module Network.Haskoin.Script.Parser
( ScriptOutput(..)
, ScriptInput(..)
, SimpleInput(..)
, RedeemScript
, scriptAddr
, scriptRecipient
, scriptSender
, encodeInput
, encodeInputBS
, decodeInput
, decodeInputBS
, encodeOutput
, encodeOutputBS
, decodeOutput
, decodeOutputBS
, sortMulSig
, intToScriptOp
, scriptOpToInt
, isPayPK
, isPayPKHash
, isPayMulSig
, isPayScriptHash
, isSpendPK
, isSpendPKHash
, isSpendMulSig
, isScriptHashInput
) where

import Control.DeepSeq (NFData, rnf)
import Control.Monad (liftM2, guard, (<=<))
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))

import Data.List (sortBy)
import Data.Foldable (foldrM)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
    ( head
    , singleton
import Data.String.Conversions (cs)
import Data.Aeson
    ( Value (String)
    , FromJSON
    , ToJSON
    , parseJSON
    , toJSON
    , withText
import Network.Haskoin.Util
import Network.Haskoin.Crypto.Keys
import Network.Haskoin.Crypto.Base58
import Network.Haskoin.Crypto.Hash
import Network.Haskoin.Script.Types
import Network.Haskoin.Script.SigHash

-- | Data type describing standard transaction output scripts. Output scripts
-- provide the conditions that must be fulfilled for someone to spend the
-- output coins.
data ScriptOutput =
      -- | Pay to a public key.
      PayPK         { getOutputPubKey   :: !PubKey }
      -- | Pay to a public key hash.
    | PayPKHash     { getOutputAddress  :: !Address }
      -- | Pay to multiple public keys.
    | PayMulSig     { getOutputMulSigKeys     :: ![PubKey]
                    , getOutputMulSigRequired :: !Int
      -- | Pay to a script hash.
    | PayScriptHash { getOutputAddress  :: !Address }
    deriving (Eq, Show, Read)

instance FromJSON ScriptOutput where
    parseJSON = withText "scriptoutput" $ \t -> either fail return $
        maybeToEither "scriptoutput not hex" (decodeHex $ cs t) >>=

instance ToJSON ScriptOutput where
    toJSON = String . cs . encodeHex . encodeOutputBS

instance NFData ScriptOutput where
    rnf (PayPK k) = rnf k
    rnf (PayPKHash a) = rnf a
    rnf (PayMulSig k r) = rnf k `seq` rnf r
    rnf (PayScriptHash a) = rnf a

-- | Returns True if the script is a pay to public key output.
isPayPK :: ScriptOutput -> Bool
isPayPK (PayPK _) = True
isPayPK _ = False

-- | Returns True if the script is a pay to public key hash output.
isPayPKHash :: ScriptOutput -> Bool
isPayPKHash (PayPKHash _) = True
isPayPKHash _ = False

-- | Returns True if the script is a pay to multiple public keys output.
isPayMulSig :: ScriptOutput -> Bool
isPayMulSig (PayMulSig _ _) = True
isPayMulSig _ = False

-- | Returns true if the script is a pay to script hash output.
isPayScriptHash :: ScriptOutput -> Bool
isPayScriptHash (PayScriptHash _) = True
isPayScriptHash _ = False

-- | Computes a script address from a script output. This address can be used
-- in a pay to script hash output.
scriptAddr :: ScriptOutput -> Address
scriptAddr = ScriptAddress . hash160 . getHash256 . hash256 . encodeOutputBS

-- | Sorts the public keys of a multisignature output in ascending order by
-- comparing their serialized representations. This feature allows for easier
-- multisignature account management as participants in a multisignature wallet
-- will blindly agree on an ordering of the public keys without having to
-- communicate.
sortMulSig :: ScriptOutput -> ScriptOutput
sortMulSig out = case out of
    PayMulSig keys r -> PayMulSig (sortBy f keys) r
    _ -> error "Can only call orderMulSig on PayMulSig scripts"
    f a b = encode' a `compare` encode' b

-- | Computes a 'Script' from a 'ScriptOutput'. The 'Script' is a list of
-- 'ScriptOp' can can be used to build a 'Tx'.
encodeOutput :: ScriptOutput -> Script
encodeOutput s = Script $ case s of
    -- Pay to PubKey
    (PayPK k) -> [opPushData $ encode' k, OP_CHECKSIG]
    -- Pay to PubKey Hash Address
    (PayPKHash a) -> case a of
        (PubKeyAddress h) -> [ OP_DUP, OP_HASH160, opPushData $ encode' h
                             , OP_EQUALVERIFY, OP_CHECKSIG
        (ScriptAddress _) ->
            error "encodeOutput: ScriptAddress is invalid in PayPKHash"
    -- Pay to MultiSig Keys
    (PayMulSig ps r)
      | r <= length ps ->
        let opM = intToScriptOp r
            opN = intToScriptOp $ length ps
            keys = map (opPushData . encode') ps
            in opM : keys ++ [opN, OP_CHECKMULTISIG]
      | otherwise -> error "encodeOutput: PayMulSig r must be <= than pkeys"
    -- Pay to Script Hash Address
    (PayScriptHash a) -> case a of
        (ScriptAddress h) -> [ OP_HASH160
                             , opPushData $ encode' h, OP_EQUAL
        (PubKeyAddress _) ->
            error "encodeOutput: PubKeyAddress is invalid in PayScriptHash"

-- | Similar to 'encodeOutput' but encodes to a ByteString
encodeOutputBS :: ScriptOutput -> ByteString
encodeOutputBS = encode' . encodeOutput

-- | Tries to decode a 'ScriptOutput' from a 'Script'. This can fail if the
-- script is not recognized as any of the standard output types.
decodeOutput :: Script -> Either String ScriptOutput
decodeOutput s = case scriptOps s of
    -- Pay to PubKey
    [OP_PUSHDATA bs _, OP_CHECKSIG] -> PayPK <$> decodeToEither bs
    -- Pay to PubKey Hash
        (PayPKHash . PubKeyAddress) <$> decodeToEither bs
    -- Pay to Script Hash
    [OP_HASH160, OP_PUSHDATA bs _, OP_EQUAL] ->
        (PayScriptHash . ScriptAddress) <$> decodeToEither bs
    -- Pay to MultiSig Keys
    _ -> matchPayMulSig s

-- | Similar to 'decodeOutput' but decodes from a ByteString
decodeOutputBS :: ByteString -> Either String ScriptOutput
decodeOutputBS = decodeOutput <=< decodeToEither

-- Match [ OP_N, PubKey1, ..., PubKeyM, OP_M, OP_CHECKMULTISIG ]
matchPayMulSig :: Script -> Either String ScriptOutput
matchPayMulSig (Script ops) = case splitAt (length ops - 2) ops of
    (m:xs,[n,OP_CHECKMULTISIG]) -> do
        (intM,intN) <- liftM2 (,) (scriptOpToInt m) (scriptOpToInt n)
        if intM <= intN && length xs == intN
            then liftM2 PayMulSig (go xs) (return intM)
            else Left "matchPayMulSig: Invalid M or N parameters"
    _ -> Left "matchPayMulSig: script did not match output template"
    go (OP_PUSHDATA bs _:xs) = liftM2 (:) (decodeToEither bs) (go xs)
    go [] = return []
    go  _ = Left "matchPayMulSig: invalid multisig opcode"

-- | Transforms integers [1 .. 16] to 'ScriptOp' [OP_1 .. OP_16]
intToScriptOp :: Int -> ScriptOp
intToScriptOp i
    | i `elem` [1..16] = op
    |        otherwise = error $ "intToScriptOp: Invalid integer " ++ (show i)
    op = decode' $ BS.singleton $ fromIntegral $ i + 0x50

-- | Decode 'ScriptOp' [OP_1 .. OP_16] to integers [1 .. 16]. This functions
-- fails for other values of 'ScriptOp'
scriptOpToInt :: ScriptOp -> Either String Int
scriptOpToInt s
    | res `elem` [1..16] = return res
    | otherwise          = Left $ "scriptOpToInt: invalid opcode " ++ (show s)
    res = (fromIntegral $ BS.head $ encode' s) - 0x50

-- | Computes the recipient address of a script. This function fails if the
-- script could not be decoded as a pay to public key hash or pay to script
-- hash.
scriptRecipient :: Script -> Either String Address
scriptRecipient s = case decodeOutput s of
    Right (PayPKHash a)     -> return a
    Right (PayScriptHash a) -> return a
    Right _                 -> Left "scriptRecipient: bad output script type"
    _                       -> Left "scriptRecipient: non-standard script type"

-- | Computes the sender address of a script. This function fails if the
-- script could not be decoded as a spend public key hash or script hash
-- input.
scriptSender :: Script -> Either String Address
scriptSender s = case decodeInput s of
    Right (RegularInput (SpendPKHash _ key)) -> return $ pubKeyAddr key
    Right (ScriptHashInput _ rdm)            -> return $ scriptAddr rdm
    Right _ -> Left "scriptSender: bad input script type"
    _ -> Left "scriptSender: non-standard script type"

-- | Data type describing standard transaction input scripts. Input scripts
-- provide the signing data required to unlock the coins of the output they are
-- trying to spend.
data SimpleInput
      -- | Spend the coins of a PayPK output.
    = SpendPK     { getInputSig :: !TxSignature }
      -- | Spend the coins of a PayPKHash output.
    | SpendPKHash { getInputSig :: !TxSignature
                  , getInputKey :: !PubKey
      -- | Spend the coins of a PayMulSig output.
    | SpendMulSig { getInputMulSigKeys :: ![TxSignature] }
    deriving (Eq, Show, Read)

instance NFData SimpleInput where
    rnf (SpendPK i) = rnf i
    rnf (SpendPKHash i k) = rnf i `seq` rnf k
    rnf (SpendMulSig k) = rnf k

-- | Returns True if the input script is spending a public key.
isSpendPK :: ScriptInput -> Bool
isSpendPK (RegularInput (SpendPK _)) = True
isSpendPK _ = False

-- | Returns True if the input script is spending a public key hash.
isSpendPKHash :: ScriptInput -> Bool
isSpendPKHash (RegularInput (SpendPKHash _ _)) = True
isSpendPKHash _ = False

-- | Returns True if the input script is spending a multisignature output.
isSpendMulSig :: ScriptInput -> Bool
isSpendMulSig (RegularInput (SpendMulSig _)) = True
isSpendMulSig _ = False

isScriptHashInput :: ScriptInput -> Bool
isScriptHashInput (ScriptHashInput _ _) = True
isScriptHashInput _ = False

type RedeemScript = ScriptOutput

data ScriptInput
    = RegularInput    { getRegularInput     :: SimpleInput }
    | ScriptHashInput { getScriptHashInput  :: SimpleInput
                      , getScriptHashRedeem :: RedeemScript
    deriving (Eq, Show, Read)

instance NFData ScriptInput where
    rnf (RegularInput i) = rnf i
    rnf (ScriptHashInput i o) = rnf i `seq` rnf o

-- | Computes a 'Script' from a 'SimpleInput'. The 'Script' is a list of
-- 'ScriptOp' that can be used to build a 'Tx'.
encodeSimpleInput :: SimpleInput -> Script
encodeSimpleInput s = Script $ case s of
    SpendPK ts       -> [ opPushData $ encodeSig ts ]
    SpendPKHash ts p -> [ opPushData $ encodeSig ts
                        , opPushData $ encode' p
    SpendMulSig ts   -> OP_0 : map (opPushData . encodeSig) ts

decodeSimpleInput :: Script -> Either String SimpleInput
decodeSimpleInput (Script ops) = maybeToEither errMsg $
    matchPK ops <|> matchPKHash ops <|> matchMulSig ops
    matchPK [OP_PUSHDATA bs _] = SpendPK <$> eitherToMaybe (decodeSig bs)
    matchPK _ = Nothing
    matchPKHash [OP_PUSHDATA sig _, OP_PUSHDATA pub _] =
        liftM2 SpendPKHash (eitherToMaybe $ decodeSig sig) (decodeToMaybe pub)
    matchPKHash _ = Nothing
    matchMulSig (x:xs) = do
        guard $ isPushOp x
        SpendMulSig <$> foldrM f [] xs
    matchMulSig _ = Nothing
    f (OP_PUSHDATA bs _) acc =
        liftM2 (:) (eitherToMaybe $ decodeSig bs) (Just acc)
    f _ _ = Nothing
    errMsg = "decodeInput: Could not decode script input"

encodeInput :: ScriptInput -> Script
encodeInput s = case s of
    RegularInput ri -> encodeSimpleInput ri
    ScriptHashInput i o -> Script $
        (scriptOps $ encodeSimpleInput i) ++ [opPushData $ encodeOutputBS o]

-- | Similar to 'encodeInput' but encodes to a ByteString
encodeInputBS :: ScriptInput -> ByteString
encodeInputBS = encode' . encodeInput

-- | Decodes a 'ScriptInput' from a 'Script'. This function fails if the
-- script can not be parsed as a standard script input.
decodeInput :: Script -> Either String ScriptInput
decodeInput s@(Script ops) = maybeToEither errMsg $
    matchSimpleInput <|> matchPayScriptHash
    matchSimpleInput = RegularInput <$> (eitherToMaybe $ decodeSimpleInput s)
    matchPayScriptHash = case splitAt (length (scriptOps s) - 1) ops of
        (is, [OP_PUSHDATA bs _]) -> do
            rdm <- eitherToMaybe $ decodeOutputBS bs
            inp <- eitherToMaybe $ decodeSimpleInput $ Script is
            return $ ScriptHashInput inp rdm
        _ -> Nothing
    errMsg = "decodeInput: Could not decode script input"

-- | Similar to 'decodeInput' but decodes from a ByteString
decodeInputBS :: ByteString -> Either String ScriptInput
decodeInputBS = decodeInput <=< decodeToEither