                                                          -> Ann node dom SrcTemplateStage
rangeToSource srcInput tree = let locIndices = getLocIndices tree
                                  srcMap = mapLocIndices srcInput locIndices
                               in applyFragments (Map.elems srcMap) tree

-- maps could be strict

-- | Assigns an index (in the order they are used) for each range
getLocIndices :: SourceInfoTraversal e => Ann e dom RngTemplateStage -> Set (RealSrcLoc, Int)
getLocIndices = snd . flip execState (0, Set.empty) .
  sourceInfoTraverseDown (SourceInfoTrf
      (\ni -> do { mapM_ (\el -> case getRangeElemSpan el of Just sp -> modify (insertElem sp); _ -> return ()) (ni ^. rngTemplateNodeElems); return ni })
      (\ni -> do { mapM_ (modify . insertElem) (ni ^. rngTmpSeparators); return ni })
      pure )
    (return ()) (return ())
  where insertElem sp (i,m) = (i+1, Set.insert (realSrcSpanEnd sp, i) m)

-- | Partitions the source file in the order where the parts are used in the AST
mapLocIndices :: Ord k => StringBuffer -> Set (RealSrcLoc, k) -> Map k String
mapLocIndices inp = (^. _1) . Set.foldl (\(new, str, pos) (sp, k) -> let (rem, val, newPos) = takeSpan str pos sp
                                                                      in (Map.insert k (reverse val) new, rem, newPos))
                                        (Map.empty, inp, mkRealSrcLoc (mkFastString "") 1 1)
  where takeSpan :: StringBuffer -> RealSrcLoc -> RealSrcLoc -> (StringBuffer, String, RealSrcLoc)
        takeSpan str pos end = takeSpan' end (str,"", pos)

        takeSpan' :: RealSrcLoc -> (StringBuffer, String, RealSrcLoc) -> (StringBuffer, String, RealSrcLoc)
        takeSpan' end (sb, taken, pos) | (srcLocLine pos `compare` srcLocLine end) `thenCmp` (srcLocCol pos `compare` srcLocCol end) == LT && not (atEnd sb)
          = let (c,rem) = nextChar sb in takeSpan' end (rem, c:taken, advanceSrcLoc pos c)
        takeSpan' _ (rem, taken, pos) = (rem, taken, pos)

        thenCmp EQ o2 = o2
        thenCmp o1 _  = o1

-- | Replaces the ranges in the AST with the source file parts
applyFragments :: SourceInfoTraversal node => [String] -> Ann node dom RngTemplateStage
                                                       -> Ann node dom SrcTemplateStage
applyFragments srcs = flip evalState srcs
  . sourceInfoTraverseDown (SourceInfoTrf
     (\ni -> do template <- mapM getTextFor (ni ^. rngTemplateNodeElems)
                return $ SourceTemplateNode (RealSrcSpan $ ni ^. rngTemplateNodeRange) template 0 Nothing)
     (\(RangeTemplateList rng bef aft sep indented seps)
         -> do (own, rest) <- splitAt (length seps) <$> get
               put rest
               return (SourceTemplateList (RealSrcSpan rng) bef aft sep indented own 0 Nothing))
     (\(RangeTemplateOpt rng bef aft) -> return (SourceTemplateOpt (RealSrcSpan rng) bef aft 0 Nothing)))
     (return ()) (return ())
  where getTextFor RangeChildElem = return ChildElem
        getTextFor (RangeElem _) = do (src:rest) <- get
                                      put rest
                                      return (TextElem src)