name: haskoin-crypto version: 0.0.1 synopsis: Implementation of Bitcoin cryptographic primitives. description: This package provides the elliptic curve cryptography required for creating and validating bitcoin transactions. It also provides SHA-256 and RIPEMD-160 hashing functions. homepage: bug-reports: stability: experimental license: PublicDomain license-file: UNLICENSE author: Philippe Laprade maintainer: category: Bitcoin, Finance, Network build-type: Simple cabal-version: >= 1.9.2 source-repository head type: git location: git:// library exposed-modules: Network.Haskoin.Crypto, Network.Haskoin.Crypto.Arbitrary other-modules: Network.Haskoin.Crypto.NumberTheory, Network.Haskoin.Crypto.Curve, Network.Haskoin.Crypto.Hash, Network.Haskoin.Crypto.Ring, Network.Haskoin.Crypto.Point, Network.Haskoin.Crypto.Base58, Network.Haskoin.Crypto.Keys, Network.Haskoin.Crypto.ECDSA build-depends: base == 4.6.*, containers == 0.5.*, mtl == 2.1.*, binary == 0.7.*, bytestring == 0.10.*, byteable == 0.1.*, cryptohash == 0.11.*, haskoin-util == 0.0.*, QuickCheck == 2.6.* ghc-options: -Wall -fno-warn-orphans Test-Suite test-haskoin-crypto type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 main-is: Main.hs other-modules: Network.Haskoin.Crypto.Ring.Tests, Network.Haskoin.Crypto.Point.Tests, Network.Haskoin.Crypto.ECDSA.Tests, Network.Haskoin.Crypto.Base58.Tests, Network.Haskoin.Crypto.Keys.Tests, Network.Haskoin.Crypto.Hash.Tests, Network.Haskoin.Crypto.Hash.Units, QuickCheckUtils, Units build-depends: base == 4.6.*, containers == 0.5.*, mtl == 2.1.*, binary == 0.7.*, bytestring == 0.10.*, byteable == 0.1.*, cryptohash == 0.11.*, haskoin-util == 0.0.*, QuickCheck == 2.6.*, test-framework == 0.8.*, test-framework-quickcheck2 == 0.3.*, test-framework-hunit == 0.3.*, HUnit == 1.2.* hs-source-dirs: . tests ghc-options: -Wall -fno-warn-orphans Benchmark bench-haskoin-crypto type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 main-is: Main.hs build-depends: base == 4.6.*, containers == 0.5.*, mtl == 2.1.*, binary == 0.7.*, bytestring == 0.10.*, byteable == 0.1.*, cryptohash == 0.11.*, haskoin-util == 0.0.*, time == 1.4.*, random == 1.0.* hs-source-dirs: . benchmark ghc-prof-options: -auto-all -with-rtsopts=-p ghc-options: -Wall -fno-warn-orphans