{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
-- | Defines operation on AST lists.
-- AST lists carry source information so simple list modification is not enough.
module Language.Haskell.Tools.Refactor.ListOperations where

import Control.Reference
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.List (findIndices)

import Language.Haskell.Tools.AST
import Language.Haskell.Tools.AST.Rewrite (AnnList)
import Language.Haskell.Tools.Transform
import Language.Haskell.Tools.Refactor.RefactorBase
import Language.Haskell.Tools.Refactor.ChangeAST
import SrcLoc

-- | Filters the elements of the list. By default it removes the separator before the element.
-- Of course, if the first element is removed, the following separator is removed as well.
filterList :: SourceInfoTraversal e => (Ann e dom SrcTemplateStage -> Bool) -> AnnList e dom -> AnnList e dom
filterList pred = filterListIndexed (const pred)

filterListIndexed :: SourceInfoTraversal e => (Int -> Ann e dom SrcTemplateStage -> Bool) -> AnnList e dom -> AnnList e dom
filterListIndexed pred (AnnListG (NodeInfo sema src) elems)
  =  AnnListG (NodeInfo sema (srcTmpIndented .- fmap filterIndents $ srcTmpSeparators .- filterSeparators $ src)) filteredElems
  where elementsKept = findIndices (uncurry pred) (zip [0..] elems)
        filteredElems = sublist elementsKept elems
        filterIndents = sublist elementsKept
        filterSeparators = take (length elementsKept - 1) . sublist elementsKept

-- | A version of filterList that cares about keeping non-removable code elements (like preprocessor pragmas)
filterListSt :: SourceInfoTraversal e => (Ann e dom SrcTemplateStage -> Bool) -> AnnList e dom -> LocalRefactor dom (AnnList e dom)
filterListSt pred = filterListIndexedSt (const pred)

-- | A version of filterListIndexed that cares about keeping non-removable code elements (like preprocessor pragmas)
filterListIndexedSt :: SourceInfoTraversal e => (Int -> Ann e dom SrcTemplateStage -> Bool) -> AnnList e dom -> LocalRefactor dom (AnnList e dom)
filterListIndexedSt pred (AnnListG (NodeInfo sema src) elems)
  = do mapM_ removeChild removedElems
       mapM_ removeSeparator removedSeparators
       return $ AnnListG (NodeInfo sema (srcTmpIndented .- fmap filterIndents $ srcTmpSeparators .- filterSeparators $ src)) filteredElems
  where elementsKept = findIndices (uncurry pred) (zip [0..] elems)
        filteredElems = sublist elementsKept elems
        removedSeparators :: [([SourceTemplateTextElem], SrcSpan)]
        removedSeparators = notSublist elementsKept (src ^. srcTmpSeparators) ++ lastSepRemoved
        lastSepRemoved = if (length elems - 1) `notElem` elementsKept
                           then take 1 (reverse (sublist elementsKept $ src ^. srcTmpSeparators)) else []
        removedElems = notSublist elementsKept elems
        filterIndents = sublist elementsKept
        filterSeparators = take (length elementsKept - 1) . sublist elementsKept

-- | Selects the given indices from a list
sublist :: [Int] -> [a] -> [a]
sublist indices = map snd . filter ((`elem` indices) . fst) . zip [0..]

-- | Selects all but the given indices from a list
notSublist :: [Int] -> [a] -> [a]
notSublist indices = map snd . filter ((`notElem` indices) . fst) . zip [0..]

-- | Inserts the element in the places where the two positioning functions (one checks the element before, one the element after)
-- allows the placement.
insertWhere :: Bool -> Ann e dom SrcTemplateStage -> (Maybe (Ann e dom SrcTemplateStage) -> Bool)
                 -> (Maybe (Ann e dom SrcTemplateStage) -> Bool) -> AnnList e dom
                 -> AnnList e dom
insertWhere indented e before after al
  = let index = insertIndex before after (al ^? annList)
     in case index of
          Nothing -> al
          Just ind -> annListElems .- insertAt ind e
                        $ (if isEmptyAnnList then id else annListAnnot&sourceInfo .- setIndented ind . addDefaultSeparator ind)
                        $ al
  where setIndented i = srcTmpIndented .- fmap (insertAt i indented)
        addDefaultSeparator i al = srcTmpSeparators .- insertAt i ([NormalText $ al ^. srcTmpDefaultSeparator], noSrcSpan) $ al
        insertAt n e ls = let (bef,aft) = splitAt n ls in bef ++ [e] ++ aft
        isEmptyAnnList = (null :: [x] -> Bool) $ (al ^? annList)

-- | Checks where the element will be inserted given the two positioning functions.
insertIndex :: (Maybe (Ann e dom SrcTemplateStage) -> Bool) -> (Maybe (Ann e dom SrcTemplateStage) -> Bool) -> [Ann e dom SrcTemplateStage] -> Maybe Int
insertIndex before after []
  | before Nothing && after Nothing = Just 0
  | otherwise = Nothing
insertIndex before after list@(first:_)
  | before Nothing && after (Just first) = Just 0
  | otherwise = (+1) <$> insertIndex' before after list
  where insertIndex' before after (curr:rest@(next:_))
          | before (Just curr) && after (Just next) = Just 0
          | otherwise = (+1) <$> insertIndex' before after rest
        insertIndex' before after (curr:[])
          | before (Just curr) && after Nothing = Just 0
          | otherwise = Nothing
        insertIndex' before after []
          | before Nothing && after Nothing = Just 0
          | otherwise = Nothing

-- | Gets the elements and separators from a list. The first separator is zipped to the second element.
-- To the first element, the "" string is zipped.
zipWithSeparators :: AnnList e dom -> [(([SourceTemplateTextElem], SrcSpan), Ann e dom SrcTemplateStage)]
zipWithSeparators (AnnListG (NodeInfo _ src) elems)
  | [] <- src ^. srcTmpSeparators
  = zip (([], noSrcSpan) : repeat ([NormalText $ src ^. srcTmpDefaultSeparator], noSrcSpan)) elems
  | otherwise
  = zip (([], noSrcSpan) : seps ++ repeat (_2 .= noSrcSpan $ last seps)) elems
  where seps = src ^. srcTmpSeparators