module Network.Haskoin.Wallet.TxBuilder 
( Coin(..)
, buildTx
, buildAddrTx
, SigInput(..)
, signTx
, detSignTx
, verifyTx
, guessTxSize
, chooseCoins
, chooseMSCoins
, getFee
, getMSFee
, isTxComplete
) where

import Control.Monad (when, guard, liftM2)
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.Monad.Trans  (lift)

import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, maybeToList, fromMaybe)
import Data.List (sortBy, find)
import Data.Word (Word64)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS (length, replicate)

import Network.Haskoin.Util
import Network.Haskoin.Util.BuildMonad
import Network.Haskoin.Crypto
import Network.Haskoin.Protocol
import Network.Haskoin.Script

-- | A Coin is something that can be spent by a transaction and is
-- represented by a transaction output, an outpoint and optionally a
-- redeem script.
data Coin = 
    Coin { coinTxOut    :: TxOut        -- ^ Transaction output
         , coinOutPoint :: OutPoint     -- ^ Previous outpoint
         , coinRedeem   :: Maybe Script -- ^ Redeem script
         } deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | Coin selection algorithm for normal (non-multisig) transactions. This
-- function returns the selected coins together with the amount of change to
-- send back to yourself, taking the fee into account.
chooseCoins :: Word64 -- ^ Target price to pay.
            -> Word64 -- ^ Fee price per 1000 bytes.
            -> [Coin] -- ^ List of coins to choose from.
            -> Either String ([Coin],Word64) 
               -- ^ Coin selection result and change amount.
chooseCoins target kbfee xs 
    | target > 0 = maybeToEither err $ greedyAdd target (getFee kbfee) xs
    | otherwise  = Left "chooseCoins: Target must be > 0"
    where err = "chooseCoins: No solution found"

-- | Coin selection algorithm for multisignature transactions. This function
-- returns the selected coins together with the amount of change to send back
-- to yourself, taking the fee into account. This function assumes all the 
-- coins are script hash outputs that send funds to a multisignature address.
chooseMSCoins :: Word64    -- ^ Target price to pay.
              -> Word64    -- ^ Fee price per 1000 bytes.
              -> (Int,Int) -- ^ Multisig parameters m of n (m,n).
              -> [Coin]    -- ^ List of coins to choose from.
              -> Either String ([Coin],Word64) 
                 -- ^ Coin selection result and change amount.
chooseMSCoins target kbfee ms xs 
    | target > 0 = maybeToEither err $ greedyAdd target (getMSFee kbfee ms) xs
    | otherwise  = Left "chooseMSCoins: Target must be > 0"
    where err = "chooseMSCoins: No solution found"

-- Select coins greedily by starting from an empty solution
greedyAdd :: Word64 -> (Int -> Word64) -> [Coin] -> Maybe ([Coin],Word64)
greedyAdd target fee xs = go [] 0 [] 0 $ sortBy desc xs
    where desc a b = compare (outValue $ coinTxOut b) (outValue $ coinTxOut a)
          goal c = target + fee c
          go _ _ [] _ []    = Nothing
          go _ _ ps pTot [] = return (ps,pTot - (goal $ length ps))
          go acc aTot ps pTot (y:ys)
            | val + aTot >= (goal $ length acc + 1) =
                if aTot + val - target < pTot - target
                    then go [] 0 (y:acc) (aTot + val) ys
                    else return (ps,pTot - (goal $ length ps))
            | otherwise = go (y:acc) (aTot + val) ps pTot ys
            where val = outValue $ coinTxOut y

-- Start from a solution containing all coins and greedily remove them
greedyRem :: Word64 -> (Int -> Word64) -> [Coin] -> Maybe ([Coin],Word64)
greedyRem target fee xs 
    | s < goal (length xs) = Nothing
    | otherwise = return $ go [] s $ sortBy desc xs
    where desc a b = compare (outValue $ coinTxOut b) (outValue $ coinTxOut a)
          s        = sum $ map (outValue . coinTxOut) xs
          goal   c = target + fee c
          go acc tot [] = (acc,tot - (goal $ length acc))
          go acc tot (y:ys) 
            | tot - val >= (goal $ length ys + length acc) = 
                go acc (tot - val) ys
            | otherwise = go (y:acc) tot ys
            where val = outValue $ coinTxOut y

getFee :: Word64 -> Int -> Word64
getFee kbfee count = kbfee*((len + 999) `div` 1000)
    where len = fromIntegral $ guessTxSize count [] 2 0

getMSFee :: Word64 -> (Int,Int) -> Int -> Word64
getMSFee kbfee ms count = kbfee*((len + 999) `div` 1000)
    where len = fromIntegral $ guessTxSize 0 (replicate count ms) 2 0

-- | Computes an upper bound on the size of a transaction based on some known
-- properties of the transaction.
guessTxSize :: Int         -- ^ Number of regular transaction inputs.
            -> [(Int,Int)] 
               -- ^ For every multisig input in the transaction, provide
               -- the multisig parameters m of n (m,n) for that input.
            -> Int         -- ^ Number of pay to public key hash outputs.
            -> Int         -- ^ Number of pay to script hash outputs.
            -> Int         -- ^ Upper bound on the transaction size.
guessTxSize pki msi pkout msout = 8 + inpLen + inp + outLen + out
    where inpLen = BS.length $ encode' $ 
            VarInt $ fromIntegral $ (length msi) + pki
          outLen = BS.length $ encode' $ 
            VarInt $ fromIntegral $ pkout + msout
          inp    = pki*148 + (sum $ map guessMSSize msi)
                   -- (20: hash160) + (5: opcodes) + 
                   -- (1: script len) + (8: Word64)
          out    = pkout*34 + 
                   -- (20: hash160) + (3: opcodes) + 
                   -- (1: script len) + (8: Word64)

-- Size of a multisig pay2sh input
guessMSSize :: (Int,Int) -> Int
          -- OutPoint (36) + Sequence (4) + Script
guessMSSize (m,n) = 40 + (BS.length $ encode' $ VarInt $ fromIntegral scp) + scp
          -- OP_M + n*PubKey + OP_N + OP_CHECKMULTISIG
    where rdm = BS.length $ encode' $ OP_PUSHDATA $ BS.replicate (n*34 + 3) 0
          -- Redeem + m*sig + OP_0
          scp = rdm + m*73 + 1 

{- Build a new Tx -}

-- | Build a transaction by providing a list of outpoints as inputs
-- and a list of recipients addresses and amounts as outputs. 
buildAddrTx :: [OutPoint] -> [(String,Word64)] -> Either String Tx
buildAddrTx xs ys = buildTx xs =<< mapM f ys
    where f (s,v) = case base58ToAddr s of
            Just a@(PubKeyAddress _) -> return (PayPKHash a,v)
            Just a@(ScriptAddress _) -> return (PayScriptHash a,v)
            _ -> Left $ "buildAddrTx: Invalid address " ++ s

-- | Build a transaction by providing a list of outpoints as inputs
-- and a list of 'ScriptOutput' and amounts as outputs.
buildTx :: [OutPoint] -> [(ScriptOutput,Word64)] -> Either String Tx
buildTx xs ys = mapM fo ys >>= \os -> return $ Tx 1 (map fi xs) os 0
    where fi outPoint = TxIn outPoint (Script []) maxBound
          fo (o,v) | v <= 2100000000000000 = return $ TxOut v $ encodeOutput o
                   | otherwise = Left $ "buildTx: Invalid amount " ++ (show v)

-- | Data type used to specify the signing parameters of a transaction input.
-- To sign an input, the previous output script, outpoint and sighash are
-- required. When signing a pay to script hash output, an additional redeem
-- script is required.
data SigInput 
    -- | Parameters for signing a pay to public key hash output.
    = SigInput   { sigDataOut :: Script   -- ^ Output script to spend.
                 , sigDataOP  :: OutPoint 
                   -- ^ Reference to the transaction output to spend.
                 , sigDataSH  :: SigHash  -- ^ Signature type.
    -- | Parameters for signing a pay to script hash output.
    | SigInputSH { sigDataOut :: Script   
                 , sigDataOP  :: OutPoint 
                 , sigRedeem  :: Script   -- ^ Redeem script.
                 , sigDataSH  :: SigHash  
                 } deriving (Eq, Show)

liftSecret :: Monad m => Build a -> SecretT (BuildT m) a
liftSecret = lift . liftBuild

-- | Returns True if all the inputs of a transactions are non-empty and if
-- all multisignature inputs are fully signed.
isTxComplete :: Tx -> Bool
isTxComplete = isComplete . (mapM toBuildTxIn) . txIn

-- | Sign a transaction by providing the 'SigInput' signing parameters and a
-- list of private keys. The signature is computed within the 'SecretT' monad
-- to generate the random signing nonce and within the 'BuildT' monad to add
-- information on wether the result was fully or partially signed.
signTx :: Monad m 
       => Tx                    -- ^ Transaction to sign
       -> [SigInput]            -- ^ SigInput signing parameters
       -> [PrvKey]              -- ^ List of private keys to use for signing
       -> SecretT (BuildT m) Tx -- ^ Signed transaction
signTx tx@(Tx _ ti _ _) sigis keys = do
    liftSecret $ when (null ti) $ Broken "signTx: Transaction has no inputs"
    newIn <- mapM sign $ orderSigInput ti sigis
    return tx{ txIn = newIn }
    where sign (maybeSI,txin,i) = case maybeSI of
              Just sigi -> signTxIn txin sigi tx i keys
              _         -> liftSecret $ toBuildTxIn txin

signTxIn :: Monad m => TxIn -> SigInput -> Tx -> Int -> [PrvKey] 
         -> SecretT (BuildT m) TxIn
signTxIn txin sigi tx i keys = do
    (out,vKeys,pubs,buildf) <- liftSecret $ decodeSigInput sigi keys
    let msg = txSigHash tx (encodeOutput out) i sh
    sigs <- mapM (signMsg msg) vKeys
    liftSecret $ buildf txin tx out i pubs $ map (flip TxSignature sh) sigs
    where sh = sigDataSH sigi

-- | Sign a transaction by providing the 'SigInput' signing paramters and 
-- a list of private keys. The signature is computed deterministically as
-- defined in RFC-6979. The signature is computed within the 'Build' monad
-- to add information on wether the result was fully or partially signed.
detSignTx :: Tx         -- ^ Transaction to sign
          -> [SigInput] -- ^ SigInput signing parameters
          -> [PrvKey]   -- ^ List of private keys to use for signing
          -> Build Tx   -- ^ Signed transaction
detSignTx tx@(Tx _ ti _ _) sigis keys = do
    when (null ti) $ Broken "detSignTx: Transaction has no inputs"
    newIn <- mapM sign $ orderSigInput ti sigis
    return tx{ txIn = newIn }
    where sign (maybeSI,txin,i) = case maybeSI of
              Just sigi -> detSignTxIn txin sigi tx i keys
              _         -> toBuildTxIn txin

detSignTxIn :: TxIn -> SigInput -> Tx -> Int -> [PrvKey] -> Build TxIn
detSignTxIn txin sigi tx i keys = do
    (out,vKeys,pubs,buildf) <- decodeSigInput sigi keys
    let msg  = txSigHash tx (encodeOutput out) i sh
        sigs = map (detSignMsg msg) vKeys
    buildf txin tx out i pubs $ map (flip TxSignature sh) sigs
    where sh = sigDataSH sigi

{- Helpers for signing transactions -}

-- |Decides if a TxIn is complete. If the TxIn could not be decoded and it
-- is not empty, we consider it complete.
toBuildTxIn :: TxIn -> Build TxIn
toBuildTxIn txin@(TxIn _ s _)
    | null $ scriptOps s = Partial txin
    | otherwise = case decodeScriptHash s of
        Right (ScriptHashInput (SpendMulSig xs r) _) -> 
            guardPartial (length xs == r) >> return txin
        Right _ -> return txin
        Left _ -> case decodeInput s of
            Right (SpendMulSig xs r) ->
                guardPartial (length xs == r) >> return txin
            _ -> return txin

orderSigInput :: [TxIn] -> [SigInput] -> [(Maybe SigInput, TxIn, Int)]
orderSigInput ti si = zip3 (matchTemplate si ti f) ti [0..]
    where f s txin = sigDataOP s == prevOutput txin

type BuildFunction =  TxIn -> Tx -> ScriptOutput -> Int 
                   -> [PubKey] -> [TxSignature] -> Build TxIn

decodeSigInput :: SigInput -> [PrvKey] -> 
    Build (ScriptOutput, [PrvKey], [PubKey], BuildFunction)
decodeSigInput sigi keys = case sigi of
    SigInput s _ _ -> do
        out          <- eitherToBuild $ decodeOutput s
        (vKeys,pubs) <- sigKeys out keys
        return (out,vKeys,pubs,buildTxIn)
    SigInputSH s _ sr _ -> do
        out          <- eitherToBuild $ decodeOutput s
        rdm          <- eitherToBuild $ decodeOutput sr
        (vKeys,pubs) <- sigKeysSH out rdm keys
        return (rdm,vKeys,pubs,buildTxInSH)

buildTxInSH :: BuildFunction
buildTxInSH txin tx rdm i pubs sigs = do
    s   <- scriptInput <$> buildTxIn txin tx rdm i pubs sigs
    res <- either emptyIn return $ 
        encodeScriptHash . (flip ScriptHashInput rdm) <$> decodeInput s
    return txin{ scriptInput = res }
    where emptyIn = const $ Partial $ Script []

buildTxIn :: BuildFunction
buildTxIn txin tx out i pubs sigs 
    | null sigs = Partial txin{ scriptInput = Script [] }
    | otherwise = buildRes <$> case out of
        PayPK _     -> return $ SpendPK $ head sigs
        PayPKHash _ -> return $ SpendPKHash (head sigs) (head pubs)
        PayMulSig msPubs r -> do
            let mSigs = take r $ catMaybes $ matchTemplate aSigs msPubs f
            guardPartial $ length mSigs == r
            return $ SpendMulSig mSigs r
        _ -> Broken "buildTxIn: Can't sign a P2SH script here"
    where buildRes res = txin{ scriptInput = encodeInput res }
          aSigs = concat
            [ sigs 
            , case decodeScriptHash $ scriptInput txin of
                Right (ScriptHashInput (SpendMulSig xs _) _) -> xs
                _ -> case decodeInput $ scriptInput txin of
                        Right (SpendMulSig xs _) -> xs
                        _ -> []
          f (TxSignature sig sh) pub = 
              verifySig (txSigHash tx (encodeOutput out) i sh) sig pub

sigKeysSH :: ScriptOutput -> RedeemScript -> [PrvKey]
          -> Build ([PrvKey],[PubKey])
sigKeysSH out rdm keys = case out of
    PayScriptHash a -> if scriptAddr rdm == a
        then sigKeys rdm keys
        else Broken "sigKeys: Redeem script does not match P2SH script"
    _ -> Broken "sigKeys: Can only decode P2SH script here"

sigKeys :: ScriptOutput -> [PrvKey] -> Build ([PrvKey],[PubKey])
sigKeys out keys = unzip <$> case out of
    PayPK p        -> return $ maybeToList $ 
        find ((== p) . snd) zipKeys
    PayPKHash a    -> return $ maybeToList $ 
        find ((== a) . pubKeyAddr . snd) zipKeys
    PayMulSig ps r -> return $ take r $ 
        filter ((`elem` ps) . snd) zipKeys
    _ -> Broken "sigKeys: Can't decode P2SH here" 
    where zipKeys = zip keys $ map derivePubKey keys

{- Tx verification -}

verifyTx :: Tx -> [(Script,OutPoint)] -> Bool
verifyTx tx xs = flip all z3 $ \(maybeS,txin,i) -> fromMaybe False $ do
    (out,inp) <- maybeS >>= flip decodeVerifySigInput txin
    let so = encodeOutput out
    case (out,inp) of
        (PayPK pub,SpendPK (TxSignature sig sh)) -> 
            return $ verifySig (txSigHash tx so i sh) sig pub
        (PayPKHash a,SpendPKHash (TxSignature sig sh) pub) -> do
            guard $ pubKeyAddr pub == a
            return $ verifySig (txSigHash tx so i sh) sig pub
        (PayMulSig pubs r,SpendMulSig sigs _) ->
            (== r) <$> countMulSig tx so i pubs sigs 
        _ -> Nothing
    where m = map (fst <$>) $ matchTemplate xs (txIn tx) f
          f (_,o) txin = o == prevOutput txin
          z3 = zip3 m (txIn tx) [0..]
-- Count the number of valid signatures
countMulSig :: Tx -> Script -> Int -> [PubKey] -> [TxSignature] -> Maybe Int
countMulSig _ _ _ [] _  = return 0
countMulSig _ _ _ _  [] = return 0
countMulSig tx so i (pub:pubs) sigs@(TxSignature sig sh:rest)
    | verifySig (txSigHash tx so i sh) sig pub = 
         (+1) <$> countMulSig tx so i pubs rest
    | otherwise = countMulSig tx so i pubs sigs
decodeVerifySigInput :: Script -> TxIn -> Maybe (ScriptOutput, ScriptInput)
decodeVerifySigInput so (TxIn _ si _ ) = case decodeOutput so of
    Right (PayScriptHash a) -> do
        (ScriptHashInput inp rdm) <- eitherToMaybe $ decodeScriptHash si
        guard $ scriptAddr rdm == a
        return (rdm,inp)
    out -> eitherToMaybe $ liftM2 (,) out (decodeInput si)