{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards   #-}
-- |Miscellaneous very useful parsing routines.
module Tor.DataFormat.Helpers(
       , AddrSpec(..)
       , standardLine
       , nickname
       , hexDigest
       , port
       , addrSpec
       , portSpec
       , ip4
       , ip6
       , publicKey, publicKey'
       , utcTime
       , bool
       , char8
       , alphaNum
       , decDigit
       , hexDigit
       , base64Char
       , decimalNum
       , whitespace, whitespace1
       , sp
       , nl, newline
       , toString
       , readHex
       , decodeBase64

import Control.Applicative
import Crypto.PubKey.RSA
import Data.ASN1.BinaryEncoding
import Data.ASN1.Encoding
import Data.ASN1.Types
import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString
import Data.ByteString.Char8(pack)
import Data.ByteString.Base64
import Data.ByteString(ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BSC
import Data.Char hiding (isHexDigit, isAlphaNum)
import Data.Hourglass
import Data.Word
import Tor.RouterDesc

-- |Parse a standard line of "<name> <thing>\n".
standardLine :: String -> Parser a -> Parser a
standardLine thing parser =
  do _ <- string (pack thing)
     _ <- sp
     x <- parser
     _ <- nl
     return x

-- |Parse a Tor nickname.
nickname :: Parser String
nickname =
  do first <- alphaNum
     toString <$> run 1 [first]
  <?> "nickname"
  run :: Int -> [Word8] -> Parser [Word8]
  run 20 acc = return (reverse acc)
  run x  acc =
    do next <- option Nothing (Just <$> alphaNum)
       case next of
         Nothing  -> return (reverse acc)
         Just c   -> run (x + 1) (c : acc)

-- |Parse a 20 byte hex digest.
hexDigest :: Parser ByteString
hexDigest = (readHex . toString) <$> count 40 hexDigit

-- |Parse a port specifier
portSpec :: Parser PortSpec
portSpec = choice [ allPorts, somePorts, onePort ] <?> "portSpec"
  allPorts =
    do _ <- char8 '*'
       return PortSpecAll
  somePorts =
    do p1 <- port False
       _  <- char8 '-'
       p2 <- port False
       return (PortSpecRange p1 p2)
  onePort =
    do p <- port False
       return (PortSpecSingle p)

-- |Parse a port number.
port :: Bool -> Parser Word16
port zeroOK =
  do base <- toString <$> many1 decDigit
     let result = read base :: Integer
     if | (result >= 1) && (result <= 65535) -> return (fromIntegral result)
        | zeroOK        &&  result == 0      -> return 0
        | otherwise                          -> empty
  <?> "port"

-- |Parse an address specifier.
addrSpec :: Parser AddrSpec 
addrSpec = choice [ allAddrs, ip4Addrs, ip6Addrs ]
  allAddrs  = char8 '*' >> return AddrSpecAll
  ip4Addrs  = choice [ip4Mask, ip4Bits, ip4Single]
  ip6Addrs  = choice [ip6Bits, ip6Single]
  ip4Mask   = do a <- ip4
                 _ <- char8 '/'
                 b <- ip4mask
                 return (AddrSpecIP4Mask a b)
  ip4Bits   = do a <- ip4
                 _ <- char8 '/'
                 b <- num_ip4_bits
                 return (AddrSpecIP4Bits a b)
  ip4Single = AddrSpecIP4 <$> ip4
  ip6Bits   = do a <- ip6
                 _ <- char8 '/'
                 b <- num_ip6_bits
                 return (AddrSpecIP6Bits a b)
  ip6Single = AddrSpecIP6 <$> ip6
  ip4mask   = ip4
  num_ip4_bits = decimalNum (<= 32)
  num_ip6_bits = decimalNum (<= 128)

-- |Parse an IPv4 address.
ip4 :: Parser String
ip4 =
  do a <- decimalNum ip4num
     _ <- char8 '.'
     b <- decimalNum ip4num
     _ <- char8 '.'
     c <- decimalNum ip4num
     _ <- char8 '.'
     d <- decimalNum ip4num
     return (show a ++ "." ++ show b ++ "." ++ show c ++ "." ++ show d)
  ip4num :: Int -> Bool
  ip4num x = x < 256

-- |Parse an IPv6 address; assuming [0000:1111:....] format, with braces.
ip6 :: Parser String
ip6 = do
  _ <- char8 '[' -- FIXME: This parser is terrible
  a <- many1 (satisfy (\ x -> isHexDigit x || x == 58))
  _ <- char8 ']'
  return (toString a)

-- |Parse a public key. Returns both the public key and the raw data behind it.
publicKey' :: Parser (PublicKey, ByteString)
publicKey' =
  do _ <- string "-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
     let end = string "-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
     bstr <- decodeBase64 =<< manyTill base64Char end
     case decodeASN1' DER bstr of
       Left  _    -> empty
       Right asn1 ->
         case fromASN1' asn1 of
           Left  _ -> empty
           Right x -> return (x, bstr)
  fromASN1' (Start Sequence : IntVal n : IntVal e : End Sequence : _) =
    Right (PublicKey { public_size = calculate_modulus n 1
                     , public_n    = n
                     , public_e    = e
  fromASN1' _ = Left ("fromASN1: RSA PublicKey: unexpected format" :: String)
  calculate_modulus n i =
    if (2 ^ (i * 8)) > n then i else calculate_modulus n (i + 1)

-- |Parse a public key.
publicKey :: Parser PublicKey
publicKey = fst <$> publicKey'

-- |Parse a timestamp in UTC format.
utcTime :: Parser DateTime
utcTime =
  do dateYear  <- toEnum' `fmap` count 4 decDigit
     _         <- char8 '-'
     dateMonth <- toEnum' `fmap` count 2 decDigit
     _         <- char8 '-'
     dateDay   <- toEnum' `fmap` count 2 decDigit
     _         <- char8 ' '
     todHour   <- toEnum' `fmap` count 2 decDigit
     _         <- char8 ':'
     todMin    <- toEnum' `fmap` count 2 decDigit
     _         <- char8 ':'
     todSec    <- toEnum' `fmap` count 2 decDigit
     let todNSec = 0
         dtDate = Date { .. }
         dtTime = TimeOfDay { .. }
     return DateTime{..}
  toEnum' :: Enum a => [Word8] -> a
  toEnum' = toEnum . read . BSC.unpack . BS.pack

-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

-- |Parse a boolean. (0/1)
bool :: Parser Bool
bool = choice [ true, false ]
  true  = char8 '1' >> return True
  false = char8 '0' >> return False

-- |Parse a character.
char8 :: Char -> Parser Word8
char8 c = word8 (fromIntegral (ord c))

-- |Parse an alphanumeric character.
alphaNum :: Parser Word8
alphaNum = satisfy isAlphaNum

isAlphaNum :: Word8 -> Bool
isAlphaNum = inClass (['A'..'Z']++['a'..'z']++['0'..'9'])

-- |Parse a hex digit.
hexDigit :: Parser Word8
hexDigit = satisfy isHexDigit

isHexDigit :: Word8 -> Bool
isHexDigit = inClass (['0'..'9']++['a'..'f']++['A'..'F'])

-- |Parse a decimal digit.
decDigit :: Parser Word8
decDigit = satisfy isDecimalDigit

isDecimalDigit :: Word8 -> Bool
isDecimalDigit = inClass ['0'..'9']

-- |Parse a character in a Base64 stream.
base64Char :: Parser Word8
base64Char = satisfy isBase64Char

isBase64Char :: Word8 -> Bool
isBase64Char x = isAlphaNum x || (x == 10) || inClass "/+=" x

-- |Parse a decimal number that matches the given predicate.
decimalNum :: (Integral a, Read a) => (a -> Bool) -> Parser a
decimalNum isOK =
  do n <- many1 decDigit
     case reads (toString n) of
       [(x, "")] | isOK x -> return x
       _                  -> empty

-- |Eat up some whitespace.
whitespace :: Parser ()
whitespace = many (satisfy (inClass " \t")) >> return () <?> "whitespace"

-- |Eat up at least one character of whitespace.
whitespace1 :: Parser ()
whitespace1 = many1 (satisfy (inClass " \t")) >> return ()

-- |Eat some amount of whitespace and then a newline.
newline :: Parser ()
newline = whitespace >> word8 10 >> return ()

-- |Read a space.
sp :: Parser Word8
sp = char8 ' '

-- |Read a newline.
nl :: Parser Word8
nl = char8 '\n'

-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

-- |Convert a series of bytes into a character string.
toString :: [Word8] -> String
toString = map (chr . fromIntegral)

-- |Read a hex number into a bytestring in the obvious way.
readHex :: String -> ByteString
readHex []  = BS.empty
readHex [_] = error "Attempted to readHex an odd-lengthed string."
readHex (a:b:rest) = 
  let x = fromIntegral ((digitToInt a * 16) + digitToInt b)
  in BS.cons x (readHex rest)

-- |Decode a series of characters as a Base64 stream.
decodeBase64 :: [Word8] -> Parser ByteString
decodeBase64 bytes =
  case decode (BS.pack (filter (/= 10) bytes)) of
    Left _    -> empty
    Right res -> return res