{-| Declaration of constant values for Testnet. This module is intended to be imported by Network.Haskoin.Util.Network module and not imported directly by other modules. -} module Network.Haskoin.Util.Network.Testnet where import Data.Word (Word8,Word32) -- | Prefix for base58 PubKey hash address addrPrefix :: Word8 addrPrefix = 111 -- | Prefix for base58 script hash address scriptPrefix :: Word8 scriptPrefix = 196 -- | Prefix for private key WIF format secretPrefix :: Word8 secretPrefix = 239 -- | Prefix for extended public keys (BIP32) extPubKeyPrefix :: Word32 extPubKeyPrefix = 0x043587cf -- | Prefix for extended private keys (BIP32) extSecretPrefix :: Word32 extSecretPrefix = 0x04358394 -- | Wallet database file name walletFile :: String walletFile = "testwalletdb"