haskore-supercollider-0.0.2: Haskore back-end for SuperColliderSource codeContentsIndex
data T Source
initial :: [OSC]All of these messages must be synchronous! Otherwise the player might wait forever.
body :: T Time OSC
show/hide Instances
type SoundHandler note = (FromNote Double note, [SoundAssign])Source
type Time = DoubleSource
fromMelody :: Instrument -> T () -> TSource
fromMusic :: Ord note => SoundHandler note -> T note -> TSource
fromMusicGlobalEffect :: Ord note => SoundHandler note -> (UGen -> UGen, NumberChannels) -> T note -> TSource
fromRhythmicMusicSoundEffects :: (Ord drum, Ord instr) => ChannelMap instr drum -> NumberChannels -> T instr drum -> TSource
fromPerformance :: [OSC] -> [OSC] -> T Time -> TSource
rhythmicMusic :: (Show instr, Show drum, Ord instr, Ord drum) => DrumTable drum -> InstrumentTable instr -> SoundHandler (Note drum instr)Source
rhythmicMusicWithAttributes :: (Ord instr, Ord drum) => DrumTableWithAttributes drum -> InstrumentTableWithAttributes instr -> SoundHandler (Note drum instr)Source
installUGenMsg :: String -> Channel -> UGen -> OSCSource
installSoundMsg :: SoundParameters params => String -> Channel -> Sound params -> OSCSource
defaultChannel :: ChannelSource
atomPlayMsg :: NodeId -> String -> [(String, Double)] -> OSCSource
timeStamp :: Time -> [OSC] -> OSCSource
toStream :: T -> [OSC]Source
fromMusicMsgs :: Ord note => (FromNote Double note, [OSC]) -> T note -> TSource
messagesToStream :: T Time OSC -> [OSC]Source
eventToMark :: (NodeId, Maybe T) -> (NodeId, Bool)Source
Produced by Haddock version 2.3.0