{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Factis.Haskoon.HttpSpec.SendRecv (getReqIn, sendReqOut, sendResOut, forwardReq) where

import Prelude hiding (log, catch)

import Data.Char (toLower)

import Control.Monad (liftM, when)
import Control.Monad.Trans (MonadIO,liftIO)
import Control.Exception (SomeException, catch)

import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BSL

import Factis.Haskoon.Web hiding (webLogTrace,webLogDebug,webLogNotice)

import qualified Network.HTTP as Http
import qualified Network.Stream

import System.Log.Logger (Priority(..), debugM, infoM, noticeM)

import Data.HttpSpec.HttpTypes
import Data.HttpSpec.Pretty (ppr)

_LOGNAME_ :: String
_LOGNAME_ ="Factis.Haskoon.HttpSpec.SendRecv"

_DEFAULT_CTYPE_ = "application/octet-stream"

webLogTrace, webLogDebug, webLogNotice, webLogWarn :: Web m => String -> m ()
webLogTrace = webLog _LOGNAME_ DEBUG
webLogDebug = webLog _LOGNAME_ INFO
webLogNotice = webLog _LOGNAME_ NOTICE
webLogWarn = webLog _LOGNAME_ WARNING

ioLogTrace, ioLogDebug, ioLogNotice :: MonadIO m => String -> m ()
ioLogTrace = liftIO . debugM _LOGNAME_
ioLogDebug = liftIO . infoM _LOGNAME_
ioLogNotice = liftIO . noticeM _LOGNAME_

getReqIn :: Web m => m ReqIn
getReqIn =
    do webLogTrace "Reading incoming request..."
       meth <- webMethod
       body <-
           case () of
             () | meth == "POST" ->
                    do body <- webGetBody
                       when (BSL.length body == 0) $
                            webLogWarn "Method is POST but body is empty."
                       return body
                | otherwise -> return BSL.empty
       progUri <- webContainerUri
       reqUri <- webRequestUri
       origHs <- webGetHeaders
       let reqMeth | meth == "GET" = Http.GET
                   | meth == "POST" = Http.POST
                   | meth == "HEAD" = Http.HEAD
                   | meth == "PUT" = Http.PUT
                   | meth == "DELETE" = Http.DELETE
                   | otherwise =
                       error $ "haskoon-httpspec/SendRecv: unsupported method "++meth
           mkHdr k v = case Http.parseHeader hdrstr of
                         Left _ -> error $ "Not a valid header: " ++ show hdrstr
                         Right h -> (Http.hdrName h, Http.hdrValue h)
               where hdrstr = k++": "++v
           reqHs = map (uncurry mkHdr) origHs
           req = (ReqIn progUri reqUri reqMeth (HttpData reqHs body))
       webLogDebug $ "Received request.\n" ++ show (ppr req)
       return req

sendReqOut :: MonadIO m => ReqOut -> m (Either String ResIn)
sendReqOut reqOut@(ReqOut fwdUrl fwdMeth (HttpData hs outBody)) =
    do let url' = show $ reqUrl reqOut
               | reqMethod reqOut == Http.POST =
                   "with " ++ show (BSL.length (httpBody reqOut)) ++ " bytes "
                 ++ case httpGetHeader Http.HdrContentType reqOut of
                      Just ctype -> "of " ++ ctype ++ " "
                      Nothing -> "without content-type "
               | otherwise = ""
           msg = "Issueing outgoing request " ++ optBody ++ " to " ++ url' ++ "..."
       ioLogNotice msg
       ioLogDebug $ "HTTP request is:\n" ++ show (ppr reqOut)
       let clen = BSL.length outBody
           hs' = case lookup Http.HdrContentType hs of
                   -- Network.CGI doesn't read requests without content-type
                   Just _ -> hs
                   Nothing -> (Http.HdrContentType,_DEFAULT_CTYPE_) : hs
           hs'' = case lookup Http.HdrContentLength hs' of
                    Just _ -> hs'
                    Nothing -> (Http.HdrContentLength,show clen):hs'
           fwdHs = map (uncurry Http.Header) hs''
           fwdBody = outBody
           req = Http.Request fwdUrl fwdMeth fwdHs fwdBody
       result <- liftIO $ Http.simpleHTTP req
                          `catch` -- workaround for a bug in the HTTP lib
                          ( \(e::SomeException) ->
                               return $ Left $ Network.Stream.ErrorMisc (show e))
       case result of
         Left errmsg ->
             do ioLogNotice $ "Request failed! " ++ show errmsg
                return (Left $ show errmsg)
         Right resp ->
             do let status = show (resCode httpRes) ++ " " ++ resReason httpRes
                    optCType =
                        case httpGetHeader Http.HdrContentType httpRes of
                          Just ctype -> "of " ++ ctype ++ " "
                          Nothing -> ""
                    size = show (BSL.length (httpBody httpRes))
                    msg' = "Received " ++ status ++ " response "
                           ++ "with " ++ size ++ " bytes " ++ optCType
                           ++ "for " ++ show fwdUrl
                ioLogNotice msg'
                ioLogDebug $ "Received HTTP response is:\n" ++ show (ppr httpRes)
                ioLogTrace (show httpRes)
                return (Right httpRes)
             httpRes = ResIn retCode reason (HttpData resHs body)
             body = Http.rspBody resp
             reason = Http.rspReason resp
             mkCode (x,y,z) = x*100+y*10+z
             retCode = mkCode (Http.rspCode resp)
             resHs = [(n,v) | Http.Header n v <- Http.rspHeaders resp]

sendResOut :: Web m => ResOut -> m (WebRes m)
sendResOut resOut@(ResOut retCode mreason (HttpData retHs retBody)) =
    do reqUri <- liftM show webRequestUri
       webLogNotice $ "Sending response for " ++ reqUri ++ ":\n"
                      ++ show (ppr resOut)
       webSetStatus retCode mreason
       sequence_ [webSetHeader (map toLower (show hn)) v | (hn,v) <- retHs]
       webSendBSL retBody

forwardReq :: WebIO m =>
              (ReqIn -> m ReqOut)        -- wie in ICAP REQMOD
           -> (ResIn -> m ResOut)        -- wie in ICAP RESPMOD
           -> m (WebRes m)
forwardReq modReq modRes =
    do reqIn <- getReqIn
       webLogNotice $ "Modifying incoming request..."
       reqOut <- modReq reqIn
       reqResult <- sendReqOut reqOut
       case reqResult of
         Left errmsg ->
             do webLogWarn errmsg
                webSendError 500 errmsg
         Right resIn ->
             do webLogNotice $ "Modifying response..."
                resOut <- modRes resIn
                cgiResult <- sendResOut resOut
                webLogNotice "Done"
                return cgiResult