\subsection{Haskore in Action}


> module Haskore.Example.Miscellaneous where
> import           Haskore.Composition.Trill as Trill
> import           Haskore.Composition.Drum  as Drum
> import qualified Haskore.Music           as Music
> import           Haskore.Music (rest, delay, (/=:))
> import           Haskore.Music.GeneralMIDI as MidiMusic
> import           Haskore.Music.Standard  as StdMusic
> import qualified Haskore.Music.Rhythmic  as RhyMusic
> import qualified Haskore.Melody          as Melody
> import           Haskore.Melody.Standard as StdMelody
> import qualified Haskore.Performance.Context as Context

> import qualified Haskore.Interface.MIDI.InstrumentMap as InstrMap
> import qualified Haskore.Interface.MIDI.Write        as WriteMidi
> import qualified Haskore.Interface.MIDI.Read         as ReadMidi
> import qualified Haskore.Interface.MIDI.Render       as Render

> import qualified Sound.MIDI.File.Save    as SaveMidi
> import qualified Sound.MIDI.File.Load    as LoadMidi
> import qualified Sound.MIDI.File         as MidiFile
> import qualified Sound.MIDI.General      as GeneralMidi

> import qualified Haskore.Example.SelfSim        as SelfSim
> import qualified Haskore.Example.ChildSong6     as ChildSong6
> import qualified Haskore.Example.Ssf            as Ssf

> import           Haskore.Basic.Duration ((%+))
> import qualified Numeric.NonNegative.Wrapper as NonNeg

> import System.IO(IO)
> import Data.Tuple.HT (fst3, snd3, thd3, )

> t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5,
>  t10s, t12, t12a, t13, t13a, t13b, t13c, t13d, t13e,
>  t14, t14b, t14c, t14d, cs6, ssf0 :: MidiFile.T

> piano, vibes, flute :: GeneralMidi.Instrument
> piano = GeneralMidi.AcousticGrandPiano
> vibes = GeneralMidi.Vibraphone
> flute = GeneralMidi.Flute


Simple examples of Haskore in action.  Note that this module also
imports modules ChildSong6, SelfSim, and Ssf.


From the tutorial, try things such as pr12, cMajArp, cMajChd, etc. and
try applying inversions, retrogrades, etc. on the same examples.  Also
try \code{ChildSong.song}.  For example:


> t0 = Render.generalMidiDeflt ChildSong6.song



C Major scale for use in examples below:


> cms', cms :: Melody.T ()
> cms' = line (map (\n -> n en ())
>           [c 0, d 0, e 0, f 0, g 0, a 0, b 0, c 1])
> cms = changeTempo 2 cms'

> drumScale :: MidiMusic.T
> drumScale =
>    line (map (\n -> Drum.toMusicDefaultAttr (toEnum (n+13)) sn)
>              [0,2,4,5,7,9,11,12])


Test of various articulations and dynamics:


> t1 = Render.generalMidi
>        (staccato (sn/10) drumScale +:+
>                          drumScale +:+
>         legato   (sn/10) drumScale    )
> temp, mu2 :: MidiMusic.T
> temp = MidiMusic.fromMelodyNullAttr piano (crescendo 4.0 (c 0 en ()))
> mu2 = MidiMusic.fromMelodyNullAttr vibes
>        (diminuendo 0.75 cms +:+
>         crescendo 0.75 (loudness1 0.25 cms))
> t2 = Render.generalMidiDeflt mu2
> t3 = Render.generalMidiDeflt (MidiMusic.fromMelodyNullAttr flute
>        (accelerando 0.3 cms +:+
>         ritardando  0.6 cms    ))



A function to recursively apply transformations
\code{f'} (to elements in a sequence) and
\code{g'} (to accumulated phrases):


> rep :: (Music.T note -> Music.T note)
>     -> (Music.T note -> Music.T note)
>     -> Int -> Music.T note -> Music.T note
> rep _  _  0 _ = rest 0
> rep f' g' n m = m =:= g' (rep f' g' (n-1) (f' m))


An example using "rep" three times, recursively, to create a "cascade"
of sounds.


> run, cascade, cascades :: Melody.T ()
> run       = rep (transpose 5) (delay tn) 8 (c 0 tn ())
> cascade   = rep (transpose 4) (delay en) 8 run
> cascades  = rep  id           (delay sn) 2 cascade
> t4' :: Melody.T () -> MidiFile.T
> t4' x     = Render.generalMidiDeflt (MidiMusic.fromMelodyNullAttr piano x)
> t4        = Render.generalMidiDeflt (MidiMusic.fromMelodyNullAttr piano
>               (cascades +:+ Music.reverse cascades))


What happens if we simply reverse the \code{f} and \code{g} arguments?


> run', cascade', cascades' :: Melody.T ()
> run'      = rep (delay tn) (transpose 5) 4 (c 0 tn ())
> cascade'  = rep (delay en) (transpose 4) 6 run'
> cascades' = rep (delay sn)  id           2 cascade'
> t5        = Render.generalMidiDeflt (MidiMusic.fromMelodyNullAttr piano cascades')



Example from the SelfSim module.


> t10s   = Render.generalMidiDeflt (rep (delay SelfSim.durss) (transpose 4) 2 SelfSim.ss)



Example from the ChildSong6 module.


> cs6 = Render.generalMidiDeflt ChildSong6.song



Example from the Ssf (Stars and Stripes Forever) module.


> ssf0 = Render.generalMidiDeflt Ssf.song



Midi percussion test.  Plays all "notes" in a range.  (Requires adding
an instrument for percussion to the \code{InstrMap}.)


> drums :: GeneralMidi.Drum -> GeneralMidi.Drum -> MidiMusic.T
> drums dr0 dr1 =
>    line (map (\drm -> Drum.toMusicDefaultAttr drm sn) [dr0..dr1])
> t11 :: GeneralMidi.Drum -> GeneralMidi.Drum -> MidiFile.T
> t11 dr0 dr1 = Render.generalMidiDeflt (drums dr0 dr1)



Test of \function{Music.take} and shorten.


> t12 = Render.generalMidiDeflt (Music.take 4 ChildSong6.song)
> t12a =
>    Render.generalMidiDeflt
>       (MidiMusic.fromMelodyNullAttr piano cms /=: ChildSong6.song)



Tests of the trill functions.


> t13note :: MidiMusic.T
> t13note = MidiMusic.fromMelodyNullAttr piano (c 1 qn ())
> t13 =  Render.generalMidiDeflt (trill   1 sn t13note)
> t13a = Render.generalMidiDeflt (trill'  2 dqn t13note)
> t13b = Render.generalMidiDeflt (trillN  1 5 t13note)
> t13c = Render.generalMidiDeflt (trillN' 3 7 t13note)
> t13d = Render.generalMidiDeflt (roll tn t13note)
> t13e = Render.generalMidiDeflt (changeTempo (2/3) (transpose 2 (trillN' 2 7 t13note)))



Tests of drum.


> t14 = Render.generalMidiDeflt (Drum.toMusicDefaultAttr AcousticSnare qn)


A "funk groove"


> t14b = let p1 = Drum.toMusicDefaultAttr LowTom        qn
>            p2 = Drum.toMusicDefaultAttr AcousticSnare en
>        in Render.generalMidiDeflt (changeTempo 3 (Music.replicate 4
>                  (line [p1, qnr, p2,  qnr, p2,
>                         p1, p1,  qnr, p2,  enr]
>                   =:= roll en (Drum.toMusicDefaultAttr ClosedHiHat 2))))


A "jazz groove"


> t14c = let p1 = Drum.toMusicDefaultAttr CrashCymbal2  qn
>            p2 = Drum.toMusicDefaultAttr AcousticSnare en
>            p3 = Drum.toMusicDefaultAttr LowTom        qn
>        in Render.generalMidiDeflt (changeTempo 3 (Music.replicate 8
>                  ((p1 +:+ changeTempo (3%+2) (p2 +:+ enr +:+ p2))
>                   =:= (p3 +:+ qnr)) ))

> t14d = let p1 = Drum.toMusicDefaultAttr LowTom        en
>            p2 = Drum.toMusicDefaultAttr AcousticSnare hn
>        in Render.generalMidiDeflt(line [roll tn p1,
>                          p1,
>                          p1,
>                          rest en,
>                          roll tn p1,
>                          p1,
>                          p1,
>                          rest qn,
>                          roll tn p2,
>                          p1,
>                          p1]  )



\paragraph{Tests of the MIDI interface.}

\code{MidiMusic.T} into a MIDI file.


> tab :: MidiMusic.T -> IO ()
> tab m = SaveMidi.toFile "test.mid" (Render.generalMidiDeflt m)


\code{MidiMusic.T} to a MidiFile datatype and back to Music.


> type StdContext =
>    Context.T NonNeg.Float Float (RhyMusic.Note MidiMusic.Drum MidiMusic.Instr)
> -- type StdContext = Pf.Context NonNeg.Float Float MidiMusic.Note -- rejected by Hugs

> type MidiArrange =
>    (InstrMap.ChannelTable MidiMusic.Instr, StdContext, MidiMusic.T)

> tad :: MidiMusic.T -> MidiArrange
> tad = ReadMidi.toGMMusic . Render.generalMidiDeflt


A MIDI file to a MidiFile datatype and back to a MIDI file.


> tcb, tc, tcd, tcdab :: FilePath -> IO ()
> tcb file = LoadMidi.fromFile file >>= SaveMidi.toFile "test.mid"


MIDI file to MidiFile datatype.


> tc file = LoadMidi.fromFile file >>= print


MIDI file to \code{MidiMusic.T}, a \code{InstrMap}, and a \code{Context}.


> tcd file = do
>              x <- fmap ReadMidi.toGMMusic
>                        (LoadMidi.fromFile file)
>              print $ fst3 (x::MidiArrange)
>              print $ snd3 x
>              print $ thd3 x


A MIDI file to \code{MidiMusic.T} and back to a MIDI file.


> tcdab file =
>    LoadMidi.fromFile file >>=
>       (SaveMidi.toFile "test.mid" . WriteMidi.fromGMMusic .
>          (id::MidiArrange -> MidiArrange) . ReadMidi.toGMMusic)
