{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns             #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables        #-}
Module      : Network.Haskoin.Transaction.Partial
Copyright   : No rights reserved
License     : UNLICENSE
Maintainer  : matt@bitnomial.com
Stability   : experimental
Portability : POSIX

Code related to PSBT parsing and serialization.
module Network.Haskoin.Transaction.Partial
    ( PartiallySignedTransaction (..)
    , Input (..)
    , Output (..)
    , UnknownMap (..)
    , Key (..)
    , merge
    , mergeInput
    , mergeOutput
    , complete
    , finalTransaction
    , emptyPSBT
    , emptyInput
    , emptyOutput
    ) where

import           Control.Applicative         ((<|>))
import           Control.Monad               (guard, replicateM, void)
import           Data.ByteString             (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString             as B
import           Data.Hashable               (Hashable)
import           Data.HashMap.Strict         (HashMap)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict         as HashMap
import           Data.List                   (foldl')
import           Data.Maybe                  (fromMaybe, isJust)
import           Data.Serialize              as S
import           GHC.Generics                (Generic)
import           GHC.Word                    (Word32, Word8)
import           Network.Haskoin.Address     (Address (..), pubKeyAddr)
import           Network.Haskoin.Keys        (Fingerprint, KeyIndex, PubKeyI)
import           Network.Haskoin.Network     (VarInt (..), VarString (..),
import           Network.Haskoin.Script      (Script (..), ScriptOp (..),
                                              ScriptOutput (..), SigHash,
                                              decodeOutput, decodeOutputBS,
                                              encodeOutputBS, isPayScriptHash,
                                              opPushData, toP2SH, toP2WSH)
import           Network.Haskoin.Transaction (Tx (..), TxOut, WitnessStack,
                                              outPointIndex, prevOutput,
                                              scriptInput, scriptOutput)
import           Network.Haskoin.Util        (eitherToMaybe)

-- | PSBT data type as specified in [BIP-174](https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0174.mediawiki). This
-- contains an unsigned transaction, inputs and outputs, and unspecified extra data. There is one input per input in the
-- unsigned transaction, and one output per output in the unsigned transaction. The inputs and outputs in the
-- 'PartiallySignedTransaction' line up by index with the inputs and outputs in the unsigned transaction.
data PartiallySignedTransaction = PartiallySignedTransaction
    { unsignedTransaction :: Tx
    , globalUnknown       :: UnknownMap
    , inputs              :: [Input]
    , outputs             :: [Output]
    } deriving (Show, Eq)

-- | Inputs contain all of the data needed to sign a transaction and all of the resulting signature data after signing.
data Input = Input
    { nonWitnessUtxo     :: Maybe Tx
    , witnessUtxo        :: Maybe TxOut
    , partialSigs        :: HashMap PubKeyI ByteString
    , sigHashType        :: Maybe SigHash
    , inputRedeemScript  :: Maybe Script
    , inputWitnessScript :: Maybe Script
    , inputHDKeypaths    :: HashMap PubKeyI (Fingerprint, [KeyIndex])
    , finalScriptSig     :: Maybe Script
    , finalScriptWitness :: Maybe WitnessStack
    , inputUnknown       :: UnknownMap
    } deriving (Show, Eq)

-- | Outputs can contain information needed to spend the output at a later date.
data Output = Output
    { outputRedeemScript  :: Maybe Script
    , outputWitnessScript :: Maybe Script
    , outputHDKeypaths    :: HashMap PubKeyI (Fingerprint, [KeyIndex])
    , outputUnknown       :: UnknownMap
    } deriving (Show, Eq)

-- | A map of raw PSBT keys to byte strings for extra data. The 'keyType' field cannot overlap with any of the reserved
-- 'keyType' fields specified in the PSBT specification.
newtype UnknownMap = UnknownMap { unknownMap :: HashMap Key ByteString }
    deriving (Show, Eq, Semigroup, Monoid)

-- | Raw keys for the map type used in PSBTs.
data Key = Key
    { keyType :: Word8
    , key     :: ByteString
    } deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)

instance Hashable Key

-- | Take two 'PartiallySignedTransaction's and merge them. The 'unsignedTransaction' field in both must be the same.
merge :: PartiallySignedTransaction -> PartiallySignedTransaction -> Maybe PartiallySignedTransaction
merge psbt1 psbt2
    | unsignedTransaction psbt1 == unsignedTransaction psbt2
    = Just $ psbt1
        { globalUnknown = globalUnknown psbt1 <> globalUnknown psbt2
        , inputs = zipWith mergeInput (inputs psbt1) (inputs psbt2)
        , outputs = zipWith mergeOutput (outputs psbt1) (outputs psbt2)
merge _ _ = Nothing

mergeInput :: Input -> Input -> Input
mergeInput a b = Input
    { nonWitnessUtxo = if isJust witUtx then Nothing else nonWitnessUtxo a <|> nonWitnessUtxo b
    , witnessUtxo = witUtx
    , sigHashType = sigHashType a <|> sigHashType b
    , partialSigs = partialSigs a <> partialSigs b
    , inputHDKeypaths = inputHDKeypaths a <> inputHDKeypaths b
    , inputUnknown = inputUnknown a <> inputUnknown b
    , inputRedeemScript = inputRedeemScript a <|> inputRedeemScript b
    , inputWitnessScript = inputWitnessScript a <|> inputWitnessScript b
    , finalScriptSig = finalScriptSig a <|> finalScriptSig b
    , finalScriptWitness = finalScriptWitness a <|> finalScriptWitness b
    witUtx = witnessUtxo a <|> witnessUtxo b

mergeOutput :: Output -> Output -> Output
mergeOutput a b = Output
    { outputRedeemScript = outputRedeemScript a <|> outputRedeemScript b
    , outputWitnessScript = outputWitnessScript a <|> outputWitnessScript b
    , outputHDKeypaths = outputHDKeypaths a <> outputHDKeypaths b
    , outputUnknown = outputUnknown a <> outputUnknown b

-- | Take partial signatures from all of the 'Input's and finalize the signature.
complete :: PartiallySignedTransaction -> PartiallySignedTransaction
complete psbt = psbt { inputs = map (completeInput . analyzeInputs) (indexed $ inputs psbt) }
    analyzeInputs (i, input) = (outputScript =<< witnessUtxo input <|> nonWitScript, input)
        nonWitScript = getPrevOut i =<< nonWitnessUtxo input

    getPrevOut i tx =
       (txOut tx !!?) . fromIntegral . outPointIndex . prevOutput =<< txIn (unsignedTransaction psbt) !!? i
    xs !!? i = lookup i $ indexed xs

    outputScript = eitherToMaybe . decodeOutputBS . scriptOutput

    completeInput (Nothing, input)     = input
    completeInput (Just script, input) = completeSig input script

    indexed :: [a] -> [(Word32, a)]
    indexed = zip [0..]

completeSig :: Input -> ScriptOutput -> Input
completeSig input (PayPK k) =
    input { finalScriptSig = eitherToMaybe . S.decode =<< HashMap.lookup k (partialSigs input) }
completeSig input (PayPKHash h)
    | [(k, sig)] <- HashMap.toList $ partialSigs input
    , PubKeyAddress h == pubKeyAddr k
    = input { finalScriptSig = Just $ Script [opPushData sig, opPushData (S.encode k)] }
completeSig input (PayMulSig pubKeys m) | length sigs >= m = input { finalScriptSig = finalSig }
    sigs = collectSigs m pubKeys input
    finalSig = Script . (OP_0 :) . (map opPushData sigs <>) . pure . opPushData . S.encode <$> inputRedeemScript input
completeSig input (PayScriptHash h)
    | Just rdmScript <- inputRedeemScript input
    , PayScriptHash h == toP2SH rdmScript
    , Right decodedScript <- decodeOutput rdmScript
    , not (isPayScriptHash decodedScript)
    = completeSig input decodedScript
completeSig input (PayWitnessPKHash h)
    | [(k, sig)] <- HashMap.toList $ partialSigs input
    , PubKeyAddress h == pubKeyAddr k
    = input { finalScriptWitness = Just [sig, S.encode k]
            , finalScriptSig = Script . pure . opPushData . S.encode <$> inputRedeemScript input
completeSig input (PayWitnessScriptHash h)
    | Just witScript <- inputWitnessScript input
    , PayWitnessScriptHash h == toP2WSH witScript
    , Right decodedScript <- decodeOutput witScript
    = completeWitnessSig input decodedScript
completeSig input _ = input

completeWitnessSig :: Input -> ScriptOutput -> Input
completeWitnessSig input script@(PayMulSig pubKeys m) | length sigs >= m = input
    { finalScriptWitness = Just finalWit
    , finalScriptSig = finalSig
    sigs = collectSigs m pubKeys input
    finalSig = Script . pure . opPushData . S.encode <$> inputRedeemScript input
    finalWit = mempty : sigs <> [encodeOutputBS script]
completeWitnessSig input _ = input

collectSigs :: Int -> [PubKeyI] -> Input -> [ByteString]
collectSigs m pubKeys input = take m . reverse $ foldl' lookupKey [] pubKeys
    lookupKey sigs key = maybe sigs (:sigs) $ HashMap.lookup key (partialSigs input)

-- | Take a finalized 'PartiallySignedTransaction' and produce the signed final transaction.  You may need to call
-- 'complete' on the 'PartiallySignedTransaction' before producing the final transaction.
finalTransaction :: PartiallySignedTransaction -> Tx
finalTransaction psbt = setInputs . foldl' finalizeInput ([], []) $ zip (txIn tx) (inputs psbt)
    tx = unsignedTransaction psbt
    hasWitness = any (isJust . finalScriptWitness) (inputs psbt)
    setInputs (ins, witData) = tx { txIn = reverse ins, txWitness = if hasWitness then reverse witData else [] }
    finalizeInput (ins, witData) (txInput, psbtInput) = maybe finalWitness finalScript $ finalScriptSig psbtInput
        finalScript script = (txInput { scriptInput = encode script }:ins, []:witData)
        finalWitness = (ins, fromMaybe [] (finalScriptWitness psbtInput):witData)

-- | Take an unsigned transaction and produce an empty 'PartiallySignedTransaction'
emptyPSBT :: Tx -> PartiallySignedTransaction
emptyPSBT tx = PartiallySignedTransaction
    { unsignedTransaction = tx
    , globalUnknown = mempty
    , inputs = replicate (length (txIn tx)) emptyInput
    , outputs = replicate (length (txOut tx)) emptyOutput

emptyInput :: Input
emptyInput = Input
    Nothing Nothing HashMap.empty Nothing
    Nothing Nothing HashMap.empty
    Nothing Nothing (UnknownMap HashMap.empty)

emptyOutput :: Output
emptyOutput = Output Nothing Nothing HashMap.empty (UnknownMap HashMap.empty)

instance Serialize PartiallySignedTransaction where
    get = do
        magic <- getBytes 4
        guard $ magic == "psbt"
        headerSep <- getWord8
        guard $ headerSep == 0xff

        keySize <- getWord8
        guard $ keySize == 1
        globalUnsignedTxType <- getWord8
        guard $ globalUnsignedTxType == 0x00
        unsignedTransaction <- getSizedBytes
        guard $ all (B.null . scriptInput) (txIn unsignedTransaction)
        guard $ null (txWitness unsignedTransaction)

        globalUnknown <- get
        globalEnd <- getWord8
        guard $ globalEnd == 0x00

        inputs <- replicateM (length $ txIn unsignedTransaction) get
        outputs <- replicateM (length $ txOut unsignedTransaction) get

        return PartiallySignedTransaction { unsignedTransaction, globalUnknown, inputs, outputs }

    put PartiallySignedTransaction{ unsignedTransaction, globalUnknown, inputs, outputs } = do
        putByteString "psbt"
        putWord8 0xff -- Header separator

        putWord8 0x01 -- Key size
        putWord8 0x00 -- Unsigned Transaction type
        putSizedBytes unsignedTransaction
        put globalUnknown
        putWord8 0x00 -- Global end

        mapM_ put inputs
        mapM_ put outputs

instance Serialize Key where
    get = do
        VarInt keySize <- get
        guard $ keySize > 0
        t <- getWord8
        k <- getBytes (fromIntegral keySize - 1)
        return (Key t k)

    put (Key t k) = do
        putVarInt $ 1 + B.length k
        putWord8 t
        putByteString k

instance Serialize UnknownMap where
    get = go HashMap.empty
        getItem m = do
            k <- get
            VarString v <- get
            go $ HashMap.insert k v m
        go m = do
            isEnd <- lookAhead getWord8
            if isEnd == 0x00
                then return (UnknownMap m)
                else getItem m

    put (UnknownMap m) = void $ HashMap.traverseWithKey (\k v -> put k >> put (VarString v)) m

instance Serialize Input where
    get = getMap getInputItem setInputUnknown emptyInput
        setInputUnknown f input = input { inputUnknown = UnknownMap $ f (unknownMap $ inputUnknown input) }

    put Input { nonWitnessUtxo, witnessUtxo, partialSigs, sigHashType
                  , inputRedeemScript, inputWitnessScript, inputHDKeypaths
                  , finalScriptSig, finalScriptWitness, inputUnknown
                  } = do
        whenJust (putKeyValue InNonWitnessUtxo) nonWitnessUtxo
        whenJust (putKeyValue InWitnessUtxo) witnessUtxo
        putPartialSig partialSigs
        whenJust putSigHash sigHashType
        whenJust (putKeyValue InRedeemScript) inputRedeemScript
        whenJust (putKeyValue InWitnessScript) inputWitnessScript
        putHDPath InBIP32Derivation inputHDKeypaths
        whenJust (putKeyValue InFinalScriptSig) finalScriptSig
        whenJust (putKeyValue InFinalScriptWitness) finalScriptWitness
        put inputUnknown
        putWord8 0x00
        putPartialSig = putPubKeyMap InPartialSig . fmap VarString
        putSigHash sigHash = do
            putKey InSigHashType
            putWord8 0x04
            putWord32le (fromIntegral sigHash)

instance Serialize Output where
    get = getMap getOutputItem setOutputUnknown emptyOutput
        setOutputUnknown f output = output { outputUnknown = UnknownMap $ f (unknownMap $ outputUnknown output) }

    put Output{ outputRedeemScript, outputWitnessScript, outputHDKeypaths, outputUnknown } = do
        whenJust (putKeyValue OutRedeemScript) outputRedeemScript
        whenJust (putKeyValue OutWitnessScript) outputWitnessScript
        putHDPath OutBIP32Derivation outputHDKeypaths
        put outputUnknown
        putWord8 0x00

putSizedBytes :: Serialize a => a -> Put
putSizedBytes a = putVarInt (B.length bs) >> putByteString bs
  where bs = encode a

getSizedBytes :: Serialize a => Get a
getSizedBytes = getNested (fromIntegral . getVarInt <$> get) get

putKeyValue :: (Enum t, Serialize v) => t -> v -> Put
putKeyValue t v = putKey t >> putSizedBytes v

putKey :: Enum t => t -> Put
putKey t = putVarInt (1 :: Word8) >> putWord8 (enumWord8 t)

getMap :: (Bounded t, Enum t)
       => (Int -> a -> t -> Get a)
       -> ((HashMap Key ByteString -> HashMap Key ByteString) -> a -> a)
       -> a -> Get a
getMap getMapItem setUnknown = go
    getItem keySize m (Right t) = getMapItem (fromIntegral keySize - 1) m t >>= go
    getItem keySize m (Left t)  = do
        k <- getBytes (fromIntegral keySize - 1)
        VarString v <- get
        go $ setUnknown (HashMap.insert (Key t k) v) m
    go m = do
        keySize <- getVarInt <$> get
        if keySize == 0
            then return m
            else getItem keySize m =<< (word8Enum <$> getWord8)

data InputType
    = InNonWitnessUtxo
    | InWitnessUtxo
    | InPartialSig
    | InSigHashType
    | InRedeemScript
    | InWitnessScript
    | InBIP32Derivation
    | InFinalScriptSig
    | InFinalScriptWitness
    deriving (Show, Eq, Enum, Bounded)

data OutputType
    = OutRedeemScript
    | OutWitnessScript
    | OutBIP32Derivation
    deriving (Show, Eq, Enum, Bounded)

getInputItem :: Int -> Input -> InputType -> Get Input
getInputItem 0 input@Input{nonWitnessUtxo = Nothing} InNonWitnessUtxo = do
    utxo <- getSizedBytes
    return $ input { nonWitnessUtxo = Just utxo }
getInputItem 0 input@Input{witnessUtxo = Nothing} InWitnessUtxo = do
    utxo <- getSizedBytes
    return $ input { witnessUtxo = Just utxo }
getInputItem keySize input InPartialSig = do
    (k, v) <- getPartialSig
    return $ input { partialSigs = HashMap.insert k v (partialSigs input) }
    getPartialSig = (,) <$> isolate keySize get <*> (getVarString <$> get)
getInputItem 0 input@Input{sigHashType = Nothing} InSigHashType = do
    VarInt size <- get
    guard $ size == 0x04
    sigHash <- fromIntegral <$> getWord32le
    return $ input { sigHashType = Just sigHash }
getInputItem 0 input@Input{inputRedeemScript = Nothing} InRedeemScript = do
    script <- getSizedBytes
    return $ input { inputRedeemScript = Just script }
getInputItem 0 input@Input{inputWitnessScript = Nothing} InWitnessScript = do
    script <- getSizedBytes
    return $ input { inputWitnessScript = Just script }
getInputItem keySize input InBIP32Derivation = do
    (k, v) <- getHDPath keySize
    return $ input { inputHDKeypaths = HashMap.insert k v (inputHDKeypaths input) }
getInputItem 0 input@Input{finalScriptSig = Nothing} InFinalScriptSig = do
    script <- getSizedBytes
    return $ input { finalScriptSig = Just script }
getInputItem 0 input@Input{finalScriptWitness = Nothing} InFinalScriptWitness = do
    scripts <- map getVarString <$> getVarIntList
    return $ input { finalScriptWitness = Just scripts }
    getVarIntList = do
        VarInt n <- get
        replicateM (fromIntegral n) get
getInputItem keySize input inputType = fail $
    "Incorrect key size for input item or item already existed: " <>
    show (keySize, input, inputType)

getOutputItem :: Int -> Output -> OutputType -> Get Output
getOutputItem 0 output@Output{outputRedeemScript = Nothing} OutRedeemScript = do
    script <- getSizedBytes
    return $ output { outputRedeemScript = Just script }
getOutputItem 0 output@Output{outputWitnessScript = Nothing} OutWitnessScript = do
    script <- getSizedBytes
    return $ output { outputWitnessScript = Just script }
getOutputItem keySize output OutBIP32Derivation = do
    (k, v) <- getHDPath keySize
    return $ output { outputHDKeypaths = HashMap.insert k v (outputHDKeypaths output) }
getOutputItem keySize output outputType = fail $
    "Incorrect key size for output item or item already existed: " <>
    show (keySize, output, outputType)

getHDPath :: Int -> Get (PubKeyI, (Fingerprint, [KeyIndex]))
getHDPath keySize = (,) <$> isolate keySize get <*> (unPSBTHDPath <$> get)

putHDPath :: Enum t => t -> HashMap PubKeyI (Fingerprint, [KeyIndex]) -> Put
putHDPath t = putPubKeyMap t . fmap PSBTHDPath

newtype PSBTHDPath = PSBTHDPath { unPSBTHDPath :: (Fingerprint, [KeyIndex]) }
    deriving (Show, Eq)

instance Serialize PSBTHDPath where
    get = do
        VarInt valueSize <- get
        guard $ valueSize `mod` 4 == 0
        let numIndices = (fromIntegral valueSize - 4) `div` 4
        PSBTHDPath <$> isolate (fromIntegral valueSize) ((,) <$> getWord32le <*> getKeyIndexList numIndices)
        getKeyIndexList n = replicateM n getWord32le

    put (PSBTHDPath (fp, kis)) = putVarInt (B.length bs) >> putByteString bs
      where bs = runPut $ putWord32le fp >> mapM_ putWord32le kis

putPubKeyMap :: (Serialize a, Enum t) => t -> HashMap PubKeyI a -> Put
putPubKeyMap t = void . HashMap.traverseWithKey putItem
    putItem k v = put (Key (enumWord8 t) (encode k)) >> put v

enumWord8 :: Enum a => a -> Word8
enumWord8 = fromIntegral . fromEnum

word8Enum :: forall a. (Bounded a, Enum a) => Word8 -> Either Word8 a
word8Enum n | n <= enumWord8 (maxBound :: a) = Right . toEnum $ fromIntegral n
word8Enum n = Left n

whenJust :: Monad m => (a -> m ()) -> Maybe a -> m ()
whenJust = maybe (return ())