Module      : MZPrinter
Description : MiniZinc pretty-printer
License     : BSD3
Maintainer  : Klara Marntirosian <klara.mar@cs.kuleuven.be>
Stability   : experimental

This module provides a pretty-printer of MiniZinc models represented by the 
"Interfaces.MZASTBase" module.

module Interfaces.MZPrinter(
--  printAnnExpr,
--  printExpr,
) where

import Text.PrettyPrint
import Data.List
import Interfaces.MZASTBase
import Interfaces.MZAST (turnToItem, GItem)
import Interfaces.MZBuiltIns (opPrec)

-- | The main function that is used to pretty print the MiniZinc model. The 'Text.PrettyPrint.Style' used is the following.
-- @
-- Style {
--   mode = PageMode,
--   lineLength = 100,
--   ribbonsPerLine = 1.5
-- }
-- @
layout :: [GItem a] -> String
layout = renderStyle myStyle . printModel . map turnToItem

layoutModel :: MZModel -> String
layoutModel = renderStyle myStyle . printModel

myStyle = Style {
  mode = PageMode,
  lineLength = 100,
  ribbonsPerLine = 1.5
-- | Prints the represented MiniZinc model. Essentially, this function applies 
-- 'printItem' on each element of the specified model.
printModel :: MZModel -> Doc
printModel = foldr1 ($+$) . map printItem

-- | Prints an 'Item' value.
printItem :: Item -> Doc
-- printItem (Empty)           = space
printItem (Comment str)   = text "%" <+> text str
printItem (Include file)  = text "include" <+> doubleQuotes (text file) <> semi
printItem (Declare p)     = printDeclaration p <> semi
printItem (Constraint c)  = hang (text "constraint") 2 (printAnnExpr c <> semi)
printItem (Assign x expr) = printIdent x <+> printBody (Just expr) <> semi
printItem (Output es)     = text "output" <+> printExpr es <> semi
printItem (Solve s)       = text "solve" 
                            <+> printSolve s 
                            <> semi

printDeclaration :: Declaration -> Doc
printDeclaration (Declaration nd ans me) =
  hang (printDeclarationSig nd) 2 (sep [printAnnotations ans, printBody me])

printBody :: Maybe AnnExpr -> Doc
printBody = maybe empty (\e -> equals <+> (printAnnExpr e))

printDeclarationSig :: DeclarationSignature -> Doc
printDeclarationSig (Variable p)          = printParam p
printDeclarationSig (Predicate name ps)   = text "predicate"
                                            <+> printIdent name
                                            <> parens (printParams ps)
printDeclarationSig (Test name ps)        = text "test"
                                            <+> printIdent name
                                            <> parens (printParams ps)
printDeclarationSig (Function p ps)       = text "function"
                                            <+> printParam p
                                            <> parens (printParams ps)
printDeclarationSig (Annotation' name ps) = text "annotation"
                                            <+> text name
                                            <> parens (printParams ps)

-- | Translates the representation of an annotated MiniZinc expression into MiniZinc 
-- code. Takes into account MiniZinc operators' precedence to avoid unnecessary 
-- parentheses.
printAnnExpr :: AnnExpr -> Doc
printAnnExpr (AnnExpr e [])             = printExpr e
printAnnExpr (AnnExpr e@(Bi _ _ _) ans) = parens (printExpr e) 
                                          <+> printAnnotations ans
printAnnExpr (AnnExpr e@(U _ _) ans)    = parens (printExpr e) 
                                          <+> printAnnotations ans
printAnnExpr (AnnExpr e ans)            = printExpr e 
                                          <+> printAnnotations ans

-- | Prints a represented MiniZinc expression. Takes into account MiniZinc operators' precedence to avoid unnecessary parentheses.
-- Examples:
-- >>> printExpr $ SetComp (Bi Times (IConst 2) (Var "i")) ([(["i"], Range (IConst 1) (IConst 5))], Nothing)
-- {2 * i | i in 1..5}
-- >>> printExpr $ Let [Declare Dec Int "x" (Just (IConst 3)), Declare Dec Int "y" (Just (IConst 4))] (Bi BPlus (Var "x") (Var "y"))
-- let {var int: x = 3;
--      var int: y = 4;}
-- in x + y
printExpr :: Expr -> Doc
printExpr AnonVar             = text "_"
printExpr (Var v)             = printIdent v
printExpr (BConst b)
  | b                         = text "true"
  | otherwise                 = text "false"
printExpr (IConst n)          = int n
printExpr (FConst x)          = float x
printExpr (SConst str)        = doubleQuotes $ text (escape str)
printExpr (SetLit es)         = braces $ commaSepExprs es
printExpr (SetComp e ct)      = braces ( printExpr e 
                                <+> text "|" 
                                <+> printCompTail ct )
printExpr (ArrayLit es)       = brackets $ commaSepExprs es
-- printExpr (ArrayLit es)       = printArrayElems printExpr es
printExpr (ArrayLit2D ess)    = 
  brackets (foldl1 ($+$) (map (\x -> text "|" <+> commaSepExprs x) ess) <> text "|")
printExpr (ArrayComp e ct)    = brackets (hang (printExpr e <+> text "|") 0 (printCompTail ct))
printExpr (ArrayElem v es)    = printIdent v <> brackets (commaSepExprs es)
printExpr (U op e)            = printOp op 
                                     <+> (
                                       if isAtomic e 
                                       then printExpr e 
                                       else parens (printExpr e)
printExpr (Bi op e1 e2)       = sep [printParensExpr (opPrec op) e1 
                                    , printOp op 
                                    , printParensExpr (opPrec op) e2]
printExpr (Call name args)    = printIdent name
                                <> printArgs printAnnExpr args
printExpr (ITE (pe:pes) e)    = sep (listIT pe ++ listEIT pes ++ listEI e)
printExpr (Let is e)          = text "let" 
                                <+> braces (nest 4 (vcat (map printItem is))) 
                                $+$ text "in" <+> printExpr e
printExpr (GenCall name ct e) = 
  hang (printIdent name <> parens (printCompTail ct)) 2 (parens (printExpr e))

listIT :: (Expr, Expr) -> [Doc]
listIT (e1, e2) = [ text "if" <+> printExpr e1
                  , text "then" <+> printExpr e2]

listEIT :: [(Expr, Expr)] -> [Doc]
listEIT []            = []
listEIT ((e1, e2):es) = [ text "elseif" <+> printExpr e1
                        , text "then" <+> printExpr e2]
                        ++ listEIT es 

listEI :: Expr -> [Doc]
listEI e = [ text "else" <+> printExpr e
           , text "endif"]

-- This function is used for placing parentheses in expressions
printParensExpr :: Int -> Expr -> Doc
-- A smaller integer represents higher precedence (tighter binding)
printParensExpr n e@(Bi op _ _)
  | opPrec op < n    = printExpr e
  | otherwise        = parens $ printExpr e
printParensExpr _ e  = printExpr e

printType :: Type -> Doc
printType Bool            = text "bool"
printType Float           = text "float"
printType Int             = text "int"
printType String          = text "string"
printType (Set t)         = text "set of" <+> printType t
printType (Array ts i ty) = text "array" <> brackets (commaSep printType ts) 
                            <+> text "of" <+> printTypeInst (i, ty)
printType (List i ty)     = text "list of" <+> printTypeInst (i, ty)
printType (Opt t)         = text "opt" <+> printType t
printType (Ann)           = text "ann"
printType (CT expr)       = printExpr expr
printType (Range e1 e2)  = printParensExpr (opPrec (Op $ stringToIdent "..")) e1 
                           <+> text ".." 
                           <+> printParensExpr (opPrec (Op $ stringToIdent "..")) e2
printType (Elems es)     = braces $ commaSepExprs es
printType (ACT name)     = text name
printType (VarType name) = text "$" <> text name

printCompTail :: CompTail -> Doc
printCompTail (gs, Nothing) = commaSep printGenerator gs
printCompTail (gs, Just wh) = commaSep printGenerator gs 
                              <+> text "where" 
                              <+> printExpr wh

printGenerator :: Generator -> Doc
printGenerator (es, r) = hsep (punctuate (text ", ") (map printIdent es))
                         <+> text "in" 
                         <+> printExpr r

printInst :: Inst -> Doc
printInst Dec = text "var"
printInst Par = text "par"

printAnnotations :: [Annotation] -> Doc
printAnnotations ans = sep $ map (\a -> colon <> colon <+> printAnnotation a) ans

printAnnotation :: Annotation -> Doc
printAnnotation (Annotation name args) 
  = text name
  <> case args of
       [] -> empty
       xs -> printArgs printGArg args

printArgs :: (a -> Doc) -> [a] -> Doc
printArgs f args = fcat $ putParens (punctuateBefore comma (map f args))

printArrayElems :: (a -> Doc) -> [a] -> Doc
printArrayElems f args = fcat $ putBrackets (punctuateBefore comma (map f args))

printGArg :: GArguments -> Doc
printGArg (A a) = printAnnotation a
printGArg (E e) = printExpr e

printOp :: Op -> Doc
printOp (Op op) = printIdent op

printSolve :: Solve -> Doc
printSolve (Satisfy  ans  ) = printAnnotations ans <+> text "satisfy"
printSolve (Minimize ans e) = printAnnotations ans 
                              <+> text "minimize"
                              <+> printExpr e
printSolve (Maximize ans e) = printAnnotations ans 
                              <+> text "maximize"
                              <+> printExpr e

printParams :: [Param] -> Doc
printParams ps = commaSep printParam ps

printIdent :: Ident -> Doc
printIdent (Simpl name)  = text name
printIdent (Quoted name) = quotes $ text name

-- Prints the parameters of call expressions (predicates, tests and functions) or annotations
printParam :: Param -> Doc
printParam (i, t, n) = printTypeInst (i, t) <> colon <+> printIdent n

-- Prints the instantiation (var or par) and the type in a variable declaration. If the
-- type is Array or String, it does not print the inst, since these types are of fixed
-- inst. Same with @Ann@ type, but for other reasons.
printTypeInst :: (Inst, Type) -> Doc
printTypeInst (_, t@(Array _ _ _)) = printType t
printTypeInst (_, String)          = printType String
printTypeInst (_, Ann)             = printType Ann
printTypeInst (i, t)               = printInst i <+> printType t

-- Horizontally concatinates Docs while also putting a comma-space (", ") in between
commaSepDoc :: [Doc] -> Doc
commaSepDoc = fsep . punctuate comma

-- First, map a function to a list and produce a list of Docs and then apply commaSepDoc
commaSep :: (a -> Doc) -> [a] -> Doc
commaSep f ls = commaSepDoc $ map f ls

-- Special case of commaSep, where f = printNakedExpr
commaSepExprs :: [Expr] -> Doc
commaSepExprs = commaSep printExpr

isAtomic :: Expr -> Bool
isAtomic AnonVar         = True
isAtomic (Var _)         = True
isAtomic (BConst _)      = True
isAtomic (IConst _)      = True
isAtomic (FConst _)      = True
isAtomic (SConst _)      = True
isAtomic (SetLit _)      = True
isAtomic (ArrayLit _)    = True
isAtomic (ArrayLit2D _)  = True
isAtomic (ArrayElem _ _) = True
isAtomic (SetComp _ _)   = True
isAtomic (ArrayComp _ _) = True
isAtomic (Call _ _)      = True
isAtomic _               = False

escape:: String -> String
escape str = concatMap escapeChar str

escapeChar :: Char -> String
escapeChar '\n' = "\\n"
escapeChar '\t' = "\\t"
escapeChar '\r' = "\\r"
escapeChar '\\' = "\\\\"
escapeChar '\f' = "\\f"
escapeChar '\a' = "\\a"
escapeChar '\"' = "\\\""
escapeChar c = [c]

putParens :: [Doc] -> [Doc]
putParens = putBeforeAfter "(" ")"

putBrackets :: [Doc] -> [Doc]
putBrackets = putBeforeAfter "[" "]"

putBeforeAfter :: String -> String -> [Doc] -> [Doc]
putBeforeAfter s t []  = []
putBeforeAfter s t [x] = [text s <> parens x <> text t]
putBeforeAfter s t xs  = let f = head xs
                             l = last xs
                         in text s <> f : (init (tail xs)) ++ [l <> text t]

punctuateBefore :: Doc -> [Doc] -> [Doc]
punctuateBefore _ []     = []
punctuateBefore p (d:ds) = d : map (p <+>) ds