module Network.Haskoin.Transaction.Builder 
( Coin(..)
, buildTx
, buildAddrTx
, SigInput(..)
, signTx
, detSignTx
, verifyTx
, guessTxSize
, chooseCoins
, chooseMSCoins
, getFee
, getMSFee
, isTxComplete
) where

import Control.Monad (when, guard, liftM2)
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.Monad.Trans  (lift)

import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, maybeToList, fromMaybe)
import Data.List (sortBy, find)
import Data.Word (Word64)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS (length, replicate)

import Network.Haskoin.Util
import Network.Haskoin.Crypto
import Network.Haskoin.Protocol
import Network.Haskoin.Script

-- | A Coin is something that can be spent by a transaction and is
-- represented by a transaction output, an outpoint and optionally a
-- redeem script.
data Coin = 
    Coin { coinTxOut    :: TxOut        -- ^ Transaction output
         , coinOutPoint :: OutPoint     -- ^ Previous outpoint
         , coinRedeem   :: Maybe Script -- ^ Redeem script
         } deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | Coin selection algorithm for normal (non-multisig) transactions. This
-- function returns the selected coins together with the amount of change to
-- send back to yourself, taking the fee into account.
chooseCoins :: Word64 -- ^ Target price to pay.
            -> Word64 -- ^ Fee price per 1000 bytes.
            -> [Coin] -- ^ List of coins to choose from.
            -> Either String ([Coin],Word64) 
               -- ^ Coin selection result and change amount.
chooseCoins target kbfee xs 
    | target > 0 = maybeToEither err $ greedyAdd target (getFee kbfee) xs
    | otherwise  = Left "chooseCoins: Target must be > 0"
    where err = "chooseCoins: No solution found"

-- | Coin selection algorithm for multisignature transactions. This function
-- returns the selected coins together with the amount of change to send back
-- to yourself, taking the fee into account. This function assumes all the 
-- coins are script hash outputs that send funds to a multisignature address.
chooseMSCoins :: Word64    -- ^ Target price to pay.
              -> Word64    -- ^ Fee price per 1000 bytes.
              -> (Int,Int) -- ^ Multisig parameters m of n (m,n).
              -> [Coin]    -- ^ List of coins to choose from.
              -> Either String ([Coin],Word64) 
                 -- ^ Coin selection result and change amount.
chooseMSCoins target kbfee ms xs 
    | target > 0 = maybeToEither err $ greedyAdd target (getMSFee kbfee ms) xs
    | otherwise  = Left "chooseMSCoins: Target must be > 0"
    where err = "chooseMSCoins: No solution found"

-- Select coins greedily by starting from an empty solution
greedyAdd :: Word64 -> (Int -> Word64) -> [Coin] -> Maybe ([Coin],Word64)
greedyAdd target fee xs = go [] 0 [] 0 $ sortBy desc xs
    where desc a b = compare (outValue $ coinTxOut b) (outValue $ coinTxOut a)
          goal c = target + fee c
          go _ _ [] _ []    = Nothing
          go _ _ ps pTot [] = return (ps,pTot - (goal $ length ps))
          go acc aTot ps pTot (y:ys)
            | val + aTot >= (goal $ length acc + 1) =
                if aTot + val - target < pTot - target
                    then go [] 0 (y:acc) (aTot + val) ys
                    else return (ps,pTot - (goal $ length ps))
            | otherwise = go (y:acc) (aTot + val) ps pTot ys
            where val = outValue $ coinTxOut y

-- Start from a solution containing all coins and greedily remove them
greedyRem :: Word64 -> (Int -> Word64) -> [Coin] -> Maybe ([Coin],Word64)
greedyRem target fee xs 
    | s < goal (length xs) = Nothing
    | otherwise = return $ go [] s $ sortBy desc xs
    where desc a b = compare (outValue $ coinTxOut b) (outValue $ coinTxOut a)
          s        = sum $ map (outValue . coinTxOut) xs
          goal   c = target + fee c
          go acc tot [] = (acc,tot - (goal $ length acc))
          go acc tot (y:ys) 
            | tot - val >= (goal $ length ys + length acc) = 
                go acc (tot - val) ys
            | otherwise = go (y:acc) tot ys
            where val = outValue $ coinTxOut y

getFee :: Word64 -> Int -> Word64
getFee kbfee count = kbfee*((len + 999) `div` 1000)
    where len = fromIntegral $ guessTxSize count [] 2 0

getMSFee :: Word64 -> (Int,Int) -> Int -> Word64
getMSFee kbfee ms count = kbfee*((len + 999) `div` 1000)
    where len = fromIntegral $ guessTxSize 0 (replicate count ms) 2 0

-- | Computes an upper bound on the size of a transaction based on some known
-- properties of the transaction.
guessTxSize :: Int         -- ^ Number of regular transaction inputs.
            -> [(Int,Int)] 
               -- ^ For every multisig input in the transaction, provide
               -- the multisig parameters m of n (m,n) for that input.
            -> Int         -- ^ Number of pay to public key hash outputs.
            -> Int         -- ^ Number of pay to script hash outputs.
            -> Int         -- ^ Upper bound on the transaction size.
guessTxSize pki msi pkout msout = 8 + inpLen + inp + outLen + out
    where inpLen = BS.length $ encode' $ 
            VarInt $ fromIntegral $ (length msi) + pki
          outLen = BS.length $ encode' $ 
            VarInt $ fromIntegral $ pkout + msout
          inp    = pki*148 + (sum $ map guessMSSize msi)
                   -- (20: hash160) + (5: opcodes) + 
                   -- (1: script len) + (8: Word64)
          out    = pkout*34 + 
                   -- (20: hash160) + (3: opcodes) + 
                   -- (1: script len) + (8: Word64)

-- Size of a multisig pay2sh input
guessMSSize :: (Int,Int) -> Int
          -- OutPoint (36) + Sequence (4) + Script
guessMSSize (m,n) = 40 + (BS.length $ encode' $ VarInt $ fromIntegral scp) + scp
          -- OP_M + n*PubKey + OP_N + OP_CHECKMULTISIG
    where rdm = BS.length $ encode' $ opPushData $ BS.replicate (n*34 + 3) 0
          -- Redeem + m*sig + OP_0
          scp = rdm + m*73 + 1 

{- Build a new Tx -}

-- | Build a transaction by providing a list of outpoints as inputs
-- and a list of recipients addresses and amounts as outputs. 
buildAddrTx :: [OutPoint] -> [(String,Word64)] -> Either String Tx
buildAddrTx xs ys = buildTx xs =<< mapM f ys
    where f (s,v) = case base58ToAddr s of
            Just a@(PubKeyAddress _) -> return (PayPKHash a,v)
            Just a@(ScriptAddress _) -> return (PayScriptHash a,v)
            _ -> Left $ "buildAddrTx: Invalid address " ++ s

-- | Build a transaction by providing a list of outpoints as inputs
-- and a list of 'ScriptOutput' and amounts as outputs.
buildTx :: [OutPoint] -> [(ScriptOutput,Word64)] -> Either String Tx
buildTx xs ys = mapM fo ys >>= \os -> return $ Tx 1 (map fi xs) os 0
    where fi outPoint = TxIn outPoint (Script []) maxBound
          fo (o,v) | v <= 2100000000000000 = return $ TxOut v $ encodeOutput o
                   | otherwise = Left $ "buildTx: Invalid amount " ++ (show v)

-- | Data type used to specify the signing parameters of a transaction input.
-- To sign an input, the previous output script, outpoint and sighash are
-- required. When signing a pay to script hash output, an additional redeem
-- script is required.
data SigInput 
    -- | Parameters for signing a pay to public key hash output.
    = SigInput   { sigDataOut :: Script   -- ^ Output script to spend.
                 , sigDataOP  :: OutPoint 
                   -- ^ Reference to the transaction output to spend.
                 , sigDataSH  :: SigHash  -- ^ Signature type.
    -- | Parameters for signing a pay to script hash output.
    | SigInputSH { sigDataOut :: Script   
                 , sigDataOP  :: OutPoint 
                 , sigRedeem  :: Script   -- ^ Redeem script.
                 , sigDataSH  :: SigHash  
                 } deriving (Eq, Show)

liftSecret :: Monad m => Build a -> SecretT (BuildT m) a
liftSecret = lift . liftBuild

-- | Returns True if all the inputs of a transactions are non-empty and if
-- all multisignature inputs are fully signed.
isTxComplete :: Tx -> Bool
isTxComplete = isComplete . (mapM toBuildTxIn) . txIn

-- | Sign a transaction by providing the 'SigInput' signing parameters and a
-- list of private keys. The signature is computed within the 'SecretT' monad
-- to generate the random signing nonce and within the 'BuildT' monad to add
-- information on wether the result was fully or partially signed.
signTx :: Monad m 
       => Tx                    -- ^ Transaction to sign
       -> [SigInput]            -- ^ SigInput signing parameters
       -> [PrvKey]              -- ^ List of private keys to use for signing
       -> SecretT (BuildT m) Tx -- ^ Signed transaction
signTx tx@(Tx _ ti _ _) sigis keys = do
    liftSecret $ when (null ti) $ Broken "signTx: Transaction has no inputs"
    newIn <- mapM sign $ orderSigInput ti sigis
    return tx{ txIn = newIn }
    where sign (maybeSI,txin,i) = case maybeSI of
              Just sigi -> signTxIn txin sigi tx i keys
              _         -> liftSecret $ toBuildTxIn txin

signTxIn :: Monad m => TxIn -> SigInput -> Tx -> Int -> [PrvKey] 
         -> SecretT (BuildT m) TxIn
signTxIn txin sigi tx i keys = do
    (out,vKeys,pubs,buildf) <- liftSecret $ decodeSigInput sigi keys
    let msg = txSigHash tx (encodeOutput out) i sh
    sigs <- mapM (signMsg msg) vKeys
    liftSecret $ buildf txin tx out i pubs $ map (flip TxSignature sh) sigs
    where sh = sigDataSH sigi

-- | Sign a transaction by providing the 'SigInput' signing paramters and 
-- a list of private keys. The signature is computed deterministically as
-- defined in RFC-6979. The signature is computed within the 'Build' monad
-- to add information on wether the result was fully or partially signed.
detSignTx :: Tx         -- ^ Transaction to sign
          -> [SigInput] -- ^ SigInput signing parameters
          -> [PrvKey]   -- ^ List of private keys to use for signing
          -> Build Tx   -- ^ Signed transaction
detSignTx tx@(Tx _ ti _ _) sigis keys = do
    when (null ti) $ Broken "detSignTx: Transaction has no inputs"
    newIn <- mapM sign $ orderSigInput ti sigis
    return tx{ txIn = newIn }
    sign (maybeSI,txin,i) 
        | isComplete txinB = txinB
        | otherwise        = case maybeSI of
            Just sigi -> detSignTxIn txin sigi tx i keys
            _         -> txinB
        txinB = toBuildTxIn txin
detSignTxIn :: TxIn -> SigInput -> Tx -> Int -> [PrvKey] -> Build TxIn
detSignTxIn txin sigi tx i keys = do
    (out,vKeys,pubs,buildf) <- decodeSigInput sigi keys
    let msg  = txSigHash tx (encodeOutput out) i sh
        sigs = map (detSignMsg msg) vKeys
    buildf txin tx out i pubs $ map (flip TxSignature sh) sigs
    where sh = sigDataSH sigi

{- Helpers for signing transactions -}

-- |Decides if a TxIn is complete. If the TxIn could not be decoded and it
-- is not empty, we consider it complete.
toBuildTxIn :: TxIn -> Build TxIn
toBuildTxIn txin@(TxIn _ s _)
    | null $ scriptOps s = Partial txin
    | otherwise = case decodeScriptHash s of
        Right (ScriptHashInput (SpendMulSig xs r) _) -> 
            guardPartial (length xs == r) >> return txin
        Right _ -> return txin
        Left _ -> case decodeInput s of
            Right (SpendMulSig xs r) ->
                guardPartial (length xs == r) >> return txin
            _ -> return txin

orderSigInput :: [TxIn] -> [SigInput] -> [(Maybe SigInput, TxIn, Int)]
orderSigInput ti si = zip3 (matchTemplate si ti f) ti [0..]
    where f s txin = sigDataOP s == prevOutput txin

type BuildFunction =  TxIn -> Tx -> ScriptOutput -> Int 
                   -> [PubKey] -> [TxSignature] -> Build TxIn

decodeSigInput :: SigInput -> [PrvKey] -> 
    Build (ScriptOutput, [PrvKey], [PubKey], BuildFunction)
decodeSigInput sigi keys = case sigi of
    SigInput s _ _ -> do
        out          <- eitherToBuild $ decodeOutput s
        (vKeys,pubs) <- sigKeys out keys
        return (out,vKeys,pubs,buildTxIn)
    SigInputSH s _ sr _ -> do
        out          <- eitherToBuild $ decodeOutput s
        rdm          <- eitherToBuild $ decodeOutput sr
        (vKeys,pubs) <- sigKeysSH out rdm keys
        return (rdm,vKeys,pubs,buildTxInSH)

buildTxInSH :: BuildFunction
buildTxInSH txin tx rdm i pubs sigs = do
    s   <- scriptInput <$> buildTxIn txin tx rdm i pubs sigs
    res <- either emptyIn return $ 
        encodeScriptHash . (flip ScriptHashInput rdm) <$> decodeInput s
    return txin{ scriptInput = res }
    where emptyIn = const $ Partial $ Script []

buildTxIn :: BuildFunction
buildTxIn txin tx out i pubs sigs 
    | null sigs = Partial txin{ scriptInput = Script [] }
    | otherwise = buildRes <$> case out of
        PayPK _     -> return $ SpendPK $ head sigs
        PayPKHash _ -> return $ SpendPKHash (head sigs) (head pubs)
        PayMulSig msPubs r -> do
            let mSigs = take r $ catMaybes $ matchTemplate aSigs msPubs f
            guardPartial $ length mSigs == r
            return $ SpendMulSig mSigs r
        _ -> Broken "buildTxIn: Can't sign a P2SH script here"
    where buildRes res = txin{ scriptInput = encodeInput res }
          aSigs = concat
            [ sigs 
            , case decodeScriptHash $ scriptInput txin of
                Right (ScriptHashInput (SpendMulSig xs _) _) -> xs
                _ -> case decodeInput $ scriptInput txin of
                        Right (SpendMulSig xs _) -> xs
                        _ -> []
          f (TxSignature sig sh) pub = 
              verifySig (txSigHash tx (encodeOutput out) i sh) sig pub

sigKeysSH :: ScriptOutput -> RedeemScript -> [PrvKey]
          -> Build ([PrvKey],[PubKey])
sigKeysSH out rdm keys = case out of
    PayScriptHash a -> if scriptAddr rdm == a
        then sigKeys rdm keys
        else Broken "sigKeys: Redeem script does not match P2SH script"
    _ -> Broken "sigKeys: Can only decode P2SH script here"

sigKeys :: ScriptOutput -> [PrvKey] -> Build ([PrvKey],[PubKey])
sigKeys out keys = unzip <$> case out of
    PayPK p        -> return $ maybeToList $ 
        find ((== p) . snd) zipKeys
    PayPKHash a    -> return $ maybeToList $ 
        find ((== a) . pubKeyAddr . snd) zipKeys
    PayMulSig ps r -> return $ take r $ 
        filter ((`elem` ps) . snd) zipKeys
    _ -> Broken "sigKeys: Can't decode P2SH here" 
    where zipKeys = zip keys $ map derivePubKey keys

{- Tx verification -}

-- This is not the final transaction verification function. It is here mainly
-- as a helper for tests. It can only validates standard inputs.
verifyTx :: Tx -> [(Script,OutPoint)] -> Bool
verifyTx tx xs = flip all z3 $ \(maybeS,txin,i) -> fromMaybe False $ do
    (out,inp) <- maybeS >>= flip decodeVerifySigInput txin
    let so = encodeOutput out
    case (out,inp) of
        (PayPK pub,SpendPK (TxSignature sig sh)) -> 
            return $ verifySig (txSigHash tx so i sh) sig pub
        (PayPKHash a,SpendPKHash (TxSignature sig sh) pub) -> do
            guard $ pubKeyAddr pub == a
            return $ verifySig (txSigHash tx so i sh) sig pub
        (PayMulSig pubs r,SpendMulSig sigs _) ->
            (== r) <$> countMulSig tx so i pubs sigs 
        _ -> Nothing
    where m = map (fst <$>) $ matchTemplate xs (txIn tx) f
          f (_,o) txin = o == prevOutput txin
          z3 = zip3 m (txIn tx) [0..]
-- Count the number of valid signatures
countMulSig :: Tx -> Script -> Int -> [PubKey] -> [TxSignature] -> Maybe Int
countMulSig _ _ _ [] _  = return 0
countMulSig _ _ _ _  [] = return 0
countMulSig tx so i (pub:pubs) sigs@(TxSignature sig sh:rest)
    | verifySig (txSigHash tx so i sh) sig pub = 
         (+1) <$> countMulSig tx so i pubs rest
    | otherwise = countMulSig tx so i pubs sigs
decodeVerifySigInput :: Script -> TxIn -> Maybe (ScriptOutput, ScriptInput)
decodeVerifySigInput so (TxIn _ si _ ) = case decodeOutput so of
    Right (PayScriptHash a) -> do
        (ScriptHashInput inp rdm) <- eitherToMaybe $ decodeScriptHash si
        guard $ scriptAddr rdm == a
        return (rdm,inp)
    out -> eitherToMaybe $ liftM2 (,) out (decodeInput si)