module TimeSpaceConstr.DFA ( DFA (..) , ImplDFA (..) , minimize , sequence , normalize , dfaToImplDFA , transition , transitionI ) where import qualified TimeSpaceConstr.NFA as N import qualified Data.Set as S import qualified Data.Map as M import Data.Maybe (fromJust) import Data.List (findIndex,elemIndex,delete) import Prelude hiding (sequence) type Label = Int type State = Int -- | The representation of a DFA. -- -- * alphabet = the possible actions -- * states = the states of the DFA -- * accepting_states -- * transitions = the possible transitions, of the form -- -- * start = the start state -- * failure = the failure state data DFA = DFA { alphabet :: S.Set Label , states :: S.Set State , accepting_states :: S.Set State , transitions :: S.Set (State,Label,State) , start :: State , failure :: State } deriving Show -- | The representation of a DFA with implicit failure state 0. -- -- * alphabet = the possible actions -- * states = the states of the DFA -- * accepting_states -- * transitions = the possible transitions, of the form -- -- * start = the start state data ImplDFA = ImplDFA { alphabetI :: S.Set Label , statesI :: S.Set State , accepting_statesI :: S.Set State , transitionsI :: S.Set (State,Label,State) , startI :: State } deriving Show transition :: DFA -> State -> Label -> State transition d s l = head [t' | (s',l',t') <- S.toList (transitions d), s' == s, l' == l] transitionI :: ImplDFA -> State -> Label -> State transitionI d s l = head [t' | (s',l',t') <- S.toList (transitionsI d), s' == s, l' == l] example = DFA { alphabet = S.fromList [0,1] , states = S.fromList [1..6] , accepting_states = S.fromList [3,4,5] , transitions = S.fromList [(1,0,2),(1,1,3) ,(2,0,1),(2,1,4) ,(3,0,5),(3,1,6) ,(4,0,5),(4,1,6) ,(5,0,5),(5,1,6) ,(6,0,6),(6,1,6) ] , start = 1 , failure = 6 } -- | Minimize the given DFA. -- -- This returns an equivalent DFA with a minimal number of states. -- The implementation is based on Hopcroft's algoritm. minimize :: ImplDFA -> ImplDFA minimize dfa = update reduce where reduce :: [S.Set State] reduce = go1 [accepting_statesI dfa] [accepting_statesI dfa,S.difference (statesI dfa) (accepting_statesI dfa)] where go1 :: [S.Set State] -> [S.Set State] -> [S.Set State] go1 w p = go1' (filter (not . S.null) w) p go1' [] p = p go1' (a:w) p = go2 (S.toList (alphabetI dfa)) a w p go2 :: [Label] -> S.Set State -> [S.Set State] -> [S.Set State] -> [S.Set State] go2 [] _ w p = go1 w p go2 (c:cs) a w p = let x = (\(f,_,_) -> f) (S.filter (\(_,l,t) -> l == c && S.member t a) (transitionsI dfa)) in go3 p x cs a w [] go3 :: [S.Set State] -> S.Set State -> [Label] -> S.Set State -> [S.Set State] -> [S.Set State] -> [S.Set State] go3 [] x cs a w p = go2 cs a w p go3 (y:p') x cs a w p = let cap = S.intersection x y dif = S.difference y x p2 | not (S.null cap), not (S.null dif) = (cap:dif:p) | otherwise = (y:p) w2 | y `elem` w = cap : dif : delete y w | S.size cap <= S.size dif = cap : w | otherwise = dif : w in go3 p' x cs a w2 p2 update :: [S.Set State] -> ImplDFA update p = ImplDFA { alphabetI = alphabetI dfa , statesI = theta (statesI dfa) , accepting_statesI = theta (accepting_statesI dfa) , transitionsI = (\(f,l,t) -> (theta f,l,theta t)) (transitionsI dfa) , startI = theta (startI dfa) } where theta :: State -> State theta s = fromJust (findIndex (S.member s) p) dfaToNFA :: ImplDFA -> N.NFA dfaToNFA d = N.NFA { N.alphabet = alphabetI d , N.states = statesI d , N.accepting_states = accepting_statesI d , N.transitions = (\(f,l,t) -> (f,l,S.singleton t)) (transitionsI d) , N.start = startI d } nfaToDFA :: N.NFA -> ImplDFA nfaToDFA n = ImplDFA { alphabetI = N.alphabet n , statesI = theta combined_states , accepting_statesI = theta (S.filter (any (\x -> S.member x (N.accepting_states n))) combined_states) , transitionsI = (\(f,l,t) -> (theta f,l,theta t)) $ S.foldr S.union S.empty $ aggregated_transitions combined_states , startI = theta (S.singleton (N.start n)) } where theta :: S.Set State -> State theta s = fromJust (elemIndex s (S.toList combined_states)) combined_states :: S.Set (S.Set State) combined_states = go [S.singleton (N.start n)] S.empty go :: [S.Set State] -> S.Set (S.Set State) -> S.Set (S.Set State) go [] cs = cs go (s:w) cs | S.member s cs = go w cs | otherwise = let w' = map (\c -> S.foldr S.union S.empty $ (\(_,_,t) -> t) $ S.filter (\(f,l,_) -> l == c && S.member f s) $ N.transitions n) (S.toList (N.alphabet n)) in go (w' ++ w) (S.insert s cs) aggregated_transitions :: S.Set State -> S.Set (S.Set State,Label,S.Set State) aggregated_transitions s = (\c -> (s,c,S.foldr S.union S.empty $ (\(_,_,t) -> t) $ S.filter (\(f,l,_) -> l == c && S.member f s) $ N.transitions n)) (N.alphabet n) sequence :: ImplDFA -> ImplDFA -> ImplDFA sequence d1 d2 = minimize (nfaToDFA (N.sequence (dfaToNFA (minimize d1)) (dfaToNFA (minimize d2)))) normalize :: DFA -> DFA normalize d = DFA { alphabet = thetaA (alphabet d) , states = thetaS (states d) , accepting_states = thetaS (accepting_states d) , transitions = (\(f,l,t) -> (thetaS f,thetaA l,thetaS t)) (transitions d) , start = thetaS (start d) , failure = thetaS (failure d) } where thetaS s = fromJust (lookup s (zip (S.toList (states d)) [1..])) thetaA l = fromJust (lookup l (zip (S.toList (alphabet d)) [1..])) -- | Converts a DFA (with an explicit failure state) -- to an ImplDFA (with an implicit failure state : state 0) dfaToImplDFA :: DFA -> ImplDFA dfaToImplDFA d = let n = normalize d in ImplDFA { alphabetI = alphabet n , statesI = addImplFailState $ removeFailState (failure n) (states n) , accepting_statesI = accepting_states n , transitionsI = filterFailTransitions $ replaceFailTransitions (failure n) (transitions n) , startI = start n } where removeFailState :: State -> S.Set State -> S.Set State removeFailState fail = S.filter (\s -> s /= fail) addImplFailState :: S.Set State -> S.Set State addImplFailState states = S.union states $ S.singleton 0 replaceFailState :: State -> State -> State replaceFailState fail s | s == fail = 0 | otherwise = s replaceFailTransitions :: State -> S.Set (State,Label,State) -> S.Set (State,Label,State) replaceFailTransitions fail = (\(s,a,t) -> ((replaceFailState fail s),a,(replaceFailState fail t))) filterFailTransitions :: S.Set (State,Label,State) -> S.Set (State,Label,State) filterFailTransitions = S.filter (\(s,_,_) -> s /= 0)