-- |Low-level interface for establishing links between Tor nodes.
{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
module Tor.Link(
       , initLink
       , acceptLink
       , linkInitiatedRemotely
       , linkRouterDesc
       , linkRead
       , linkWrite
       , linkClose
       , linkNewCircuitId

#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import Crypto.Hash(SHA256)
import Crypto.Hash.Easy
import Crypto.MAC.HMAC(hmac,HMAC)
import Crypto.PubKey.RSA
import Crypto.PubKey.RSA.KeyHash
import Crypto.PubKey.RSA.PKCS15
import Crypto.Random
import Data.Binary.Get
import Data.Binary.Put
import Data.Bits
import Data.ByteArray(convert)
import Data.ByteString(ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL
import Data.ByteString.Char8(pack)
import Data.Hourglass
import Data.Hourglass.Now
import Data.IORef
import Data.Map.Strict(Map)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
import Data.Monoid
import qualified Data.Serialize.Get as Cereal
import Data.Tuple(swap)
import Data.Word
import Data.X509 hiding (HashSHA1, HashSHA256)
import Data.X509.CertificateStore
import Network.TLS hiding (Credentials)
import qualified Network.TLS as TLS
import Tor.DataFormat.RelayCell
import Tor.DataFormat.TorAddress
import Tor.DataFormat.TorCell
import Tor.Link.CipherSuites
import Tor.Link.DH
import Tor.NetworkStack
import Tor.RNG
import Tor.RouterDesc
import Tor.State.Credentials
import Tor.State.Routers

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

-- |A direct link between us and another Tor node.
data TorLink = TorLink {
       linkContext           :: Context
       -- FIXME: Should disallowing unknown nodes be an option?
       -- |The RouterDesc associated with this link, if we have one. (It will
       -- not always be possible to find incoming links in the database.)
     , linkRouterDesc        :: Maybe RouterDesc
       -- |Whether the link was initiated here (False) or elsewhere (True)
     , linkInitiatedRemotely :: Bool
     , linkReaderThread      :: ThreadId
     , linkReadBuffers       :: MVar (Map Word32 (Chan TorCell))

-- |Read the next incoming cell from the given circuit identifier on the given
-- link. This will throw an exception if the circuit has been appropriately
-- registered.
linkRead :: TorLink -> Word32 -> IO TorCell
linkRead link circ =
  do chanMap <- readMVar (linkReadBuffers link)
     case Map.lookup circ chanMap of
       Nothing   -> throwIO (userError ("Read from unknown circ " ++ show circ))
       Just chan -> readChan chan

-- |Write a cell to the link.
linkWrite :: TorLink -> TorCell -> IO ()
linkWrite link cell = sendData (linkContext link) (putCell cell)

-- |Close the link
linkClose :: TorLink -> IO ()
linkClose link =
  do killThread   (linkReaderThread link)
     bye          (linkContext link)
     contextClose (linkContext link)

-- |Create a direct link to the given tor node.  note that this routine performs
-- some internal certificate checking, but you should verify that the
-- certificate you expected from the connection is what you expected it to be.
-- YOU SHOULD PROBABLY NOT USE THIS ROUTINE. Instead, use 'newLinkCircuit',
-- elsewhere.
initLink :: HasBackend s =>
            TorNetworkStack ls s ->
            Credentials ->
            MVar TorRNG ->
            (String -> IO ()) ->
            RouterDesc ->
            IO TorLink
initLink ns creds rngMV llog them =
  do now <- getCurrentTime
     let validity = (now, now `timeAdd` mempty{ durationHours = 2 })
     (idCert, idKey) <- getSigningKey creds
     (authPriv, authCert) <- modifyMVar rngMV
                               (return . genCertificate idKey validity)
     llog ("Trying to connect to " ++ (routerIPv4Address them))
     msock <- connect ns (routerIPv4Address them) (routerORPort them)
     case msock of
       Nothing ->
         throwIO (userError ("Could not create TLS connection to " ++
                              show (routerIPv4Address them) ++ ":" ++
                              show (routerORPort them)))
       Just sock ->
         do llog ("Just built connection with them.")
            let tcreds = TLS.Credentials [((CertificateChain [authCert,idCert]),
                                          PrivKeyRSA authPriv)]
            serverCertsIO <- newIORef (CertificateChain [])
            tls <- contextNew sock (clientTLSOpts "FIXME" tcreds serverCertsIO)
            handshake tls
            -- send out our initial message
            let vers = putCell Versions
            sendData tls vers
            -- get their initial message
            serverCerts <- readIORef serverCertsIO
            (r2i, left, rLink, rCert, myAddr) <- getRespInitialMsgs tls serverCerts
            myAddrs' <- addNewAddresses creds myAddr
            -- build and send the CERTS message
            let certs = putCell (Certs [RSA1024Identity idCert,
                                        RSA1024Auth authCert])
            sendData tls certs
            -- build and send the AUTHENTICATE message
            let i2r = BSL.toStrict (vers `BSL.append` certs)
                idCert' = signedObject (getSigned idCert)
            hdr <- authMessageHeader tls idCert' rCert r2i i2r rLink
            rand <- modifyMVar rngMV (return . swap . randomBytesGenerate 24)
            let signedBit = hdr `BS.append` rand
            Right sig <- signSafer noHash authPriv (sha256 signedBit)
            let msg = signedBit `BS.append` sig
            sendData tls $ putCell (Authenticate msg)
            -- finally, build and send the NETINFO message
            let ni = NetInfo (fromElapsed (timeGetElapsed now))
                             (IP4 (routerIPv4Address them)) myAddrs'
            sendData tls (putCell ni)
            -- ... and return the link pointer
            llog ("Created new link to " ++ routerIPv4Address them ++
                  if null (routerNickname them) then "" else
                     (" (" ++ show (routerNickname them) ++ ")"))
            bufCh <- newMVar Map.empty
            thr   <- forkIO (runLink llog bufCh tls [left])
            return (TorLink tls (Just them) False thr bufCh)

runLink :: (String -> IO ()) -> MVar (Map Word32 (Chan TorCell)) ->
           Context -> [ByteString] ->
           IO ()
runLink llog rChansMV context initialBS =
  catch (run initialState initialBS) logException
  logException :: SomeException -> IO ()
  logException e
    | Just ThreadKilled <- fromException e = return ()
    | otherwise = llog ("Exception raised running link: " ++ show e)
  initialState = runGetIncremental getTorCell
  run x bstrs =
    case x of
      Fail _ _ e   -> llog ("Error reading link: " ++ e)
      Partial next ->
        case bstrs of
          []       -> recvData context >>= (\ b -> run x [b])
          (f:rest) -> run (next (Just f)) rest
      Done r1 _ c  -> process c >> run initialState (r1:bstrs)
  process x =
    case x of
      -- Section #1: Requests to create new circuits.
      Create     _ _   -> sendUpProtocol 0 x
      CreateFast _ _   -> sendUpProtocol 0 x
      Create2    _ _ _ -> sendUpProtocol 0 x
      -- Section #2: Responses to us, or relay packets, to be passed
      -- on to a higher layer.
      Created     circId _   -> sendUpProtocol circId x
      CreatedFast circId _ _ -> sendUpProtocol circId x
      Created2    circId _   -> sendUpProtocol circId x
      Destroy     circId _   -> sendUpProtocol circId x
      Relay       circId _   -> sendUpProtocol circId x
      RelayEarly  circId _   -> sendUpProtocol circId x
      -- Section #3: Padding, which we should ignore
      Padding    -> return ()
      VPadding _ -> return ()
      -- Section #4: Everything else ... none of which we should
      -- get here.
      _ -> llog ("Spurious cell read on link.")
  sendUpProtocol circId x =
    do rmap <- readMVar rChansMV
       case Map.lookup circId rmap of
         Nothing -> llog ("Received cell to unknown circuit " ++ show circId)
         Just c  -> writeChan c x

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

-- |Generate a random new circuit id for a link.
linkNewCircuitId :: DRG g =>
                    TorLink -> g ->
                    IO (g, Word32)
linkNewCircuitId link rng = modifyMVar (linkReadBuffers link) (find rng)
  find g rtable =
    do let (rv, g') = withRandomBytes g 4 (Cereal.runGet Cereal.getWord32host)
           v  = either (const 0) id rv
           v' | linkInitiatedRemotely link = clearBit v 31
              | otherwise                  = setBit v 31
       if (v' == 0) || Map.member (fromIntegral v') rtable
         then find g' rtable
         else do rChan <- newChan
                 return (Map.insert (fromIntegral v') rChan rtable, (g', v'))

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

getRespInitialMsgs :: Context -> CertificateChain ->
                      IO (ByteString, ByteString,
                          SignedCertificate, Certificate,
getRespInitialMsgs tls (CertificateChain tlsCerts) =
  do cells <- getBaseCells baseDecodeStart BS.empty BS.empty
     let (bstr, left, Certs cs, AuthChallenge _ methods) = cells
     unless (1 `elem` methods) $ fail "No supported auth challenge method."
     -- "To authenticate the responder, the initiator MUST check the following:
     --    * The CERTS cell contains exactly one CertType 1 'Link' certificate
     let linkCert  = exactlyOneLink cs Nothing
         linkCert' = signedObject (getSigned linkCert)
     --    * The CERTS cell contains exactly one CertType 2 'Id' certificate
     let idCert  = exactlyOneId cs Nothing
         idCert' = signedObject (getSigned idCert)
     --    * Both certificates have validAfter and validUntil dates that
     --      are not expired.
     now      <- getCurrentTime
     when (certExpired linkCert' now) $ fail "Link certificate expired."
     when (certExpired idCert' now)   $ fail "Identity certificate expired."
     --    * The certified key in the Link certificate matches the link key
     --      that was used to negotiate the TLS connection.
     unless (linkCert `elem` tlsCerts) $ fail "Link certificated different?"
     --    * The certified key in the ID certificate is a 1024-bit RSA key
     unless (is1024BitRSAKey idCert)   $ fail "Bad identity certificate type."
     --    * The certified key in the ID certificate was used to sign both
     --      certificates.
     --    * The link certificate is correctly signed with the key in the ID
     --      certificate.
     --    * The ID certificate is correctly self-signed.
     unless (linkCert `isSignedBy` idCert') $ fail "Bad link cert signature."
     unless (idCert `isSignedBy` idCert') $ fail "Bad identity cert signature."
     -- Checking these conditions is sufficient to authenticate that the
     -- initiator is talking to the Tor node with the expected identity, as
     -- certified in the ID certificate." -- tor-spec, 4.2
     (left', NetInfo _ myAddr _) <- getNetInfoCellBit (netinfoDecodeStart left)
     return (bstr, left', linkCert, idCert', myAddr)
  baseDecodeStart = runGetIncremental getResponderStart
  getBaseCells getter lastBS acc =
    case getter of
      Fail _ _ str     ->
        fail str
      Done _ i (a,b) ->
        do let (accchunk, leftover) = BS.splitAt (fromIntegral i) lastBS
           return (acc `BS.append` accchunk, leftover, a, b)
      Partial next     ->
        do b <- recvData tls
           let getter' = next (Just b)
           getBaseCells getter' b (acc `BS.append` lastBS)
  netinfoDecodeStart l = 
    case runGetIncremental getNetInfoCell of
      f@(Fail _ _ _) -> f
      d@(Done _ _ _) -> d
      Partial next   -> next (Just l)
  getNetInfoCellBit getter =
    case getter of
      Fail _ _ str ->
        fail str
      Done leftover _ x ->
        return (leftover, x)
      Partial next ->
        do b <- recvData tls
           let getter' = next (Just b)
           getNetInfoCellBit getter'

getResponderStart :: Get (TorCell, TorCell)
getResponderStart =
  do _  <- getWord16be
     c  <- getWord8
     case c of
       132 -> -- AUTHORIZE; ignored
         do l <- fromIntegral <$> getWord16be
            _ <- getLazyByteString l
       128 -> -- VPADDING; ignored
         do l <- fromIntegral <$> getWord16be
            _ <- getLazyByteString l
       7   -> -- VERSIONS; yay!
         do l  <- fromIntegral <$> getWord16be
            vs <- replicateM (l `div` 2) getWord16be
            unless (4 `elem` vs) $ fail "Couldn't negotiate a common version."
            run Nothing Nothing
       _   -> -- something else; fail
         fail "Unacceptable initial cell from responder."
  run (Just a) (Just b) = return (a, b)
  run ma       mb       =
    do cell <- getTorCell
       case cell of
         Padding           -> run ma mb
         VPadding _        -> run ma mb
         Certs _           -> run (Just cell) mb
         AuthChallenge _ _ -> run ma          (Just cell)
         _                 -> fail "Weird cell in initial response."

getNetInfoCell :: Get TorCell
getNetInfoCell =
  do cell <- getTorCell
     case cell of
       Padding           -> getNetInfoCell
       VPadding _        -> getNetInfoCell
       NetInfo _ _ _     -> return cell
       _                 -> fail "Unexpected cell in getNetInfoCell."

authMessageHeader :: Context ->
                     Certificate -> Certificate ->
                     ByteString  -> ByteString  ->
                     SignedCertificate ->
                     IO ByteString
authMessageHeader tls iIdent rIdent r2i i2r rLink =
  do let atype  = pack "AUTH0001"
         cid    = keyHash sha256 iIdent
         sid    = keyHash sha256 rIdent
         slog   = sha256 r2i
         clog   = sha256 i2r
         scert  = sha256 (encodeSignedObject rLink)
     ctxt <- nothingError <$> contextGetInformation tls
     let cRandom = unClientRandom (nothingError (infoClientRandom ctxt))
         sRandom = unServerRandom (nothingError (infoServerRandom ctxt))
         masterSecret = nothingError (infoMasterSecret ctxt)
     let ccert      = pack "Tor V3 handshake TLS cross-certification\0"
         blob       = BS.concat [convert cRandom, convert sRandom, ccert]
         tlssecrets = convert (hmac masterSecret blob :: HMAC SHA256)
     return (BS.concat [atype, cid, sid, slog, clog, scert, tlssecrets])
  nothingError Nothing  = error "Failure to generate authentication secrets."
  nothingError (Just a) = a

putCell :: TorCell -> BSL.ByteString
putCell = runPut . putTorCell

genCertificate :: DRG g =>
                  PrivKey -> (DateTime, DateTime) -> g ->
                  (g, (PrivateKey, SignedCertificate))
genCertificate signer valids g = (g', (priv, cert))
  (pub, priv, g') = generateKeyPair g 1024
  cert            = createCertificate (PubKeyRSA pub) signer 998 "auth" valids

clientTLSOpts :: String -> TLS.Credentials ->
                 IORef CertificateChain ->
clientTLSOpts target creds ccio = ClientParams {
    clientUseMaxFragmentLength     = Nothing
  , clientServerIdentification     = (target, mempty)
  , clientUseServerNameIndication  = False
  , clientWantSessionResume        = Nothing
  , clientShared                   = Shared {
      sharedCredentials            = creds
    , sharedSessionManager         = noSessionManager
    , sharedCAStore                = makeCertificateStore []
    , sharedValidationCache        = exceptionValidationCache []
  , clientHooks                    = ClientHooks {
      onCertificateRequest         = const (return (getRealCreds creds))
    , onNPNServerSuggest           = Nothing
    , onServerCertificate          = \ _ _ _ cc ->
                                       do writeIORef ccio cc
                                          return [] -- FIXME????
    , onSuggestALPN                = return Nothing
  , clientSupported                = Supported {
      supportedVersions            = [TLS10,TLS11,TLS12]
    , supportedCiphers             = [suiteTLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA,
    , supportedCompressions        = [nullCompression]
    , supportedHashSignatures      = [(HashSHA1,   SignatureRSA),
                                      (HashSHA256, SignatureRSA)]
    , supportedSecureRenegotiation = True
    , supportedSession             = False
    , supportedFallbackScsv        = True
    , supportedClientInitiatedRenegotiation = True
  getRealCreds (TLS.Credentials [])    = Nothing
  getRealCreds (TLS.Credentials (a:_)) = Just a

is1024BitRSAKey :: SignedCertificate -> Bool
is1024BitRSAKey cert =
  case certPubKey (signedObject (getSigned cert)) of
    PubKeyRSA pk -> public_size pk == 128
    _            -> False

certExpired :: Certificate -> DateTime -> Bool
certExpired cert t = (aft > t) || (t > unt)
 where (aft, unt) = certValidity cert

fromElapsed :: Integral t => Elapsed -> t
fromElapsed (Elapsed secs) = fromIntegral secs

exactlyOneId :: [TorCert] -> Maybe SignedCertificate -> SignedCertificate
exactlyOneId []                         Nothing  = error "Not enough id certs."
exactlyOneId []                         (Just x) = x
exactlyOneId ((RSA1024Identity _):_)    (Just _) = error "Too many id certs."
exactlyOneId ((RSA1024Identity c):rest) Nothing  = exactlyOneId rest (Just c)
exactlyOneId (_:rest)                   acc      = exactlyOneId rest acc

exactlyOneLink :: [TorCert] -> Maybe SignedCertificate -> SignedCertificate
exactlyOneLink []                     Nothing  = error "Not enough link certs."
exactlyOneLink []                     (Just x) = x
exactlyOneLink ((LinkKeyCert _):_)    (Just _) = error "Too many link certs."
exactlyOneLink ((LinkKeyCert c):rest) Nothing  = exactlyOneLink rest (Just c)
exactlyOneLink (_:rest)               acc      = exactlyOneLink rest acc

-- |Given an incoming socket, accept a formal Tor link from the incoming party.
-- Or throw an error. Whatever.
acceptLink :: HasBackend s =>
              Credentials -> RouterDB -> MVar TorRNG -> (String -> IO ()) ->
              s -> TorAddress ->
              IO TorLink
acceptLink creds routerDB rngMV llog sock who =
 do now <- getCurrentTime
    let validity = (now, now `timeAdd` mempty{ durationHours = 2 })
    (idCert, idKey) <- getSigningKey creds
    let idCert' = signedObject (getSigned idCert)
    (linkPriv, linkCert) <- modifyMVar rngMV
                              (return . genCertificate idKey validity)
    let tcreds = TLS.Credentials [(CertificateChain [linkCert, idCert],
                                   PrivKeyRSA linkPriv)]
    tls <- contextNew sock (serverTLSOpts tcreds)
    (versions, iversstr) <- getVersions tls
    unless (4 `elem` versions) $ fail "Link doesn't support version 4."
    -- "The responder sends a VERSIONS cell, ..."
    let versstr = putCell Versions
    sendData tls versstr
    -- "... a CERTS cell (4.2 below) to give the initiator the certificates
    -- it needs to learn the responder's identity, ..."
    let certsbstr = putCell (Certs [RSA1024Identity idCert,
                                    LinkKeyCert linkCert])

    sendData tls certsbstr
    -- "... an AUTH_CHALLENGE cell (4.3) that the initiator must include as
    -- part of its answer if it chooses to authenticate, ..."
    chalBStr <- modifyMVar rngMV (return . swap . randomBytesGenerate 32)
    let authcbstr = putCell (AuthChallenge chalBStr [1])
    sendData tls authcbstr
    -- "... and a NETINFO cell (4.5) "
    others <- getAddresses creds
    epochsec <- (fromElapsed . timeGetElapsed) <$> getCurrentTime
    sendData tls (putCell (NetInfo epochsec who others))
    -- "At this point the initiator may send a NETINFO cell if it does not
    -- wish to authenticate, or a CERTS cell, an AUTHENTICATE cell, and a
    -- NETINFO cell if it does."
    (iresp, leftOver) <- getInitiatorInfo tls
    case iresp of
      Left _ ->
        fail "Initiator chose not to authenticate."
      Right (Certs certs, Authenticate amsg, NetInfo _ _ _) ->
        do -- "To authenticate the initiator, the responder MUST check the
           -- following:
           --   * The CERTS cell contains exactly one CerType 3 'AUTH'
           --     certificate.
           let authCert  = exactlyOneAuth certs Nothing
               authCert' = signedObject (getSigned authCert)
           --   * The CERTS cell contains exactly one CerType 2 'ID'
           --     certificate
           let iidCert  = exactlyOneId certs Nothing
               iidCert' = signedObject (getSigned iidCert)
           --   * Both certificates have validAfter and validUntil dates
           --     that are not expired.
           when (certExpired authCert' now) $ fail "Auth certificate expired."
           when (certExpired iidCert' now)   $ fail "Id certificate expired."
           --   * The certified key in the AUTH certificate is a 1024-bit RSA
           --     key.
           unless (is1024BitRSAKey authCert) $
             fail "Auth certificate key is the wrong size."
           --   * The certified key in the ID certificate is a 1024-bit RSA
           --     key.
           unless (is1024BitRSAKey iidCert) $
             fail "Identity certificate key is the wrong size."
           --   * The auth certificate is correctly signed with the key in the
           --     ID certificate.
           unless (authCert `isSignedBy` iidCert') $
             fail "Auth certificate not signed by identity cert."
           --   * The ID certificate is correctly self-signed."
           unless (iidCert `isSignedBy` iidCert') $
             fail "Identity cert incorrectly self-signed."
           -- Checking these conditions is NOT sufficient to authenticate that
           -- the initiator has the ID it claims; to do so, the cells in 4.3
           -- [ACW: AUTH_CHALLENGE, send by us] and 4.4 [ACW: AUTHENTICATE,
           -- processed next] below must be exchanged." - tor-spec, Section 4.2
           -- If AuthType is 1 (meaning 'RSA-SHA256-TLSSecret'), then the
           -- Authentication contains the following:
           --   TYPE: The characters 'AUTH0001' [8 octets]
           let (auth0001, rest1) = BS.splitAt 8 amsg
           unless (auth0001 == (pack "AUTH0001")) $
             fail "Bad type in AUTHENTICATE cell."
           --   CID: A SHA256 hash of the initiator's RSA1024 identity key
           --        [32 octets]
           let (cid, rest2) = BS.splitAt 32 rest1
           unless (cid == keyHash sha256 iidCert') $
             fail "Bad initiator key hash in AUTHENTICATE cell."
           --   SID: A SHA256 hash of the responder's RSA1024 identity key
           --        [32 octets]
           let (sid, rest3) = BS.splitAt 32 rest2
           unless (sid == keyHash sha256 idCert') $
             fail "Bad responder key hash in AUTHENTICATE cell."
           --   SLOG: A SHA256 hash of all bytes sent from the responder to
           --         the initiator as part of the negotiation up to and
           --         including the AUTH_CHALLENGE cell; that is, the
           --         VERSIONS cell, the CERTS cell, the AUTH_CHALLENGE
           --         cell, and any padding cells. [32 octets]
           let (slog, rest4) = BS.splitAt 32 rest3
               r2i = BSL.concat [versstr, certsbstr, authcbstr]
           unless (slog == sha256 (BSL.toStrict r2i)) $
             fail "Bad hash of responder log in AUTHENTICATE cell."
           --  CLOG: A SHA256 hash of all bytes sent from the initiator to
           --        the responder as part of the negotiation so far; that is
           --        the VERSIONS cell and the CERTS cell and any padding
           --        cells. [32 octets]
           let (clog, rest5) = BS.splitAt 32 rest4
               i2r           = iversstr `BSL.append` putCell (Certs certs)
           unless (clog == sha256 (BSL.toStrict i2r)) $
             fail "Bad hash of initiator log in AUTHENTICATE cell."
           --  SCERT: A SHA256 hash of the responder's TLS link certificate.
           --         [32 octets]
           let (scert, rest6) = BS.splitAt 32 rest5
               linkCertBStr   = encodeSignedObject linkCert
           unless (scert == sha256 linkCertBStr) $
             fail "Bad hash of my link cert in AUTHENTICATE cell."
           --  TLSSECRETS: A SHA256 HMAC, using the TLS master secret as the
           --              secret key, of the following:
           --                - client_random, as sent in the TLS Client Hello
           --                - server_random, as sent in the TLS Server Hello
           --                - the NUL terminated ASCII string:
           --                 "Tor V3 handshake TLS cross-certificate"
           --              [32 octets]
           let (tlssecrets, rest7) = BS.splitAt 32 rest6
           ctxt <- nothingError <$> contextGetInformation tls
           let cRandom = unClientRandom (nothingError (infoClientRandom ctxt))
               sRandom = unServerRandom (nothingError (infoServerRandom ctxt))
               masterSecret = nothingError (infoMasterSecret ctxt)
           let ccert       = pack "Tor V3 handshake TLS cross-certification\0"
               blob        = BS.concat [cRandom, sRandom, ccert]
               tlssecrets' = convert (hmac masterSecret blob :: HMAC SHA256)
           unless (tlssecrets == tlssecrets') $
             fail "TLS secret mismatch in AUTHENTICATE cell."
           --  RAND: A 24 byte value, randomly chosen by the initiator
           let (rand, sig) = BS.splitAt 24 rest7
           --  SIG: A signature of a SHA256 hash of all the previous fields
           --       using the initiator's "Authenticate" key as presented.
           let msg = BS.concat [auth0001, cid, sid, slog, clog, scert,
                                tlssecrets, rand]
               hash = sha256 msg
               PubKeyRSA pub = certPubKey authCert'
               res = verify noHash pub hash sig
           unless res $
             fail "Signature verification failure in AUTHENITCATE cell."
           controlChan <- newChan
           bufCh <- newMVar (Map.singleton 0 controlChan)
           thr   <- forkIO (runLink llog bufCh tls [leftOver])
           desc  <- findRouter routerDB [ExtendDigest cid]
           llog ("Incoming link created from " ++ show who)
           return (TorLink tls desc True thr bufCh)
      Right (_, _, _) ->
        fail "Internal error getting initiator data."
  nothingError :: Maybe a -> a
  nothingError Nothing  = error "Couldn't fetch TLS secrets."
  nothingError (Just x) = x

serverTLSOpts :: TLS.Credentials -> ServerParams
serverTLSOpts creds = ServerParams {
    serverWantClientCert           = False
  , serverCACertificates           = signedCerts
  , serverDHEParams                = Just oakley2
  , serverShared                   = Shared {
      sharedCredentials            = creds
    , sharedSessionManager         = noSessionManager
    , sharedCAStore                = makeCertificateStore []
    , sharedValidationCache        = exceptionValidationCache []
  , serverHooks                    = ServerHooks {
      onClientCertificate          = const (return CertificateUsageAccept) -- FIXME?
    , onUnverifiedClientCert       = return True -- FIXME?
    , onCipherChoosing             = chooseTorCipher
    , onSuggestNextProtocols       = return Nothing
    , onNewHandshake               = \ _ -> return True -- FIXME?
    , onALPNClientSuggest          = Nothing
  , serverSupported                = Supported {
      supportedVersions            = [TLS12]
    , supportedCiphers             = [suiteTLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA,
    , supportedCompressions        = [nullCompression]
    , supportedHashSignatures      = [(HashSHA1,   SignatureRSA),
                                      (HashSHA256, SignatureRSA)]
    , supportedSecureRenegotiation = True
    , supportedSession             = False
    , supportedFallbackScsv        = True
    , supportedClientInitiatedRenegotiation = True
  TLS.Credentials innerCreds = creds
  certChains             = map fst innerCreds
  signedCerts            = concatMap (\ (CertificateChain x) -> x) certChains

chooseTorCipher :: Version -> [Cipher] -> Cipher
chooseTorCipher _ ciphers
  | ciphers `isEquivList` fixedCipherList =
  | isV2PlusCipherSet ciphers =
  | otherwise =
       error "Unacceptable cipher list provided by client."

isEquivList :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Bool
isEquivList xs ys = (length xs == length ys) && and (map (`elem` ys) xs)

isV2PlusCipherSet :: [Cipher] -> Bool
isV2PlusCipherSet suites = 
  -- FIXME: This is wrong, as the last test should be "and there's another
  -- one that isn't one of those three"
  (suiteTLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA  `elem` suites) &&
  (suiteTLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA  `elem` suites) &&
  (suiteTLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA `elem` suites) &&
  (length suites > 3)

fixedCipherList :: [Cipher]
fixedCipherList = [
  , suiteTLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA
  , suiteTLS_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_MD5
  , suiteTLS_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA
  , suiteSSL3_EDH_RSA_DES_192_CBC3_SHA
  , suiteSSL3_EDH_DSS_DES_192_CBC3_SHA

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

getVersions :: Context -> IO ([Word16], BSL.ByteString)
getVersions tls =
  do bstr <- BSL.fromStrict <$> recvData tls
     return (runGet getVersions' bstr, bstr)
  getVersions' =
    do _   <- getWord16be
       cmd <- getWord8
       unless (cmd == 7) $ fail "Versions command /= 7"
       len <- getWord16be
       replicateM (fromIntegral len `div` 2) getWord16be

getInitiatorInfo :: Context ->
                    IO (Either TorCell (TorCell,TorCell,TorCell), ByteString)
getInitiatorInfo tls = getCells base
  getCells (Fail _ _ str)  = fail str
  getCells (Done rest _ x) = return (x, rest)
  getCells (Partial f)     =
    do next <- recvData tls
       getCells (f (Just next))
  base = runGetIncremental (run Nothing Nothing Nothing)
  run (Just a) (Just b) (Just c) = return (Right (a, b, c))
  run ma       mb       mc       =
    do cell <- getTorCell
       case cell of
         Padding                                -> run ma mb mc
         VPadding _                             -> run ma mb mc
         NetInfo _ _ _
           | (ma == Nothing) && (mb == Nothing) -> return (Left cell)
           | otherwise                          -> run ma mb (Just cell)
         Certs _                                -> run (Just cell) mb mc
         Authenticate _                         -> run ma (Just cell) mc
         _                                      ->
           fail "Weird cell in initiator response."

exactlyOneAuth :: [TorCert] -> Maybe SignedCertificate -> SignedCertificate
exactlyOneAuth []                     Nothing  = error "Not enough auth certs."
exactlyOneAuth []                     (Just x) = x
exactlyOneAuth ((RSA1024Auth _):_)    (Just _) = error "Too many auth certs."
exactlyOneAuth ((RSA1024Auth c):rest) Nothing  = exactlyOneAuth rest (Just c)
exactlyOneAuth (_:rest)               acc      = exactlyOneAuth rest acc