{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
-- | This module implements data structures and functions related to the database.
module Database.Haskey.Alloc.Concurrent.Database where

import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Monad (void, unless)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Catch (MonadCatch, MonadMask, SomeException,
                            catch, mask, onException, bracket, bracket_)
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Trans (lift)

import Data.Proxy (Proxy(..))
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty((:|)))
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)

import STMContainers.Map (Map)
import qualified STMContainers.Map as Map

import Data.BTree.Alloc.Class
import Data.BTree.Impure
import Data.BTree.Primitives

import Database.Haskey.Alloc.Concurrent.Environment
import Database.Haskey.Alloc.Concurrent.FreePages.Save
import Database.Haskey.Alloc.Concurrent.Meta
import Database.Haskey.Alloc.Concurrent.Monad
import Database.Haskey.Alloc.Concurrent.Overflow
import Database.Haskey.Alloc.Transaction
import Database.Haskey.Store
import Database.Haskey.Utils.RLock
import qualified Database.Haskey.Utils.STM.Map as Map

-- | An active concurrent database.
-- This can be shared amongst threads.
data ConcurrentDb root = ConcurrentDb
    { concurrentDbHandles :: ConcurrentHandles
    , concurrentDbWriterLock :: RLock
    , concurrentDbCurrentMeta :: TVar CurrentMetaPage
    , concurrentDbMeta1 :: TVar (ConcurrentMeta root)
    , concurrentDbMeta2 :: TVar (ConcurrentMeta root)
    , concurrentDbReaders :: Map TxId Integer

-- | Lock the database.
-- This needs to be called manually, if you want exclusive access, before
-- calling either 'createConcurrentDb' or 'openConcurrentDb'
-- Use 'unlockConcurrentDb' using the 'bracket' pattern to properly unlock the
-- database.
lockConcurrentDb :: ConcurrentMetaStoreM m => ConcurrentHandles -> m ()
lockConcurrentDb = lockHandle . concurrentHandlesRoot

-- | Unlock the database.
unlockConcurrentDb :: ConcurrentMetaStoreM m => ConcurrentHandles -> m ()
unlockConcurrentDb = releaseHandle . concurrentHandlesRoot

-- | Open all concurrent handles.
openConcurrentHandles :: ConcurrentMetaStoreM m
                      => ConcurrentHandles -> m ()
openConcurrentHandles ConcurrentHandles{..} = do
    openHandle concurrentHandlesData
    openHandle concurrentHandlesIndex
    openHandle concurrentHandlesMetadata1
    openHandle concurrentHandlesMetadata2

-- | Open a new concurrent database, with the given handles.
createConcurrentDb :: (Root root, MonadIO m, MonadMask m, ConcurrentMetaStoreM m)
                   => ConcurrentHandles
                   -> root
                   -> m (ConcurrentDb root)
createConcurrentDb hnds root =
    bracket_ (openConcurrentHandles hnds)
             (closeConcurrentHandles hnds) $ do

    db <- newConcurrentDb hnds meta0
    setCurrentMeta meta0 db
    setCurrentMeta meta0 db
    return db
    meta0 = ConcurrentMeta {
        concurrentMetaRevision = 0
      , concurrentMetaDataNumPages = DataState 0
      , concurrentMetaIndexNumPages = IndexState 0
      , concurrentMetaRoot = root
      , concurrentMetaDataFreeTree = DataState $ Tree zeroHeight Nothing
      , concurrentMetaIndexFreeTree = IndexState $ Tree zeroHeight Nothing
      , concurrentMetaOverflowTree = Tree zeroHeight Nothing
      , concurrentMetaDataCachedFreePages = DataState []
      , concurrentMetaIndexCachedFreePages = IndexState []

-- | Open the an existing database, with the given handles.
openConcurrentDb :: (Root root, MonadIO m, MonadMask m, ConcurrentMetaStoreM m)
                 => ConcurrentHandles
                 -> m (Maybe (ConcurrentDb root))
openConcurrentDb hnds@ConcurrentHandles{..} =
    bracket_ (openConcurrentHandles hnds)
             (closeConcurrentHandles hnds) $ do

    m1 <- readConcurrentMeta concurrentHandlesMetadata1 Proxy
    m2 <- readConcurrentMeta concurrentHandlesMetadata2 Proxy
    maybeDb <- case (m1, m2) of
        (Nothing, Nothing) -> return Nothing
        (Just m , Nothing) -> Just <$> newConcurrentDb hnds m
        (Nothing, Just m ) -> Just <$> newConcurrentDb hnds m
        (Just x , Just y ) -> if concurrentMetaRevision x > concurrentMetaRevision y
                                  then Just <$> newConcurrentDb hnds x
                                  else Just <$> newConcurrentDb hnds y
    case maybeDb of
        Nothing -> return Nothing
        Just db -> do
            meta <- liftIO . atomically $ getCurrentMeta db
            cleanupAfterException hnds (concurrentMetaRevision meta + 1)
            return (Just db)

-- | Close the handles of the database.
closeConcurrentHandles :: (MonadIO m, ConcurrentMetaStoreM m)
                       => ConcurrentHandles
                       -> m ()
closeConcurrentHandles ConcurrentHandles{..} = do
    closeHandle concurrentHandlesData
    closeHandle concurrentHandlesIndex
    closeHandle concurrentHandlesMetadata1
    closeHandle concurrentHandlesMetadata2

-- | Create a new concurrent database with handles and metadata provided.
newConcurrentDb :: (Root root, MonadIO m)
                => ConcurrentHandles
                -> ConcurrentMeta root
                -> m (ConcurrentDb root)
newConcurrentDb hnds meta0 = do
    readers <- liftIO Map.newIO
    meta    <- liftIO $ newTVarIO Meta1
    lock    <- liftIO   newRLock
    meta1   <- liftIO $ newTVarIO meta0
    meta2   <- liftIO $ newTVarIO meta0
    return $! ConcurrentDb
        { concurrentDbHandles = hnds
        , concurrentDbWriterLock = lock
        , concurrentDbCurrentMeta = meta
        , concurrentDbMeta1 = meta1
        , concurrentDbMeta2 = meta2
        , concurrentDbReaders = readers

-- | Get the current meta data.
getCurrentMeta :: Root root
               => ConcurrentDb root
               -> STM (ConcurrentMeta root)
getCurrentMeta db
    | ConcurrentDb { concurrentDbCurrentMeta = v } <- db
    = readTVar v >>= \case
        Meta1 -> readTVar $ concurrentDbMeta1 db
        Meta2 -> readTVar $ concurrentDbMeta2 db

-- | Write the new metadata, and switch the pointer to the current one.
setCurrentMeta :: (Root root, MonadIO m, ConcurrentMetaStoreM m)
               => ConcurrentMeta root
               -> ConcurrentDb root
               -> m ()
setCurrentMeta new db
    | ConcurrentDb
      { concurrentDbCurrentMeta = v
      , concurrentDbHandles = hnds
      } <- db
    = liftIO (atomically $ readTVar v) >>= \case
        Meta1 -> do
            flushHandle (concurrentHandlesData hnds)
            flushHandle (concurrentHandlesIndex hnds)
            putConcurrentMeta (concurrentHandlesMetadata2 hnds) new
            flushHandle (concurrentHandlesMetadata2 hnds)
            liftIO . atomically $ do
                writeTVar v Meta2
                writeTVar (concurrentDbMeta2 db) new
        Meta2 -> do
            flushHandle (concurrentHandlesData hnds)
            flushHandle (concurrentHandlesIndex hnds)
            putConcurrentMeta (concurrentHandlesMetadata1 hnds) new
            flushHandle (concurrentHandlesMetadata1 hnds)
            liftIO . atomically $ do
                writeTVar v Meta1
                writeTVar (concurrentDbMeta1 db) new

-- | Execute a write transaction, with a result.
transact :: (MonadIO m, MonadMask m, ConcurrentMetaStoreM m, Root root)
         => (forall n. (AllocM n, MonadMask n) => root -> n (Transaction root a))
         -> ConcurrentDb root
         -> m a
transact act db = withRLock (concurrentDbWriterLock db) $ do
    transactNow act db
    cleanup :: (MonadIO m, MonadMask m, ConcurrentMetaStoreM m) => m ()
    cleanup = actAndCommit db $ \meta -> do
        v <- deleteOutdatedOverflowIds (concurrentMetaOverflowTree meta)
        case v of
            Nothing -> return (Nothing, ())
            Just tree -> do
                let meta' = meta { concurrentMetaOverflowTree = tree }
                return (Just meta', ())

-- | Execute a write transaction, without cleaning up old overflow pages.
transactNow :: (MonadIO m, MonadMask m, ConcurrentMetaStoreM m, Root root)
            => (forall n. (AllocM n, MonadMask n) => root -> n (Transaction root a))
            -> ConcurrentDb root
            -> m a
transactNow act db = withRLock (concurrentDbWriterLock db) $
    actAndCommit db $ \meta -> do
        tx <- act (concurrentMetaRoot meta)
        case tx of
            Abort v -> return (Nothing, v)
            Commit root v ->
                let meta' = meta { concurrentMetaRoot = root } in
                return (Just meta', v)

-- | Execute a write transaction, without a result.
transact_ :: (MonadIO m, MonadMask m, ConcurrentMetaStoreM m, Root root)
          => (forall n. (AllocM n, MonadMask n) => root -> n (Transaction root ()))
          -> ConcurrentDb root
          -> m ()
transact_ act db = void $ transact act db

-- | Execute a read-only transaction.
transactReadOnly :: (MonadIO m, MonadMask m, ConcurrentMetaStoreM m, Root root)
                 => (forall n. (AllocReaderM n, MonadMask n) => root -> n a)
                 -> ConcurrentDb root
                 -> m a
transactReadOnly act db =
    bracket_ (openConcurrentHandles hnds)
             (closeConcurrentHandles hnds) $

    bracket acquireMeta
            releaseMeta $
            \meta -> evalConcurrentT (act $ concurrentMetaRoot meta)
                                     (ReaderEnv hnds)
    hnds    = concurrentDbHandles db
    readers = concurrentDbReaders db

    addOne Nothing = Just 1
    addOne (Just x) = Just $! x + 1
    subOne Nothing = Nothing
    subOne (Just 0) = Nothing
    subOne (Just 1) = Nothing
    subOne (Just x) = Just $! x - 1

    acquireMeta = liftIO . atomically $ do
        meta <- getCurrentMeta db
        Map.alter (concurrentMetaRevision meta) addOne readers
        return meta

    releaseMeta meta =
        let rev = concurrentMetaRevision meta in
        liftIO . atomically $ Map.alter rev subOne readers


-- | Run a write action that takes the current meta-data and returns new
-- meta-data to be commited, or 'Nothing' if the write transaction should be
-- aborted.
actAndCommit :: (MonadIO m, MonadMask m, ConcurrentMetaStoreM m, Root root)
             => ConcurrentDb root
             -> (forall n. (MonadIO n, MonadMask n, ConcurrentMetaStoreM n)
                 => ConcurrentMeta root
                 -> ConcurrentT WriterEnv ConcurrentHandles n (Maybe (ConcurrentMeta root), a)
             -> m a
actAndCommit db act
    | ConcurrentDb
      { concurrentDbHandles = hnds
      , concurrentDbWriterLock = lock
      , concurrentDbReaders = readers
      } <- db
    = withRLock lock $
        bracket_ (openConcurrentHandles hnds)
                 (closeConcurrentHandles hnds) $ do

    meta <- liftIO . atomically $ getCurrentMeta db
    let newRevision = concurrentMetaRevision meta + 1
    wrap hnds newRevision $ do
        ((maybeMeta, v), env) <- runConcurrentT (act meta) $
                                   newWriter hnds
                                             (concurrentMetaDataNumPages meta)
                                             (concurrentMetaIndexNumPages meta)
                                             (concurrentMetaDataCachedFreePages meta)
                                             (concurrentMetaIndexCachedFreePages meta)
                                             (concurrentMetaDataFreeTree meta)
                                             (concurrentMetaIndexFreeTree meta)

        let maybeMeta' = updateMeta env <$> maybeMeta

        case maybeMeta' of
            Nothing -> do
                removeNewlyAllocatedOverflows env
                return v

            Just meta' -> do
                -- Bookkeeping
                (newMeta, _) <- flip execStateT (meta', env) $ do
                    saveFreePages' 0 DataState
                                     (\e s -> e { writerDataFileState = s })
                    saveFreePages' 0 IndexState
                                     (\e s -> e { writerIndexFileState = s })

                -- Commit
                setCurrentMeta (newMeta { concurrentMetaRevision = newRevision })
                return v
    wrap :: (MonadIO m, MonadMask m, ConcurrentMetaStoreM m)
         => ConcurrentHandles
         -> TxId
         -> m a
         -> m a
    wrap hnds tx action = mask $ \restore ->
        restore action `onException` cleanupAfterException hnds tx

-- | Cleanup after an exception occurs, or after a program crash.
-- The 'TxId' of the aborted transaction should be passed.
cleanupAfterException :: (MonadIO m, MonadCatch m, ConcurrentMetaStoreM m)
                      => ConcurrentHandles
                      -> TxId
                      -> m ()
cleanupAfterException hnds tx = do
    let dir = getOverflowDir (concurrentHandlesOverflowDir hnds) tx
    overflows <- filter filter' <$> listOverflows dir
    mapM_ (\fp -> removeHandle fp `catch` ignore) overflows
    filter' fp = fromMaybe False $ (== tx) . fst <$> readOverflowId fp

    ignore :: Monad m => SomeException -> m ()
    ignore _ = return ()

-- | Remove all overflow pages that were written in the transaction.
-- If the transaction is aborted, all written pages should be deleted.
removeNewlyAllocatedOverflows :: (MonadIO m, ConcurrentMetaStoreM m)
                              => WriterEnv ConcurrentHandles
                              -> m ()
removeNewlyAllocatedOverflows env = do
    let root = concurrentHandlesOverflowDir (writerHnds env)
    sequence_ [ delete root (i - 1) | i <- [1..(writerOverflowCounter env)] ]
    delete root c = do
        let i = (writerTxId env, c)
        removeHandle (getOverflowHandle root i)

-- | Update the meta-data from a writer environment
updateMeta :: WriterEnv ConcurrentHandles -> ConcurrentMeta root -> ConcurrentMeta root
updateMeta env m = m {
    concurrentMetaDataFreeTree = fileStateFreeTree (writerDataFileState env)
  , concurrentMetaIndexFreeTree = fileStateFreeTree (writerIndexFileState env) }

-- | Save the newly free'd overflow pages, for deletion on the next tx.
saveOverflowIds :: (MonadIO m, MonadMask m, ConcurrentMetaStoreM m)
                => StateT (ConcurrentMeta root, WriterEnv ConcurrentHandles) m ()
saveOverflowIds = do
    (meta, env) <- get
    case map (\(OldOverflow i) ->i) (writerRemovedOverflows env) of
        [] -> return ()
        x:xs -> do
            (tree', env') <- lift $ flip runConcurrentT env $
                insertOverflowIds (writerTxId env)
                                  (x :| xs)
                                  (concurrentMetaOverflowTree meta)
            let meta' = (updateMeta env meta)
                            { concurrentMetaOverflowTree = tree' }
            put (meta', env')

-- | Save the free'd pages to the free page database
saveFreePages' :: (MonadIO m, MonadMask m, ConcurrentMetaStoreM m)
               => Int
               -> (forall a. a -> S t a)
               -> (forall hnds. WriterEnv hnds -> FileState t)
               -> (forall hnds. WriterEnv hnds -> FileState t -> WriterEnv hnds)
               -> StateT (ConcurrentMeta root, WriterEnv ConcurrentHandles) m ()
saveFreePages' paranoid cons getState setState
    {- paranoid >= 100 = error "paranoid: looping!"
    | otherwise-}
    = do

    (meta, env) <- get
    let tx = writerTxId env
    (tree', envWithoutTree) <- lift $
        runConcurrentT (saveFreePages tx (getState env)) $
            env { writerQueryFreeTreeOn = False }

    let state' = (getState envWithoutTree) { fileStateFreeTree = cons tree' }
    let env'   = setState envWithoutTree state'
    let meta'  = updateMeta env' meta
    put (meta', env')

    -- Did we free any new pages? We have to put them in the free tree!
    unless (fileStateNewlyFreedPages state' == fileStateNewlyFreedPages (getState env)) $
       saveFreePages' (paranoid + 1) cons getState setState

-- | Handle the cached free pages.
-- Save the cached free pages to the metadata for later use.
-- Update the database size.
handleCachedFreePages :: (MonadIO m, MonadMask m, ConcurrentMetaStoreM m)
                      => StateT (ConcurrentMeta root, WriterEnv ConcurrentHandles) m ()
handleCachedFreePages = do
    (meta, env) <- get

    let dataEnv  = writerDataFileState env
    let indexEnv = writerIndexFileState env

    let meta' = meta { concurrentMetaDataNumPages =
                            fileStateNewNumPages dataEnv
                     , concurrentMetaDataFreeTree =
                            fileStateFreeTree dataEnv
                     , concurrentMetaDataCachedFreePages =
                            fileStateCachedFreePages dataEnv

                     , concurrentMetaIndexNumPages =
                            fileStateNewNumPages indexEnv
                     , concurrentMetaIndexFreeTree =
                            fileStateFreeTree indexEnv
                     , concurrentMetaIndexCachedFreePages =
                            fileStateCachedFreePages indexEnv
    put (meta', env)
