{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {- | Module : Haskoin.Block.Headers Copyright : No rights reserved License : MIT Maintainer : jprupp@protonmail.ch Stability : experimental Portability : POSIX Block chain header synchronization and proof-of-work consensus functions. -} module Haskoin.Block.Headers ( -- * Block Headers BlockNode (..), BlockHeaders (..), BlockWork, genesisNode, genesisBlock, isGenesis, chooseBest, -- ** Header Store parentBlock, getParents, getAncestor, splitPoint, connectBlocks, connectBlock, blockLocator, -- ** Header Memory Store HeaderMemory (..), ShortBlockHash, BlockMap, shortBlockHash, initialChain, genesisMap, -- ** Helper Functions appendBlocks, validBlock, validCP, afterLastCP, bip34, validVersion, lastNoMinDiff, nextWorkRequired, nextEdaWorkRequired, nextDaaWorkRequired, nextAsertWorkRequired, computeAsertBits, computeTarget, getSuitableBlock, nextPowWorkRequired, calcNextWork, isValidPOW, blockPOW, headerWork, diffInterval, blockLocatorNodes, mineBlock, computeSubsidy, mtp, firstGreaterOrEqual, lastSmallerOrEqual, ) where import Control.Applicative ((<|>)) import Control.DeepSeq import Control.Monad (guard, mzero, unless, when) import Control.Monad.Except ( ExceptT (..), runExceptT, throwError, ) import Control.Monad.State.Strict as State ( StateT, get, gets, lift, modify, ) import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe import Data.Binary (Binary (..)) import Data.Bits (shiftL, shiftR, (.&.)) import qualified Data.ByteString as B import Data.ByteString.Short ( ShortByteString, fromShort, toShort, ) import Data.Bytes.Get import Data.Bytes.Put import Data.Bytes.Serial import Data.Function (on) import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap) import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap import Data.Hashable import Data.List (sort, sortBy) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, listToMaybe) import Data.Serialize (Serialize (..)) import Data.Typeable (Typeable) import Data.Word (Word32, Word64) import GHC.Generics (Generic) import Haskoin.Block.Common import Haskoin.Crypto import Haskoin.Data import Haskoin.Transaction.Genesis import Haskoin.Util {- | Short version of the block hash. Uses the good end of the hash (the part that doesn't have a long string of zeroes). -} type ShortBlockHash = Word64 {- | Memory-based map to a serialized 'BlockNode' data structure. 'ShortByteString' is used to avoid memory fragmentation and make the data structure compact. -} type BlockMap = HashMap ShortBlockHash ShortByteString -- | Represents accumulated work in the block chain so far. type BlockWork = Integer {- | Data structure representing a block header and its position in the block chain. -} data BlockNode = BlockNode { nodeHeader :: !BlockHeader , nodeHeight :: !BlockHeight , -- | accumulated work so far nodeWork :: !BlockWork , -- | skip magic block hash nodeSkip :: !BlockHash } deriving (Show, Read, Generic, Hashable, NFData) instance Serial BlockNode where deserialize = do nodeHeader <- deserialize nodeHeight <- getWord32le nodeWork <- getInteger if nodeHeight == 0 then do let nodeSkip = headerHash nodeHeader return BlockNode{..} else do nodeSkip <- deserialize return BlockNode{..} serialize bn = do serialize $ nodeHeader bn putWord32le $ nodeHeight bn putInteger $ nodeWork bn case nodeHeight bn of 0 -> return () _ -> serialize $ nodeSkip bn instance Serialize BlockNode where put = serialize get = deserialize instance Binary BlockNode where put = serialize get = deserialize instance Eq BlockNode where (==) = (==) `on` nodeHeader instance Ord BlockNode where compare = compare `on` nodeHeight -- | Memory-based header tree. data HeaderMemory = HeaderMemory { memoryHeaderMap :: !BlockMap , memoryBestHeader :: !BlockNode } deriving (Eq, Typeable, Show, Read, Generic, Hashable, NFData) -- | Typeclass for block header chain storage monad. class Monad m => BlockHeaders m where -- | Add a new 'BlockNode' to the chain. Does not validate. addBlockHeader :: BlockNode -> m () -- | Get a 'BlockNode' associated with a 'BlockHash'. getBlockHeader :: BlockHash -> m (Maybe BlockNode) -- | Locate the 'BlockNode' for the highest block in the chain getBestBlockHeader :: m BlockNode -- | Set the highest block in the chain. setBestBlockHeader :: BlockNode -> m () -- | Add a continuous bunch of block headers the chain. Does not validate. addBlockHeaders :: [BlockNode] -> m () addBlockHeaders = mapM_ addBlockHeader instance Monad m => BlockHeaders (StateT HeaderMemory m) where addBlockHeader = modify . addBlockHeaderMemory getBlockHeader bh = getBlockHeaderMemory bh <$> State.get getBestBlockHeader = gets memoryBestHeader setBestBlockHeader bn = modify $ \s -> s{memoryBestHeader = bn} -- | Initialize memory-based chain. initialChain :: Network -> HeaderMemory initialChain net = HeaderMemory { memoryHeaderMap = genesisMap net , memoryBestHeader = genesisNode net } -- | Initialize map for memory-based chain. genesisMap :: Network -> BlockMap genesisMap net = HashMap.singleton (shortBlockHash (headerHash (getGenesisHeader net))) (toShort (runPutS (serialize (genesisNode net)))) -- | Add block header to memory block map. addBlockHeaderMemory :: BlockNode -> HeaderMemory -> HeaderMemory addBlockHeaderMemory bn s@HeaderMemory{..} = let bm' = addBlockToMap bn memoryHeaderMap in s{memoryHeaderMap = bm'} -- | Get block header from memory block map. getBlockHeaderMemory :: BlockHash -> HeaderMemory -> Maybe BlockNode getBlockHeaderMemory bh HeaderMemory{..} = do bs <- shortBlockHash bh `HashMap.lookup` memoryHeaderMap eitherToMaybe . runGetS deserialize $ fromShort bs {- | Calculate short block hash taking eight non-zero bytes from the 16-byte hash. This function will take the bytes that are not on the zero-side of the hash, making colissions between short block hashes difficult. -} shortBlockHash :: BlockHash -> ShortBlockHash shortBlockHash = either error id . runGetS deserialize . B.take 8 . runPutS . serialize -- | Add a block to memory-based block map. addBlockToMap :: BlockNode -> BlockMap -> BlockMap addBlockToMap node = HashMap.insert (shortBlockHash $ headerHash $ nodeHeader node) (toShort $ runPutS $ serialize node) {- | Get the ancestor of the provided 'BlockNode' at the specified 'BlockHeight'. -} getAncestor :: BlockHeaders m => BlockHeight -> BlockNode -> m (Maybe BlockNode) getAncestor height node | height > nodeHeight node = return Nothing | otherwise = go node where e1 = error "Could not get skip header" e2 = error "Could not get previous block header" go walk | nodeHeight walk > height = let heightSkip = skipHeight (nodeHeight walk) heightSkipPrev = skipHeight (nodeHeight walk - 1) in if not (isGenesis walk) && ( heightSkip == height || ( heightSkip > height && not ( heightSkipPrev < heightSkip - 2 && heightSkipPrev >= height ) ) ) then do walk' <- fromMaybe e1 <$> getBlockHeader (nodeSkip walk) go walk' else do walk' <- fromMaybe e2 <$> getBlockHeader (prevBlock (nodeHeader walk)) go walk' | otherwise = return $ Just walk -- | Is the provided 'BlockNode' the Genesis block? isGenesis :: BlockNode -> Bool isGenesis BlockNode{nodeHeight = 0} = True isGenesis _ = False -- | Build the genesis 'BlockNode' for the supplied 'Network'. genesisNode :: Network -> BlockNode genesisNode net = BlockNode { nodeHeader = getGenesisHeader net , nodeHeight = 0 , nodeWork = headerWork (getGenesisHeader net) , nodeSkip = headerHash (getGenesisHeader net) } {- | Validate a list of continuous block headers and import them to the block chain. Return 'Left' on failure with error information. -} connectBlocks :: BlockHeaders m => Network -> -- | current time Timestamp -> [BlockHeader] -> m (Either String [BlockNode]) connectBlocks _ _ [] = return $ Right [] connectBlocks net t bhs@(bh : _) = runExceptT $ do unless (chained bhs) $ throwError "Blocks to connect do not form a chain" par <- maybeToExceptT "Could not get parent block" (MaybeT (parentBlock bh)) pars <- lift $ getParents 10 par bb <- lift getBestBlockHeader go par [] bb par pars bhs >>= \case bns@(bn : _) -> do lift $ addBlockHeaders bns let bb' = chooseBest bn bb when (bb' /= bb) $ lift $ setBestBlockHeader bb' return bns _ -> undefined where chained (h1 : h2 : hs) = headerHash h1 == prevBlock h2 && chained (h2 : hs) chained _ = True skipit lbh ls par | sh == nodeHeight lbh = return lbh | sh < nodeHeight lbh = do skM <- lift $ getAncestor sh lbh case skM of Just sk -> return sk Nothing -> throwError $ "BUG: Could not get skip for block " ++ show (headerHash $ nodeHeader par) | otherwise = do let sn = ls !! fromIntegral (nodeHeight par - sh) when (nodeHeight sn /= sh) $ throwError "BUG: Node height not right in skip" return sn where sh = skipHeight (nodeHeight par + 1) go _ acc _ _ _ [] = return acc go lbh acc bb par pars (h : hs) = do sk <- skipit lbh acc par bn <- ExceptT . return $ validBlock net t bb par pars h sk go lbh (bn : acc) (chooseBest bn bb) bn (take 10 $ par : pars) hs {- | Block's parent. If the block header is in the store, its parent must also be there. No block header get deleted or pruned from the store. -} parentBlock :: BlockHeaders m => BlockHeader -> m (Maybe BlockNode) parentBlock bh = getBlockHeader (prevBlock bh) {- | Validate and connect single block header to the block chain. Return 'Left' if fails to be validated. -} connectBlock :: BlockHeaders m => Network -> -- | current time Timestamp -> BlockHeader -> m (Either String BlockNode) connectBlock net t bh = runExceptT $ do par <- maybeToExceptT "Could not get parent block" (MaybeT (parentBlock bh)) pars <- lift $ getParents 10 par skM <- lift $ getAncestor (skipHeight (nodeHeight par + 1)) par sk <- case skM of Just sk -> return sk Nothing -> throwError $ "BUG: Could not get skip for block " ++ show (headerHash $ nodeHeader par) bb <- lift getBestBlockHeader bn <- ExceptT . return $ validBlock net t bb par pars bh sk let bb' = chooseBest bb bn lift $ addBlockHeader bn when (bb /= bb') . lift $ setBestBlockHeader bb' return bn -- | Validate this block header. Build a 'BlockNode' if successful. validBlock :: Network -> -- | current time Timestamp -> -- | best block BlockNode -> -- | immediate parent BlockNode -> -- | 10 parents above [BlockNode] -> -- | header to validate BlockHeader -> -- | skip node (black magic) BlockNode -> Either String BlockNode validBlock net t bb par pars bh sk = do let mt = medianTime . map (blockTimestamp . nodeHeader) $ par : pars nt = blockTimestamp bh hh = headerHash bh nv = blockVersion bh ng = nodeHeight par + 1 aw = nodeWork par + headerWork bh unless (isValidPOW net bh) $ Left $ "Proof of work failed: " ++ show (headerHash bh) unless (nt <= t + 2 * 60 * 60) $ Left $ "Invalid header timestamp: " ++ show nt unless (nt >= mt) $ Left $ "Block timestamp too early: " ++ show nt unless (afterLastCP net (nodeHeight bb) ng) $ Left $ "Rewriting pre-checkpoint chain: " ++ show ng unless (validCP net ng hh) $ Left $ "Rejected checkpoint: " ++ show ng unless (bip34 net ng hh) $ Left $ "Rejected BIP-34 block: " ++ show hh unless (validVersion net ng nv) $ Left $ "Invalid block version: " ++ show nv return BlockNode { nodeHeader = bh , nodeHeight = ng , nodeWork = aw , nodeSkip = headerHash $ nodeHeader sk } {- | Return the median of all provided timestamps. Can be unsorted. Error on empty list. -} medianTime :: [Timestamp] -> Timestamp medianTime ts | null ts = error "Cannot compute median time of empty header list" | otherwise = sort ts !! (length ts `div` 2) {- | Calculate the height of the skip (magic) block that corresponds to the given height. The block hash of the ancestor at that height will be placed on the 'BlockNode' structure to help locate ancestors at any height quickly. -} skipHeight :: BlockHeight -> BlockHeight skipHeight height | height < 2 = 0 | height .&. 1 /= 0 = invertLowestOne (invertLowestOne $ height - 1) + 1 | otherwise = invertLowestOne height -- | Part of the skip black magic calculation. invertLowestOne :: BlockHeight -> BlockHeight invertLowestOne height = height .&. (height - 1) -- | Get a number of parents for the provided block. getParents :: BlockHeaders m => Int -> BlockNode -> -- | starts from immediate parent m [BlockNode] getParents = getpars [] where getpars acc 0 _ = return $ reverse acc getpars acc n BlockNode{..} | nodeHeight == 0 = return $ reverse acc | otherwise = do parM <- getBlockHeader $ prevBlock nodeHeader case parM of Just bn -> getpars (bn : acc) (n - 1) bn Nothing -> error "BUG: All non-genesis blocks should have a parent" -- | Verify that checkpoint location is valid. validCP :: Network -> -- | new child height BlockHeight -> -- | new child hash BlockHash -> Bool validCP net height newChildHash = case lookup height (getCheckpoints net) of Just cpHash -> cpHash == newChildHash Nothing -> True {- | New block height above the last checkpoint imported. Used to prevent a reorg below the highest checkpoint that was already imported. -} afterLastCP :: Network -> -- | best height BlockHeight -> -- | new imported block height BlockHeight -> Bool afterLastCP net bestHeight newChildHeight = case lM of Just l -> l < newChildHeight Nothing -> True where lM = listToMaybe . reverse $ [c | (c, _) <- getCheckpoints net, c <= bestHeight] {- | This block should be at least version 2 (BIP34). Block height must be included in the coinbase transaction to prevent non-unique transaction hashes. -} bip34 :: Network -> -- | new child height BlockHeight -> -- | new child hash BlockHash -> Bool bip34 net height hsh | fst (getBip34Block net) == 0 = True | fst (getBip34Block net) == height = snd (getBip34Block net) == hsh | otherwise = True -- | Check if the provided block height and version are valid. validVersion :: Network -> -- | new child height BlockHeight -> -- | new child version Word32 -> Bool validVersion net height version | version < 2 = height < fst (getBip34Block net) | version < 3 = height < getBip66Height net | version < 4 = height < getBip65Height net | otherwise = True {- | Find last block with normal, as opposed to minimum difficulty (for test networks). -} lastNoMinDiff :: BlockHeaders m => Network -> BlockNode -> m BlockNode lastNoMinDiff _ bn@BlockNode{nodeHeight = 0} = return bn lastNoMinDiff net bn@BlockNode{..} = do let i = nodeHeight `mod` diffInterval net /= 0 c = encodeCompact (getPowLimit net) l = blockBits nodeHeader == c e1 = error $ "Could not get block header for parent of " ++ show (headerHash nodeHeader) if i && l then do bn' <- fromMaybe e1 <$> getBlockHeader (prevBlock nodeHeader) lastNoMinDiff net bn' else return bn {- | Returns the work required on a block header given the previous block. This coresponds to @bitcoind@ function @GetNextWorkRequired@ in @main.cpp@. -} nextWorkRequired :: BlockHeaders m => Network -> BlockNode -> BlockHeader -> m Word32 nextWorkRequired net par bh = do ma <- getAsertAnchor net case asert ma <|> daa <|> eda <|> pow of Just f -> f par bh Nothing -> error "Could not determine difficulty algorithm" where asert ma = do anchor <- ma guard (nodeHeight par > nodeHeight anchor) return $ nextAsertWorkRequired net anchor daa = do daa_height <- getDaaBlockHeight net guard (nodeHeight par + 1 >= daa_height) return $ nextDaaWorkRequired net eda = do eda_height <- getEdaBlockHeight net guard (nodeHeight par + 1 >= eda_height) return $ nextEdaWorkRequired net pow = return $ nextPowWorkRequired net {- | Find out the next amount of work required according to the Emergency Difficulty Adjustment (EDA) algorithm from Bitcoin Cash. -} nextEdaWorkRequired :: BlockHeaders m => Network -> BlockNode -> BlockHeader -> m Word32 nextEdaWorkRequired net par bh | nodeHeight par + 1 `mod` diffInterval net == 0 = nextWorkRequired net par bh | minDifficulty = return (encodeCompact (getPowLimit net)) | blockBits (nodeHeader par) == encodeCompact (getPowLimit net) = return (encodeCompact (getPowLimit net)) | otherwise = do par6 <- fromMaybe e1 <$> getAncestor (nodeHeight par - 6) par pars <- getParents 10 par pars6 <- getParents 10 par6 let par6med = medianTime $ map (blockTimestamp . nodeHeader) (par6 : pars6) parmed = medianTime $ map (blockTimestamp . nodeHeader) (par : pars) mtp6 = parmed - par6med if mtp6 < 12 * 3600 then return $ blockBits (nodeHeader par) else return $ let (diff, _) = decodeCompact (blockBits (nodeHeader par)) ndiff = diff + (diff `shiftR` 2) in if getPowLimit net > ndiff then encodeCompact (getPowLimit net) else encodeCompact ndiff where minDifficulty = blockTimestamp bh > blockTimestamp (nodeHeader par) + getTargetSpacing net * 2 e1 = error "Could not get seventh ancestor of block" {- | Find the next amount of work required according to the Difficulty Adjustment Algorithm (DAA) from Bitcoin Cash. -} nextDaaWorkRequired :: BlockHeaders m => Network -> BlockNode -> BlockHeader -> m Word32 nextDaaWorkRequired net par bh | minDifficulty = return (encodeCompact (getPowLimit net)) | otherwise = do unless (height >= diffInterval net) $ error "Block height below difficulty interval" l <- getSuitableBlock par par144 <- fromMaybe e1 <$> getAncestor (height - 144) par f <- getSuitableBlock par144 let nextTarget = computeTarget net f l if nextTarget > getPowLimit net then return $ encodeCompact (getPowLimit net) else return $ encodeCompact nextTarget where height = nodeHeight par e1 = error "Cannot get ancestor at parent - 144 height" minDifficulty = blockTimestamp bh > blockTimestamp (nodeHeader par) + getTargetSpacing net * 2 mtp :: BlockHeaders m => BlockNode -> m Timestamp mtp bn | nodeHeight bn == 0 = return 0 | otherwise = do pars <- getParents 11 bn return $ medianTime (map (blockTimestamp . nodeHeader) pars) firstGreaterOrEqual :: BlockHeaders m => Network -> (BlockNode -> m Ordering) -> m (Maybe BlockNode) firstGreaterOrEqual = binSearch False lastSmallerOrEqual :: BlockHeaders m => Network -> (BlockNode -> m Ordering) -> m (Maybe BlockNode) lastSmallerOrEqual = binSearch True binSearch :: BlockHeaders m => Bool -> Network -> (BlockNode -> m Ordering) -> m (Maybe BlockNode) binSearch top net f = runMaybeT $ do (a, b) <- lift $ extremes net go a b where go a b = do m <- lift $ middleBlock a b a' <- lift $ f a b' <- lift $ f b m' <- lift $ f m r (a, a') (b, b') (m, m') r (a, a') (b, b') (m, m') | out_of_bounds a' b' = mzero | select_first a' = return a | select_last b' = return b | no_middle a b = choose_one a b | is_between a' m' = go a m | is_between m' b' = go m b | otherwise = mzero select_first a' | not top = a' /= LT | otherwise = False select_last b' | top = b' /= GT | otherwise = False out_of_bounds a' b' | top = a' == GT | otherwise = b' == LT no_middle a b = nodeHeight b - nodeHeight a <= 1 is_between a' b' = a' /= GT && b' /= LT choose_one a b | top = return a | otherwise = return b extremes :: BlockHeaders m => Network -> m (BlockNode, BlockNode) extremes net = do b <- getBestBlockHeader return (genesisNode net, b) middleBlock :: BlockHeaders m => BlockNode -> BlockNode -> m BlockNode middleBlock a b = getAncestor h b >>= \case Nothing -> error "You fell into a pit full of mud and snakes" Just x -> return x where h = middleOf (nodeHeight a) (nodeHeight b) middleOf :: Integral a => a -> a -> a middleOf a b = a + ((b - a) `div` 2) -- TODO: Use known anchor after fork getAsertAnchor :: BlockHeaders m => Network -> m (Maybe BlockNode) getAsertAnchor net = case getAsertActivationTime net of Nothing -> return Nothing Just act -> firstGreaterOrEqual net (f act) where f act bn = do m <- mtp bn return $ compare m act -- | Find the next amount of work required according to the aserti3-2d algorithm. nextAsertWorkRequired :: BlockHeaders m => Network -> BlockNode -> BlockNode -> BlockHeader -> m Word32 nextAsertWorkRequired net anchor par bh = do anchor_parent <- fromMaybe e_fork <$> getBlockHeader (prevBlock (nodeHeader anchor)) let anchor_parent_time = toInteger $ blockTimestamp $ nodeHeader anchor_parent time_diff = current_time - anchor_parent_time return $ computeAsertBits halflife anchor_bits time_diff height_diff where halflife = getAsertHalfLife net anchor_height = toInteger $ nodeHeight anchor anchor_bits = blockBits $ nodeHeader anchor current_height = toInteger (nodeHeight par) + 1 height_diff = current_height - anchor_height current_time = toInteger $ blockTimestamp bh e_fork = error "Could not get fork block header" idealBlockTime :: Integer idealBlockTime = 10 * 60 rBits :: Int rBits = 16 radix :: Integer radix = 1 `shiftL` rBits maxBits :: Word32 maxBits = 0x1d00ffff maxTarget :: Integer maxTarget = fst $ decodeCompact maxBits computeAsertBits :: Integer -> Word32 -> Integer -> Integer -> Word32 computeAsertBits halflife anchor_bits time_diff height_diff = if e2 >= 0 && e2 < 65536 then if g4 == 0 then encodeCompact 1 else if g4 > maxTarget then maxBits else encodeCompact g4 else error $ "Exponent not in range: " ++ show e2 where g1 = fst (decodeCompact anchor_bits) e1 = ((time_diff - idealBlockTime * (height_diff + 1)) * radix) `quot` halflife s = e1 `shiftR` rBits e2 = e1 - s * radix g2 = g1 * ( radix + ( (195766423245049 * e2 + 971821376 * e2 ^ 2 + 5127 * e2 ^ 3 + 2 ^ 47) `shiftR` (rBits * 3) ) ) g3 = if s < 0 then g2 `shiftR` negate (fromIntegral s) else g2 `shiftL` fromIntegral s g4 = g3 `shiftR` rBits -- | Compute Bitcoin Cash DAA target for a new block. computeTarget :: Network -> BlockNode -> BlockNode -> Integer computeTarget net f l = let work = (nodeWork l - nodeWork f) * fromIntegral (getTargetSpacing net) actualTimespan = blockTimestamp (nodeHeader l) - blockTimestamp (nodeHeader f) actualTimespan' | actualTimespan > 288 * getTargetSpacing net = 288 * getTargetSpacing net | actualTimespan < 72 * getTargetSpacing net = 72 * getTargetSpacing net | otherwise = actualTimespan work' = work `div` fromIntegral actualTimespan' in 2 ^ (256 :: Integer) `div` work' -- | Get suitable block for Bitcoin Cash DAA computation. getSuitableBlock :: BlockHeaders m => BlockNode -> m BlockNode getSuitableBlock par = do unless (nodeHeight par >= 3) $ error "Block height is less than three" blocks <- (par :) <$> getParents 2 par return $ sortBy (compare `on` blockTimestamp . nodeHeader) blocks !! 1 {- | Returns the work required on a block header given the previous block. This coresponds to bitcoind function GetNextWorkRequired in main.cpp. -} nextPowWorkRequired :: BlockHeaders m => Network -> BlockNode -> BlockHeader -> m Word32 nextPowWorkRequired net par bh | nodeHeight par + 1 `mod` diffInterval net /= 0 = if getAllowMinDifficultyBlocks net then if ht > pt + delta then return $ encodeCompact (getPowLimit net) else do d <- lastNoMinDiff net par return $ blockBits $ nodeHeader d else return $ blockBits $ nodeHeader par | otherwise = do let rh = nodeHeight par - (diffInterval net - 1) a <- fromMaybe e1 <$> getAncestor rh par let t = blockTimestamp $ nodeHeader a return $ calcNextWork net (nodeHeader par) t where e1 = error "Could not get ancestor for block header" pt = blockTimestamp $ nodeHeader par ht = blockTimestamp bh delta = getTargetSpacing net * 2 -- | Computes the work required for the first block in a new retarget period. calcNextWork :: Network -> -- | last block in previous retarget (parent) BlockHeader -> -- | timestamp of first block in previous retarget Timestamp -> Word32 calcNextWork net header time | getPowNoRetargetting net = blockBits header | new > getPowLimit net = encodeCompact (getPowLimit net) | otherwise = encodeCompact new where s = blockTimestamp header - time n | s < getTargetTimespan net `div` 4 = getTargetTimespan net `div` 4 | s > getTargetTimespan net * 4 = getTargetTimespan net * 4 | otherwise = s l = fst $ decodeCompact $ blockBits header new = l * fromIntegral n `div` fromIntegral (getTargetTimespan net) {- | Returns True if the difficulty target (bits) of the header is valid and the proof of work of the header matches the advertised difficulty target. This function corresponds to the function @CheckProofOfWork@ from @bitcoind@ in @main.cpp@. -} isValidPOW :: Network -> BlockHeader -> Bool isValidPOW net h | target <= 0 || over || target > getPowLimit net = False | otherwise = blockPOW (headerHash h) <= fromIntegral target where (target, over) = decodeCompact $ blockBits h -- | Returns the proof of work of a block header hash as an 'Integer' number. blockPOW :: BlockHash -> Integer blockPOW = bsToInteger . B.reverse . runPutS . serialize {- | Returns the work represented by this block. Work is defined as the number of tries needed to solve a block in the average case with respect to the target. -} headerWork :: BlockHeader -> Integer headerWork bh = largestHash `div` (target + 1) where target = fst $ decodeCompact $ blockBits bh largestHash = 1 `shiftL` 256 -- | Number of blocks on average between difficulty cycles (2016 blocks). diffInterval :: Network -> Word32 diffInterval net = getTargetTimespan net `div` getTargetSpacing net -- | Compare two blocks to get the best. chooseBest :: BlockNode -> BlockNode -> BlockNode chooseBest b1 b2 | nodeWork b1 == nodeWork b2 = if nodeHeight b1 >= nodeHeight b2 then b1 else b2 | nodeWork b1 > nodeWork b2 = b1 | otherwise = b2 -- | Get list of blocks for a block locator. blockLocatorNodes :: BlockHeaders m => BlockNode -> m [BlockNode] blockLocatorNodes best = reverse <$> go [] best 1 where e1 = error "Could not get ancestor" go loc bn n = let loc' = bn : loc n' = if length loc' > 10 then n * 2 else 1 in if nodeHeight bn < n' then do a <- fromMaybe e1 <$> getAncestor 0 bn return $ a : loc' else do let h = nodeHeight bn - n' bn' <- fromMaybe e1 <$> getAncestor h bn go loc' bn' n' -- | Get block locator. blockLocator :: BlockHeaders m => BlockNode -> m BlockLocator blockLocator bn = map (headerHash . nodeHeader) <$> blockLocatorNodes bn -- | Become rich beyond your wildest dreams. mineBlock :: Network -> Word32 -> BlockHeader -> BlockHeader mineBlock net seed h = head [ j | i <- (+ seed) <$> [0 .. maxBound] , let j = h{bhNonce = i} , isValidPOW net j ] -- | Generate and append new blocks (mining). Only practical in regtest network. appendBlocks :: Network -> -- | random seed Word32 -> BlockHeader -> Int -> [BlockHeader] appendBlocks _ _ _ 0 = [] appendBlocks net seed bh i = bh' : appendBlocks net seed bh' (i - 1) where bh' = mineBlock net seed bh { prevBlock = headerHash bh , -- Just to make it different in every header merkleRoot = sha256 $ runPutS $ serialize seed } -- | Find the last common block ancestor between provided block headers. splitPoint :: BlockHeaders m => BlockNode -> BlockNode -> m BlockNode splitPoint l r = do let h = min (nodeHeight l) (nodeHeight r) ll <- fromMaybe e <$> getAncestor h l lr <- fromMaybe e <$> getAncestor h r f ll lr where e = error "BUG: Could not get ancestor at lowest height" f ll lr = if ll == lr then return lr else do let h = nodeHeight ll - 1 pl <- fromMaybe e <$> getAncestor h ll pr <- fromMaybe e <$> getAncestor h lr f pl pr -- | Generate the entire Genesis block for 'Network'. genesisBlock :: Network -> Block genesisBlock net = Block (getGenesisHeader net) [genesisTx] -- | Compute block subsidy at particular height. computeSubsidy :: Network -> BlockHeight -> Word64 computeSubsidy net height = let halvings = height `div` getHalvingInterval net ini = 50 * 100 * 1000 * 1000 in if halvings >= 64 then 0 else ini `shiftR` fromIntegral halvings