module Network.Haskoin.Crypto.Keys ( PubKey(..) , isValidPubKey , isPubKeyU , derivePubKey , pubKeyAddr , addPubKeys , PrvKey(..) , isValidPrvKey , makePrvKey , makePrvKeyU , fromPrvKey , isPrvKeyU , addPrvKeys , putPrvKey , getPrvKey , getPrvKeyU , fromWIF , toWIF , curveG ) where import Data.Binary (Binary, get, put) import Data.Binary.Get (Get, getWord8) import Data.Binary.Put (Put, putWord8) import Control.Monad (when, unless, guard) import Control.Applicative ((<$>),(<*>)) import Data.Maybe (isJust, fromJust) import qualified Data.ByteString as BS ( head, tail , last, init , cons, snoc , length ) import Network.Haskoin.Crypto.Curve (pairG, curveN) import Network.Haskoin.Crypto.Ring ( FieldN, FieldP , isIntegerValidKey , quadraticResidue , toMod256 , toFieldN ) import Network.Haskoin.Crypto.Point ( Point( InfPoint ) , makePoint , mulPoint , addPoint , getAffine , validatePoint , isInfPoint , curveA, curveB ) import Network.Haskoin.Crypto.Base58 ( Address(..) , encodeBase58Check , decodeBase58Check ) import Network.Haskoin.Crypto.Hash ( Hash256 , hash160 , hash256BS ) import Network.Haskoin.Util ( runPut' , bsToInteger , encode' , stringToBS , bsToString ) import Network.Haskoin.Util.Network -- | G parameter of the EC curve expressed as a Point curveG :: Point curveG = fromJust $ makePoint (fromInteger $ fst pairG) (fromInteger $ snd pairG) -- | Elliptic curve public key type. Two constructors are provided for creating -- compressed and uncompressed public keys from a Point. The use of compressed -- keys is preferred as it produces shorter keys without compromising security. -- Uncompressed keys are supported for backwards compatibility. data PubKey -- | Compressed public key = PubKey { pubKeyPoint :: !Point } -- | Uncompressed public key | PubKeyU { pubKeyPoint :: !Point } deriving Show instance Eq PubKey where -- Compression does not matter for InfPoint (PubKey InfPoint) == (PubKeyU InfPoint) = True (PubKeyU InfPoint) == (PubKey InfPoint) = True (PubKey a) == (PubKey b) = a == b (PubKeyU a) == (PubKeyU b) = a == b _ == _ = False -- | Returns True if the public key is valid. This will check if the public -- key point lies on the curve. isValidPubKey :: PubKey -> Bool isValidPubKey = validatePoint . pubKeyPoint -- | Add a public key to a private key defined by its Hash256 value. This will -- transform the private key into a public key and add the respective public -- key points together. This is provided as a helper for BIP32 wallet -- implementations. This function fails for uncompressed keys and returns -- Nothing if the private key value is >= than the order of the curve N. addPubKeys :: PubKey -> Hash256 -> Maybe PubKey addPubKeys pub i | isPubKeyU pub = error "Add: HDW only supports compressed formats" | toInteger i < curveN = let pt1 = mulPoint (toFieldN i) curveG pt2 = addPoint (pubKeyPoint pub) pt1 in if isInfPoint pt2 then Nothing else Just $ PubKey pt2 | otherwise = Nothing -- | Returns True if the public key is uncompressed isPubKeyU :: PubKey -> Bool isPubKeyU (PubKey _) = False isPubKeyU (PubKeyU _) = True -- | Derives a public key from a private key. This function will preserve -- information on key compression (PrvKey becomes PubKey and PrvKeyU becomes -- PubKeyU) derivePubKey :: PrvKey -> PubKey derivePubKey k = case k of (PrvKey d) -> PubKey $ mulPoint d curveG (PrvKeyU d) -> PubKeyU $ mulPoint d curveG instance Binary PubKey where -- Section 2.3.4 get = go =<< getWord8 where -- skip and fail. InfPoint is an invalid public key go 0 = fail "InfPoint is not a valid public key" -- Uncompressed format go 4 = getUncompressed -- Compressed format -- 2 means pY is even, 3 means pY is odd go y | y == 2 || y == 3 = getCompressed (even y) | otherwise = fail "Get: Invalid public key encoding" -- Section 2.3.3 put pk = case getAffine (pubKeyPoint pk) of -- Nothing -> putWord8 0x00 Just (x,y) -> case pk of -- Compressed PubKey _ -> putWord8 (if even y then 2 else 3) >> put x -- Uncompressed PubKeyU _ -> putWord8 4 >> put x >> put y getUncompressed :: Get PubKey getUncompressed = do p <- makePoint <$> get <*> get unless (isJust p) (fail "Get: Point not on the curve") return $ PubKeyU $ fromJust $ p getCompressed :: Bool -> Get PubKey getCompressed e = do -- 2.1 x <- get :: Get FieldP -- 2.4.1 (deriving yP) let a = x ^ (3 :: Integer) + (curveA * x) + curveB ys = filter matchSign (quadraticResidue a) -- We found no square root (mod p) when (null ys) (fail $ "No ECC point for x = " ++ (show x)) let p = makePoint x (head ys) -- Additionally, check that the point is on the curve unless (isJust p) (fail "Get: Point not on the curve") return $ PubKey $ fromJust $ p where matchSign a = (even a) == e -- | Computes an Address value from a public key pubKeyAddr :: PubKey -> Address pubKeyAddr = PubKeyAddress . hash160 . hash256BS . encode' {- Private Keys -} -- | Elliptic curve private key type. Two constructors are provided for creating -- compressed or uncompressed private keys. Compression information is stored -- in private key WIF formats and needs to be preserved to generate the correct -- addresses from the corresponding public key. data PrvKey -- | Compressed private key = PrvKey { prvKeyFieldN :: !FieldN } -- | Uncompressed private key | PrvKeyU { prvKeyFieldN :: !FieldN } deriving (Eq, Show) -- | Returns True if the private key is valid. This will check if the integer -- value representing the private key is greater than 0 and smaller than the -- curve order N. isValidPrvKey :: Integer -> Bool isValidPrvKey = isIntegerValidKey -- | Builds a compressed private key from an Integer value. Returns Nothing if -- the Integer would not produce a valid private key. For security, the Integer -- needs to be generated from a random source with sufficient entropy. makePrvKey :: Integer -> Maybe PrvKey makePrvKey i | isValidPrvKey i = Just $ PrvKey $ fromInteger i | otherwise = Nothing -- | Builds an uncompressed private key from an Integer value. Returns Nothing -- if the Integer would not produce a valid private key. For security, the -- Integer needs to be generated from a random source with sufficient entropy. makePrvKeyU :: Integer -> Maybe PrvKey makePrvKeyU i | isValidPrvKey i = Just $ PrvKeyU $ fromInteger i | otherwise = Nothing -- | Returns the Integer value of a private key fromPrvKey :: PrvKey -> Integer fromPrvKey = fromIntegral . prvKeyFieldN -- | Add two private keys together. One of the keys is defined by a Hash256. -- The functions fails on uncompressed private keys and return Nothing if the -- Hash256 is smaller than the order of the curve N. This is provided -- as a helper for implementing BIP32 wallets. addPrvKeys :: PrvKey -> Hash256 -> Maybe PrvKey addPrvKeys key i | isPrvKeyU key = error "Add: HDW only supports compressed formats" | toInteger i < curveN = let r = (prvKeyFieldN key) + (toFieldN i) in makePrvKey $ toInteger r | otherwise = Nothing -- | Returns True of the private key is uncompressed isPrvKeyU :: PrvKey -> Bool isPrvKeyU (PrvKey _) = False isPrvKeyU (PrvKeyU _) = True -- | Serialize a private key into the Data.Binary.Put monad as a 32 byte -- big endian ByteString. This is useful when a constant length serialization -- format for private keys is required putPrvKey :: PrvKey -> Put putPrvKey k | prvKeyFieldN k == 0 = error "Put: 0 is an invalid private key" | otherwise = put $ toMod256 $ prvKeyFieldN k -- | Deserializes a compressed private key from the Data.Binary.Get monad as a -- 32 byte big endian ByteString. getPrvKey :: Get PrvKey getPrvKey = do i <- get :: Get Hash256 let res = makePrvKey $ fromIntegral i unless (isJust res) $ fail "Get: PrivateKey is invalid" return $ fromJust res -- | Deserializes an uncompressed private key from the Data.Binary.Get monad as -- a 32 byte big endian ByteString getPrvKeyU :: Get PrvKey getPrvKeyU = do i <- get :: Get Hash256 let res = makePrvKeyU $ fromIntegral i unless (isJust res) $ fail "Get: PrivateKey is invalid" return $ fromJust res -- | Decodes a private key from a WIF encoded String. This function can fail -- if the input string does not decode correctly as a base 58 string or if -- the checksum fails. -- fromWIF :: String -> Maybe PrvKey fromWIF str = do bs <- decodeBase58Check $ stringToBS str -- Check that this is a private key guard (BS.head bs == secretPrefix) case BS.length bs of 33 -> do -- Uncompressed format let i = bsToInteger (BS.tail bs) makePrvKeyU i 34 -> do -- Compressed format guard (BS.last bs == 0x01) let i = bsToInteger $ BS.tail $ BS.init bs makePrvKey i _ -> Nothing -- Bad length -- | Encodes a private key into WIF format toWIF :: PrvKey -> String toWIF k = bsToString $ encodeBase58Check $ BS.cons secretPrefix enc where enc | isPrvKeyU k = bs | otherwise = BS.snoc bs 0x01 bs = runPut' $ putPrvKey k