{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase
           , RankNTypes
           , FlexibleContexts
-- | Helper functions for defining refactorings.
module Language.Haskell.Tools.Refactor.Helpers where

import Control.Reference
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.List (sortBy, nubBy)

import Language.Haskell.Tools.AST as AST
import Language.Haskell.Tools.AST.Rewrite as AST
import Language.Haskell.Tools.Refactor.ListOperations (filterList)

import SrcLoc (srcSpanStart)

replaceWithJust :: Ann e dom SrcTemplateStage -> AnnMaybe e dom -> AnnMaybe e dom           
replaceWithJust e = annMaybe .= Just e

replaceWithNothing :: AnnMaybe e dom -> AnnMaybe e dom           
replaceWithNothing = annMaybe .= Nothing

-- | Remove the container (where or let) when the last binding is removed.
removeEmptyBnds :: Simple Traversal (Module dom) (ValueBind dom) 
                     -> Simple Traversal (Module dom) (Expr dom)
                     -> AST.Module dom -> AST.Module dom
removeEmptyBnds binds exprs = (binds .- removeEmptyBindsAndGuards) . (exprs .- removeEmptyLetsAndStmts)
  where removeEmptyBindsAndGuards sb@(SimpleBind _ _ _) 
          = (valBindLocals .- removeIfEmpty) . (valBindRhs .- removeEmptyGuards) $ sb
        removeEmptyBindsAndGuards fb@(FunctionBind _) 
          = (funBindMatches & annList & matchBinds .- removeIfEmpty) . (funBindMatches & annList & matchRhs .- removeEmptyGuards) $ fb

        removeEmptyGuards rhs = rhsGuards & annList & guardStmts .- filterList (\case GuardLet (AnnList []) -> False; _ -> True) $ rhs

        removeIfEmpty mb@(AnnJust (LocalBinds (AnnList []))) = annMaybe .= Nothing $ mb
        removeIfEmpty mb = mb

        removeEmptyLetsAndStmts (Let (AnnList []) e) = e
        removeEmptyLetsAndStmts e = exprStmts .- removeEmptyStmts $ e

        removeEmptyStmts ls = (annList & cmdStmtBinds .- removeEmptyStmts) 
                                . filterList (\case LetStmt (AnnList []) -> False; _ -> True) $ ls

-- | Puts the elements in the orginal order and remove duplicates (elements with the same source range)
normalizeElements :: [Ann e dom SrcTemplateStage] -> [Ann e dom SrcTemplateStage]
normalizeElements elems = nubBy ((==) `on` getRange) $ sortBy (compare `on` srcSpanStart . getRange) elems